
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jesuit news in Janurary 26, 2008


I have been meaning to ask Brother Eric Jon Phelps about this but since our friend is enjoying the God-given blessing of a well-deserved and much needed family vacation- I'm asking all of you sincere truth-seekers on the board the following question- Okay, here goes, Knight of Malta and CIA Counter-Intelligence Cold Warrior James Jesus Angleton called for a crusade led by the Pentagon against the Muslims according to VA back in the 1970s if I am correct which is taking place right now. Does anyone know who mans the Vatican/Israeli desk within the CIA today as SMOM Angleton did during the Black Pope's Cold War hoax? Angleton orchestrated the Six-Day War of 1967 in order to take Jerusalem from Islamic Jordan according to Brother Eric. Alexander "Deep Throat" Haig as NATO General at the time of the 1973 Yom Kippur War "saved" the Jesuits' Vatican's Masonic Jewish Zionist State of Israel through high-tech American weaponry according to Brother Eric's book Vatican Assassins. If I had to guess I would say the U.S. Ambassador to the Unholy See currently SMOM Francis Rooney occupies the position Angleton did but I don't think so and if he does I cannot prove it at this time.

Brother Nick Rivera


Mark Brewer:
The "crusade" against Islam people are talking about is not an actual crusade, but a war designed to look like one to the Muslims. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were covertly carried out so the Muslims would think that the Zionist neoconservatives were attacking Islam while at the same time Sharia law was forced onto those countries. That is why the constitutions of both of those countries say that no law may be passed that contradicts Islam. See it for yourself.

Article (2): 1st - Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation:
(a) No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam.

Article 3 [Law and Religion]
In Afghanistan, no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam.

Both of these countries were attacked by Bush and the neoconservatives and they now have Islam as their law. This disproves the myth that there is a crusade against Islam. With Islamic dictatorships installed, the pope can enjoy his "blessed despotism" he wants in all nations.
I am not sure where the Angleton quote came from nor do I know the context of it. The Knights of Malta have protected Islam in the past. Knights Alexandre de Marenches and Giscard d'Estaing protected Khomeini in France and helped him go back to Iran. Knight William Casey supported the Saudi royal family dictatorship and the Taliban. Saudi Prince Turki al Faisal and Sultan Qaboos of Oman are members of the Pinay Cercle, which was founded by Knights.





Thanks for the info Mark! I agree that this "crusade" against Islam is only for show to foment the Black Pope's crusade against North America. I believe the recent destruction of the Shia/Shiite mosque in Iraq was a practice run, a test to see the reaction and it has brought to the brink of civil war. It is no surprise that the Knights of Malta in the CIA, MI6 and SIS working together have installed dictators throughout the Middle East and created the Wahhabic Muslim governments and "terrorists" (the Hegelian Dialectic demands that they create the problem and the solution) to restore the Temporal Power and make it ripe for Jesuit takeover. Sharia is nothing more but the Islamic counterpart of the Council of Trent and Romanist canon law. Blame for the destroyed dome of the mosque in Samarra has been directed at the Jesuit-controlled empire and Masonic Sionist/Zionist government of Israel instead of the Black Pope's Islamic Terrorist Network funded and overseen by his International Intelligence Community financed by his International Drug Trade. [The U.S. led Iraqi Multinational Force is led by Jesuit Georgetown Walsh SFS trained Temporal Coadjutor George Casey who has no knowledge of the Middle East nor combat experience setting U.S. soldiers there up for betrayal, failure and huge losses in the arid desert wasteland saturated with depleted uranium making it a death-trap.
The Jesuit Order is using the U.S. to foment its own future foreign invasion to eventually destroy the U.S. through FEMA Homeland Security concentration camps manned by foreign troops, a Jesuit-controlled fascist military dictator who will mercilessly roundup Jews, Bible-believing Protestants, Baptists, and Calvinists as the Department of Homeland/Fatherland Security acts as the Unholy Office of the Inquisition under another name. The Gestapo/SS of the American Reich is Homeland Security and the Archbishop of New York's Council on Foreign Relations along with the Canadian Council of Chief Execuitives and Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales (Mexican Council on Foreign Relations) has agreed to annex Canada and Mexico to the U.S. thereby expanding the scope of the Department of Homeland Security. The Jesuit Order plans to punish all of North America and I think all of the Americas by making them one whole bloc ruled directly by the Jesuits, their Knights of Malta, Illuminati and Masonic Craft.

Skull and Bonesman and Knight of Malta William F. Buckley blaming the Jesuit-controlled U.S. empire for the problems of Muslims to the delight of his Jesuit masters. The Order is directing the hatred the world toward the U.S. because it must be presented as the Nazi Germany of the 21st century.
(It Didn't Work)

Islam is merely a sister cult of the MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev 17:5). The visible White Pope Antichrist Benedict XVI will not condemn Islam because it has served and will continue to serve the wicked ends of the Papacy. The Black Pope and his Jesuits are Benedict XVI's penholders and you can be sure that he has a Jesuit confessor as every Pope has since the Luciferian Company of Jesus was reinstated with more power than it had before it was formally suppressed by Pope Clement XVI (his predecessor Pope Clement XIII due to pressure from European monarchs decided to take action and suppress the Jesuit Order but the night before the meeting discuss the fate of the Order he was poisoned. (Pope Clement XIII)

According to NNDB, "The Jesuits had fallen upon evil days; in 1758 Pombal expelled them from Portugal; his example was followed by the Bourbon countries -- France, Spain, the Two Sicilies and Parma (1764-68). The order turned to the pope as its natural protector; but his protests (cf. the bull Apostolicum pascendi munus, 7th of January 1765) were unheeded. A clash with Parma occurred to aggravate his troubles. The Bourbon kings espoused their relative's quarrel, seized Avignon, Benevento and Ponte Corvo, and united in a peremptory demand for the suppression of the Jesuits (January 1769). Driven to extremities, Clement consented to call a Consistory to consider the step, but on the very eve of the day set for its meeting he died (2nd of February 1769), not without suspicion of poison, of which, however, there appears to be no conclusive evidence."

According to Vatican Assassins by Brother Eric Jon Phelps "after a four-year investigation, his (Pope Clement XIII) successor, Pope Clement XIV did sign a Bull of Suppression in 1773 "under the seal of the fisherman," part of which reads:
"...'that the name of the company shall be, and is forever extinguished and suppressed;' that no one of them do carry their audacity so far as to impugn, combat or even write or speak about the said suppression, or the reasons or motives of it,' and that the said bull of suppression and abolition shall 'forever and to all eternity be valid, permanent, and efficacious' " (Phelps 206).

Back to the Islamic cult-it is very much in agreement with Roman Catholicism which is no accident because the false religion was created by Rome for the purpose of exploiting the large Arab population of the Middle East and using them to take Jerusalem for the Pope. The plan backfired and the result was the Crusades during which Papal-controlled Islam fought Papal Roman Catholicism. The top leaders of both religions were in agreement in terms what they believed. The Shiite Muslims are devotees of Fatima affectionately calling her "The Lady of Light" and all Muslims believe in the virgin birth of Christ as did the false prophet Muhammad. They say they accept Jesus as a prophet but not as the Son of God. Now, Islam teaches vicegerency of human beings meaning they own the world after first becoming a servant to Allah-the moon idol of the Middle East whom they falsely call God. Take vicegerency and think of a synonym for it-vicar perhaps? Muslims believe Jesus was merely a prophet and that his representative or vicegerent aka vicar is the Pope of Rome. The Jesuits' Vatican has the Muslims on their side and the CFR controlled media has fostered this relationship between the deceived Muslims and the Roman whore of Babylon.

Brother Nicholas N. Rivera





New Radio Interview with Leo Zagami

Show: The Investigative Journal
Host: Greg Szymanski
Date: Monday, Januray 21, 2008

Topic: Today's guest is Leo Zagami who is just back from Rome,
reporting on the recent Jesuit Conclave and their election
of Fr. Adolfo Nicolas S.J. as the new Superior General of the


Download the Interview:
MP3 format,
2 hours, 20 MB, 24kbps
(left click)


(1:16:15 you'll hear Leo speak of myself haha.)



CONVERGING PLANETS: Awake at dawn? Go outside and look at Venus and Jupiter. The two brightest planets are converging in the southeastern sky for a spectacular close encounter on Feb. 1st. By the end of the month, the two planets will be so close together, you can hide them behind the tip of your index finger held at arm's length. That's worth waking up for.

Now folks it seems we may have a very special day here with this event happening. Everyone knows anything to do with Venus has actions upon us. So on February 1st we have two events happening all day long known as; St Brigids Day along with Imbolc. So what do we see here? We see the most powerful Ordine Del Santissimo Salvatore Di Santa Brigida involved with this day. Now whats scary is that Imbolc is linked to fire festivals. Let's keep a keen eye on this date. Will the economy burn or will it be Iran? Notice all the highlighting of ship positions in the United States such as the three British Ships in New York and this pile up of ships in New Jersey? Notice it's all Venusian water which would douse a fire whilst it's also currency? Remember February 1st 2008 falls on a Venus day being Friday. All things considered my friends. Especially with this Oil Bourse due to start in Iran next month between this 1st and the infamous 11th. Now remember that Feb 1 is a 21 from the 2nd month and 1st day. 21 is important as it's the trinity multiplied by the purification 7. The 21 is also a Lunar reflection of the Sun to Earth as the Sun is the 12 thus a reversal takes place.

-Craig Oxley

St Brigids day - (All Day Event)

Saint Brigid of Kildare or St Brigid of Ireland (Brigit, Bridget, Bridgit, Bríd or Bride) (Naomh Bhríde in Irish; fl. 451- 525) is the secondary patron saint of Ireland, after Saint Patrick. St Brigid was an abbess and the foundress of a number of convents. Her feast day, 1 February, is the traditional first day of spring in Ireland.

Imbolc - (All Day Event)

Imbolc/Oimelc/Brigid`s Day, on February 2 and the preceding eve. associated with fertility. celebrated as a fire festival. midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox later in week. Celts use full moon nearest midpoint.


Ordine Del Santissimo Salvatore Di Santa Brigida

Three Vessels Collide In Newark Bay In N.J.

Cunard's 3 Queen Ships Rendezvous in NYC

Air Crash At Heathrow A Signal of Economic Collapse or Assassination Attempt?

Iran Oil Bourse to deal blow to dollar





I hope to be there.

Brother Eric

that will be fun you there with coleman who you've called a knight of malta. theres also chamish who you've fell out with and deagle. you got your bullet proofs?

Dear Mark,

I have no hostility to any of them.  All three are top-notch researchers with credentials far greater than mine.  When they change their behavior or theories then I shall re-associate or withdraw my charges.

Let us review for a moment.

Barry Chamish

I have learned much from Israeli-Jew, Barry Chamish.  Yet, I believe that his conclusion about the coming destruction of Israel is totally flawed laying bare the fact that he does not know the real reason why the Jesuit Order, via its Papacy, created Israel in the first place.  Notwithstanding, I still maintain his accurate posts on my website.  The reason I removed Barry from my email list (something that I rarely do) is that he posted on Craig Oxley's Unhived Mind website that Tim White, an associate of mine, was a pedophile.  I demanded that the charge be removed unless it could be proven with prima facie evidence.  Oxley removed the post but Barry never apologized to White for the charge.  If such a charge was posted against Barry by any genuine, anti-Vatican researcher such as Oxley, I would have defended Barry in like manner.

Dr. Bill Deagle

Like Chamish, I considered myself to be a personal friend of Bill, having visited him and his family in Nova Scotia during 2007.  When he interviewed me on his shows, I was given full freedom of expression to set forth my views.  But when I told him that I was going to contribute to the exposure of Alex Jones being a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, Bill opposed me.  He returned my call and said that if I attacked Alex Jones, I would not be welcome on his show any longer.  He also stated that if I reversed my position on Jones, I would then be welcome back on his show.  This ultimatum forced me off of his show.  Since that time, our relationship has not changed. 

Dr. John Coleman

I have never met the man, but his credentials are impressive.  As a former member of British Intelligence, he is most surely in the know as to the true power ruling Britain.  I have watched his videos and read his book, Conspirators' Hierarchy, all of which contain many important facts such as SIS Sydney Reilly's working with Felix Dzerzinski, the Polish Roman Catholic aristocrat and great admirer of the Jesuits who ran the Cheka---the Order's Holy Office in its new USSR.  But when I read of Coleman's defense of the original order of the Knights of Malta, calling its Roman Catholic founder, Peter Gerard, a "true Christian warrior," all sorts of flags were raised.  Coleman attempts to distinguish between the original Order of Malta and the British Order of Malta as though the British Order of Malta is part of the world conspiracy and the original Roman Catholic Order of Malta is not. This is a bold-faced lie as it can easily be proven that both Orders work together at the top and are subservient to the pope of Rome---that mere creature of the Black Pope.  Therefore, as I called British Intelligence agent Avro Manahttan an English Knight of Malta, even so I maintain that Colman is also a Knight and that he, if not a Roman Catholic, is pro-papacy, though rightly openly anti-Jesuit and anti-Masonic.  This is the exact same rhetoric of pro-papacy, anti-Jesuit Lyndon LaRouche.

I do wish that I had issues with none of these men, but they have forced me into the present situation for reasons given above.  Of course, I will be civil and courteous to them at the Con Con, as I am to all men.  My purpose at the upcoming meeting is to set forth my position as clearly as possible for the benefit of the attendees, that they may deal with clear conclusions enabling them to make key nchoices based on material facts and Biblical tenets.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric





Hello Henry,
I find all your articles extemely interesting..However, at the moment you are focussing on Jews. While undoubtedly they are at the top of the pyramid...and we know who they are, please do not over look the very capstone of that pyramid..the Black Pope -Hans Pieter Kolvenbach who has just resigned as Jesuit General (the first one ever to do so). Maybe too many people became aware of his power and he has slunk off into the shadows to carry on his dastardly work. This is the REAL power and the Jewish Bankers do HIS bidding. Read 'Vatican Assassins' by Eric John Phelps.



Clifford Shack Replies:


People just don't get SabbateanFrankism. This huge ongoing conspiracy that united Jew and crypto-Jew since 1666 controls our little blue-green planet. Controlling the Jesuits was a piece of cake. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits was of Jewish descent. Loyola's lieutenant was of Jewish descent. The Jesuit leadership from the beginning was ripe for infiltration by the power-hungry Sabbateans. Who controls the Vatican Empire? Look to who can murder a pope (John Paul I)and get away with it.

The Cult via Freemasons overseeing Vatican policy. Read "In God's Name" for details. For God's sake, the Rothschilds restored the Pope to power after an uprising against the Vatican that they more than likely instigated.

Jesuits power over the world. Okay. Forget for a moment that the Jesuits are Sabbatean-Frankist at the pinnacle of their power structure. How powerful would the Jesuits/Vatican be without money. That quantified illusionary energy that the Cult cranks out from thin air. Jesuit world power. Give me a break. Smell the Hoummas!


My Response:

My response is to Cliff who made his views known in downplaying the Jesuit influence in the new world order. Makow didn't write the previous comment. Cliff made so many false comments that I don't know where to begin. First, people know all about Sabbeatean frankism since I've studied this issue for years. They were apostate Jewish people that reject the Torah and wanted to destroy mainstream Judaism. There is no evidence that these Frankists ruled the planet in 1666. Continents and tons of civilizations existed in the 4 corners of the Earth without any Frankist or European influence in that time. The Jesuits also wasn't controlled by the Frankists since they didn't invented them. Ignatius Loyola was a Gentile as there has been no conclusive evidence of him being Jewish. Jesuit Francis Xavier desired to either convert to rid the world of Muslims and Jewish people. The Jesuit order banned offically Jewish people from being apart of their order from the late 1500's until 1946. Who controls the Vatican Empire? It's the Jesuits who control that Empire, because they The People who murdered Pope John I were the Frankists, but the Freemasons and the Jesuits who his aims of getting rid of the Masons in the Catholic Church plus investigating the activities of the Jesuits (reported by author David A. Yallop, Eric Jon Phelps, John Daniel, and others).

Freemasonry doesn't oversee Vatican policy neither do the Frankists. Freemasonry existed from the ancient Mysteries created by Gentiles not Frankists. At least 2 Gentiles created modern Freemasonry in England called the Grand Lodge of England at 1717. The Frankists today are controlled by Freemasonry. The reason is that Freemasonry invented the modern arms of this pro-Frankist movement like the B'nai B'rith Lodge and members of the ADL. The Rothschilds didn't restore the Pope to power. Napeoleon, the Jesuits and others help restore the Pope to power because that was after the previous Pope issued a bull banning the Jesuit order.

Jesuits and the Vatican have power globally. Also, the Vatican have arms like the Knights of Malta, the Constintian Order, Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus (like Jeb Bush and Cathy L. Lanier, who is part of Homeland Security), and others with international power stronger than Jewish people. The Vatican is the richest religious entity in the world. The Knights of Malta, The Pilgrims, and others combined have more wealth than the Rothschilds. Also, the Rothschilds according to the Jewish encyclopedia is a funder for the Vatican Empire. The Vatican/Jesuit had tons of economic power before the Rothschilds came into big prominence in the 1800's. For example, they controlled most of Europe from the Middle Ages and beyond with their creation of the Knights Templar. Also, money based on nothing has no value. Paper money has little value. Material wealth (or wealth based in goods and services) are the true measures of power. The Vatican and the City of London have more of it than any religious or political entity on planet Earth. So Frankists power, give me a break. The Vatican also is working with the Saxe-Coburg Gotha bloodlines in charge of British Freemasonry (evidence on many the Grand Master Duke of Kent having Catholic relatives). As for the Federal Reserve, a lot of Jewish people are in it. That's true, yet many banks from different regions like NY mostly have non-Gentiles in it. In NY historically, many Jesuit trained or SMOMs have prominent roles in it.

We ought to expose evil Frankists, but they are no where near the power of the Vatican today. Not mention that Cliff Stack omitted tons of Knights of Malta with great international power. SMOM Alexander Haig is a honorary Chair of COSCO. Knight of Malta Joseph Edward Schmitz (who is a leader of Blackwater), Knight of Malta Steven Saxton (the head of Hollywood International), Knight of Malta Geoffrey T. Boisi (used to be part of Goldman Sachs and a member of the Trilateral Comission), SMOM Edward L. Hennessy, Jr. (the AlliedSignal Inc. (now Honeywell), chairman and CEO), and others. The Supreme Court is mostly Roman Catholic. They talk about the Neo-Cons. Most of the PNAC Neo-cons are CFR Gentiles. Jesuit-trained Generals and other companies were crucial in the execution in the Iraq War. The neo-cons are mainly puppets of the CFR, who created many policy papers advocating this terror war. The literature of Avro Manhattan, Eric Jon Phelps, Jack Chick, and other confirm this information. Now, this isn't blaming all Catholics or Jewish people for all evils. It's the explosure of these Elite groups with inordinate power in the world. I respect Sheila's bravery in exposing the truth about these things and Cliff is wrong on so many levels.

By Timothy

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