
Friday, August 01, 2008


Neuroscience is one of the futuristic technologies that Homeland Security wish to develop. Tom Burghardt from Global Research at July 30, 2008 reported on how DARPA (which is controlled by the Pentagon) is pushing for such neuroscience technology for sake of perserving "national security" and continuing the "war on terror." DARPA is well known for inventing the Internet in the late 1960's. DARPA is short for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Now, DARPA desires neuroscience devices into order to create a "perfect warfighter," "control people's minds," and just to exact more rule over our society. It's apart of an imperalist mentality for DARPA seeking to militarize the mind. DARPA lusts after controlling urban centers including blurring the lines between humans and machines. The Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics disagrees with this neuroscience plan. The reason is that this goal infringes on the right of people to have liberty, autonomy, and privacy over their own minds and intellect. The folks from the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics are correct on that point, because human beings have the right of his own cognitive liberty as a right. Unfortunately, the Pentagon's DARPA wants to infringe on that right. For example, In the prose of "Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense" (Dana Press, 2006), bioethicist Jonathan Moreno believes that DARPA lusts after creating mind machine interfaces (aka neural prosthetics), having MRI technology that can screen people's mind, and developing neuroweapons using toxins to disrupt the brain. Additionally, DARPA envisions of formenting pulse weapons that can control crowds. DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office (DSO) are devising other technologies to manipulate our minds. They include Peak Solder Performance where the soldier is sent drugs to increase their performance, NeoVision, etc. Amy Kruse Ph.D is a leader in operational neuroscience where DARPA believes that they can improve brain machine interface plus improve the military's functions in war. One problem with these technologies is that it could allow for unreasonable monitoring of human beings' thoughts. This is nothing new because MKULTRA was a CIA program where humans' minds were shifted around for control. The CIA seminal interrogation manuals, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation and the Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual-1983 outlined research in neuroscience. Hence, DARPA is huge in the forefront of mind controlling technologies that can violate human privacy.

Foreign Policy Affairs are crucial to comprehend if you desire a fuller understanding on how the world operates. Now, Barack Obama met with House Democrats in discussing about foreign policy. He said that if the sanctions don't work, Israel will strike Iran. Tensions on the Middle East are high. Israel in May perform a military exercise where there are 150 aircraft flying around almost a thousand miles over the Mediterranean Sea. Some see it as a dress rehersal of an attack. Some believe that war with Iran is going to happen and others deny it. Regardless of the future, we need to prepare of each scenario. In a video, taped at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, the Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that Dick Cheney and others neo cons planned on trying to create a conflict where to provoke a war with Iran. Hersh said that Cheney and others wished to use boats (which are filled with Navy Seals in it) being shaped like Iranian PT boats to start a shoot up. Cheney wanted this in the Straits of Hormuz. If this accusation can be problem, it's another list of extreme plans by the Cheney clique indeed. CFR members Jesuit Trained Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice are not wanting a preemptive war with Iran. While, Dick Cheney, John McCain, and other neoconservatives wouldn't be bothered if a preemptive strike against Iran would occur soon. The neo conservatives are agents of the Council on Foreign Relations that wish to transform the Middle East into be nothing more than a vassal of America plus the West. It's obvious that George W. Bush lied about Iraq being an imminent threat to America. The author Vincent Bugliosi wrote a book documenting how the CIA gave Bush a classified memo on Iraq of not having WMDs before the Iraq War came out. Later, Vincent said that the White House sent a deleted report called the White Paper (deleting information about Iraq having no WMDs) to the Congress. That's straight lying 101. Vincent calls George W. Bush a mass murderer for that and other reasons. Obama doesn't want a preemptive strike, but he still wants America to infringe on Iran's sovereign right to have nuclear technology if they wish. Iran to this day since the Iraq War isn't a direct threat to America or even Israel. Israel have hundreds of nuclear weapons and is fully capable of defending themselves. Henry A. Kissinger from the Washington Post at Thursday, on July 31, 2008 proclaimed his view that the occupation of Iraq must continue forth. Kissinger makes the arugment that since progress in occuring in Iraq in his view therefore a long military stay in Iraq is necessary. The problem with his argument is that he is in league with the same ones that predicted that we will be greeted as liberators of Iraq when we initially came into Iraq. How can we predict choas in an immediate withdraw of Iraq when previous predictions of an immediate success in Iraq failed to come into fruition. Also, even the President of Iraq al-Maliki agreed with a plan of withdrawal. The people of Iraq are more apt to determine their own future policies rather than Kissinger or other elitists. Henry Kissinger is an old friend of David Rockefeller (one of the most powerful figures in North America. He supported the one world system as admitted in his own Memoirs). Now, Henry Kissinger is also a frequent visiter to the Bilderberg Group (an elite compound where political decisions are proposed). So, Kissinger's policies are similar to the elite's dream of forcing "democracy" into the nation of Iraq. It's utopianism at its best.

Army recruiters threaten high school students, which was caught on tape. That is of course illegal. Mark Greenblatt from 11 News Defenders on Tuesday, at July 29, 2008 described a story about it. Now in these days, there is a huge pressure to get more U.S. Army recruits. The reason is that many American citizens don't want to participate in the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq. Fighting is definitely on the rise in Afghanistan. Irving Gonzales is a young 18 year old man who got caught up in the tensions of war. He is the oldest male in his mother's household. So, he want to do all that he can to improve the life of his mother. That means, Irving works long hours at his after school job. He is from Aldine High School. Being a senior, he considered joining the Army because of the thousands of dollars in bonuses that can come with enlistment. The Army also offer school tuition payments to fulfill a college degree. Therefore, Irving Gonzales signed up only to the DEP. DEP is classified as the Delayed Entry Program. The DEP allows young people to try out the military without a binding commitment. There was a problem. 11 News Defenders reported that Army recruiters aren't sticking to the program and some of the recruiters are bullying recruits plus their families to keep them from dropping out. Some of them are lying to potential recruits. Later, Gonzales had a change of heart and left the DEP. He wished to just stay in America and go into college. The recruiter then told Irving that if he will drop out, then the recruiter would send him into jail. That's illegal, because the contract doesn't mention a requirement to go into the Army directly at all. Gonzales was scared and called Sgt. Glenn Marquette, who was a supervisor at the Geenspoint Recruiting Station. Marquette said that there is no way out, but that isn't the case. Army recruiting regulations say delayed entry members can leave any time. They specifically mention “under no circumstances will any (recruiter) threaten, coerce, manipulate, or intimidate (future soldiers), nor may they obstruct separation requests.” Eric Martinez, 17, is another young recruit who changed his mind. The Army is investigatig the allegations against Sgt.Glen Marquette. Many in the military are honorable, so I don't believe in stereotyping the military. Hence, you have to be careful and let no one intimidate you.

The Pentagon have done much evil for decades. Nick Langewis and David Edwards from the Raw Story on Wednesday, at July 30, 2008 described on how the Pentagon attempted to cover up KBR's negligene in the electrocution of an U.S. soldier. On January 2, 2008, Army staff Sergeant Ryan Maseth was electrocuted while taking a shower at the Legion Security Forces Building in Baghdad. Press reports have shown that the KBR contractor ignored repeated warnings about the unsafe wiring in showers. In a memo to House Oversight Committee this week, Pentagon Inspector General Gordon Heddell claimed there was “no credible evidence” that either KBR or the DOD knew about the hazards beforehand. On the other hand, information retrieved by the Committee contradics Heddell's testimonies. Recently, Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) released something in a committee hearing. He released a work order from July 8, 2007 which was months before Maseth's death. Sergeant Justin Hummer who was the previous occupant of the room reported to the KBR that the pipes had voltage and he was shocked in his shower. Justin Hummer commented in sworn testimony on June 8, 2008 that he was shocked at least four times in the shower between June and October 2007. The KBR personnel tried to fix the hazard in each case. Now, the Pentagon IG admitted that he was wrong to claim that the KBR was not aware of the electrical danger. Waxman showed Heddell another document of task orders from the Pentagon warning that Sgt. Hummer got shocked in the shower. Subsequently, Heddell quickly admitted that he was wrong to exonerate the DoD. The majority staff report might outline a lie under oath made by KBR member Thomas Bruni. For example, Bruni in his testimony said that he can't be certain who may have installed the water pump, but the KBR didn't do it. Yet, a KBR work order from a July 9, 2007 stated that they would replace the pressure switch and water pump. So, you have to advocate a reform in government and companies like the KBR.

Police Brutality is evil of course. LUKAS I. ALPERT and MURRAY WEISS from the NY Post on Thursday, on July 31, 2008 outlined more NYPD thugs cops assaulting a man. This comes soon after an officer on tape beat up a cyclist. This new footage was shot on July 4. This occured on the Lower East Side when officer Maurice Harrington repeatedly hit Michael Cephus on his legs with collapisble metal baton. Cephus was 46 years old and he struggled with the officers to cuff him. That doesn't justify the police's actions though. Harrington was a four year veteran working out of the 52nd Precint in the Bronx. After that evil incident, his badge and gun was taken from him. Subsequently, Harrington was placed in modified duty when the tape was turned over to the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau. The tape doesn't show how the confrontaion began. The criminal complaint against Cephus accuse Cephus of assaulting Harrington and his fellow officer Joel Medina (after encountering Cephus when these cops thought that he was drunk). It was about 8 pm. on Delancey Street under the Williamsburg Bridge. When the police stopped Cephus from going into a park, they said he swung an umbrella at them plus strucking both officers. They officers said that the man used a closed fists. Cephus conversely denied assaulting the police officers at all. He claimed that he was with friends at a cookout, the officers accused of him of being drnking, and they beat him with batons. Cephus was charged with assault, criminal possession of a weapon, menacing and resisting arrest. His attorney, Adam Orlow, said that even if his client did what he is accused of, Harrington used "excessive force." The tape was slipped to one of Cephus' friends. Cephus is a Brooklyn truck driver. The wildness is that this isn't uncommon. If the police can taser a boy with a broken back 19 times (which has occured. That's a disgrace), then then the police can brutalize anyone. Now, this doesn't mean all police officers are thugs or criminals. Some police officers act justly.

Secret Societies are a crucial part of human history. They span for eons. Crucially, their story in America crystalize an interesting and on many occasions a negative history. We in America love to expose these entities because their influence is so much ingraned in our culture (from the history of Washington D.C. to establishment of the Mormon religion). The good news is many people across the world are waking up and exposing these groups. Individuals expose them because Secret Societies thrive on secrecy and restricting the common man from learning about the world in general. Secrecy is basically the epitome of cowardice, the act of possibility covering up various forms of evil in society, and the exorcism of freedom in the world. Now, all secret occult orders should be explained and opposed. The famous Secret Societies include the OTO, Freemasonry (they believe in Ecumencialism including the merging of theism with the principles from the pro-Gnostic Mystery Religion teachings. That's why many Freemasons hate the views of conservative Christians like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Senator Joe Wilson and John Lewis are famous Freemasons in the 21st century. Wilson voted for the pro-globalist CAFTA Treaty back in July 28, 2005), the Jesuit Order, the Rosicrucians, the Skulls and Bones, the Bohemian Grove, the Eastern Star, the Theosphical Society, Lucis Trust, and other groups. There are also high level political groups with huge power from the Pilgrim Society (whose members were crucial in founding the Council on Foreign Relations and creating the law that instituted the Federal Reserve bank), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the City of London etc. The men and women who are prominent members of these institutions are part of the Elite (whose heads are the Vatican/Jesuits and the UK elite). The Elite readily have human beings that are related to each other or found in a select group of bloodlines based primarily in Europe (plus the Western world). There are numerous puppets like South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. See, Mark attended the Bilderberg Group meeting in Cantilly, Virginia in June 5-8, 2008. Of course, this is a violation of the Logan Act, which forbids those in public office in the US from attending secret meetings where policy is set. The Bilderberg Group (though not as powerful as the Pilgrim Society or the Knights of Malta. Yet, it's members include CFR members like Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Condoleeza Rice, David Rockefeller, George Schultz, and Paul Wolfowitz. Numerous CEOs of big Fortune 500 Companies are in its roster as well) are still a powerful group setting policy. Now, Secret Societies have been complicit in wars, revolutions, killing people like William Morgan, the assault of Ed Decker, and other evil injustice for thousands of years. That is why I will never be apart of any Secret Society, I will never swear an oath (as a violation of God's Law), and I will never ever compromise my core convictions at all(I will expose evil). I'm a man.

The TSA is at it again with extremist behavior. Nick Langewis and David Edwards from Raw Story at Wednesday, at July 30, 2008 have information on the TSA are ramping up its program to psychologically screen passengers. The TSA already now forces passengers to have their bodies' scanned, their bags scanned, taking of their shoes, and emptying your pockets before entering a plane. Now, they wish to have pscyhoanalysis as well. The TSA wants to train "behavior detection officers" to seek out involuntary physical and physiological signs of stress, fear, or deception among air passengers. This is done in order to determine who is subject to additional screening at airport security checkpoints. This process is called SPOT. SPOT is short for the Screen Passengers by Observation Technique. SPOT has been tested so far in the major airports of Boston, Providence, and Minneapolis-St. Paul. The Lost Angeles Times reported that other airports were added last December. Of course the TSA is create some justification for this injustice. TSA spokesperson Andrea McCauley told KXAN that thresholds are met in their behavioral detection program. Jennifer Peppin who is another TSA spokesperson told the Los Angeles Times that the SPOT caught drug smugglers and people holding fake passports. Yet, she admitted that they never caught actual "terrorists" using SPOT. Caroline Fredrickson of the ACLU fears that more profiling would occur as a result of the utilization of SPOT including being a dangerous precedent (of training TSA screeners to be behavioral scientists). Frankily, what right does the TSA have to screen another person's mind if they are accused of no crime, especially without knowing about it. Also, the vast majority of TSA members aren't qualified enough to have a concrete understanding of behavioral science. It's disgusting that the TSA wants to act like God in determining who is "normal" in their behavior or which can potentially can make innocent citizens to be arrested. It's a violation of our rights and civil liberties. The TSA has been caught grabbing innocent people's bodies , having X Ray machines that can monitor the most sensitive parts of the human body (these images are readily uploaded into databases) and assaulted citizens. That is for real. So, a big viligance against tyranny and corruption is always apart of our human endeavors in our lives.

The IOC or the International Olympic Committee agrees to Internet blocking at the Games. Andrew Jacobs from the IHT at Thursday, on July 31, 2008 made known about this information. The Chinese government confirmed that the Internet will be censor some sites during the upcoming games. Journalists suspected that this procedure was going to happen. It's a disagrace, because censorship of the Internet restricts free speech and inhibits individual liberty. Ever since the Olympic Village press center opened last Friday, reporters were unable to access scores of Web pages. These pages include politically sensitive websites that discuss about Tibetan succession, Taiwanese independence, and the violent crackdown of the protests in Tiananmen Square. Sites cenorsed also include the sites of Amnesty International, Radio Free Asia and several Hong Kong newspapers known for their freewheeling political discourse. Reuters reported that 2 weeks before the proclamation, the IOC quietly agreed to some of the limitations according to Kevan Gosper. Gosper is the chairman of the IOC press commission. Gosper regretted that he acquiesce to the limitations, but he did it since some of the sites blocked were considered non-Games related. Sun Weide who is the chief spokesman for the Beijing Olympics organizing committee outline the perspective that the media will acquire convenient and sufficient access to the Internet. The Olympics is coming next week in August 8, 2008. Now, Beijing is having a pollution probem with a thick haze. Therefore, the Chinese government are working rapidly in order decrease the high levels of pollution in that city. Western journalists have known that they couldn't get into Amnesty International's website to see the group's critical report on China's failure to improve its human rights record ahead of the Olympics. Reporters Without Borders are utilizing ways to get around the censorship by promoting certain tips. Now, China wants to lifts blocks on the Internet as of August 1, 2008. The deal is that Internet censorship is wrong. Although, many Chinese people are patriotic, oppose the evils in the Chinese government, and want true freedom for their nation. So, I want to make that clear as well.

Karl Rove is having a legal controversy with Congress. LAURIE KELLMAN from the Associated Press on July 30, 2008 outline a House panel on Wednesday voting to cite ex-White House aide Karl Rove for contempt of Cogress. The Senate is exploring punishment for alleged Bush administration misdeeds. The House Judiciary Committee voted 20 to 14 along party lines that Rove broke the law by failing to appear to a July 10 hearing on allegations of White House influence over the Justice Department. These allegations also include whether Karl Rove encouraged prosecutions against Democrats such as former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman. The committee decision is only a recommendation. A spokesman for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who is pictured kissing the hand of Pope Benedict XVI) said that she wouldn't decide until September whether to bring it to a final vote. Rove have been accused by Joseph Wilson IV and others of leaking the identity of his wife named Valerie Plame. Rove denied it and it was found that Richard L. Armitage was the leak. Scooter Libby was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice. Yet, Cooper said that Rove was the source who told him Wilson's wife was an employee of the CIA. Rove claims to have learned of her name from his conversation with Novak. Karl Rove have been in the midst of many controversies. He resigned in 2007 and remains a Bush loyalist. It is said that Karl Rove's grandfather was a Nazi. It's easy to determine that George W. Bush's grandfather named Prescott Bush was a Nazi financier (as proven by journalist John Buchannan when he got the documents in the Library of Congress confirming that Prescott aided the Nazis economically). Prescott Bush was even punished for aiding the Nazis. Prescott Bush, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are all members of the occult Skulls and Bones Secret Society. This society according to the "Riddles in Stone" film took influence from the principles of the Bavarian Illuminati (who lusts after a world utopian democratic empire). These princples extended into the Jacobins. The Jacobins were a group of extremists who used violence in order to overthow the Monarchy of France. Freemasons and Jesuit-trained individuals are regular leaders of the Jacobins.

The federal government obviously seeks to use a Colorado fusion center in order to step up intelligence gathering during the DNC. Erin Rosa from The Colorado Independent on July 30, 2008 described on how federal and state law enforcement officials want to increase intelligence operations during the time of the Democratic National Convention. This information war room will be staffed around the clock with analysts. These analysts will have access to a dozen of databases. Civil libertarians claim that they could immorally monitor anti-war protestors or photograph federal facilities that could be targeted for terrorist attack. Additionally, civil rights advocates fear that the Colorado Information Analysis Center, (CIAC) now housed in an inconspicuous office building in Centennial, a southern suburb of Denver, could enable unwarranted spying on Americans exercising their First Amendment rights at the convention. Inside the building, intelligence analysts with the Colorado State Patrol, Colorado National Guard and Federal Bureau of Investigation take local reports of suspicious criminal activity. Then, the CIAC determine what merits further investigation. It's basically a merging of he federal, state, and local governments in just monitoring citizens. CAIC says that they take reports of "susupicious activities" from citizens and other police departments If a report is deemed by analysts to require additional investigation, they are shared with the appropriate law enforcement officials. My question what right does the CAIC have to have law enforcment monitoring powers when local law enforcement should be the first line of defense in investigating criminal activities? The answer is that the CAIC have no explicit right to do this. They aren't even the police at all. The CAIC wants to operate a 24 hour daily sytem to be staffed by up to 8 intelligence analysts at any given time. The CAIC wants to take reports to sent it into the US Secret Service, and the FBI. Military gathers has occured by NORTHCOM as well. These fusion centers are places where data collecting are taking place have even the ACLU criticizing these outfits. Now, Bush has signed an Executive Order 12333 in order to overhawl the intelligence gathering system. This will strengthen the Office of the DNI or Director of National Intellligence. The DNI runs the nation's 16 spy agencies. The DNI will have a more active rolein spending and priority setting. That power once was held in the CIA. So, the government is expanding its power on our lives. The new world order is a big evil. It's our right to dissent and expose evil in the world. In this time more than ever, we should be research the facts and legitimately become active in our areas. I want to comment on this. I think that no one should intimidate or demonize people who want to expose the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order in a forthright like some radio talk shows do. Also, folks like Alex Jones whine and say I expose these things too. Yet, it has taken Alex Jones many years for him to even acknowledge the the complexity of this Vatican issue also. Also, true disset has nothing to do with infighting at all despite what Jones say. I don't talk about this man a lot because he isn't worth it. Although, I made my words about him clear here. Oil prices are down to $123 a barrel, but problems still remain. Even in our lives, this event is only prologue to what the future will bring.

By Timothy

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