
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sarah Palin's Daughter Bristol Gives Birth to Son, Abortion Was Campaign Issue


Sarah Palin's Daughter Bristol Gives Birth to Son, Abortion Was Campaign Issue

by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 30, 2008

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Washington, DC ( -- The daughter of former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has given birth to a son after her teenage pregnancy sparked a debate over abortion during the campaign. Reports indicate 18-year-old Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on Saturday.
Although the governor's office plans to release no information about the birth, calling it a private, family matter, Bristol's grandmother's sister Colleen Jones talked about the birth with People magazine.
Jones says Tripp was born at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and that "the baby is fine and Bristol is doing well."

The Palin family won kudos for supporting their pregnant daughter Bristol when she announced she was pregnant and would marry her boyfriend, Levi Johnston.
Melinda Delahoyde , the president of Care Net, told at the time of the announcement that the Palin family deserved praise for helping their daughter choose life during a difficult situation.
"The Palin family, however, has chosen a path not without difficulty, but one without the grief of abortion. They have showed to their daughter what so many children go without – unconditional love,” she said.

Wendy Wright, the president of Concerned Women for America, told that Sarah Palin's response to her daughter’s pregnancy reminds her of the pro-life response she had to the news that her fifth child had Down syndrome.
“The surprise announcement that Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant provided another opportunity for the vice-presidential candidate to make a politically convenient choice or the right one,” Wright told
“The family could have treated the innocent baby as a 'punishment' and secretly snuffed out the child's life to avoid a high-profile embarrassment,” Wright said, referring to comments Barack Obama made about his own daughters.
Those responses were in contrast to one from former Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt, who suggested Palin was making her daughter keep the baby.
"She probably feels powerless right now," Feldt said in response to the news back in September. "Because of her family's attitude she probably doesn't feel that she has a choice in terms of what will happen to her."

Wright said Feldt’s comments make Planned Parenthood’s agenda and mindset about women and children clear.
“Gloria’s condescension toward young pregnant women exposes the business model of Planned Parenthood. It is inconceivable to them that a woman would want an unexpected baby,” she said. “This narrow-minded approach should clang warning bells about how Planned Parenthood treats its clients as if they are people who need to be separated from their families and disabused of any desire to mother their baby.”

Buzz up!

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