
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jesuit Information


Dear Ezra,

Thank you for contacting me.

VAIII covers much of what you seek.

Know this:

Bible-believing Czar Alexander I expelled the Jesuits from all the Russias in 1820 for their political meddling. In 1822 he closed all the Masonic lodges. In 1825 he was given "the poison cup" as was given to Peter the Great who also expelled the Jesuits from all the Russias in 1723.

The Jesuits in seeking to conquer Moscow (the Third Rome) and thus overthrow the anti-Jesuit leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, used Grand Orient Freemasons Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin via the Bolshevik Revolution. Remember that Antony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution states that American cartel capitalists on Wall Street financed that revolution. Knight of Malta Joseph P. Grace, the son of Knight of Malta William R. Grace (the servant of James Cardinal Gibbons and master of Teddy Roosevelt and super banker J. P. Morgan) was one of them who set up the Grace Russian Trading Company which flourished after the revolution.

After the Order used its Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists backed by London's Fabian Socialists (Fabius being a Roman General, thus the FS were Jesuit controlled), all Jewish leaders were purged by Stalin during The Great Terror of the 30s. Every Jew was "purged" except Lazar Kaganovitch who lived into his 90s. According to Jim Shaw's The Deadly Deception, the big three at Yalta were all high Freemasons---Churchill, FDR and Stalin. That Stalin was a Grand Orient Freemason is confirmed by Walter Veith in one of his excellent documentaries. Thus, when we see "Dirty Harry" Truman and Stalin sitting together at Potsdam, they were both brothers in the Craft.

Now if Lenin and Stalin were both Grand Orient Freemasons, most assuredly Khrushchev was also a Freemason. His performance in the UN taking off his shoe and ranting that the USSR "will bury you," was all a Jesuit directed diatribe so as to further drive the typical American into right wing fascism---the true purpose of Communism in the first place. "Anti-communist" Georgetown Jesuit Edmund Walsh greatly benefitted from this tirade as did Walsh's student, Jesuit-trained Joseph McCarthy. For communism is nothing more than fascism in an atheist costume; all the rest is identical; indeed, "extremes meet."

According to Leo Zagami Putin is a Freemason and is under the charge of the Russian Branch of the Knights of Malta headquartered in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

I trust this is helpful.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric




Clinton was also a member of Youth Order of DeMolay, but he never actually became a Freemason.[16] He is a member of Kappa Kappa Psi's National Honorary Band Fraternity, Inc. With the aid of scholarships, Clinton attended the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., receiving a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service (B.S.F.S.) degree in 1968. It was at Georgetown that he interned for Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright.[11] While in college he became a brother of Alpha Phi Omega and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.[17]

Upon graduation he won a Rhodes Scholarship to University College, Oxford where he studied government.[12]

Martin: We're just about there. Let's talk about Bill Clinton. How do you see Bill Clinton in relationship to the Jesuits? And how do you see Al Gore? What can our readers glean from what you're saying about their power base?

Phelps: Well, we must remember: where did Bill Clinton come from? How did he become Governor? His father was a powerful political figure, because his mother was nothing. So, he came from nothing to being something, through some powerful political figure, probably the Kennedys.

It's rumored that John Kennedy was his father; could be. In any event, Clinton was trained by the Jesuits of Georgetown. He was the class president of his junior year, I believe. His senior year, he was not re-elected because the student body said he was 'too close to the Jesuit faculty'.

So, he was groomed by the Jesuits to be a powerful political leader. He was put in place in Arkansas, runs that scam there, while he's Governor, in the drug trade, belonging to Rome, working with Reagan in the drug trade, and Bush. Then he's made President.

Remember the picture of him at Georgetown, kneeling at the grave of Timothy Healy? That says it all. He is the complete and total pawn of the Jesuit Order ruling from Georgetown University. He does anything they want him to do. He hasn't resisted a thing.

That's why he's untouchable. He can commit any crime. He can do any act of evil, and never be prosecuted, because they'll call on traitors like Arlen Spector to vindicate him. And, of course, Arlen Spector was Spelly's Jew in the Kennedy assassination-evil, wicked, lifetime Senator from Pennsylvania, which shows me that there are no elections anymore. Nobody voted for Arlen Spector who I know. He's a gun-grabber. So, they made him a life-time Senator. They made Teddy Kennedy a lifetime Senator.

Bill Clinton is completely at their beck and call. He will get out of office. He will live happily ever after, unless he starts talking. If he starts talking, he's done. He is NOT a Baptist. He is loyal to the Jesuit Order.

Much of the change, students and faculty members agree, was wrought by the Rev. Timothy S. Healy, the late Jesuit priest who was president from 1976 to 1989. His red-brick accomplishments are there for all to see: dormitories, classroom buildings, a student center, new academic buildings and additions to the medical school and the law school. When Bill Clinton arrived in 1964, the campus had 34 buildings; today it has 86.

More important, Georgetown people say, Father Healy invested the university with academic excellence. "He revived intellectualism here," said Rob Pegoraro, a graduating senior from Tewksbury Township, N.J. "He was the first to push the university as one of the best in the country."

In the mid-1960's, Bill Clinton, a Protestant from the Deep South, was in a distinct minority at Georgetown, which was still a relatively exclusive Catholic university for men. Women were admitted to the Schools of Foreign Service, Nursing, and Languages and Linguistics, but the university did not become fully coeducational until 1969, when Georgetown College admitted women.

It should also be noted that President Bill Clinton was educated at the foremost Jesuit training center, Georgetown University. According to Saussy, Clinton's biographer David Maraniss said "the President owed his formidable skills as a criminal defendant to 'his training in casuistry at Georgetown University.'" Casuistry is equivocal to rationalization, "to cause something to seem reasonable, to provide plausible but untrue reasons for conduct."

President Bill Clinton (SFS '68)





New Radio Interview with Leo Zagami

Show: The Investigative Journal
Host: Greg Szymanski
Date: Monday, December 17, 2007

Today's guest is Leo Zagami, with another great interview
for 2 hours. Leo is a former member of the powerful Italian
Monte Carlo P2 Masonic Lodge.


Download the Interview:
MP3 format,
2 hours, 20 MB, 24kbps
(left click)

Alternate Download Site:
(left click)


New Radio Interview with Charles T. Wilcox

Show: The Investigative Journal
Host: Greg Szymanski
Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Topic: Charles T. Wilcox, author of "Transformation of the
Republic," is today's guest for 2 hours. He specializes in the
Vatican's involvement in the Lincoln assassination.


Download the Interview:
MP3 format,
2 hours, 20 MB, 24kbps
(left click)

Alternate Download Site:
(left click)




Do you buy it folks? I don't. He's one of them. He has PNAC connections, Reagan connections, praise for a pope who called for a new world order, he wants to put America on a standard of something that they no longer possess, and he refused to talk about the seizure of the Liberty Dollar on television AND he failed to talk about the things Daryl Smith and others have; namely that America has no gold and that basing your money on something you don't have but that the elite does, is foolish.

Tsarion is right. Ron Paul is tattooed through and through.




One of you recognize the one with Bush?

I know that I have seen him before, I think he is from Germany and that I wrote down his name - but can't find it right now.

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Looking forward to your feedback.



Dear Boris,

I do not recognize this man.

The same Templar symbol he is wearing was used by George Lanz, Hitler's mentor. I have his pic in VAIII.

Brother Eric

I wasn't able to find his name, but I know this:

It's the symbol of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchure.

Cardinal Fulno is the Grand Master and was e.g. Apostolic Nuncio of Lebanon (1978-1982) while Israel invaded Lebanon.

"The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, already "a Juridical Person under Canon Law", since 1st February 1996, also become "a Juridical Person in the Vatican" with its legal seat in the Vatican City State."

Their German language pages:

Franz von Papen became a member in the same year the concordat was signed.
Many of the members where guiding the Nazi Ratlines e.g. Klaus Barbie.

Look at their big gatherings in Germany every year:

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Rome's Crusade against the Shia Moslems is a papal crusade for the benefit of the Order's revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem which we call Israel. Therefore we are not surprised to see Bush with the military Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

Their involvement in bringing Hitler to power and manning the Vatican Ratlines enabling the SS Crusaders to escape Europe is a further condemnation of the Order blessed by Pope Pius XII, the servant of Jesuit General Ledochowski.

Brother Eric


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