
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jesuit puppet Nicholas Roerich helped create, the UN and the Great Seal of the 1 U$S

Nicolas Roerich was a Russian painter, philosopher, scientist, writer, traveler, and
public figure which helped and “inspired” the creation of the League of Nations thanks to his
“movement to the peace and fraternity of all men”, Now the United Nations, Roerich was an author and initiator
of an international pact for the protection of artistic and academic institutions and
historical sites (the “Roerich’s Pact” also called “PAX CULTURA” ) and a founder of an
international movement for the defence of culture which in fact was an intent to begin a
world religion based in buddhism and paganism. Roerich earned several nominations
for the Nobel Prize. He followed the teachings of Luciferian H. P. Blavatsky and was himself a Teosofist, and Luciferian. He also preached the coming of the Maitreya, which is the fake anti Christ. This man was instrumental in the creation of the Great Seal of America. The United Nations is the tool of the Roman Anti Christos Papal Ruling elite, many of the U.N.s programs come from Villa Aldobrandini, owned by the Aldobrandini family, other wise known as UNICEP, a think tank Laboratory in Rome. Alice Bailey also is influential in the creation of the Lucifer Trust, now known as Lucius trust. Another United Nations group.
The Papal Bloodines
The true ruling elite bloodlines of the World. These being Farnese, Orsini, Breakspeare, Somaglia and Aldobrandini. Ancient bloodlines of Rome which practice to this day Zoroastrianism and Mithras. These are the grey Jesuits in control of the Society of Jesus from the shadows. No longer do they show their blood within the open Order as of times of old. They put front commoners in the positions of Black Pope and White Pope thus staying out of the peoples eyes. This is The Arcana Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis!!
These people control the United Nations, And they control the United States Corporate government..
Wake up people..
Eye Of The Phoenix : Secrets Of The Dollar Bill

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