
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Late December Developments

A Global Tax have been proposed by elitists for a long time. President Barack Obama claims to attack Wall Street fact cats, but the Wall Street crowd and the NGOs (or non-governmental organizations) gave an oppurtunrity to pass a global tax on financial transactions (that could generate at least $700 billion a year from the U.S. and other "rich" countries). They want Obama's support. There is anger at bankers involved in the financial crisis that's global. The MDGs are Millennium Development Goals is about funding poor nations with money. It was created by the United Nations to make sure that the U.S. and other Western nations devote 0.7 percent of the Gross National Product to official development assistance or foreign aid. Barack Obama, as a Senator, introduced the Global Proverty Act. This act is to mandate U.S. compliance with the MDGs at an estimated cost of $845 billion. Lawson is the head of the development and finance for Oxgram in Britain (has districuted his 13 page memorandum to members of NGOs in the U.S. and other countries). Lawson tells NGOs that there is plenty of money for all of these issues. The global tax proponents believe it will help the poor and aimed at Wall Street to help Main Street, but it can violate national sovereignity. Such a tax can affect IRAs, mutual funds, and pensions by taxing the exchange of financial transactions. It can hand over sums of money to politicans in the name of helping people, but it can harm the life savings of ordinary Americans. Big Banks have done evil though, so I wnat to make that clear. G8 leaders are meeting in Canada in June and a global tax could be on the agenda. At the same time, the U.S. Congress is moving ahead with the “Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act of 2009” (HR 4191), a financial transactions tax introduced by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), a leading member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Lawson's documents supports Nancy Pelos's tax plans. Senator Tom Harkin from Iowa (he's a Democrat) supports a similar bill that is backed in the AFL-CIO. Lawson says that this tax plan is supported by billionaires George Soros and Warren Buffet (including the media figures like Le Monde, The Mail, the Guardian, and Paul Krugman of the NY Times). Pelosi has been pressuring Timothy Geithner (or the U.S. Treasury leader) to accept a gloal tax proposal. Joseph E. Stiglitz, a cabinet member in the Clinton Administration, claimed in his book, Globalization and Its Discontents, that the “protests at meetings of global financial leaders in Seattle, Prague, Washington, and Genoa…” had put pressure on the international community for more global action to solve the world’s problems. Stiglitz supports a global financial transaction tax. The Copenhagen meeting have some like the Climate Justice Action wanting economic reparations paid to developed nations. Even French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minster Gordon brown issued a statement promoting a global finanical tax and other ways in dealing with climate change. One problem with Lawson is that there is corruption in the establishment foreign aid business (which some of it has been infiltrated by the pro-abortion and pro-population control Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation plus the Rockefeller Foundation). There is nothing wrong iwth aid that's done in the right way though. Poverty have decreased in the world, but we have a long way to go.

Some have accused the Healthcare of President Barack Obama of allow people to wait for 18 months to see a doctor. Ron Paul said that Americans could be forced to wait a year and a half to see a doctor in a Canadian-like rationaing health care system. Paul is an eye surgeon and he warned that senior citizens could be forced to endure debilitating conditions as a result of health care rationing under the system being redied for passage. Paul said that they could wait as long as 18 months just to see a doctor as happens in Canada and Britain. “There are 1 million people waiting for any kind of elective surgery in Canada at any one time,” he told Newsmax. Canada has a lottery system for health care services. That means that some little towns that have one family doctor, they do a lottery and you can sometimes wait and a halft to see the doctor. Ron Paul said that he had friends who have eye surgeons in Canada, they've finished their surgery by September (in an allotment) are given a number of surgeries that they can do. When they are finished in September, some of them come into America and do elective cosmetic eye surgery. The reason is that they aren't allowed to operate any more in Canada. In his article, There’s No Such Thing as Free Health Care, Journalist John Stossel highlights how even people with life-threatening conditions are told to wait. A woman with a blocked artery that prevented her from digesting food was told by doctors in British Columbia that she had only weeks to live, but that the surgery was still “elective.” “The only thing elective about this surgery was I elected to live,” said the woman, who traveled to the United States to receive treatment. America's health care system isn't prefect with a bureacuatic system that is expensive and sometimes wasteful. Yet, the pursuit of profit in some cases can reduce costs and give improvements in medicine, since you compete for the best treatment at the least cost avaliable. Death by cardiovascular disease has dropped by 2/3 in the last 50 years. Government monopolies can create problems as well. Some believe that there is too much governmetn interference in our health care system (like the FEMA's botched efforts to help victims of Hurricane Katrina at the superdome). The health care plan can allow 46 million new people on government system, which according to Paul can bankrupt Medicare and rationing. This plan can cost $874 billion when we have a war on terror increading the deficit. Health care reform should exist of course since people are dying literally in America. There ought to be reforms, but it should be done in a careful fashion, it should be simplisitic to understand, and it ought not to force people against their will to embrace a government run system if they don't want to. The extreme of government running all of our health care and Big Pharma running it all obviously haven't worked in America.

A North Carolina high school had denied a pro-life student speech rights and they are backing down. This occured after a pro-life legal group helped a pro-life student who faced a revocation of her free speech rights. Brianna Cardwell wanted to be participate in the Pro-LIfe day of Silent Solidarity, which was sponsored by Stand True Ministries. The day was an opportunity for students to wear red tape or armbands to show their solidarity with unborn children who can't speak up for themselves. It features pro-life T-Shirts and fliers telling how abortion kills unborn children and have adversely impacted society. Caldwell wore a T-Shirt with the word "abortion" crossed out and distributed her fliers during non-instructional time to her classmaters that explained her pro-life views. Yet, the assistant principal at Randelman High School told her to stop disseminating the literature and said she would require to keep her jacket on for the remainder of the school day to cover up her shirt. The female school official confiscated the fliers and said that Cardwell’s T-shirt and fliers were “offensive” and violated the “separation of church and state.” When Caldwell tried to secure the return of her fliers the next day, school officials refused. The Alliance Defense Fund stepped in to help Caldwell and sent a letter asserting her rights on her behalf.The assistant principal responded to the November 24th letter from ADF by giving the fliers back to Cardwell. The assistant principal told Cardwell that she would be able to wear her T-Shirt and distribute the fliers in the future. Today, ADF Senior Counsel David Cortman told that he is pleased with the outcome. “Pro-life students shouldn't be punished for expressing their beliefs,” he said. "Brianna was simply exercising her constitutionally protected right to free speech but was censored by school officials fearful of urban legends regarding the so-called ‘separation of church and state.’ In reality, silencing pro-life students simply because they want to exercise their First Amendment rights in a non-disruptive manner is unconstitutional," he added. "The speech of pro-life students, like all other students, is protected under the First Amendment," Cortman concluded. He said: "We're glad that Brianna will now be allowed to share her pro-life views from now on without fear of reprisal. We hope more schools will follow Randelman’s example in respecting the First Amendment rights of their students.” So, the free speech of pro-life people ought to be protected in the public school system completely.

Dan Brown's the Lost Symbol has more information that should be exposed. The book praises the Masonic Lodge as we all realize. It mixes truth with errors that promotes disinformation instead of the real truth of what going on in Secret Societies plus related subject matter. Brown even admitted that his novel was intended to be a Masonic recruiting tool. The Lost Symbol is refering to the Riddles in Stone DVD since it criticizes what they call an anti-Masonic work that's popular in the Internet. Dan Brown's book admits the truth that Masonry have bloody evil oath in its first 3 degrees of the Blue Lodge. The fictional book even tells the truth that Benjamin Franklin had links to Freemasonry as found in pg. 128. Also, Franklin was tied to the occult Hell Fire Club and he was involved in French Freemasonry. The Hermetic maxim of "as above, so below" is found in the book on pgs. 29, 87, and 320. This is the believes that what is in the Heavens ought to be reflected on the Earth in building, etc. (or that the Universe is a large version of the human race). The architect L'Enfant, Franklin, along with George Washington was involved in the street design plan of Washington, D.C. L'Enfants' Masonic membership has been disputed to this day with the Masonic establishment denying that L'enfant was a Freemason. Freemason David Ovason confirms that Washington D.C.'s design and buildings were influenced by the movements of the stars. "Circles within circles, brotherhoods within brotherhoods" is a quote from the Lost Symbol on p. 11. This Confirms our teaching that Masonry has its secrets hidden within layers of deceptive meanings (as said by 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall). In ‘Riddles In Stone", the film's crew interviewed Dr. Bob Hieronimus, a life-long Mason and whose wife is a Co-Mason. Dr. Bob quite frankly tells us that every symbol in Freemasonry has at least three levels of meaning. The unitiated are told a blatant lie, the Initiate is told another lie, while only the lifelong Adept is told the real truth. Albert Pike admits that low level Masons are told deceptions and lies until they reach into the upper echelon of the organization. The Statue of Freedom is found in the top of the Capitol Dome on pg. 25. The statue is actually a representation of the Goddess Athena (which is a patron diety of Sir Francis Bacon). Researchers have found that the Lost Symbol is a work out of many trying to throw some truthful information about Freemasonry, etc. Yet, it's overt goal is to show the Mysteries in a favorable way in order to get the public to accept the Mysteries (This has been talked about by New Agers like Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme for decades).

Nazism is apart of the global elite's plan for world domination as a subgroup. James and Suzanne Pool’s "Who Financed Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power 1919-1933" exposed who really funded Hitler. John J. McCloy was an attorney for IG Farben before WWII. IG Farben was a German chemical company. After WWIi, McCloy helped many Nazis to escape prosecution. One example is how the Nazi Klaus Barbie and others were reportedly were sent to the 370th Counter Intelligence Corps at Obermmergau where private Henry Kissinger was located. Kissinger was McCloy's protege. Gehlen was Hitler's chief intelligence officer. After WWII, the Gehlen Organization or GO worked with the CIA (with Allen Dulles as its head in that time). The CIA gave GO millions of dollars and Gehlen helped Dulles to overthrow the elected Mossadegh government of Iran in 1953. Dulles operated out of Bern, Switzerland to get the job done. Gehlen's chief man and successor in America was SS officier Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing. He worked for the TCI which had classified Defense Department contracts. The Nazi spy George de Mohrenschildt was in the US after WWII. He was apart of the "White Russian" or anti-Communist community. He was a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was accused of assassinating President JOhn F. Kennedy that many researchers disagree. De Mohrenschildt was found shot dead in 1977 on the day of an U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations investigator was to see him. Attorney Mark Lane's "Plausible Denial" book asserts that de Mohrenschildt was a CIA contract agent. Conspiracies are real and the govenrment lies to us. Some people like Riech Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebells in 1940 proclaimed that in the future people will think in continents not coutnries. Relevant to this, Reuters on November 4, 2009 reported Czech president Vaclav Klaus finally reluctantly signed the Lisbon Treaty creating “a new, full-time president of the EU and foreign minister” and internal changes to the EU’s system of lawmaking which will “mean individual countries will have a harder time blocking EU legislation.” Klaus explained that “the Czech Republic will cease to be a sovereign state” after the treaty goes into effect on December 1, 2009. Some want the EU to be a continental superstate merged with other regional bodies to have a world socialist government. Even Howard Fineman in Newsweek wrote in October 19, 2009 that some see Barack Obama as apart of a planetary President because of economic proposals. There has been global currencies tested as well. An United Future World Currency initiative that began in 1996 in Italy by Sandro Sassoli. It was based upon advice by CFR member Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., who had written in Partisan Review (May-June 1947): “There seems to be no inherent obstacle to the gradual advance of socialism in the United States through a series of New Deals…. The transition must be piecemeal….” Years, later, Schlesinger wrote in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs (July-August 1995): “We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” The Royal Mint of Belgium issued a new currency test (and the Economist for Janurary 9, 1988 issued a new currency as similar to a Phoenix). The Economist said “The Phoenix” was planned for 2018. And in “The demise of the dollar” (The Independent, October 6, 2009), Robert Fisk wrote: “In the most profound change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council...The current deadline for the currency transition is 2018..." The value of the dollar is decreasing. America is constantly borrowing money from China and increasing the burden on the dollar. So, a plan for world govenrment and a global economy is real. Nazism is apart of that agenda as their doctrines are promoted promoting medical experiments on people without their consent. For example, on November 5, 1996 The New York Times published a front-page article titled “Ban on Medical Experiments Without Consent is Relaxed” by Gina Kolata, which begins: “For the first time in half a century, new Federal regulations allow investigators to enroll patients in some medical research studies without their consent…. Even the most ardent supporters of the new regulations say they understand the seriousness of what they have done. They have repealed a principle that dates back to the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi doctors after WWII.” The Nuremberg Code stated, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.” So, we should expose this nefarious agenda.

By Timothy

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