
Monday, January 25, 2010

Scar on the Geneva and KJV Bibles

I disagree with the claim concerning the King James version muddying the trinity.

Look at 1 John 5:7 in the Geneva and King James, and then in the NIV. You'll see the difference.

As far as that video about the Battle of the Bibles, I was raised Catholic. When I was 13, my parents were divorced and I was given the choice whether to keep attending the RCC or not.

I had been taught Mary was the Queen of Heaven, and she was assumed into heaven at Catholic school. These were some of the "Glorious Mysteries" as taught to be contemplated on while saying the Rosary. We crowned a statue of Mary with a crown at a service held on the school grounds.

My question was simple- Where is any of this in the Bible?

The answer was "Nowhere."

I made the decision that the Catholic Church was practicing the art of deception, and I came to the conclusion Christianity was a ploy to control people and take their money.

When I was younger, I was often a troublemaker. One of my punishments was confinement to my room with nothing but a Catholic Bible and a set of World Book Encyclopedias to entertain me. I read every Encyclopedia multiple times and skimmed through the Bible. I read a lot of it, but I definitely skipped over genealogy and dietary laws. There were contradictions in the Bible itself, not to mention with Catholic tradition, and these factors led me not to trust the Word or the RCC (Roman Catholic Church).

I respected the teachings of Jesus, but there were too many contradictions between what the Bible and the RCC taught. I didn't look into what other denominations stood for. Looking back, I suppose I figured if the RCC was the "Mother" of all the other Christian churches, then the "daughters" resulted when lesser members got greedy and decided to take their piece of the "religious pie."

I studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and other religions and never even took a look at Christianity again for many years.

I'm 34 now and didn't become a Christian until November of 2008, so for most of my life, I was in darkness, searching for light where I could find it.

As funny as it sounds, being denigrated by a Pagan for not knowing what TNIV stood for is what led me back to the Bible. He mistakenly thought I was a Christian and apparently wanted to prove how shallow my belief system was. Although I laughed it off, I was curious because I didn't know what TNIV stood for.

This is what led me to Google where I began reading about various versions. Oddly enough, I found the link to that Walter Veith video on a site bashing the King James Bible. I began to watch it.

When I began to learn about the history of the Bible and the Reformation and saw some examples of the changes that have been made in the modern Bibles, I realized I'd been duped. I understood Jesus did exist, died for my sins and risen from the dead.

This realization made me angry. I understood there were people in the world interested in keeping the knowledge of salvation from as many as possible.

I was also upset and repentant for my life of sin. I made the decision to turn my life to Christ, receive baptism by immersion, renounced my former ways, and began to pray. Study became an important part of my life once again.

Watch those videos. See the verses which have been changed in the modern versions. Compare those verses to the Geneva and King James. You will see these 2 Bibles agree with each other and differ with the NIV, RSV, etc.

Nothing prevents me from believing King James might have had an agenda by commissioning the AV1611, and that agenda was the elimination of the marginal notes. However, I don't think the meaning of the Bible was changed.



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