
Friday, November 02, 2007


Society is changing. Some change is good. We ought not to beat people or assault people. We ought to have legitimate freedom such as religious freedom and the right of free speech. Other forms of change has been very negative. For example, you have anti-sovereignity proposals like the SPP and LOST (The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations voted to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty or LOST on Wednesday, October 31, by a vote of 17-4) being promoted in America. Certain humans in America have been killed and unfairly arrested recently not just centuries ago. The deal is that I won't give in or waive our independent right to fight for liberty (even though many Secret Societies have been dedicated in preventing information or their secrets from the common man). These secret societies include the Vatican/Jesuits, Freemasons, the Pilgrims, Bilderberg Group, S&B, Rosicurcians, the pro-occult/Sabbatean Labor Zionists, etc. Now, Thomas Richards found a picture of the Jesuit M. Pfleger with Louis Farrakhan. Why is he with Farrakhan? Pfleger is anti-Second Amendment and both men are based in Chicago, which has huge crime. Yet, that city has little 2nd Amendment rights. It seems that these folks are for the same wicked things like being anti-Second Amendment, being for ecumencialism, possessing an one world religious entity, loving one world government, population control, abortion, Peak Oil (endorsed by the Club of Rome and the Bilderbergers), transhumanism, and the whole nine yards. That's why they refuse to seriously industralize or modernize the Third World since they want to control them without a risk of the Third World having a parity of power to the West (These criminals want power and is expressed in their own documents).

We have to resist this population control and eugenics nonesense. Also, new technologies also should be promoted from cold fusion, electromagnetic energy, gryroscopic devices, water technology, electric cars, and other new inventions that can eliminate fossil fuels (plus make life less expensive and more efficient to improve the development of society including have clean air and clean water). Mentally, we should improve ourselves and fight for independent human endeavors. There is also some new information about abortion. A study discovered that Abortion is Linked With Pre-Term Births, Cerebral Palsy. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine written this down. That isn't unusual since scientists for years outlined the many risks factors of abortion that women experience. These risk factors include infertility, sterility, depression, and miscarriages. The mainstream media omits that more Americans are more Pro-Life than a decade ago. Other news are coming forward. I just found out that U.S. officals met with PKK officals. The PKK are involved in terrorist actions in Turkey.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is an anti-freedom guy. We know this. Recently, Arnold approved of sending a biochemical in California without citizen's permission. Governments have been doing this (sending poisons against innocent citizens for so-called "experiments") for eons from the Tuskegee experiment, Sefadi children harms in X-Rays by the Israeli government, etc. The list is endless. Noami Campbell praised Hugo Chavez. What do I think of this? I don't believe in invading Venezuela or trying to assassinate Hugo, but Hugo is controlled opposition. The reason is that on more than one occasion Chavez advocated the new world order (along with the Pope, his trusted ally) and he suppressed legitimate free speech right in that country. It's been found that Knight of Malta Steven Saxton (the head of Hollywood International) met with Sheikh Majid bin Mohammad bin Rashid al Maktoum in Dubai. Dubai is a hotspot of elite meetings now. We have to have dedication in exposing all evil.

By Timothy

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