
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Troy on issues


Copy of my email (dated May 22, 2009) that I referred to in the previous one above (dated May 25 2009, reposted here by Craig) that I posted to Michael Tsarion & Eric Jon Phelps after reading Eric's reply to Michael (also reposted above by Craig):


Dear Michael & Eric

I have listened to all of Michael's interviews on Red Ice over the past (almost) three years. Although I do not agree with everything that Michael says (far from it), I have learned of new ways of examining many things, as I have with Alan Watt (who I also have some issues with in regard to his refusal to deal with certain matters). Both are very studied men in certain areas & are great, thought-provoking speakers & my knowledge of things - or at least of ways of analyzing them - has been enriched in many areas.

However, I do have a few major issues with Michael & this seems as good a moment to air them as any. Although I was not taking written notes when listening to Michael's interviews I do recall being struck by matters which Michael claimed were in the Bible that betrayed the fact that he appeared never to have read the Book of Genesis for starters. This was when he related on more than one occassion to matters that were never discussed in the Bible, but in the Book of Enoch. Now even if one was to take the position that the Book of Enoch was once a part of the Bible or could be considered an appendice to it (as I do, as it is referred to in the Bible & by no account that I know of is it alleged to be a fairly modern contrivance - as ar the Book(s) of Jasher that are those available to the public & not that which was referred to in the Bible).

My question on this matter is: Michael have you ever read even the first part of the Book of Genesis up to the Flood? I do not care if your current belief is that you don't believe it to be a literal account of true past matters, but whether or not you have even read it? Or just the Book of Enoch (if that even?) Sure, you are probably one of the best read men on the planet & an incredibly intelligent one, but have you actually read & studied the Bible or just anti-Bible deconstructionist critiques of it? My point is not that you are not pro-Bible, but how can you attack something that your own comments betray the fact that even a quick read of Genesis till the Flood would demonstrate that you attribute matters to it which are not by any standards that I am aware of capable of including these events as being "in the Bible".

I also note that you had your Rosicrucian connections details removed from your Red Ice biography. I believe that Chris White has made much mileage on this. It is hard to blame him though & does raise very important questions on your agenda & possible backers. Are they the same as Leo Zagami's: whoever they may be? After all, he pays tribute to Rosicrucian Christianity (socalled) as part of his heritage & has been (& still is?) involved with various high-level Rosicrucian bodies. Was not that infamous Rosicrucian John Dee the first to anticipate the use the term "new world order" in his writings? My point is not to attack either yourself or Zagami for such connections, but to have you explain once & for all, thoroughly & clearly what your position is within the Rosicrucian hierarchy - naming all of the precise Orders/bodies to which you owe allegiance or are alligned to & to detail their precise position (& not just rhetorical P.R. "flannel" that any such groups may use, if any) in regards to Global Government & its attendant features: Global (credits-based) Currency, Global Military, Global Religion (both esoteric - i.e. presumably some kind of Rosicrucian/Kabbalistic/Theosophical philosopy - & exoteric - either a mix of Christianity with Hinduism or Christianity with Islam or both simultaneously, for whatever ultimate mutation.

Also: What are your precise relations to the Paul Solomon group (acting under any other trading names or front names) & what is their precise agenda? & How do the agendas of them & any Rosicrucian groups that you are alligned with differ from the Luciferian agenda?

In the light of the above - to which I sincerely hope that you will in a spirit of good faith (existentially-speaking, if nothing else) - how does your agenda differ to the Luciferian agenda?

Did Blavatsky - who you champion (along with Crowley), maintaining that the Theosophical Society was corrupted by malevolent agents - Bailey, etal) after her era - did HPB not contend that Jesus was Lucifer who was Satan? Leaving aside interpretations of Biblical verse here, let us consider that many - including yourself - effectively contend (regardless of the precise terms used) the true fight for the world's souls (or consciousnesses - as you would put it) is between a socalled (by some) "good" Illuminati (i.e. in reality Luciferian) & an "evil" Illuminati (i.e. Satanic). Are these not two sides of the same coin? The socalled white magical & the black magical? While you use the term Luciferian in a derogatory manner, how does it in actual fact differ from your own ideology, if at all? You attack that which the one you praise praised. Can you please - in the spirit of integrity - lay your cards on the table. In not doing so you have - if you are being honest - (unintentionally?) sown the seeds for Chris White & others to later reap the harvest of.

Oftentimes you have said that we create the world via our consciousness (or intention) or words to that effect. If their were not some shadows in terms of your agenda & those of associated agencies of yours, then there would be no need for anyone to feel the need to shine a light of investigation on them. To date you have not made matters clearer or any better by dealing with them effectively yourself. Perhaps you could do us all the favour of doing so in reply to my points.

I will add that your presentation of issues pertaining to the issues of Zionism is oversimplistic & at times plain incorrect in terms of verifiable facts - & I am in no way a defender of the Frankist/Sabbataian Labor Zionists who control Israel directly (regardless of which "party" is voted into power over the past six decades) under Jesuit-directed Papal & British Royal knighthood & Masonic Orders. Without wishing to be rude I do recommend contacting Barry Chamish for his DVD of Vatican control over Israel, in which he goes into the best millenium-long overview on the ins & outs of the situation & get one or two of his books - or even phone the guy & ask him for the down-low on it. As I stated earlier I was not taking written notes when listening to all of the Red Ice interviews, but many statements on this matter made me wince, not because of your opinion - as you are of course entitled to that - but your stating adamantly as facts that which is not just speculative but plain false.

Remember too that the "Palestinians" were championed by Vatican-loyal Yasser Arafat & that his PLO has had offices in the Vatican since 1994 - according a Vatican website no less - in a plain, uncommented on news piece. The Arab leaders of Syria & Lebanon, Saudi royals including the Governor of Mecca, the British Ambassador to the King of Morroco & a number of others who slip my mind at the moment are knighthood members of the Franco-Neapolitan branch of the Papal-loyal military-religious Constantian Order & its associated order for nominally non-Catholics (which still describes itself as a "Catholic lay order") the Royal Order of Francis I, both under the command of Prince Carlo, the Duke of Castro. Other members include P2 members Vittoro Emmanuele (Duke of Savoy, Prince of Naples, would-be King of Italy) & Silvio Berlusconi, Margaret Thatcher, Rowan Williams & his predecessor Archbishop of Canterbury, the former head of the UK Armed Forces, & many others of many varied backgrounds & influence. My point is that your over-emphasis on the "Zionists" (a much misused term, covering in reality a miscellany of importantly different positions) & under-emphasis on the only provable co-ordinating force over the whole New World Order covert global power structure, which is the Jesuit Order acting via many elements within high-level Freemasonry, particularly the Scottish Rite whose military wing (under the Jesuits ultimately) is NATO & also via the Papal & Royal knighthood orders.

Yes, you have read many excellent books on the Jesuits & are to be praised for including them on your recommended reading list, but it was myself who brought this to Eric's attention when he showed that he must have been unaware of this in a reply of his to a correspondent on his list a while back. But for whatever reason, you do not accord Rome with its true position as the NWO-coordinating mind. The (Labor) "Zionists" may contribute much in the way of funds to this agenda, as they & their backers did during World War Two for the Nazi agenda (who allowed only the Labor Zionists to exist after 1933, banning the other c.250 Zionist groups in Germany - BUT the Jesuits are the mind & the Vatican & its loyal knighthood Orders the provable coordinating force. Going on about them all being "Atonists" is of limited use & could be perceived as disigenuous, though not to slate all of the implications of this matter, as it is as worth looking into as any as pertains the ancient world in relation to the NWO's antecedants, but let's deal in verifiable, widely, mutually agreed as recognisable by both conspiracists, esotericists & any other historical researchers: the Jesuits, the Vatican, Papal & Papal-loyal knighthood Orders, Royal Orders, Freemasonic Rites (of major, provable international political/military/social influence), & the "Zionists" (Jesuit/Vatican directed Frankist/Sabbataian Labor Zionists): Who rules who? Are all equal? In a pyramidical, hierarchical structure can all be the capstone? Clearly not. Eric Phelps (referred to often by yourself as "Jon Phelps" & other - to be honest, unlikely to be mistaken - permutations) & to varying degrees Thomas Richards, Craig Oxley, Daryl Eberhardt, Doug Willinger, Phil Jonkers, myself & others have successfully produced a plethora of evidence that does give modern proof to chapters 17 & 18 of the Book of Revelation (regardless of yours or anyone's opinion on its origin & purpose) that Rome is the Head of the Beast system. Even your philosophical mentor Blavatsky states as much.

Please take this letter as a sincere attempt to have you clearly & honestly lay your cards on the table & respond to my points lucidly & unambiguously. This is a sincere request, not a threat or command. This could be a good time for self-reflection & open dialogue.

Thank you.

In truth & awareness -

Troy Space

- Reality Research Resource

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