
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Pope

Dear Tichan,

Thank you for contacting me.

We agree on two things:

1. A risen pope will be the coming Antichrist.

2. That pope will be raised by the power of Satan.

We disagree on three points:

1. The first five Kings/Roman Caesars had already lived and died in John's day.

2. The Sixth King/Roman Caesar was alive in John's day.

3. The Seventh King/Roman Caesar is yet to come, to die, to rise from the dead as the Eighth King/Roman Caesar to then be the Beast of Rev. 13:3-10.

Please reconsider as you have not read these passages literally. As for your computation of the Seven Kings beginning from 1929, remember that Vatican City had Temporal Power from 756 to 1870. In 1929 that Temporal Power was restored by Mussolini advisied by his Jesuit, Pietro Tacchi Venturi.

This in computing the Seven Kings of Revelation 17:10-11 from 1929 is not reading those passages literally. But as we agree, there is a coming pope who will be slain and rise from the dead to be the little horn, the Beast, the Antichrist. By keeping our eyes on the papacy as the source of this coming Satanic power over all nations is not to abandon the Reformers' constant attack on the papacy, that dynasty of Antichrist.

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric

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