
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Success is Better than Failure

The bailout is having controversy. George W. Bush and Henry Paulson supported this plan. It isn't working for many reasons. One is allows the FED to crush economic liberty by having more draconian powers in America. The action of borrowing massively amounts of money (even among foreign countries) is going to add more debt to future American generations' paychecks. This will make it more difficult to solve problems caused by other previous massive borrowing. The $700+ billion TARP bailout was sold as the only way to stop bank failure and cause the elimination of credit. The bailout hasn't worked and now have compounded more problems. Banks recieving the bailout money are paying off their own debts without much of that money being sent unto the American people at all. Some banks are using the money to buy competitors and making sources of needed credit more scarcer. For example, Bank of America got $25 billion from the Bush bailout while they promptly bought Merrill Lynch and a stake in the Bank of China. This is occuring while the Bank of America is cutting off or limiting credit to even its most credit-worthy customers. Now, Barack Obama has proposed a $825 billion stimulus bill. Some believe that this stimulus plan will cause an economic rejuvenation and others feel that it will make matters worse. Barack Obama wants billlions of dollars to be sent into cash strapped local and state governments. One issue is with Obama's plan is that it might send money into ACORN or Planned Parenthood. These 2 groups are far left, pro-abortion organizations. Obama's plan calls for tax cuts, but these cuts will mostly be direct grants to Americans. The lesson is that massive bailouts is not a permanent solution. There should be a multifaceted approach in solving our economic problems like tax cuts, investments, fair trade deals, ending our fractional banking system among the Federal Reserve, etc.

Bob Unruh from WND on January 27, 2009 said that the stimulus plan may force the feds to retrieve citizens' medical records. These records include lawsuits, mental health, abortion, sexual details, etc. This provision demand that every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records without a choice to opt out, and it has privacy advocates more than a little alarmed. If patients (according to privacy advocates) realized that information about abortions, mental health problems, etc. could be shared electronically with perhaps millions of people, they will be concerned. Sue A. Blevins is the President of the Institute for Health Freedom. She said that unless people have the right to decide "if and when" their health information is shared, there is no real privacy. Sue said that President Barack Obama outlines the claim of promotion freedom, but people have the right not to participate in a national electronic health records system. That is freedom as well. Blevins' organization and others are some of the few individuals raising the alarm. This alarm exposes how the stimulus plan would impose an electronic health records system on every person in the U.S. without any provision for seeking patient consent (or allowing them not to participate. Blevins's Institute said that the measure could have a national coordinator to handle the information and an electronic health record will exist for each American by 2014). Blevins said that without protections, Americans' electronic health records could be shared with over 600,000 covered entities through the electronic health records network (without the patients' consent at all). Therefore, we should promote privacy. Governor Tim Pawlenty (and Twila Brase, president of CCHC. CCHC stands for the Citizens' Council on Health Care) has been successful in Minnesota to preven state lawmakers to authorize and collect newborns' DNA without parental consent at all. That's a good thing. No one has the right to force your medical records into a centralized, federal database at all. We can increase our technology to develop our health, while maintaining the essence of our privacy rights in the United States indeed. To promote stealing health data of people without consent could lead to more eugenics (by judging who is fit to exist by their gene pool, which is totally evil).

Steven Ertelt from on January 26, 2009 wrote that Barack Obama pledges to fund the pro-abortion UNFPA after killing the Mexico City Policy. The Mexico City Policy prevented American taxpayers from funding groups overseas that do abortions in other countries. He wants more pro-abortion plans as well. Obama said that UNFPA funding is next. George W. Bush annually withheld the $40 million in taxpayer dollars the UN group had typically recieved. He did it, because a State Department investigation found something. They found that the UNPFA group was working hand in hand with Chinese officials who instituted its one child population control policy. The Chinese policy prohibits couples from having more than one child and violators are punished with forced abortions, sterilizations, and are subjected to numerous human rights abuses. "I look forward to working with Congress to restore U.S. financial support for the U.N. Population Fund," Obama said Saturday. It's foul for him to promote the funding of a group that does forced abortions. You can easily support HIV/AIDS prevention, reduce provety, improve the health of women and children, and have family planning without the funding of UNFPA all. However, President Obama ignored the connection between the UNFPA and the Chinese forced-abortion program. Following the governmental investigation, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said he had no doubt that the UNFPA was complicit in the population control program. "I determined that UNFPA's support of, and involvement in, China's population-planning activities allowed the Chinese government to implement more effectively its program of coercive abortion," he wrote. Colin Mason is the media director for the Pro-Life group called Population Research Institute. Mason found that the UNFPA funded China's forced abortion policy. This lead the State Department to investigate this matter. Letting Chinese women to be assaulted by abortion is a real disgrace. It shows that the anti-life agenda of Barack Obama is really extreme. Abortion is still murder regardless of what any says.

Nancy Pelosi said some odd comments. Nancy Pelosi is the famous Jesuit-trained House Speaker. She is the leading Democrat in the House. She said that the bailout should include a provision that government funds should be sent to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is of course a group that funds abortion worldwide not only in America. In an interview with George Stephanopoulos Sunday morning on ABC's "This Week," Pelosi boldly defended a move to add funding for the abortion business in the economic package. She said that millions of dollars from the bailout ought to be sent for birth control and even abortion is fine. She made the controversial words that funding for contraception will reduce costs for the states and to the federal government. She didn't apologized for these words at all. Nikolas Nikas (who is a pro-life attorney with the Bioethics Defense Fund) condemned Pelosi's words. He said that this policy will fund abortion advocates like PP. This is similar to an abortion industry bailout. Nikas said Congress is wrong to possibly send money to a group that does 25 percent of all abortions occurring annually in the U.S. "Planned Parenthood is the number one provider of abortions in the United States. During its 2005-2006 fiscal year, the nonprofit Planned Parenthood Federation of America performed a record 264,943 abortions according to its annual report," he said. "Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that has no need for our limited tax dollars for the purpose of killing innocent unborn children," he added. The truth is that children don't hurt the economy at all. Studies have shown that extra children can fund our economic, build up our Social Security system, and have added benefit in our society. I have no enthusiasm for abortion on demand unlike some people. The good news is that this sick proposal (that is about funding for abortion) is not expected to be in the stimulus package that President Barack Obama have been supportive of.

Insider trading, which is related 9/11 and 7/7, is possibly being exposed some more according to another source. There is an article in the London Times. The article talks about the Société Générale rogue trader Jérôme Kerviel profiting enormously on the day of the 7/7 London bombings. This has lead to more questions being asked over insider foreknowledge of both terrorist attacks. Jérôme Kerviel said that he had the best trading on September 11, 2001 along during the London attacks in July 2005. During the 7/7 bombings, Jérôme Kerviel said that everyone was losing money, except for him. A few days earlier he had bet on a fall in the share price of Allianz, the German insurance giant, he told Le Parisien. He said that he earned €500,000 in a few minutes. He acted jubilant, because of the profit gains that he recieved. Kerviel was charged in the the Société Générale trading loss incident which cost the financial services company an estimated €4.9 billion. Kerviel was charged with fraud. The Société Générale claimed that Kerviel worked the trades alone, and without its authorization. Kerviel told investigators that such practices are widespread and that huge profits routinely give the upper echelons of financial institutions cause to turn a blind eye. There were huge put options done before 9/11 occured (especially against American and United Airliners days prior to the attacks). Investigations have found that former CIA Director Buzzy Krongard was responsible for authorizing the transactions. That's interesting since it presents an intelligence tie to the insider trading. Days before the London attack, the pound fell 6 per cent against the dollar for no apparent reason. This is why some believe that someone knew something, because currencies of nations don't fall that based upon any kind of economic or financial analysis. Specifically, in August 2006, surrounding the infamous "liquid bomb plot" and one year later in August 2007 with the so-called "Bin Laden trades" when a mystery trader placed 245,000 put options on the Dow Jones Eurostoxx 50 index. So, the insider trading of 9/11 and other events do warrant further investigation. We do know that the federal government had key foreknowledge of 9/11 style attacks for years. Even the NSA recieved communications of a terrorist attack in America before 9/11. So, this inside trading information should be investigated thoroughly.

Vulgar Propaganda is shown by the Telegraph. There has been calls, questions, and complaints to the UK Telegraph, because they displayed an offensive (and bizarre) photo gallery. It depicted a nuclear attack on London. The newspaper is now featuring the 2 of the Blackjack pictures on its website. This site protrays six major cities being nuked before a fascist "Union of North America" is implemented. The first installment of the gallery dealt with art, but it had nothing to do with an authentic artisitic display at all. Some believe that the gallery was about to instill fear into the viewers. There are occult symbols in the images as well. The final few images show a revised US flag with five stars in the middle. This image has black fighter jets roaring overhead as well as a “Department of Homeland Security Emergency Transmission” which tells people to “Stay at home and await further instructions.” The logo on the bottom right of the mock screenshot is of a Nazi-style eagle below the words “UNION OF NORTH AMERICA”. At the bottom of the logo are the words “Norvus Ordo Seclorum” or alternatively “Norvus Ordo Emporium” (the resolution isn’t high enough to make out the last word). Norvus Ordo Seclorum translates as “new order of the ages” or more traditionally, “new world order”. The gallery shows a nuke going off in New York City. One last image has a British police officer with a Nazi-style eagle on his helment and the "Union of North America" flag on his uniform. The message presents the possibility of nukes going off in America causing a North American Union (among America, Canada, Mexico, and Britian) to transpire. The Telegraph doesn't specify the reason for this fearmongering gallery of images. Some believe that there is something bigger behind this issue. These images are a disgrace, since no sane person want nukes to blow up urban cities at all. Many criminals in the government (or in the geo political realm like Henry Kissinger or David Rockefeller) and otherwise would want to exploit the economic crisis or an attack to create the new world order in a more efficient fashion.

Rush Limbaugh had controversies with many people. He has a new one with Barack Obama. Rush Limbaugh says that he wishes that Barack Obama will fail during his Presidency. Now, he has been criticized for it. He has a First Amendment right to say these comments. What is the truth behind his words? I certainly wish that America don't fail even if I disagree with Obama on some issues. No real person wants the world to fail at all. I do wish Barack Obama will succeed in the things that I agree with and that he will fail in the things that I disagree with him on. Rush Limbaugh also commented that Barack Obama is not a true unifier of this country. One key portion of Barack Obama's campaign rhetoric is that he is an unifier, but that remains to seen. As for Rush Limbaugh, he's a fake conservative for many reasons. One is that he supports anti-liberty laws like the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, and even the anti-national sovereignity trade deal of NAFTA. He constantly rejects the notion that certain people want to create a new world order or global government. The truth is that Walter Cronkite, David Rockefeller, George H. W. Bush, and others have called for the establishment of the new world order (or world government). Therefore, he loses credibility. He calls for the jailing of drug addicts, but he goes around and uses the ACLU to prevent himself from being jailed (when he was a drug addict of Oxycotin). He said racist, trashy language for decades and haven't apologized for his wicked words. He supported an interview with Playboy and is a shill. He promotes his lies in order to make real conservatives look bad, therefore continuing the left/right paradigm. He's equivalent to Randi Rhodes on the left in terms of their hateful rhetoric against those that they disagree with.

By Timothy

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