
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

An University Discussion

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his comments in Columbia University yesterday. Some of what he said was true about the West excessive involvement in the affairs of the Middle East spanning decades and the U.S. funding Saddam. His main error is that he said that his nation is just benign and hold legitimate freedom. We don't have all of the freedom we should have in America and Iran it's probably worse. In Iran, academics have been arrested for no reason, folks have been murdered for just living a life in contrary to the Iranian way, and the leader of Iran is a puppet of the Muslim Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. I don't agree with war with Iran at all. Even Henry Kissinger (who was allied with Nelson Rockefeller and Fritz Kramer) wanted Iran's oil for war if necessary. That's quite an admission from a globalist. Columbia's President Bollinger was aggressive towards the leader of Iran since he recieved pressure from critics of Mahmoud's visit. Mahmoud talked about Israel. The truth is that Israel isn't a perfect nation. No nation is perfect and criticism legitimately against some Israeli policies is something that I have no problem with. Although, the Muslim world has a responsible to improve their own nations including the torturing people in Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia. One nation isn't responsible for all of the problems in the Middle East. The Middle East is in the situation it has been by the Foreign Elite (found in the Knights of Malta, high level Freemasonry, the CFR, etc.) It was the British (i.e. Lawrence of Arabia, Philby, etc.) via the Muslim Brotherhood after WWI that carved up the Middle East (defeating the Ottoman Turks) irrespective of tribal differences and caused more divisions among Jews and Arabs (since Jewish people and Arabic people lived in Israel for a long time). As time went on, Knight of Malta Juan Carlos is having great power in supporting the Roadmap to Peace plan (including the EU and CFR. The same people ruling the geo political world [like high level Freemasonry, the Vatican/Jesuits, and the Pilgrim Society] is influencing the policies of the Middle East from Algeria to Iran. Israeli leader Olmert is backed heavily by the CFR. Shimon Peres is a pro-Labor Zionist as well who was trained by Jesuits in Poland. Many Arabic elites are in the 1001 Club and the Safari Club). The goal of these elites is to make the Middle East a global union of nations and make Jersualem a universal city.
Recently, Bush said that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. It seems that will be the case if nothing radical happens. Hillary is the perfect establishment liberal candidate for President. She agrees with the Patriot Act, supported the war resolution in Iraq, is for killing unborn babies when necessary (i.e. abortion), went into a Bilderberg Group meeting (an elite gathering where globalists map out the policies in the globe), and meet with Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch on plenty of occasions. She went on multiple news shows (even FOX) to present her agenda to the nation. Over the time in my life, it's time to expand my mind. Issues like land rights and sovereignity are great to support and discuss. Yet, our concern shouldn't be just in this nation. We have to be concerned about all human beings. This includes being against population control and the forced vaccinations given to individuals all across the Earth (many vaccines can cause many negative results from dizziness to convulsions). The truth is that we should act moral and be an individual at the same time.

By Timothy

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