
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Streams of Reality


Many people are discussing about WeAreChange founder and political activist Luke Rudkowski's arrest. He said that he was set up at the Hitlon Hotel on Manhattan on last Saturday. This isn't unusual since NYC has been a place with militarized police, oppressive laws, and great anti-civil liberty policies. Luke asked New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg about his refusal to help the medical costs of the 9/11 first responders. Bloomberg said that he will promise to address the issue, but he ignored the pleas of other first responders (and WeAreChange members). Rudkowski said Bloomberg’s security detail and hotel security claimed he would not leave the hotel. Luke told Jones he asked to leave the premise on numerous occasions and was not allowed to do so. Anthony Verias, who accompanied Rudkowski, told Alex that he was set up. Verias was assaulted and brought into an office. Verias was subsequently experiencing intimidation and harrassment by hotel security and Bloomberg's goons. Luke said fellow WeAreChange activist Manny Valencia was assaulted as he taped Rudkowski’s arrest and his camera was confiscated. Rudkowski said that conditions at the Manhattan Central Booking was deplorable. He said that the cells were overcrowded with overflowing toilets and infested with cockroaches. Typically booking places and jails are deplorable since a lot of people don't respect prisoners at all. The police would not return the WeAreChange members' cameras and video footage, because they consider it evidence in a criminal case. Luke was told he would have to go through the District Attorney and his lawyers to get the footage and equipment returned. Police told Rudkowski the videotapes may be erased. Rudkowski said that the police were generally supportive and helpful even though the police did not offer vouchers for WeAreChange equipment and videotapes. Rudkowski asked for the vouchers. He faces a trial in 2 months for criminal tresspass. Now, Rudkowski was arrested for expressing his First Amendment rights. That was wrong and it shows we have a long way to go if we desire a real civil liberty culture in the United States of America.

Mail Online from March 30, 2009 discussed about London being almost locked down for the approaching G-20 meeting. The G-20 meeting is where economic giants in various nations meet to plan for the future of our world economy. There are 5 people who are suspected of terrorist offences. They are being questioned by police today in connection with an alleged plot to target the G20 summit. Three men and two women have been arrested under the evil Terrorism Act in Plymouth over the last three days after officers uncovered a cache of weapons and suspected extremist material during a house search. They are being questioned over the accusation over claims they planned to target the meeting of the world's most powerful political leaders in London later this week. The 5 were held after officers found weapons, imitation weapons, suspicious devices, and material relating to political ideology during a house search according to a police spokesman. The 5 people are being held under the anti-civil liberty Terrorism Act. One 25 year old person was even held in Plymouth for allegedly spraying graffiti on a wall (and his home was searched). The police are expected an unprecendented level of protesting since the late 1990's. The organizers of the protest are meeting Scotland Yard officers to figure out how the protesting will be policed. Police estimate that the cost of the security operation at £8 million, which is the largest in UK history. Many protestors are agent provocateur (whom some are agents, the police, or Foundation funded puppets) in order to try to demonize the vast majority of peaceful protestors. Some anarchists are shills as well. One of the biggest anti-liberty policies is that a ring of steel will be constructed to keep protesters away from the U.S. embassy in central London. So, it will be interesting to see what will happen in the G20 meetings in London. One of the most interesting facets of this new meeting is what Barack Obama will do when he meets with economic (and political leaders) of the world in London, England.

The Carbon scam have been promoted by the Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission (not just by Barack Obama). Now, Barack Obama has used connections to a privately owned carbon trading group to promote the oppressive cap and trade system. Judi McLeod wrote a great article for the Canada Free Press. She expanded from a FOX News piece. She proved that even years before Barack Obama became President, he help to fund a carbon trading exchange that might have key role in the proposed cap and trade carbon reduction program. Barack Obama served on the Joyce Foundation. This Foundation gave nearly $1.1 million in two seperate grants that were crucial in forming the privately owned Chicago Climate Exchange. Now, it's the only North American cap and trade promoting in 6 greenhouse cases with global affiliates and projects worldwide. Barack Obama wants to pass the carbon taxation system. McLeod also notes that The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has direct ties to both Al Gore and Maurice Strong. Strong is a New Ager. Both men believe that global warming is a key tool for profit and social engineering. Gore’s investment company, which is named Generation Investment Management, sells carbon offset opportunities and is the largest shareholder of CCX. Strong is a leading establishment environmental movement founder in America. He serves on the Board of the CCX (and loves the Earth Summit in the 1990s's where man-made global warming was promoted). Strong is a protege of David Rockefeller (that is why he was a Director of the Rockefeller Foundation, and he was in the Bilderbergers. He was apart of the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and the Club of Rome. Gore is apart of the Club of Rome as well). The Club of Rome think tank published The First Global Revolution, which is a book suggesting a draconian neo-Malthusianism approach will solve the world’s “problems” is necessary and that the global elite have a problem with humanity. That's Mathlusian Darwinism 101. The Club of Rome planned that global warming was a means to enact their agenda of population control. The reality is that man made global warming is a farce since warming and cooling is a normal function of climate change. Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, expanded on this topic in his article, State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era. Haass promoted global warming hysteria and wants that paranoia to be an excuse to promote globalization. Now, these facts prove that the corporate elite are promoting global warming hysteria, while some of the real environmental problems aren't address (like the rainforest, flouride, ocean pollution, chimeras, evil genetic engineering, etc.). Not to mention that reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent can harm the middle class, the working class families, and the Third World. This eco-extremism is promoted by the CFR, the UN, and others.

The Economy is in uncertain space. There has been a recent uptick of the stock market. Economies globally though are unravelled. Gordon Brown and others are using this crisis as an excuse to promote a global society (this involves a global currency and ultimately global government). Gordon Brown, who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain, believes that Britain, the United States, and Europe are creating the seeds of forging a new world order. On December 1st, 2008, the London Daily Telegraph featured a headline story entitled "World Stability Hangs by a Thread as Economies Continue to Unravel." The article says that the U.S. Treasury bills have fallen to a 0.02 percent yield. This yield is less than zero after costs. Jim Rogers is a commodities expert and is one of the world's most famous international investors. He exited dollar dominated assets, because most big U.S. banks are going bankrupt. The federal government isn't even releasing their M 3 index, which describes the total money supply. One big part of the stimulus law is about government loans to banks. The catch is that these banks will have difficultly in repaying the government, because there is a huge debt in America and globally. The United States Treasury continues to bail out our largest banks, and they are still in trouble. Twenty-one mega-banks received 33.56 billion dollars recently. The government is owning some banks as well. The government owning more and more industries is the essence of socialism. The unemployment rate is still high. If things won't change soon, the economic recession might last long years instead of just 1 or 2 years in order to achieve a full recovery. These days are causing the federal government to have contigency plans for FEMA Camps, military troops being activated in times of "emergency" and the whole 9 yards. The good news is that we can prepare for these times by possessing storable food, having sound money, saving our money, and other actions.

Lifenews are going on. Steven Ertelt from on March 29, 2009 wrote about some goods news that pertain to late term abortion practitioner George Tiller. Tiller was found not guilty for violating Kansas abortion laws. Yet, the Kansas medical board moved ahead with a new case against Tiller. The board is responsing to allegations that could result in Tiller in losing his medical license. While Tiller could have faced fines and a possible jail sentence, the medical board's inquiry could result in a bigger victory -- Tiller having to stop doing abortions or significantly scale back his abortion business. After the not guilty verdict the jury released, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts released to the public a petition it filed in December listing eleven allegations against Tiller's license. "Violations alleged include performing an abortion on a fetus that was viable without having a documented referral from another physician not legally or financially affiliated with him," the board said in a statement. They also include "unprofessional or dishonorable conduct or professional incompetency and commitment of acts likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public." The medical board case is separate and distinct from the criminal charges that Tiller faced from the state Attorney General. Tiller is a close friend of the pro-abortion Governor Kathleen Sebelius. The board members once failed to hold Tiller accountable for his shoddy practices and botched abortions that have resulted in the death of or injury to women. However, if the board rules against Tiller in this case, the decision could result in having his medical license revoked, suspended, or dramatically restricted. In October 2006, Operation Rescue staffer Cheryl Sullenger filed a complaint with the medical board an improper financial relationship between Tiller and Neuhaus that violated Kansas law. That complaint was amended in February 2007 and is the case that the board is investigating. Operation Rescue President Troy Newman and Kansas for Life are happy that the board is considering to punish Tiller for his crimes. Tiller used one doctor that was dependent on him for her entire salary, which was criminal. The medical board director Jack Confer hopefully can allow Tiller to experience justice because of his crimes.

CLFs or compact flourscent light bulbs are promised to save energy (and could last years longer than incandescent bulbs). Now, finally consumers are starting to realized that these bulbs aren't what they crack up to be. Still, the federal government's Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 phases out Thomas Edison's incandescent bulbs in favor of the newer CFLs beginning in 2012 and culminates in a total ban on the older technology by 2014. The truth is that CFLs have been found to be faulty and experience unexpected side effects. This can cancel out the bulbs' benefits. In a New York Times article titled, "Do New Bulbs Save Energy if They Don't Work?" a San Francisco couple that replaced nearly every bulb in their home with the CFLs discovered some of the bulbs wore out early. "Here's my sad collection of bulbs that didn't work," said Karen Zuercher, displaying a cardboard box of worthless glass. Of 16 CFLs she purchased at Costco, Zeurcher reported one didn't work at all and three died within hours – not the 10,000 hours the package promised. Karen said that the CFLs bulb that didn't work were irritating to her. According to the Times, the bulbs have poor performances because of insufficient packaging instructions on proper use and the cheap components being promoted because of the government's demands for lower bulb price. In other words, the bulbs were rushed into production, while at the same time, their quality decreased in value. Some dogs are yelling over the new CFL lamps as well. CFLs are known to use an electronic ballast that can disturb animals. Not to mention that CFLs have the poisonous liquid metal called mercury. Even small amounts of mercury ought to have special care to clean it up. Mercury can damage the immune system and other parts of the human body. As WND has reported, however, a study released last year shows the level of mercury vapor also released from broken bulbs skyrockets past accepted safety levels. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection studied the dangers of broken CFLs and the adequacy of recommended cleanup procedures. The results were stunning. The study confirmed that breaking a single compact fluorescent bulb on the floor can spike mercury vapor levels in a room – particularly at a child's height – to over 300 times the EPA's standard accepted safety level. That is why 25 U.S. representatives (including nationally-known figures such as Rep. Ron Paul and Rep. Tom Tancredo) are attempting to pass H.R. 5616, which is called the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act (Rep. co-sponsor Michele Bachmann from Minnesota supports the bill as well). This Act would have repeal the ban on fluorescent bulbs until specified concerns about CFLs were definitively answered. The lesson is that the CFLs are proven to be dangerous and real technology ought to be created to reduce energy costs, while promoting safety in our homes. Technology can be utilized for good or bad things.

The New Age Movement comes in very different forms. One form is called communitarianism, which has been popularized by Amitai Etzioni. Interestingly, Etzioni in his The Essential Communitarian Reader (in p. ix) said the term was coined in 1841 by John Goodwyn Barmby, who founded the Universal Communitarian Association (originally called the Communist Propaganda Society). Communitarianism is the view that there need to be a synthesis of communism and capitalism. It views that the community have power to shape individuals and that the common good in the community should balance individual rights and interests. In other words, it merges the group decision making of Communism and the government-business partnerships of fascism. Communitarianism will resemble a corporate state (Fascism) in which the elite will work under capitalist rules to continue generating wealth while the working class will be controlled by Communist model laws. The Communitarian synthesis incorporates not only elements of Fascism and Communism, but also Globalism. In Dana Milbank’s “Needed: Catchword for Bush Ideology; ‘Communitarianism’ Finds Favor” (The Washington Post, February 1, 2001), Etzioni was quoted as saying George W. Bush’s Inaugural Address was “a Communitarian Text.” These philosophies have influenced George W. Bush and the current President Barack Obama. The big picture is that the global elite uses these philosophies in order to move society into the new world order (or a world socialist state). That is why this economic crisis could stir us to regional currencies and then to a global currency. The Kremlin is calling for such a international reserve currency. President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have repeatedly called for the ruble to be used as a regional reserve currency. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed a global currency. The New Agers are using 2012 as an excuse to promote their Age of Aquarius agenda. This age is planned to merge religions, accept Mystery Religion concepts, and form a new Utopian society (under their false Messiah called the Christ or Maitreya). This New Age influences are present even in the Obama adminsitration. Barack Obama carries a miniature of the Hindu monkey-god idol “Lord Hanuman” in his pocket. New Agers like Jean Houston love Barack Obama, because they feel he can promote their agenda (because of his Ecumenical belief system). Another leading New Ager, Barbara Marx Hubbard, recently in her blog stated that “our recent presidential election clearly reflects the evolutionary shift that we have been talking about and sensing. Many of us appreciate that President-elect Obama is already a universal person…. This could not have happened if there was not a rise in consciousness in the United States and throughout the world.” Luciferian Alice Bailey promoted the view that Ascended Masters will help man to rise in creating the new world order. Even Benjamin Creme hopes that Barack Obama is the last President, so Maitreya (or the false Christ) could arise to rule the world. These are extremists wanting their plans to suceed. We have a right to oppose this stuff indeed.

By Timothy

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