Friday, June 27 2008
Why Conspiracy Theories Should Exist
Bret McAtee @ 6:48 am
In what is already old news, last week in Michigan, two Muslim women at Barack Obama’s rally were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women’s head scarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate. It seems the campaign was afraid of the image that such women would create for the Obama campaign.
We already know how all of political theater manages the ‘news.’ This is something done by Republicans and Democrats alike. Images are arranged to communicate a particular spin. Language is chosen to leave just the right impression. The point that I want to develop here is that given how all of what we see and hear is micro-managed in order to produce a particular (I almost, and perhaps should have said, “theatrical) effect it should not be any surprised that people believe in conspiracy theories nor should is there any reason not to believe in conspiracy theories.
Look, when you are forced to ask how it is that the handlers are trying to manipulate you in everything you see and hear in the media a person would be a fool to not believe that there always exists a real reality behind the psuedo reality that is being produced and manufactured on stage. If John Q. Public is cynical about what he is told its only because John Q. Media and John Q. Public Official has worked in such a way to make him so. After Lyndon “Gulf of Tonkin” Johnson, after Richard “I’m not a crook” Nixon, after Gerald “I didn’t promise Nixon a pardon in order to be president” Ford, after Ronald “You mean we were trading arms for hostages” Reagan, after Bill “I never had sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky” Clinton and after George “You mean there wasn’t weapons of mass destruction in Iraq” Bush we would be fools to not believe in conspiracy theories. We would be fools to not believe that things are other then what we see and what we are told. Barack Obama’s manufacturing and creating an alternate reality by manipulating the photo op image is just one small example why a wise person is always looking for the conspiracy.
So, no more lectures from the elites on the weakness of the American character for readily believing conspiracy theories. When people begin giving us the unvarnished truth I suppose people will quite looking for “the real truth.” If we are going to continued to be lied to then we should have the privilege of trying to discern the real reason why we are being told what we are being told.
For those who desire to see a film representation of what I am talking about I encourage you to go rent “Wag the Dog.” Certainly, it is fictitious and it is exaggerated but if anybody doubts the existence of the spinning and the spin-masters (i.e. — lying and liars) in Washington and in all Media that is represented in that movie you really need to lose your virginity on this issue. We are lied to, and we are spun so often by the chattering class and by everybody in the game one would have to believe in conspiracy theories in order to believe we were being told the truth.
Still, we must not get hung up on or consumed by conspiracy theories for in the end God is sovereign and His truth will win out. Men can spin all they want but they will never be able to spin God and they will never be able to frustrate the truth He desires advanced. So, in the end we believe in conspiracies because we have good evidence that we are being manipulated but we don’t act as if God is being frustrated by the spin or the manipulation behind the conspiracy. We must remember that God is in heaven holding the spinners and conspirators in derision and is laughing at them (Psalm 2).