
Friday, January 22, 2010

Roe v. Wade after 37 Years

Roe v. Wade existed for 47 years now. It's a disgrace of a decision for a myriad of reasons. Scott Brown is the new Senator of Massachusetts replacing the seat of the late Senator Edward Kennedy. Some pro-lifers have been brainwashed to praise him because of the health care bill controversy. Yet, Brown is as pro-abortion as Coakley is despite what MSNBC says about him. He agrees with abortion, but claims to oppose partial birth abortion. He authored a bill for a 24 hour waiting period for abortion. He want abortions to be avaliable. Coakley supports partial birth abortion too, so Coakley isn't innocent in this affair. Scott Brown have some Jesuit ties to. He made large donations to the Roman Catholic Church. His child attended Boston College. He voted for carbon credits, he endorsed the Middle Eastern crusade, he is apart of the Masonic Lions Club group, and he recieved a Commendation Medal for meritorious service in homeland security after the attacks of September 11, 2001. Homeland Security is one group building up the police state system in America. Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, and other neo cons support Brown's victory of course since they are more pro-Republican than pro-truth. Brown even defend the error filled Massachusetts healthcare system there, which contributed towards bankrupting the commonwealth and lead to the highest rise in healthcare premiums as compared to any other state in the union. Even more disturbing, Massachusetts and Obama’s federal proposal, “Obamacare,” have identical mandates forcing private citizens to buy healthcare insurance. He claims to want to cut taxes and lowering spending. Brown won't do economic populism that have improve our nation for a long time. This populism should be able to make Wall Street accountable for their actions. We should Reimpose the Glass-Steagall law to separate commercial banking, insurance, and stock brokerage. We should Launch a massive program of infrastructure, which is mentioned in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution to hired millions of people and build up the economy grealty. According to the Centers For Small Government, in his eleven years in the Massachusetts state Senate he had not “authored, sponsored, or introduced” one bill which would have “cut as little as 5% of total state government spending.” There should be limits on loans and interest rates on credit cards. He is similar to the neo cons in their foreign policy (like the military strikes in the confines of the nations of Afghanistan & Pakistan) rendition including thev and domestic policy of depriving citizens of their civil liberties.

People are opposing the WHO's global tax proposal. There is a Dutch investigation into the conflicts of interests of the chief influenza advisor in the Netherland. The Council of Europe will probe their role in creating and sustaining panic over the recent H1N1 outbreak in order to seel vaccines for Big Pharma, the World Health Organization is now conisdering “innovative” proposals for raising additional revenues, including levying a global tax on internet activity. This report comes to be submitted by an Expert Working Group ahead of the biannual meeting of the WHO's Executive Board. This board tried to find a finanical mechanism for funding the WHO's mandate in transfering health technologies to the developing world. This tema is made up of bureaucrats and medical researchers. They have spend the last 14 months developing a veriety of suggestions. They include a digital tax on the Internet, a financial transaction tax, and an arms trade tax. These funds could range in tens of billions of dollars depending on which plans are enacted. They use the humanitarian aide angle as an excuse to promote a global tax and a globalized governmental system. The WHO has been expsoed a vehicle for Big Pharma to line their pockets. That is why the WHO and other agenices have been caught sterilizing women without their knowledge. The WHO considered a global tax to handle the climate change issue.
Describing the vaccine manufacturers like Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Baxter Vaccines who made billions of dollars off of the contracts that ensued from the WHO’s declaration of an “emergency pandemic” last June, Wodarg noted that “These large firms have ‘their people’ in the cogs and then they pull strings so that the right policy decisions are taken.” He cites Klaus Stohr, a top executive at Novartis who was formerly a WHO official in charge of pandemic preparedness plans, as an example of the conflicts of interest and tangled relations between the WHO and Big Pharma. So, even Albert Osterhau was the WHO's chief influenza advisor. He is the chairman of the
European Scientific Working Group on Influenza, an advisory group financed by Novartis, Hoffman-La Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter Vaccines, Sanofi Pasteur and other companies that were estimated to have made as much as 8 billion Euros in profit from the WHO’s declaration of pandemic emergency. The scientific advisory group of SAGE, which Osterhaus was apart of, promote a pandemic emergency to be declared despite of this bout of H1N1 being the mildest influenza outbreak in recorded history probably. Some UN peacekeepers have been caught in child abuse, rape, human trafficking, and torture. UN administered programs to provide women in Botswana with infant formula have led to widespread infant death and UN run tests of anti-AIDS gels actually increased the likelihood of participants contracting AIDS. So, the WHO proposal had been promoted by others for years in having global taxes to fund global government bodies. We shouldn't have global taxes at all.

CIA Crimes are easy to prove. The CIA made illegal invasions and occupations for decades. That is why Patriots and other people want to eliminate the CIA. Countless acts of terrorism and torture have been enacted by the CIA. “The CIA and the big corporations were, in my experience, in step with each other,” writes former CIA agent John Stockwell. “The CIA had been running thousands of operations over the years… there have been about 3,000 major covert operations and over 10,000 minor operations… all designed to disrupt, destabilize, or modify the activities of other countries… But they are all illegal and they all disrupt the normal functioning, often the democratic functioning, of other societies.” It's a fact that the CIA recruit Nazi war criminals to be apart of it organization including drug running. They were engaged in drug running, assassinations, and covert chemical and biological experiments. The CIA was created under the order of President Truman in 1947. The CIA recreates a covert action wing, innocuously called the Office of Policy Coordination, led by Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner. According to its secret charter, its responsibilities include “propaganda, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation procedures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.” They manipulated elections in Italy during the late 1948 to fight against the communists. They overthrow the democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh in a military coup in 1953. The CIA even had ties to Iran/Contra where the CIA sells arms to Iran at high prices to fund the Contras with arms to battle agaisnt the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. Reagan wanted to defeat the Sandinistras, but the Contras did torture, extortion, murder, political assassinations, and other forms of terrorism against people in Nicaragua. So, the CIA history of evil is readily apparent.

A Virginia pro-abortion groups attacks pregnancy centers helping pregnant women. Last year, the Baltimonre city council passed a new law. This law says that it will target pregnancy centers that help women but don't do abortions. The prediction that this would result in proposing additional laws targeting crisis pregnancy centers has come to pass with a new proposal in the Virginia legislature. The Virginia affilitate of NARAL held a press conference today to announce new legislation designed to intimdiate women who go to pregnancy centers for help and options counseling. The bills are called SB 188 and HB 452. They seek to remove the funding stream avaliable to pregnancy centers via the purchase of Choose Life license plates. This harmful legislation seeks to require a new state regulation of all pregnancy centers such as requiring the placement of a sign outside of the center stating, “that it does not perform or refer women for abortions, that it does not provide or refer women for contraception, and that the facility is not required to maintain medical confidentiality or medical records in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).” The bill require state official to colllect a sample of all materials distributed at the center for analysis and potential crisism. The legislation would require a member of the centers' board to sign a document certifying that it: "provides only factually and medically accurate information about pregnancy, contraception, and abortion to a person seeking counseling, information, or assistance from the center.” The bill is designed to persuade women to visit abortion centers instead of pregnancy centers and the last provision calls into question legitimate research showing abortion causes physical complications such as breast cancer and mental health issues. The Democratic Senator Ralph Northam and the Democratic Delegate Herring are sponsoring the bills. They appeared at the press conference with NARAL where they released a year long study claiming that misinformation and deception occur at the centers. That's a lie of course. The study claims pregnancy centers rely on deceptive advertising and gave an example of “highly visible” billboards on “well traveled roads” with text such as, “Pregnant? Scared? Need Help? Call us!” The study also criticized the centers for operating as medical clinics, even though they are properly licensed and overseen by trained medical professionals. "The center looked like a small doctor’s office. There was a waiting room . . . an office with a glass check-in window. In the bathroom, there was a place to put my urine sample in the wall like at my doctor’s office. . . The ultrasound room looked like a room at my gynecologist’s office," one complaint read. NARAL believed that the centers aren't required by law to abide by federal standards of confidentiality (HIPAA) even though they voluntarily do. This reports calls out the fact that some centers provide literature that doens't plainly state that if you are a minor, the center may give certain information to parents or guardians. The study believes that medical ultrasound is used to how a woman a fetus present an emotional appeal. That's a lie since that a medical procedure. National ultraound organizations say it is proper for the diagnosis of pregnancy and the age of the unborn child. Victoria Cobb, the president of the Family Foundation, a state pro-life group, responded to the legislation and the attacks on these pregnancy resource centers. "Virginia’s lucrative abortion industry is watching women make a different choice than they want them to make and it’s eating into their profits. This new legislation is nothing more than an attempt to scare women from making a choice different than abortion," she told She said pregnancy centers "have assisted thousands of women in Virginia through crisis pregnancies and not a single woman has ever died. Virginia’s abortion clinics cannot say the same." Cobb urged pro-life advocates in Virginia to call their elected officials and urge strong opposition to the bills. Cobb wants pro-life advocates in Virginia to call their elected officials and urge strong opposition to the bills.

Secret Societies are real. Tons of people realize that numerous Greek Lettered Societies are similar to Freemasonry in their logos and rituals. Some founders of Kappa Sigma were Freemasons and borrowed much more heavily from Freemasonic ritual than did founders of other Greek-letter societies. Stephen Alonso Jackson, who wrote the ritual, was a Mason, and thus the similarities. Interestingly enough, Kappa Sigma chapters are set up in the same arrangement as Masonic. Sometimes initiations are held at the local masonic temple, and there is almost no setting up required. The Kappa Alpha Order was founded by 4 men and 2 of them were Masons. The chief author of the ritual for the Kappa Alpha Order was a Freemason. One person of this order said that the chapter used the local Masonic Temple with very little re-arrangement (particularly since the local temple was set up for a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. All three principal officers being seated in the front). A lot of KA history has Masonary involved. It's very common to see fraternities use Masonic Lodges to conduct their meetings. Kappa Sigma's pin is a pyramid with a snake tree of life symbol. This symbol or the cadeus is found in the medical field, international bankers, and business. They use multiple 5 star Pentagrams (which represents to occultists Nature, Satan, the Perfected Man, Venus, a symbol relating to Wicca, etc.), a cresent moon, and the skulls and bones in their logo as well. Every 8 years, the Pentagram pattern is shown in the travels of Venus around the sun. Some Kappa Sigmas are pushed into Freemasonry. Some Masons are part of Sigma Pi and Phi Kappa Sigma. Paganism definitely influence Masonry. Here is part of the official lecture for the first degree:
“The Sun and Moon,” says the learned Brother Delaunay of important Masonic symbols, “represent the two grand principles of all generations, the active and passive, the male and the female. The Sun represents the actual light. He pours upon the Moon his fecundating rays; both shed their light upon their offspring, the Blazing Star, or Horus, the three form the great Equilateral Triangle, in the center of which is the omnific letter of the Kabalah by which creation is said to have been effected.” (Morals and Dogma of Free-masonry, by Albert Pike, pp. 13-14.). The sun and moon concept in that fashion existed from the ancient Mysteries of Babylon and Egypt (of old sun worhip and the merging of Isis and Osiris to have Horus). High level Masons reveal that the Masons want to have human perfection and embrace the occult. Pike revealed that “two parallel lines which support the circle of the Lodge” are from an ancient symbol consisting of a ring supported by two serpents. This was supposedly “emblematical of the world, protected by the power and wisdom of the Creator.” Of course, this is wrong since the Creator isn't akin to serpents. Satan is the archetype of the serpent. Exposing Freemasonry has been more common nowadays.

By Timothy

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