
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Populaton Growth is Beauty

A rich bunch of elitists has been recently and secretly meet to talk about population control. A London Times report talks about how this meeting dealt with figures like David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and others. The details of this meeting has been thin on the information. They meet in New York on May 5 at the home of Sir Paul Nurse. He is a British Nobel prize biochemist and the President of the Rockefeller University. George Soros was also there as well. An ABC News report about the confab offered little more than fawning idolatry towards the attendees. The meeting acted like that people like Rockefeller and Turner are portrayed as philanthropic saviors of the Planet. Turner has publicly advocated the shocking population reduction programs by 95 percent (which is staggering). He has also called for a Communist style one child policy to be mandated by governments in the West. In China, the one child policy is forced by means of taxes on each subsequent child. There is also an intimidation program where secret policy and "family planning" authorities kidnap people from their homes and utilize forced abortions. Turner hypocritically tries to lecture us on population growth and how we should live our lives when he has 5 children (and he owns no less than 2 million acres of land). In the Third World, Ted Turner have given billions of dollars to population reduction programs via the U.N. Bill and Melinda Gates (and Warren Buffet) have used their money to fund population control operations as well. Gates’ father has long been a leading board member of Planned Parenthood and he was a top eugenicist. These billionares believe that wealth can be used to slow the Earth's population and speed up improvements in health plus education. The slowing of the world's population growth and improving its health are two irreconcilable concepts to the elite. Stabilizing world population is a natural byproduct of higher living standards, as has been proven by the stabilization of the population in the west. Therefore, you can stabilize a population by modernization not by forced population control. Elitists like David Rockefeller have no interest in “slowing the growth of world population” by natural methods, their agenda is firmly rooted in the pseudo-science of eugenics (which is all about “culling” the surplus population via draconian methods). David Rockefeller's legacy have been involved with eugenics. The Rockefeller family (like John D. Rockefeller) exported eugenics to Germany via Britian by funding the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. The Third Reich used eugenics to promtoe the lie of a Nazi super race including social Darwinism. After the fall of the Nazis, top German eugenicists were protected by the allies as the victorious parties fought over who would enjoy their “expertise” in the post-war world. The Rockefellers funded abortion and eugenics even in the 1950's. The National Security Study Memorandum 200, a 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller’s intimate friend and fellow Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger, which targeted thirteen countries for massive population reduction by means of creating food scarcity, sterilization and war. Today, in the 21st century, the eugenics movement is more slick by using the global carbon tax agenda as an excuse to promote the lie that too many children are in the world (so, the government can regulate every facet of our lives). This is nothing more than the elite trying to use philanthropy as an excuse to control society. Notice, how the Rockefeller, Turner, and Gates axis for drastic depopulation don't want to expose real environmental issues like chemtrails, genetically modified food, tainted vaccines and other skyrocketing diseases such as cancer. We need population development and real solutions to help the Third World without population control.

Michael Savage calls innocnet Afghans as equivalent to dangerous terrorists. It's one thing to disagree with Islam for theologically reasons. That is fine. Yet, Michael Savage has a history of showing virulent hatred toward Islamic peoples. Savage said that detainees that are held in Guatanamo Bay and elsewhere are a threat to America. He warns that if these detainees are placed in American prisons (This proposal was suggested by Senator Dianne Feinstein) that they will radicalize other prisoners in "jihadi" philosophy. The truth is the opposite of what Savage believes in. The truth is that most of the detainees in Gitmo are innocent of any crime. Even Lawrence Wilkerson (who is a Republican chief of staff to then Secretary of State Colin Powell) on March told the Associated Press that many of the detainees are innocent. Wilkerson knew about the innocence of some of the detainees by briefings and communications with military commanders. Still, Savage wants people's rights to be violated in that camp. Wilkerson said former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney fought efforts to address the situation because “to have admitted this reality would have been a black mark on their leadership.” “In interviews, dozens of high-level military, intelligence and law-enforcement officials in the United States, Europe and the Middle East said that contrary to the repeated assertions of senior administration officials, none of the detainees at the United States Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay ranked as leaders or senior operatives of Al Qaeda,” the New York Times reported on June 21, 2004. “They said only a relative handful — some put the number at about a dozen, others more than two dozen — were sworn Qaeda members or other militants able to elucidate the organization’s inner workings.” Some even in the CIA admitted that some of the Gitmo detainees were low level recruits or innocent people caught up in the choas of war (These folks were in the area when the U.S. attacked the CIA/ISI invented Taliban plus Al-Qaeda). The Associated Press reported that many of the men at Gitmo were sold to the U.S. for bounties (according to military tribunal documents released under the FIOA). Some of them were kidnapped by Dostum's forces in Afghanistan. Dostum was a pro-Soviet fighter during the CIA formented war against the Soviet occupating in Afghanistan (This was before America invaded Afghanistan in 2001). Dostum’s forces sold the abducted men to the Pakistanis for $5,000 each, and the Pakistanis in turn sold them to the Americans. This is similar to Iraqi detainees where from 70%-90% of them were innocent. They are still housed under the guise of "national security." The New Standard reported that: “Compiled by Major General Donald J. Ryder, the report says American officers refused to authorize the release of prisoners against whom no evidence existed. Some of those inmates were interrogated in the Abu Ghraib facility cellblock where torture was systematically employed by guards, intelligence personnel and mercenaries.” So, Michael Savage is a liar to assume that everyone in Gitmo are al-Qaeda or Taliban terrorists. He wants 100 million Muslims dead even. Michael Savage believes that the NY terrorist plot to blow up synagogues and shoot down military aircraft in NYC was real when the petty criminals didn't have the sophisication enough to carry these things out. A FBI informant set them up. Michael Savage seem to can't understand what a real terrorist is (or one that are created by the CIA) from a government agent.

Barack Obama has proposed his Supreme Court nominee recently. The nominee is named Sonia Sotomayor. She is the first Hispanic that has been proposed to be elected to the Supreme Court. This is certainly a historic time in more ways than one. Sonia was a federal appeals judge. She is an intelligent woman who is from New York City. She is 54 years old. She is rather young as compared for others on the Supreme Court. If she is elected to the Supreme Court, Sonia will replace the retiring Justice David Souter. Sonia Sotomayor claimed that she will promote objectivity, discernment, and a great deal of intellect if she is on the bench of the Supreme Court. Her accomplishments of being elected, have great legal intelligence, and overcoming huge obstacles in her life should be commented. Barack Obama proclaimed that Sonia is the deal choice on the Court because of her life experience, legal temperment, and her being a trial lawyer. Her parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico. From age 8, she has dealt with diabetes. Sonia Sotomayor desired to be a judge in her career, because she watched the Perry Mason television show as a girl. She graduated from Princeton University and Yale Law School. Sonia certainly claims bipartisan influence by first being appointed by Republican President George H. W. Bush and then named an appeals judge by President Bill Clinton in 1997. Certainly, her views will be scruntized heavily, especially by folks that disagree with her. Sonia's views will be investigated heavily in the world. Her views on affirmative action, abortion, economics, foreign policy, civil liberties, and other issues are going to talked about indeed. Some of her critics believe her saying that courts are where policy is made is indicative of judicial activism. Sonia Sotomayor suprisingly ruled in favor of upholding the Mexico City Policy. The Mexico City Policy banned our taxpayer dollars to fun abortions overeseas. Yet, pro-life criticize her as possibly supporting Roe v. Wade, which allows the federal government to legalize abortions. Certianly, Sonia Sotomayor has the perfect right to outline her views to be expressed for the public to see. Likewise, we have right to analyze her views in a fair and accurate format. Wendy Long of the Judicial Confirmation Network previously told WorldNetDaily that Sotomayor is an activist judge, who likely agrees with Roe v. Wade and would prefer that the courts make abortion law. Sotomayor, a member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, has not directly issued any rulings on abortion but she has been involved in abortion cases. So, the truth is that Sonia Sotomayor should be respected for her accomplishments in her life, but there are still questions on what she really believes on political issues.

Steven Ertelt from from May 25, 2009 wrote about Diane Wood. Wood could be a Supreme Court nominee that is selected by the Barack Obama administration. She is pro-abortion. She was the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Wood is one of the several pro-abortion judges or political figures observers have placed on Obama's likely short list of candidates. She is considered left wing and as political activist. Abortion advocates have lobbied Barack Obama to nominee a women to replace Justice Souter to the Supreme Court (so that person can join the other women on the Court who is the pro-abortion activist by the name of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg). Wood taught law at the Unviersity of Chicago law school. This was when Barack Obama was a colleague until 2004. This may help her to get on the Court. Pro-life organizations generally will oppose Wood. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals have a long history of taking the pro-abortion side when it comes to pro-life issues (including Wood). Wood rules against bans on partial birth abortion involving legislation from Wisconsin and Illinois. She joined the federal court in ruling that Wisconsin's law was unconstitutional under the Supreme Court's first ruling on partial-birth abortions in 2000. Wood believes in using the RICO in an innapropriate way in order to sue pro-life protestors. The Supreme Court twice overturned her opinion and, in February 2006, ruled a second time that federal racketeering laws used against mob bosses can't be used against pro-life advocates who protest abortions. She even kept alive a lawsuit against pro-lfie advocates when the high court already issued an 8-0 decision in their favor. Joseph Scheidler, the defendant in the lawsuit, said after the decision that Wood " claimed an affiliation with Chicago NOW and Planned Parenthood throughout the duration of the" case. Wood wrote in a dissent of an Indiana law that gave counseling and informed consent to people prior to an abortion (Similar laws have reduced abortions, but I don't agree with laws that says you can read information and then you can kill your baby). Wood is a pro-abortion radical no doubt.

David Gergen is an elitist person. He was a Bohemian Grover, a CFR member, a Trilateralist, and allied with the Bilderberg Group. David Gergen have been a Presidential advisor for numerous Presidents. Gergen has supported the social change agenda and "shared sacrifice." He now lectures on public service in Harvard and directs its Center for Public Leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Before the 2008 election, he wanted to expand Americorps (from 75,000 to more than 250,000 volunteers). This increased was approved quckly. This was done under the passage of Barack Obama's National Service Act in the opening weeks of the Obama administration. In 2007, Gergen also helped push some 70 other groups through the ‘America Forward’ coalition along with a ‘venture philanthropy fund’ called New Profit, Inc. One of its groups was even founded by Gen. Colin Powell. Gergen wrote about the City Year in his first visit being electrifying. He is one of the most vocal proponents of the new wave of social entreprenuers. This means that businesses are molded after partnerships between public and private sectors (not necessary a profit basis motive. Taking a public and private unity too far in businesses can lead into fascism). So, Gergen wants privately concieved organization to benefit from government funds. He feels that the government has all of the money to do this partnership with private organizations. Gergen wants common sacrifice and New Deal like programs to begin. City Year claims to want to help communities. The catch is that people are required to have PT or physical trianing and other activitiues that reminiscent of a paramilitary organization. Even White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in 2006 wants complusory service to be enacted among the American people (which can include "jumping jacks"). Groups like City Year and Americorps are ruled by the DHS even the CNCS (or the Corporation for National and Community Service). Frank Morales accuses the CNCS of supporting police departments and being intergrated into Homeland Defense efforts (thereby violating Posse Comitatus since it's illegal to merge the military and the police in handling citizens during peacetime). City Year supports a global citizen service being one world in outlook. Gergen wanted the Vietnam generation to come together in a common cause or a collective sacrifice. In a write-up about City Year, USA Today, recently noted the rise in service among the largely pro-Obama ‘millennial’ generation. They may have been inspired by disasters such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, along with the added motivation of mandatory programs. Both McCain and Obama spoke in favor of greater service. Obama reiterated the need for a ‘civilian defense force’, restated his national service plan and prepared people for an era of sacrifice– including requirements on fuel emissions, energy efficiency and other "green" measures. Obama further emphasized the need to get youth involved in service from an early age. The lesson is that there is nothing wrong with helping others in legitimate programs. There is a serious problems if this help is done mandatorily violating individual liberty.

Religious News are going on. The Emergent Church people are coming out to demonize Bible Believing Chrisitans again. In an April 2009 article in Sojourner’s magazine emerging church leader Brian McLaren clearly has targeted Christians who believe Jesus Christ is coming back again, suggesting that this type of Christian is the reason there is no peace in the Middle East. He's a total lie, because Bible prophecy shows that Jesus Christ will come back again to set the world straight. This is especially found in the book of Revelation. Brian called end time believing Chrisitans as terrible, deadly, and distorted. These are lies and ad-hominem attacks against people with whom they disagree with. See, these hypocrites and liars can't refute the futuristic nature of the Bible, so they demonize those who outline the truth about Biblical prophecy constantly. These tactics have only increased (not decreased) in the 21st century. His biggest lie is that McLaren called believing that Jesus Christ will come back to set up his Kingdom on Earth as morally plus ethical wrong. He likens this belief to the racism in the 50s and 60s. What a disgrace he is to compare people being assaulted by virtue of their skin color (which is immoral) to a theological persepctive. McLaren and others want to silence and marginalize Biblical Christians plains. Rick Warren's chief apologist called ministries who disagreed with Rick as cultists and unhappy with thier lives being deadly. This slander is more and more common. Tony Campolo, in his book Speaking My Mind, says that ‘rigid Christians who believe in the possibility of Jesus’ soon return’ are ‘the real problem for the whole world.’ .. In his book Vintage Jesus, Mark Driscoll ridicules Christians who believe there will be an Armageddon and a rapture. The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ will come back in the end times. We live in the end Times since the fig tree is here (or Israel is a nation again), there is a rapid increase of knowledge, false Messiahs are here, the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. (as predicted by Jesus Christ), we have flying machines, and apostacy is in epidemic levels. So, the apostates from the Emergent Church Movement are ever clever to distort Biblical prophecy in an attempt to demonize real Christians.

North Korea is doing more controversial actions. North Korea tested nuclear weapons as powerful as a Hiroshima bomb. The country could risk more international isolation as underground nuclear explosion has triggered an earthquake. This test comes less than 2 months after the North enraged the U.S. and its allies by test firing a long-range ballistic missile. The KNCA news agency (which is the regime's official mouthpiece) said that: "...We have successfully conducted another nuclear test on 25 May as part of the republic's measures to strengthen its nuclear deterrent." Officials in South Korea said that they had detected a tremor consistent with those caused by an underground nuclear explosion. North Korea is reported of test firing 3 short range missiles from a base on the east coast immediately after the nuclear test. The underground atomic explosion, at 9.54am local time (0154 BST), created an earthquake measuring magnitude 4.5 in Kilju county in the country's north-east, reports said. President Barack Obama said that the North Korea test was a grave concern to all countries. He said in a statement that: "...North Korea is directly and recklessly challenging the international community..." Barack Obama continued that North Korea's behavior can increase tensions in that region of Asia. The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, said he was "deeply worried" by the development. Russian defence experts estimated the explosion's yield at between 10 and 20 kilotons, many times more than the 1 kiloton measured in its first nuclear test in 2006 and about as powerful as the bombs the US used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the second world war. One kiloton is equal to the force produced by 1,000 tonnes of TNT. The deal is that North Korea is desperate since they exist in a dictatorship under Kim Jung Il. Even Christians in North Korea are harshly oppressive since North Korea is an atheistic regime. He is using aggressive actions in order to get attention. Some fear that North Korea might develop a nuclear warhead that can reach Hawaii and Alaska in the future. North Korea shouldn't have a free ride in using aggression. Yet, they also need help, aide, and negiotations in order for North Korea to solve much of their complications in the world.

The Bilderberg Group has its origin related to the Vatican as more people realize today. Its 2009 meeting is at Greece. There are about 100 to 150 people going there each year from business plus political leaders from across the world. They go there to propose policies for the global population, which is all without the imput of the people in their respective nations. Prince Bernhard's role in forming the Bilderberg Group is well known. There is another person who had a more central role in its formation by the name of Joseph Retinger. He was a Roman Catholic Polish politican who wanted European intergration or an EU system (way before it was actually invented). He wanted a Council of Europe. According to Holly Sklar's book "Trilateralism," Dr. Joseph Retinger was the brainchild of the Bilderberg Group. Retinger also worked with other globalists like John Foster Dulles and Bonesman W. Averell Harriman. Retinger was pro-Jesuit and some call him as a Knight of Malta. Retinger is considered to be the brains behind the formation of the Bilderberg Group where as Prince Bernhard played more of a figure head role serving as its first chairman. The Vatican has leading agents in the EU as well. d'Estang is a Knight of Malta (a group with ties to Radio Liberty. For example, Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace and Reinhard Gehlen plus the CIA funded Radio Liberty. The Papacy is supportive of the Jesuit/SMOM friendly JBS group as well) and he's a member of the European Union as well. The EU is one group that is tyring to be the most powerful political international organization in the world. So, the Vatican is among the top of the pyramidal control structure. Even the Pilgrim Society is more powerful than the Bilderbergers. Yet, all of these groups ought to be exposed and learned about though. This territory of information is rarely talked about by the alternative media. The good news is that more and more people are talking about it. We should not scapegoat all Catholics as the sole evil in the world, but we have every right to peacefully dissent with the false doctrines of Romanism (including preaching the Gospel to Catholics and opposing the evil in the leadership in the Vatican as well).

By Timothy


  1. Obama has the most Catholic administration in USA history. Vatican Osservatore Romano editor Vian said on may 18th that Obama "in not a pro-abortion president." What does this prove? That the Vatican message on abortion has only been for politcal purposes. It was used to divide, to encourage Catholics to breed and to encourage non-Catholics to abort out of spite. THe Vatican likes the abortion status quo in the USA for this reason. THeir purpose is only conquest, not faith. Carolignian Brzezinski spawned Zia al Haq, Khomeini, and bin Laden - breaks up superpowers via Aztlan and Kosovo as per Joel Garreau's Nine Nations. Brzezinski, Buckley and Buchanan winked anti-Semitic votes for Obama, delivered USA to Pope's feudal basket of Bamana Republics. Michael Pfleger and Joe Biden prove Obama is the Pope's boy. Obama is half a Kearney from County Offaly in Ireland. Talal got Pontifical medal as Fatima mandates Catholic-Muslim union against Jews (Francis Johnson, Great Sign, 1979, p. 126), Catholic Roger Taney wrote Dred Scott decision. John Wilkes Booth, Tammany Hall and Joe McCarthy were Catholics. Now Catholic majority Supreme Court. Catholics Palmisano, Grasso, Damato, Langone, Dioguardi, Palmieri destroyed American industry. Subprime construction mobsters had hookers deliver mortgages to banks. McCain's Keeting started it all. They find American cars too advanced to use or their mechanics to fix. Their slovenly, anti-intellectual work ethic produces vacuous, casuistrous blather and a tangle of contradictory regulations. NYC top drop outs: Hispanic 32%, Black 25%, Italian 20%. NYC top illegals: Ecuadorean, Italian, Polish. Ate glis-glis but blamed plague on others, now lettuce coli. Their bigotry most encouraged terror yet they reap most security funds. Rabbi circumcises lower, Pope upper brain. Tort explosion by glib casuistry. Hollywood Joe Kennedy had Bing Crosby proselytise. Bazelya 1992 case proves PLO-IRA-KLA links.

  2. You Know I have to respond to you. I will say the things that I agree and disagree with you on very soon.

    By Timothy

  3. Barack Obama having a very Catholic administration that should be known. I don't agree with Romanism at all. Many low level Catholics are sincere in opposing abortion. Some Vatican elite use abortion for political purposes, but that doesn't mean that abortion. Abortion is totally murder. It murders the unborn. Even if it affects Catholics, abortion is still wrong. Also, I could care less how many people should concieve children. Population growth is beauty and I won't back down from promoting population growth at all. Many Vatican elites are involved in evils, but not all Catholic people are involved in these things. I know about Brzezinski, etc. No one justifies their evils from funding al-Qaeda, Kosovo terrorists, anti-Semites, etc. The deal is that I don't blame every single Catholic for these evils. No real man or any human being for that matter supports hatred of Jewish people or Arabic people. Now, I realize about the evil Dred Scott decision, etc. I have written about these things for years, especially in my blog and account.

    The Supreme Court is Catholic and that is a concern. The reality is that most people in America aren't Catholic. There should be questions on whether these Justices use Catholic canon law instead of the American Constitution to judge cases. Subprime programs existed before the Keating scandal. This has been been going on for decades. Also, people of many different creeds and demoninations have great work ethic. To assume otherwise is nothing more than a great generalization. Funny how you list one city. The fact is that most minorities (including African Americans and Hispanic Americans) have great educational apititude. They have equal value to any other American and they are an inspiration for the rest of us. People of all races and ethnic groups are certainly an inspiration for us to succed in life and appreciate the great diversity in the world that God have created for us. I respect all human beings irrespective of their background or orientation. I don't believe your stats on drops out in NYC. Even if your stats are accurate, there are plenty of schools in urban and rural areas nationwide that show minority graduation rates to be much higher than what you are presenting. Also, many Hispanic people are Bible Believers like Brother Nicholas Rivera. Illegal immigration is a problem. A real solution isn't scapegoating, since illegal immigration is caused by factors bigger than just illegal immigrants themselves. Factors like NAFTA, bad laws, border protection problems, etc. have increased illegal immigration indeed. I prefer reform and solution to our illegal immigration crisis than demonizing illegal immigrants. I don't agree with the PLO, the KLA, or the IRA. Yet, I know the distinction with hatred of Catholics in general (which I reject) and dissent with the Vatican theology & leadership (which I support).

    By Timothy

  4. See, I don't tolerate stereotypes and bigotry of any form.

    By Timothy

  5. See,

    You might of assumed that I was some naive person. I'm not. I've been in such debates before.

    By Timothy
