
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008, New Years

2008 is here. On the Pro-Life, Black advocates will meet at Berkeley, California event. Some of the leaders speaking at the event are Dr. Alveda King and Dr. Clenard Childress sponsored by Issues 4 Life Association. Alveda King is an inspiration of many Pro-Lifers for her stand and unwavering view that innocent unborn babies ought not to get their bodies destroyed. It's a shame that black Americans make up 13 percent of the population but have more than 30% of all abortion. One reason for that is because Planned Parenthood have a high level of abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods. We should never the real history of Planned Parenthood. It was created by Margaret Sanger. Sanger was an eugenicist who called human beings "weeds" and promoted forced sterilization and population control via her Plan for Peace in the 1920's. She even bashed charity in her own writing. Sanger went into a Klan rally in the 1920's, was into Theosophy, and was funded by the Rockefellers and other pro-eugenicists. That's the real history of her that the mainstream media (even FOX News which its critics believe have a "conservative" bias which it doesn't. FOX throw bones at conservatives for viewership, but they are pro-neo con. They will never touch on this issue and other real issues. Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch's son is set to rule the father empire later on and he isn't a conservative at all) will never present publicly. It's good that whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Jewish people, Arabic people, Indians, Pakistainis, and others globally are waking up on the travesty of aboriton. The elite promote this stuff in order to try to control citizens and construct their new world order. Even Curtis Dall, FDR's son in law, said that globalists (i.e. the CFR money group. Although other groups like the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, the Bilderberg Group, and the Pilgrim Society are more powerful than the CFR) manipulated his father in law in speeches, etc. to promote a new world order. He wrote of this in his book entitled "FDR: My Exploitated Father-in-Law." President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had Black Nobility/Hugenot blood. He was a 32nd degree Freemason. His administration was filled with high level Freemasons and Knights of Malta ruling a lot of his policies. His ally Freemason Henry Wallace (Wallace friend was Russian occultist & Rosicucrian Nicholas Roerich) allowed Masonic/occult symbols to be placed on the One Dollar Bill in the 1930's. Freemason Manly P. Hall wrote on America being a New Atlantis and having a strong destiny in promote democracy for planet Earth. This was also proposed by fellow Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon as early as the late 1500's. It's kind of wierd the times we're living in was mapped out in such a way. The Bible is right when it says "there is nothing new under the sun." Kurt Nimmo from Truth News on January 1, 2007 reported on how Ralph Nader is supporting John Edwards. Nader is right to expound how Hillary Clinton is sucking up to Big Business and corporate interests. Hillary readily receives money from defense contractors of the military industrial complex and from media kingpin Rupert Murdoch. Edwards talks a lot about ending poverty and being against the elite, but he meet secretly with the Bilderbergers just a few years ago. Edwards had meetings with the CFR. The CFR is an evil groups seeking to eliminate US national soveriengity. Even Mike Huckabee admits to meeting to CFR leader Richard Haas. Haas admits outright that he seeks to make national sovereignities to give up their sovereignity to global bodies. There is nothing wrong with businesses earning money as long as it's done the right way and they are not involved in illegal or immoral actions. Ranjit Arab from the University of Kansas Lawrence at December 31, 2007 report on how geographic information systems (GIS) member Jerome Dobson, admitting that plans exist of GPS involving in monitoring people. It's wild and Dobson wants discussion on how to balance the good and evil in technology. Tim Shorrock from the Pacific Free Press at January 1, 2007 reported on a proposed new agency in 2008. A National Applications Office (NAO) will be established to coordinate how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and domestic law enforcement and rescue agencies use imagery and communications intelligence picked up by U.S. spy satellites. If the NAO plan will exist, then it will make domestic spying more active heavily by private contractors. The NAO might even use imagery devices to intelligence. The articles goes into more details on the proposed NAO. In simplistic terms, it's another Big Brother agencies controlling more of our privacy.

Bruce Fein from the Washington Times at December 27, 2007 describe more about the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (Act)." Bruce Fein rightfully condemns this proposed bill (promoted by many Republicans and Democrats, so there is little difference on the leadership of both parties on terrorism issue. Each party in its leadership want killing in this fake war on terror and each believe in suppressing civil liberty for security. Not everyone in both parties agree with these views though. Even Franklin states that when you achieve that sinister aim, the end result will be a relinquishment of both liberty and security ultimately). This bill says that promotion of "terrorism" or an extreme ideology can be equivalent to terrorism. This also equates terrorism to "violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in the United States." "Violent radicalization" in the bill is defined as "the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change."If that's the case, many leaders in American history can be constructed to be terrorists by their advocation of radical change in society via radical means. Many folks only teach love. There is nothing wrong with love and teaching Love. Yet, love isn't compromise with Evil. Love isn't allowing a neigbhor to fall and destroy himself. Love isn't lies. Therefore, Love is truth, but Love isn't being a compromiser or a coward. Love is a strong appreciation for the equal worth of all life, but love is never a compromise in refusing to expose evil and corruption. Love is not monolithic. Love is also not hypocritical. There are those who preach freedom, like the United Nations and yell against corporate power. Although, the same corporate elite funding wars, destruction, eugenics, and ecological damage help found the United Nations. Some hypocrites talk about free speech, but want pro-lifers and conservative religious individuals' free speech rights to be suppressed or eliminated. Many hypocrites abhor the Bush administration's support of torture (outlined on how John Yoo's support for harming children's testicles and Alberto Gonzales's torture memos), yet wanting the torture of Terri Schiavo to occur. There are those who cry against intrusions on privacy but want the government to infringe on people's privacy in giving girl forced vaccinations, which killed many girls historically. So, I'm really done with hypocrispy in this new year. I'm back. I'm more real and I'm more active in my basic thinking of current events. I promote liberty and the right of a human being to be independent. I believe we need to promote pro-life and pro-gun attitudes. Additionally, we should be concern with improving our health, improving our education, building up our communities, being against torture, talking about being for civil liberties, being for our civil liberties like having opposition to the USA Patriot Act, and accepting authentic independent solutions to solve problems. One solution isn't letting teh government control all of society. One reason I don't agree with that is because historically when government have total power over a civilization, corruption will undoubtely exist. For example, the government poisoned innocent Sephardic children in Israel (which was a horrible occurence. Even Israel admitted its error and compensated the victims of the poisoning), the government in America (also in England and other countries) tested deadly toxins in the American atmosphere (which is proven by a Newstarget article), the government promotes the flouride poison (even the Nazis utilized flouride to make their victims mentally docile), the government dictators of Mao, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mugabe (who was trained by the Jesuits), Castro, and others combined killed over 100 million human beings in the 20th century alone. This doesn't mean government doesn't have a role in our country, but it's role should be limited in what it can or can't do simply. I will say that this 2008 election is the bigger election in our lifetime. The decisions made by the next President will probably effect our lives for many decades. I don't agree with following the agendas of Neo Con and Neo Lib sites from Wonkette, Hot Air, and the others. They promote political agitation not political independence. They promote prepetual fighting on non-issues, not legitimately fighting on all of the real evil. We should promote the good also. We ought to appreciate the beautiful flora and fuana that God created in the Earth and the Universe. The reality is that we aren't perfect, we ought to try to be better human beings.

By Timothy

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