Propaganda is still going on. Bush TV propapganda program continues under Barack Obama. Raw Story found out that the Bush administration used a program used retired military analysts to show favorable news coverage. This program may not have been terminated. Last May, the Pentagon's Office of Inspector General issued a memo ending a Bush administration investigative report on the retired military analyst program. He felt that it didn't meet the accepted quality standards for an Inspector General work produce. This now retracted report exonerated officials of using propaganda and referred to the program as just "one of many outreach groups." Yet Donald Horstman, Pentagon Inspector General deputy director, also stated in the memorandum that his office wouldn’t probe further because the “outreach program has been terminated and responsible senior officials are no longer employed by the Department.” Bavid Barstow from the NY Times exposed the program on April of 2008. Bryan Whitman (He's a senior official employed by the Defense Department) said that the military analyst program's suspension was only temporary. Whitman still feels that the program was just a way to better inform the public in America and that he wants to look at some of the concerns (which is why it was temporarily suspended). He said that the program is not run out of the Pentagon at this moment. Whitman downplayed his role in the program by mentioning that: “It’s hard for me to tell what future leadership might decide to do,” Whitman continued. “Again, since it’s not part of the media operations aspect of public affairs here, it’s not a program for which I will be making a decision about.” The program has an uncertain furture during the Barack Obama administration.
Health information is coming on. There is another child given the swine flu vaccine without parental consent. Health authorities are disregarding flagantly the refusal of consent in the goal of trying to have a mass vaccination mandate. A boy in Ohio got the swine flu vaccine. His mother refused consent for her child to be inoculated. “Kim Lutheran works as a nurse and says her son, Matthew, has had bad reactions to medicine. So, she says she signed for “no consent” on a vaccination form and then circled her intentions with a black marker to make things clear to the boy’s public school in the Toledo suburb of Oregon,” reports the Associated Press. Now, Kim Lutheran wants the local health department to be held accountable. They should. The mother filled the correct procedure in filling the form. They were still required to return it even if they were notifying the school of their refusal to give consent. The fact that she so clearly indicated that her son was not to recieve the vaccine proves that the health authorities ignored her request flagantly to inoculate the boy anyway. There are many more examples of kids getting the swine flu shot against the wishes of their parents. A 7 year old boy in Montgomery County recieved the nasal spray version of the H1N1 vaccine last week. This was done even though his father's objections that his son should be exempted, because of underlying health problems. Matthew Angel called the nurses' station at Camargo Elementary School to ask why his son Jacob Wages was given the vaccine. They told him they had mistaken the boy with another child. An investigation is underway to find out what happened. “A little cold can lead to a big thing for him, if he runs a temperature it’s not a hundred point one, it’s a hundred and five,” said Angel, who fears his son’s health is now at risk. The nasal version of the H1N1 vaccine has the live swine flu virus. Doctors and hospitals are showing concern that the FluMist vaccine could endanger people with children the most vulnerable. With no less than 60 per cent of the U.S. population is immunodeficient in one way or another. The nasal spray came make the swine flu pandemic worse health experts have warned. That is why some hospitals across America have refused to administer the spray form of the vaccine because of these concerns.
Lifenews is here. Pelosi's healthcare plan according to Jill Stanek would directly fund abortion. The National Right to Life group believes this as well. They feel that a vote for this bill is a vote that will establish a federal government program that will directly fund abortion on demand, with federal funds. Douglas Johnson is the legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee. He referred specifially to language on page 110 of the new bill (in H.R. 3962). It explicitly authorizes the public insurance option to pay for all elective abortions. Johnson said that: "The public plan will be a federal agency program, and all funds spent by the agency are federal funds," Johnson said. "The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, in an October 9 memo obtained by NRLC, confirmed that all funds spent by the bill's public plan will be federal funds. Prominent Democrats who have claimed that the federal government could pay for abortion with 'private' funds have been engaged in a big snow job - and in swallowing such a contrived, implausible claim, many journalists have been all too gullible." Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI) has proposed an amendment that would prohibit the federal government plan from paying for abortion (except to save the life of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest). I don't agree with abortion for rape or incest since you don't punish a child for the actions of a criminal. But Speaker Pelosi intends to try to force the House to pass the 1990-page bill under a "closed rule" (a procedure that allows no amendments to be considered), reportedly because she fears that the House would adopt the Stupak Amendment if a vote were allowed. NLRC and pro-life groups want to vote against the closed rule. "Anyone voting to forbid amendments to this bill is in effect voting to set up a federal government program that will directly fund abortion on demand, with federal funds," Johnson said. President Barack Obama promised Planned parenthood that his health care legislation would create a plan to cover abortions (under the guise of reproductive care). Johnson said that: "The White House and top Democratic congressional leaders are trying to smuggle federal government funding of abortion into law, behind smokescreens of misleading, contrived language." The bill also has a 2nd objectionable provision relating to abortion - it would allow federal subsidies to help pay for the cost of private health plans that cover elective abortion, a departure from longstanding federal policy. We should have health care reform, but not with abortion funding at all.
Lou Dobbs' home have been shot at. The person who did that was a coward of course. The reason is that you express disagreements with with man by using violence or harm toward innocent people or someone's property at all. Dobbs is targeted, because he strongly disagrees with amnesty and illegal immigration as most Americans are. There is nothing wrong with showing compassion toward human beings, but not pardons without punishment toward those who broke the law. The radical amnesty crowd couldn't get Dobbs fired for expressing his First Amendment views. So, they are trying to harm Dobbs and his Hispanic wife. Notice that the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti Defamation League, the National Council of La Raza, Media Matters, and Geraldo Rivera of Fox News aren't condemning this act against Dobb's family. They are the ones showing false information against Dobbs because they disagree with him. People who threaten Dobbs and his Hispanic wife are disgraceful. Dobbs said that people use threatening phone calls to his home on a regular basis. Also, unlike Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs doesn't show hatred toward people of color. I don't agree with Dobbs on every issue though like his support of the 501 c3 church anti-free speech rule, the Real ID Act, and biometric plans from DHS. We are a nation of immigrants and even illegal immigrants merit compassion. In other words, I don't agree with splitting families up, being bigoted against illegal immigrants, and harboring xenophobic ideals. America was built by immigrants in diversity to promote that cherished unity of one country. Yet, illegal immigrants who are here now should have punishment before they have legal citizenship.
Secret Societies are real. The Shriners will go to Las Vegas to support Justin Timberlake Golf Tournament benefitting their hospitals. This meeting will have famous people there and rock stars. They will send their donations there. They desire to help children. The Shriners operation a 5 billion network of 22 hospitals that provides free medical care to burned and crippled children. The Shriners is a Secret Society that people swear an oath to Muhammad and Allah (which is anti-Christian). You must be a Master Mason to be a Shriner. They are influenced (and some said led) by the secret sub group of the Royal Order of Jesters. The Jesters were caught in a FBI human trafficking sting out of Buffalo, New York. They all pled guilty for taking an illegal immigrant prostitute to one of their weekend sexual parties in Ashland, KY. They violated the Mann Act. Other Jesters were convicted of having sex with prostitures as well. That's evil since you don't exploit women sexual in a Secret society like setting at all. A lot of people have exposed how Dan Brown supports Freemasonry and promotes his "Lost Symbol" book. Some believe that the book tries to disagrees with Riddles in Stone, because Riddles doesn't agree with the Mystery religion filled order of Freemasonry. Brown writes in the book that: "... The plot centers in part on an "unfair" anti-Masonic video that "conspiracy theorists would feed on … like sharks…" Dan Brown wants his book to recruit people into Freemasonry because of its scyrentistic view of religion. Riddles in Stones was so accurate that many Masons tried to sue Cutting Edge Ministries, but they didn't. The reason is that tons of evidence in court would exist exposing tons of the secrets of Freemasonry. The book uses information from the New Atlantis book series. On pg. 272 of the Lost Secret, it admits that Sir Francis Bacon wanted an Utopian Vision of America being a New Atlantis, which is true historically. The Lost Symbol talks about Freemasonry's blood oaths in its first 3 degrees (called the Blue Lodge). George Washington is called a demigod in pg. 83. This refers to the Apotheosis painting of George Washington in the Capitol building that protrays the heresy of human godhood (as embraced by occultists and numerous Freemasons even Mormons). The book on pgs. 160-1 accurately points out the the capstone missing in the Great Seal pyramid is about America's unfilled destiny (which prophecy researchers believe that the capstone refers to the Antichrist or the Masonic Christ). "Lost Symbol" shows true historical facts, but mixes it with its support of Freemasonry in order to promote Ecumenicalism and the New Age Mysteries. So, Dan Brown was slick, but we are on to his game. There has been speculation that Denver might be the new capital city of the USA. A lot of the military infrastructure are already headquartered in Colorado because it's in the center of America. Also, Denver is a strategic higher elevated area. The total future is uncertain by humankind though. Well, one lesson in life is to be yourself and do the right thing.
By Timothy