There is a story about Cheney. Murray Waas from Crooks and Liars on December 24, 2008 accused Cheney of admitting to some admissions involving the CIA leak prosecutor and the FBI. A still highly confiedential FBI report have Vice President Dick Cheney admitting to federal investigators that he rewrote talking points for the press in July 2003 that made it much more likely that the role of then covert CIA officer Valerie Plame (in sending her husband on a CIA-sponsored mission to Africa would come to light) would be revealed. Cheney conceded during the interview with federal investigators that in drawing attention to Plame's role in arranging her husband's Africa trip reporters might also unmask her role as a CIA officer. Cheney denied that he had done anything on purpose that would lead to the outing of Plame as a covert CIA operative (to the investigators). The investigators felt that Cheney wasn't giving them a real explanation on why he could focus attention on Plame's role (in arranging her husband's trip) without her CIA status being also possibly publicly exposed. Plame back then was a CIA officer. She wanted Iran to not get WMDs. Cheney's office had a central role in exposing her and nullifying much of her work. Cheney and Libby admitted that Cheney directed I. Lewis Libby to met with Miller. Libby told Miller that Plame was a CIA officer and Plame played a big role in sending her husband on a CIA sponsored trip to the African nation of Niger. Now, Cheney and Libby claim that the meeting with Miller was about to leak other sensitive intelligence (to discredit the allegation of Joseph C. Wilson, who is Plame's husband and former ambassador. Wilson said that the Bush administration misrepresented intelligence to go to war with Iraq). Cheney denied leaking Plame's identity. Cheney, by his own admission, had revised the talking points in an effort to have the reporters examine who sent Wilson. This time was on the very same day that his chief of staff was disclosing to Miller Plame’s identity as a CIA officer. This may be the most compelling evidence to date that Cheney himself might have directed Libby to disclose Plame’s identity to Miller and other reporters. In his interview with the FBI, Mr. Libby states that it was `possible’ that Vice President Cheney instructed [Libby] to disseminate information about Ambassador Wilson’s wife to the press. Even the CIA said that the Niger allegations were either false or contrived. The deal is that the White House was involved in deception to promote the Iraq War and many folks connected with the White House probably (one man involved in the leak was of course Richard Armitage) leaked the identity of Valerie Plame to the public.
Now, the government is searching the Internet in "near real time" for terrorists. This policy involves the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon. They want to monitor the Internet for the purpose of fighting terrorists in their minds. Yet, much of the terrorists existing in the world are a product of the Western intelligence apparatus. Former AT&T technician Mark Klein and internet expert Brian Reid expose how the NSA plus the government are using high tech means to monitor or snoop on Internet communication. USA Today reported that Homeland Security may be soon scouring the Internet to find blogs and message boards that "terrorists" may use to plan attacks. They justify this action since the Internet is a wide area where the government claims that terrorists recruit people. Blogging and message boards are not equated to terrorism at all in fact. Blogging is about the free flow of ideas. Terrorism is the action of destroying innocent human beings that is of course unjustifable. Blogging and message boards are some of the easy ways people can communicate their message throughout the Internet. It's a real fact that the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, and the Pentagon illegally monitor anti-war groups and activist groups not just the CIA-creation of al-Qaeda. These actions even violate the CIA charter since they are forbidden from acting domestically against American citizens. The ACLU of Northern California in 2006 found that the Pentagon's Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) was created to spy on antiwar groups and others. The NSA collected millions of American phone records that were provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth. Even peaceful Quakers were monitored by the feds for just opposing the invasion and occupation of Iraq. This is nothing new. The same monitoring illegally of innocent people have occured via the FBI's COINTELPRO (of the 1960's. Operation Choas of the CIA stalked anti-war groups in the 1960's. Even the NSA’s Operation Shamrock in the late 40s and 50s existed). Some people slandered as Communists or terrorist as a product of these programs. It's probably likely that the Department of Homeland Security have already looked at blogs because they want to promote paranoia about terrorism and IEDs (or improvised explosive devices). The lesson here is that government censorship of the Internet is just as wrong as the Federal government illegally monitoring innocent citizens.
There are Pro-Life News coming around. Dan Gilgoff wrote of the flood of prolifers that has posted messages at the President-elect Obama's transition team's website. Charmaine Yoest is the President of Americans United for Life. When she sent her email days ago, over 200 comments responded to the memo about advancing the anti-rights policy of abortion. This memo was at Obama's site called Many of the pro-lifers comments were respectful. Their words outline legitimate arguments in validating the pro-life position. This doesn't mean Pro-Lifers will compromise and not seek to get rid of Roe v. Wade. This does means that pro-lifers generally in discussions on abortion are more civil than their pro-abortion counterparts. Also, abortion rights is an oxymoron. Abortion inhibits the rights of the unborn, therefore is no such thing as abortion rights at all. On the abortion issue, there will be many challenges with Barack Obama. The reason is that Obama is probably the most-pro-abortion President in American history. He haven't issued any form of concession to pro-life citizens despite his rhetoric about forming common ground. His policies will not radically reduce the abortion rate in America at all. He wants to eliminate the Mexico City Policy (that prevents Americans from funding abortions overseas), eliminate the partial birth abortion ban as it is now, and wants FOCA to be law. The Freedom of Choice Act will make abortion legalized throughout the time of pregnancy. He even wants the Hyde Amendment gone, which is a commonsense non-partisan law. Therefore, if Obama doesn't radically change his views, he will be on the hip pocket of NARAL and Planned Parenthood during his term as the President of the United States of America. One piece of good news is that Planned Parenthood was sent out of Amarillo, Texas. Then you have Planned Parenthood with the nerve of asking Barack Obama for $4.6 billion to give to their wicked organization. Therefore, we shouldn't trust any President's talk about abortion reduction (regardless of what party they are in) unless you see actions and results. That's our way of thinking on this issue. Abortion has always been promoted by the establishment for the establishment for the purpose of not only dehumanizing our fellow man. It was also promoted to continue the depopulation of the world's population (especially people of color or those living in the Third World).
There are news relating to the nation of Germany. The German government had dropped the charges against a homeschooling family. The charges relate to criminal child neglect. The German mother and father faced up to 2 years in jail. They also faced the loss of custody for homeschooling five of their children. This is according to a report from the International Human Rights Group. Spokesman Jose Thorton said that his group, which has been working on the case involving the Brause family from Zittau, Germany, heard from the local counsel about the government's decision. The German counsel member named Johannes Hidlerbrandt said that the court and the prosecutor are dropping the charges against Mr. and Mrs. Brause. The case involved custody of Rosine, Jotham, Kurt-Simon, Lovis and Ernst Brause. Thornton said the announcement came after the court received a detailed psychiatric report that there is no psychological harm to the children from homeschooling. The report also stated that the children have not been harmed, which is evidenced by their exit exams from high school. This means that the Brause family doesn't face up to 2 years in prison and the potential loss of their children. This decision is a big victory for this family and the homeschooling families of Germany. The Brause family are Christians. They homeschool their children because they want to have parental responsibility before God and the law. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association researched this case closely as well. The HLDA help the Uwe and Hannelore family from Bissingen, Germany to escape persecution because they've homeschooled their children. Germany has a Nazi-era law that requires all children to attend public school. They justify this facist law by claiming that they want to control which philosophicla convictions are taught by parents at home. Therefore, homeschooling in under seize in Germany since independent homeschooling is banned in that nation. Now, I believe in educational freedom. Therefore, a parent has the right to send their children to any form of education that they desire.
Emergency Medicine Journal from December 24, 2008 reported that many police officers use excessive force. There was a survey of a random sample of U.S. emergency physicians. Virtually all of them believed that law enforcement officiers utilized excessive force to arrest and detain suspects. This sample had 315 respondents. While 99.8 percent believed that excessive force is being used, almost as many 97.8 percent reported that they had managed cases that they suspected or that the patient stated had involved excessive use of force by law enforcement officers. 65.3 percent estimated that they had treated two or more cases of the suspected excessive use of force per year among patients. This is according to the survey that was published in the January 2009 issue of the Emergency Medicine Journal. Dr. Jared Strote of the University of Washington, Seate, and a multicenter team mentioned something. They said that emergency physicians at public teaching hospitals are about 4 times more likely to report managing cases of suspected use of excessive force than those at university or community teaching emergency departments. Blunt trauma inflicted by fists or feet was the most common type of injury cited in cases of suspected use of excessive force, followed by “overly tight” handcuffs. 71.2 percent of the emergency physicians admitted that they didn't report cases of suspected use of excessive force by law enforcement officers. Strobe and his colleagues conclude: "... that national emergency medicine organizations in the USA should become involved, jointly developing and advocating for guidelines to manage this complex issue." Police brutality and excessive force are not only illegal, but it is immoral. For many years, police brutality has been an epidemic among many officers. The good news is that video footage via the Internet and other avenues have made explosure of these crimes more readily avaliable. The truth will always come up even if the justice system acts inappropriately. Police brutality is affected those of many backgrounds in Americans. It's a total disgrace in my eyes.
Barack selects Ron Kirk as the United States Trade Representative. Many people from across the political spectrum have criticized many of Obama's pick. Is this the change we need? Unfortunately, these men and women inside of the Obama cabinet represent more of the same. The same illegal wars, mass murder, and corporate globalization is continuing not only by the American government, but by the U.N., the EU, etc. I want to make that perfectly clear. Lou Dobbs on his show talked about Ron Kirk and the North American Union agenda. Lou said that Ron is a big supporter of NAFTA. The North American Free Trade Agreement caused our industrial base to be shipped overseas, it depleted the value of the peso, and it contributed to the massive financial crisis we witness in late 2008. Kirk even agrees with giving China permanent normal trade relations. Although, many patriotic Chinese people are fighting against the evil policies of the Chinese government. There are Chinese people living in China that strongly disagree with forced abortion, religious liberty suppression, Internet censorship, and other immoral policies going on in China. Barack Obama pledges to go about to fix our trade agreements. Ron Kirk was the Mayor of Dallas, Texas. He was a 2002 candidate for a Senate seat held by his GOP opponent. Ron Kirk supports free trade agreements heavily. Kirk joined the giant Houston law firm of Vinson Elkins, where he lobbied the Texas Legislature for the Wall Street private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co and TPG, a global investment firm. KKR and TPG are one of the biggest international corporations in the world. The trade policies of Bush and Clinton didn't create real free trade. It was about managed trade benefiting a few multinational corporations. That is why we see the outsocuring of our U.S. jobs and imports of foreign made goods in America to be quota and tariff free many times in America. There should be free and fair trade. Certain this Dream Team cabinet is a cabinet of the elite. Bilderberger Timothy Geithner is the Treasury Secretary, anti-gun Rahm Emanuel is the Chief of Staff, and Iran Contra scandal individual Robert Gates is the Defense Secretary. The anti-gun Eric Holder is the Attorney General, and pro-Patriot Act, pro-abortion Janet Napolitano is the new Homeland Security Director.
Challenges will never get me down. Lately, in the past 3 years, there has been an increase of Jewish hatred among the shills of the alternative media. Really, these people aren't alternative. They represent the same lies that the establishment utilize to invent the Inquisition, the pogroms of Europe, and WWII. A lot of these bigots are pro-Muslim and pro-Catholic, which sends a big red flag me. Romanism and Islam are sister faith with many similarities from Rosary beads, embracing works as apart of man's salvation, to Fatima. Also, these racists omit a lot of real history in order to attempt to advance their causes. These individuals from Daryl Bradford Smith, Ongir, and others make no distinction of the different types of Zionism (i.e. They view all Zionists as evil and wanting to destroy the Middle East along with oppressing Arabic people. Of course, that's a lie). They would go as far as distort Biblical passages in order to promote their racism. I refuted them for years like usual. They can never be as intelligence as me since true intelligence does require basic objectivity. These shills have no objectivity but ignore crucial information to get their views across. Troy and others lately have outlined elaborate information in refuting the shills infecting the alternative media. Now, numerous of the Jewish and Arabic leaders of the Middle East are controlled by the same people. These people include the leaders of the Vatican via Papal Knighthoods. For example, Nadhmi Auchi, Nasser David Khalili, and others were members of the Papal Knights of St. Sylvester. SYRIAN PRESIDENT AL-BASSHAD is a member of the Knight of the Order of Francis I. Even King Abdullah II of Jordan (whose father was a well known Freemason) was trained at Jesuit Georgetown University. Shimon Peres was trained by the Jesuits and he's an ally of the Vatican. The PLO's Vatican Office was opened in 1994. These Papal Arabic and Papal Jewish leaders (who relate to the Labor Zionists and the Sabbateans. Rabbi Antelman wrote that the Sabbateans are anti-Torah Judaism) work for the benefit of Rome's agenda for the new world order. Therefore, it's important all evils from the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Bilderbergers, the Pilgrims, the City of London, the Trilateral Commission, and other groups. These are the entities that rule most of the geo-political policies of the world. It's apparent that the one world government agenda is ever present now.
By Timothy
Timothy, thank you for your accurate writing on Charmaine's work at Americans United for Life.
ReplyDeleteA link would be helpful...
Jack Yoest