
Saturday, January 30, 2010

2010: The New Decade & the New Era Part 2

Part 2 of the mural (in the image above) shows a monster, militaristic figure dressed in a Nazi uniform with a face shaped like a gas mask. His hands are holding a rifle and a scimitar. He tries to harm the dove similar to harming peace. There are dead children in Part 2 of the mural (which is in the image above) near bricks. There are devoid of life like being poisoned by gas. That is why the monster is protected by a gas mask and pointing the lineup of victims toward the letter o nthe bottom left. The letter is an actual letter written by a Hama Herchenberg, 14 years old, that died December 18, 1943 in Auschwitz Concentration camp (as written at the bottom of the letter). A little disturbing isn’t it. Auschwitz was infamous for it use of toxic gas. The rainbow there represents innocence. The scimitar used by the monster looks very similar to the Shriner Masonic logo of the sword.
This iamge above is called "Peace and Harmony with Nature." It basically shows the meaning of the murals in general. The murals tells us the New Age story of warfare and humanity is responsible for the genocide of most of the planet's population with toxic gas. Now, this image celebrates the new Age in the world with a genetically modified glowing planet. It shows a Jesus-like figure in the center looking down in the plant when he isn't Jesus Christ. This new world has less people and the animals look happy. This synthetised happined is occuring with GM plants and the like. Whales are jumping to celebrate with humans. There are baby tigers with faces of humans promoting transhumanism and extreme genetic engineering. So, the murals don't necessarily promote peace. They really promote the massive depopulation of the Earth, bashing and trying to destroy Judeo-Christian, the promotion of New Age/one world order philosophies, and the restoration of "Nature" at the expense of billions of people dying in the Earth. This is nothing more than the George Guidestones in mural form. The Georgia Guidestones like these murals believe that peace can only come about with the destruction of most of the human race. The Georgia Guidestones also feature a capstone with a time capsule buried under it. There is no “conspiracy theory” here, those are facts. Everything is written in stone for you to see. The elite own the place. Some believe that the runway in the Denver International Airport looks like a Swastika. The elite pretty much are showing this stuff in our faces for us to see. This isn't truly hidden. The question is what are we going to do about it.
The image above show a gargoyle. They are found in many buildings even religious ones. They come from paganism. In architecture, they exist for many purposes from spouting water from a roof and away from the side of a building. The term gargoyle comes from the French word gargouille meaning throat or gullet. The Italian word for gargoyle is grónda sporgente, an architecturally precise phrase which means "protuding gutter." The German word for gargoyle is Wasserspeier, which means "water spitter." The Dutch word for gargoyle is waterspuwer, which means "water spitter" or "water vomiter." A building that has gargoyles on it is "gargoyled." There has been gutter objects in architecture spanning thousands of years liek the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Greek Temples. Roman Catholic Church had them to promote merging paganism and Catholicism athat Bernard of Clairvaux opposed. The gargoyles exist as a goat, monkey, chimeras, snake, etc.

Paris is a famous city in human history. It's in France with over 2.2 million people in about 33.6 square miles in land area. Its metropolitian areas as over 11.7 million peopel as of January 2006. Paris comes from the Gaulish tribe called the Parisii. The Parissi are a Celtic Iron Age tribe like lived near the Seine river from the middle of the 3rd century B.C. until the Roman era. The Parissi along with the Suessiones tribe worked int he general rising of the Celtic chief Vercingetorix against Roman dictator Julius Caesar in 52 B.C. Others consider that the name of the Parisii tribe comes from the Celtic Gallic word parisio meaning "the working people" or "the craftsmen." the city of Paris has many nicknames like the "La Ville-Lumiere" or the City of Light in French. The city of light refers the principles of the age of the Enlightenment and street lighting today. Parisians are Paris' inhabitants. The Celtic Parisii live in the Paris area from ca. 250 B.C. Roman conquered Gaul and the town Paris was once called Lutetia. It has a forum, palaces, baths, temples, theatres, and an amphitheatre. The Merovingian Frankish King Clovis I made Paris his capital in 508 A.D.
The Arc de Triomphe is one of the famous famous structures in France and even world history. It's a famous monument that resides in Paris, France. It's in the center of the Place Charles de Gaule or the Place de l'Étoile. The Arch is found in the western end of the Champs-Elysees. This triumphal arch honors those who fought for France during the Napoleonic Wars. There are the names of the generals and wars fough on the inside and top of the arch. There is the Unknown Soldier from World War I undernearth the architecture. Jean Calgrin designed the monument back in 1806. The monument stands 49.5 m (162 ft) in height, 45 m (150 ft) wide and 22 m (72 ft) deep. The large vault is 29.19 m (95.8 ft) high and 14.62 m (48.0 ft) wide. The small vault is 18.68 m (61.3 ft) high and 8.44 m (27.7 ft) wide The design was inpisred by the famous ancient Roman Arch of Titus. The Arch of Titus was found in Rome and it commerated the Roman Empire's evil sacking of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. (as apart of the Jewish/Roman war that lasted from 66 A.D. to the fall of Masada in 73 A.D.). The detail in the Arch of Titus shows the Romans getting a menorah and other spoils from the sack of Jerusalem. Charles Ribart proposed an elephant shaped buillding on the location of the current arch in France. The Arc de Triomphe has been based on the neoclassical version of ancient Roman architecture. There are 4 structural groups at the base of the structure too. They are:
-The Triumph of 1810 (Jean-Pierre Cortot
-The 2 groups of Resistance and Peace (both by Antoine Étex
-Departure of the Volunteers of 1792 commonly called La Marseillaise (François Rude).
The monument has the names of 660 persons including 558 French generals of the First French Empire. American troops were famous for riding in front of the Arch to celebrate the Liberation of France during WWII. President John F. Kennedy, the First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and Frnech President President de Gaulle paid their respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 1961. The top of the Arc shows a panoramic view of Paris. It shows the 12 major avenues leading into the Place de l'Etoile. There is a Freemason connection to the Arc. Not only does Freemasonry deal with Arches in their architecture, but there is a Royal Arch Degree in Masonry. The designer of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris is named Jean Francious Chagrin. In a straight line with the Arc de Triomphe, down the Champs Elysees is another smaller arch as well as a 3,200 year old Egyptian obelisk (or the sun god symbol).
Notre Dame is one of the most famous religious buildings on Earth in Paris. It's a Gothic Roman Catholic cathedral. It's found on the eastern half of the Ile de la Cite in the fourth arrondissemnt of Paris. It's the cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris. It was restroed and saved from destruction from Eugene Viollet-le-Duc. He was France's most famous architects. Notre Dame means Our Lady in French. This refers to the heresy of Mary being the evervirgin, Mother of Almighty God, etc. . It's influenced by naturalism. Construction of Notre Dame came about in 1163 A.D. during the reign of Louis VII. There is a debate on whether Maurice de Sully or Pope Alexander III laid the foundation stone of the cathedral. Bishop de Sully gave money to build up the cathedral. Notre was fully created by 1345. There were many organs in Notre Dame liek the one finished in the 18th century by noted builder François-Henri Clicquot. Some of Clicquot's original pipework in the pedal division continues to sound from the organ today. The organ was almost completely rebuilt and expanded in the 19th century by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll. Some Hugenonts damages features of the cathedral, because they thought they were idolatrous.
There are tons of symbols in Notre Dame. The image above is found on the Western facade of Notre Dame. Notre Dame has tons of architectural designs. The Western facade of the building is 41 meters wide, 43 meters high up to the base of the towers, and 63 meters up to the top of the towers. Marcel Albert wrote of the Notre Dame facade as being a masterpiece of composition and execution. The design is especially interesting because of its geometric patterns on it. Le Corbusier would call it a “pure creation of the spirit." The square and circle is one big part of the building in its design. According to architects, the square represents limited space. The circle means the boundless space or a perfect figure without beginning or end or the essence of Christ. To Notre Dame proponents, this represens Incarnation (or Mary’s acceptance allowed God, as Jesus, to come into the mortal world, and Mary presents her Son to the city). At the centre of the façade, near the gallery of the Virgin, a large rose measuring 9.60 m in diameter which was created around 1225, stands at the centre of the façade, forming a halo above a statue of the Virgin with Child between two angels. On the right and the left, there are statues of Adam and Eve, which remind us of original sin. These statues were rebuilt by Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century. There is a gallery of Kings and a statue of "Saint" Denis. The gallery of kings are 28 statues representing the 28 descendants of Jesse and human ancestors of Mary and Jesus. The images in Notre Dame promote a "Romanist" version of Jesus and Mary not the Biblical version of Jesus Christ and Mary of course. The image above does look similar to a rose and rose imagery is found in Rosicrucianism and the occult.

The Ecole Militaire in Paris is a place where many military facilities are located in. Ecole is French for school and Militaire is French for military, so it means the Military School. I know the French langauage when I was in middle school, high school, and a little in college. It has a complex array of buildings. It's found southeast of the Champ de Mars. Louis XV founded it in 1750. The idea of it was based from a proposal of the financier Joseph Pâris. Madame de Pompadour supported the plan as a means for the place to be an academic college for cadet officers from poor families. Ange-Jacques Gabriel designed it. The school didn't open until 1760. The Comte de Saint-Germain reorganized it in 1777 under the name of the École des Cadets-gentilshommes (School of Young Gentlemen), which accepted the young Napoleon Bonaparte in 1784, who graduated in only one year (as opposed to the typical two). The man on the horse is named Joseph Jacques Césaire Joffre (1852 - 1931). Joffree was the Catalan French General and commander in chief of the French Army from between 1914 and 1916. He regrouped his armies to defeat the Germans in the Battle of the Marne in 1914. He was nicknmaed "Papa" Joffre, because of his popularity.
File:Église de la Madeleine.jpg
The building is the L'église de la Madeleine. That's French for the Madeleine Church. L'eglise is French for church. It's a Roman Catholic building. It was designed to represent the glory of Napoleon's army. It has Greco-Roman columns. It's north of the Place de la Concorde and to the east of the church is the Place Vendome and to the west is L'église Saint-Augustin. The creation of the place was done by deception. The settlement of Ville l'Eveque once belong to the bishop of Paris since the time of Philip II of France. This was when Bishop Maurice de Sully seized the synagogue that stood on the site from the Jews of Paris in 1182, and consecrated it a Church dedicated to Mary Magdalene. The site in the suburban faubourg had been annexed to the city of Paris since 1722. The building was used as Temple until it was consecrated as a church in 1842. It wnts to praise Mary Magdelene. There are plenty of architecture patterns in that building. Its style is based on the Neo-classical style. It was inspired by the Roman Temple of Maison Carree at Nimes. It has the church's bronze doors bear reliefs representing the Ten Commandments. Today, the 10 Commandments are mocked just like in the place of the Georgia Guidestones in Georgia, USA. There is Mary Magdalene being shown as a statue carried into heaven by 2 angels. This church of course promotes the Catholic version of Mary Magdelene of course. Masses are done there despite France being heavily Catholic along with atheist.
Occult Symbolism Galore Part 2
Symbolism have been greatly loved by Freemasons and other esoteric order. Freemason Robet Lombas wrote of the emotional draw he acquires in the presence of symbols. He wrote that: "...My experience of the (Masonic) Craft says that these symbols have a deep emotional appeal, and the more I sit in the Lodge and gaze at them, the more attractive they become...I wondered to what extent evolution had hard-wined an instinctive attraction for these symbols in my brain..." He further writes that "...What are these truths?...secrets of the spirit..Symbols can speak directly to our emotions so that secrets can be penetrated..."
Secret Societies have impacted architecture the world over. There is a pyramid strucure in Blagnac, France. This city is a suburb of Toulouse. It's called the Place de la Revolution. It one of the most blatant images of Illuminist design. The building represents that Secret Societies like the Illuminati have an influence in world history. Drivers travels around the place all of the time. The symbolism in the place outline the elite's goal of trying to form the New World Order. The Place de la Révolution was built in 1989 to commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of the French Revolution. Modern Historians agree that Freemasonry played a critical role in the unfolding of the revolution. Members of French Masonry and outshoots of the Illuminati tried to get rid of the Monarchy of Louis XVI since these entities believed in democracy and disagreeing with aristoracies in monarchs. The Duke of Orleans was the Grand Master of French Freemasonry and he was a leader in supporting the French Revolution (including the Mason Marquis de Lafayette, and others from the Jacobin Club). Now, Masons and like minded societies want the world to embrace the new order of the ages under their Great Architect. The pyramid has 13 layers, which are divided by a metallic divider. 13 means rebellio nand ohter meanings. There are bottom layers and higher levels in the pyramids (ironically the Illuminati is made up of such degrees). The large capstone in the pyramid structure represent the higher iniaties recieving the highest levels of knowledge. The pyramid is above a map of the Earth in mosaic. So, the pyramid is above the world (water is near the structure with many meanings like widsom and in the Kabbalah, it represents the channel flowing from Keter to Chochmah or wisdom.). In the Kabbalah, "...there are thirteen channels of flow from the superconscious source to the beginning of consciousness. These channels correspond to the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy revealed to Moses at Sinai, as well as to the thirteen principles of Torah exegesis, the (superrational) “logic” of Torah..." (From
There are 2 bronze tablets that look similar to the 10 Commandments of God. These tablets have astronomical and planetary glyphs instead of words. It shows the Declaration of Human Rights, which was promoted by supporters of the French Revolution. The old paintings of the Declaration has the All Seeing eye (or the eye in the Triangle which is found in the Great Seal of the U.S. Dollar bill), the Phrygian cap, the fasces, and other Illuminist plus Masonic or alchemical symbols. Even high level Freemason and French author Jacques Ravenne admitted that: "... Declaration of Human Rights, which was created in France and gradually adopted around the world, was conceived, discussed and written in Masonic lodges before being released to the public. One can retrace those Masonic origins by the use of symbols, which bear little significance to the profane but are extremely important to the initiate.” French words on the base of the pyramid reading: "...Le bonheur est dans l'angle ou les sages son assembles..." That means that "happiness is in the angle where the wise are gathered." The phrase is from a quote from Jean-Jacques Lequeu being a French architect from the revolutionary era. He mixed Masonic principles with his visionary designs. Angle means that in Masonry, architecture and geometry represent spiritual allegories. One example is how the square and compass is representative of the Great Architect of the Universe. The wise gathered could represent high level Masons or Illuminists meeting in the top of the pyramid where true happiness exists. The other side of the engraving has the words of Temple de la sagesse supreme or the Temple of Supreme Wisdom (or the structure being representative of a Temple of Wisdom similar to a Masonic Lodge). The Place de la Révolution of Blagnac is a monument that overtly shows its meaning and agenda. It celebrates the goals of Iluminists as a Temple of Supreme Wisdom. It has symbolism relating to Freemasonry in plain view. The French Revolution ended the monarchy and crated the French Republic. Masons admit that they want a global enlightened world with a recreation of the Temple of Solomon. This new order of the ages has been goals of Illuminists for thousands of years. People know the truth and this is one of the elite's calling cards of their nefarious Utopian schemes.
This is the logo of MTV2. The doubled headed god's name iscalled Orthros. Orthros or Orthus in mythology was a 2 headed serpent tailed dog, who is a brother of monsters such like Cereberos and the Khimaira. He mated with Khimaia to sire the Sphnix and the Numean Lion.His master was the giatn Geryon (with was 3 bodied). Geryon was the King of the sunset isle of Erytheia. Orthros was told to guard his master's herd of red-skinned cattle. When Heracles was sent to fetch these as one of his 12 labors, he killed Orthros, herdsman Eurytion and Geryon. The word orthros in Greek means "morning twilight." His name was also spelt Orthos, after another word meaning "straight" or "height."
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The images above show the All Seeing Eye. This image is related to Horus. It isn't a secret that the Roman Catholic Church embrace occult symbolism. The Catholic clergymen are in a Catholic Church in the nation of Poland. There is an idol or statue of Mary. The Bible is clear that we should respect Mary, but we should not venerate her since Mary is a human being just like any human believer in God. The person here is a priest. The priest in Romanism follows the heretical custom of concecrating the Host. The Host is a wafer that is falsley called Jesus or God. They claim to use it in Communion, yet true communion is about remembrance of what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross. The Host in the Mass repeats a false sacrifice of their false version of "Jesus."
The above image is the logo of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. It's an AFL-CIO/CLC trade union. It reperesents about 646,933 workers as of 2006 and it's in more than 2000 industries. It was created by 19 machinists in Atlanta, Georgia. It was secret for many years for fear of employer hostility toward organized labor. It grew rapidly. In 1889 Grand Master Machinist was Georgia State Senator Tom Talbot. Its national headquarters was moved from Atlanta into Richmond, Virginia. Today, its official location is found in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Its logo looks Masonry since there is an image looking similar to the Sqaure and Compass. "Grand Master" is even a Masonic term for a Masonic leader in a Temple presiding over some of the Blue Lodge ceremonies, etc. This union boycotted Brown and Shape for a bargaining issues. They lead a strike against Boeing over percieved issues with outsourcing, job security, pay, and benefits in September 7, 2008. Labor power have decreased over the years, because of the influence of the Rockefellers and the international banking establishment. Some Labor groups have been influenced by Secret orders. The Noble and Holy Order of Knights of Labor has been well described as "the most important and by far the largest secret society in the United States organized in the interest of industrial workers." Established in 1869 as an oath-bound secret society with a ritual which borrowed heavily from Masonry, the Knights removed most of their secret elements in 1882, only to restore them in 1895.
This image on the left shows a shirt. It describes propaganda since it talks about humanity obeying the the command of the media, etc. forming complete control. So, the corporate elite don't even hide their extensions anymore. It's a known fact that the mainstream media issues deception all over the world. Deputy Director Frank Wisner proudly referred to the CIA’s worldwide propaganda machine as “the mighty Wurlitzer.” The CIA owns countless newspapers and magazines world-over. Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein revealed that over 400 US journalists had been employed by the CIA. These ranged from freelancers who were paid for regular debriefings, to actual CIA officers who worked under deep cover. Nearly every major US news organization has had operatives on the payroll, usually with the cooperation of top management, under the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wisner recruited Philip Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, to run the project within the industry (this is why I call The Washington Post the CIA’s favorite newspaper). The shirt on the right is made from the "Crooks and Castles" company. It shows a specialized eagle, which looks similar to the Nazi eagle. The eagle in the occult represents control, authoritarian rule, and power. The eagle hold a circle with a phrase that reads: "...Crook Castales The Monolithic Empire, All Hail the Ruling Elite..." This is wrong on many levels. There is another circlular chain image and the 2 Cs interlocked in a pattern as well.
"Crookes and Castles" is one of the new 21st century clothing companies showing overt occult symbolism. The image on the left shows a person whose half of its face is covered with red roses. The image on the rights show the image of an angel with the words of "Ruling Elite." The Ruling Elite refers to the elite as found in high level bloodlines, the Vatican, the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers, etc. that have most of the political power in the world.

By Timothy

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