
Friday, February 19, 2010

The IRS plane strike in Austin, TX

A lot of people are talking about the plane crash in the IRS Building in Austin, Texas. A man named Joseph Stack is said to wrote a suicide note before crashing a plane into a building. Some believe that the FBI knew that an Austin attack was possible. The source claims that a confidential memo was circulated yesterday detailing that a building in Austin was going to be the target of an attack today. He was told this by an informant who works in the Dallas FBI office.Four FBI agents hurriedly left the Dallas office yesterday to be ready and on the scene for the aftermath of the incident, according to the informant, who was shaken when he saw events unfolding today and put two and two together. This source could be accurate or not, so this should be taken with a grain of salt. The fact that pilot Joe Stack changed his manifesto at least 27 times before the final version suggests that he had been writing it for days and this could have been what tipped off the FBI in the build up to the attack. It's been coming out by Austin residents that the FBI was immediately on the scene after the plane crash and were filming both the building and eyewitness. A separate witness told KXAN News that there were Hazmat teams and fire trucks in place across the street before the plane struck the building. Stack burned his house and emergency crews came quickly in only 5 minutes after a neighbor Elbert made the 911 call. The truth is that many in the media and other places have exploited this tragedy as an excuse to demonize Tea party members and anyone with legitimate criticism about some of the policies of the IRS. The liar Glenn Beck blamed the incident on Constitutionalists and the liberty movement (saying those people want to crash planes into building). That's proof there that Beck is a shill. The attempted terror airport attack on Christmas Day was found to be a set up (since authorities had to change their cover story when eyewitness Kurt Haskell said that the bomber was allowed to board Flight 253 by order of the State Department). Authorities were similarly prepared in advance of the 9/11 attacks in New York City. As part of the Tripod II exercise, FEMA deployed on September 10 to set up a command post at Pier 29 supposedly in preparation for a biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. So, the facts are coming out of the IRS building crash in Austin, Texas.

The Fourth Amendment is being trashed as airport tyranny hits the streets. This reality is about the lies promoted like being guilty until proven innocent, unconstitutional searches, pat-downs, sniffer dogs, etc. arrive at bus depots. Tampa police and TSA (plus the Homeland Security) agents are claiming that this immoral policy is about to "keep your family safe" as reported by the ABC News. They are implementing random searches at bus depots. This is another example of airport tyranny being rolled out in the streets. There are bomb sniffing dogs, pat downs, and metal detector wanding, gloved inspectors of hand-held bags. The Fourth Amendment is being bashed in the name of "security." ABC even found a regular Joe to assure us that feds makings us turn out our pockets and frisking us like criminals was a good thing because it prevented us from blown up. Bus bombings are non-existent in America. This reality hasn't stopped federal authorities turning U.S. cities into a place simialr to downtown Beirut (when every shopping mall, transport mall, transport hub, and public building patrolled by TSA thugs who are caught abusing their power on almost a daily basis with nightmare stories of harrassing disabled chilldren, old people, and other regular American trying to vain to innocently go about their business). “And so passengers ready to head toward Orlando, Jacksonville and points north had to go through a series of checks…a K-9 officer from the Tampa Airport Police department gave the bus his special “sniff test” in the baggage compartment. This is all a part of VIPR, which stands for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response,” according to the report.As was announced way back in 2005. VIPER Teams are already here patrolling Amtrak's Northeast Corridor and Los Angeles rail lines, ferries in Washington state, bus stations in Houston, and mass transit system in Alanta, Philadephia, Washington, and Baltimore. These teams are expanding their work beyond airplanes. They are launching counterror surveillance at train stations and other mass transit facilities. It's not right for naked bodies to shown in X-Ray machines seen by TSA workers, which is a violation of human privacy. The proponents of this trash say "Don't fly," don't take the bus, etc. Yet, we have a right to criticize this stuff. European authorities are planning ot have mobile body scanners and naked body scanners attached to lamp posts. This is like a warped mixed of Orwell's 1984 and The Running Man. Already, 1 out of 31 U.S. adults are either on probation, jail, prison, or parole. A prison system is built around us outside of prison by the same military industrial complex that wants confirmation in our land.

Big Pharma research admitted to fakings dozens of research studies for Pfizer and Merck. This is probably the largest research fraud in medical history according to Mike Adams from Natural News. Dr. Scott Reuben is a fomrer member of Pfizer's speakers' bureau. He has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals. Dr. Reuben accepted a $75,000 grant from Pfizer to study Celebrex in 2005. His research was published in a medical journal and has since been quoted by hundreds of other doctors and researchers (as "proof" that Celebrex helped to reduce pain during post-surgical recovery). One problem with this assumption is that no patients were ever enrolled in the study. Dr. Scott Reuben faked an entire study and got it published anyway. It wasn't the first study faked by Dr. Reuben. He faked study data on Bextra and Vixx drugs according to the Wall Street Journal. After Dr. Reuben's faked studies, the peer reviewed medical journal called "Anesthesia and Analgesia" was forced to retract 10 "scientific" papers authored by Reuben. The day of London reported that 21 articels written by Dr. Reuben that appear in medical journals have apparently been fabricated too and must be retracted. He signed a plea agreement (after signing a plea agreement) that will require him to return $420,000 that he received from drug companies. He also faces up to a 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. He was fired from his job at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. after an internatal audit found Dr. Reuben had been faking research data for 13 years. This is business as usual for Big Pharma. It's been proven that a medical researcher faked clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industy, so-called "scientific" medical journals published his fabricated studies, and drug companeis paid this person close to half a million dollars while he kept on pumping out fabricated research. This story isn't unusual or extraordinary at all. Drug companies bribe researchers and doctors constantly. Medical journals regularly present false, fraudulent studies. FDA panel members rely on falsified research in making their drug approval decision. The mainstream medis regularly quotes falsified research in reporting the news. Fraudulent research, in other words, is widespread in modern medicine. Big Pharma wouldn't operate greatly without this deception. It is falsified research that gives the industry its best marketing claims and strongest FDA approvals. Quacks like Dr Scott Reuben are an important part of the pharmaceutical profit machine because without falsified research, bribery and corruption, the industry would have very little research at all. "Anesthesia and Analgesia" medical journal gladly published Dr. Reuben's faked studies, even though this journal claims to be a "scientific" medical journal based on peer review. The journal shouldn't show science fiction at all. So, we should reject fake medicine and embrace real medicine (not dangerous vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, etc.). We don't need fraudulent research, bribery, and corruption.

JFK deal with many issues during his Presidency. He was for nationalism in the Third World. Back in July of 1957, Senate Kennedy gave a speech on the Senate floor denouncing the French colonial occupation of Algeria. This made the front page of the New York Times. Later, Algeria was given independence in 1962. Kennedy also criticizied the French brutality in the French Algerian War. Kennedy made ties with the Egyptian President Nasser. Nasser wanted pan-Arabic nationalism. Nasser publicly endorsed Algerian independence from France. This caused France to unite with Israel to fight against Egypt in the Suez Crisis of 1956. President Kennedy had voiced strong, albeit private, opposition to Israel’s development of the Bomb. The Kennedy Administration was well-aware of Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona. In fact, Kennedy and Ben-Gurion got into a heated personal exchange over that issue. Kennedy was concerned about Israel’s nuclear capabilities and made a secret deal for regular American inspections of the nuclear reactor in Dimona in exchange for Hawk antiaircraft missiles, something that Ben-Gurion wanted. Ben-Gurion allowed an inspection once, but it was a deception. JFK wanted further inspection of the Dimona facility. Historian Michael Beschloss wrote that "in the fall of 1963, Kennedy and Rusk were indeed casting about for some kind of cooperation with the Russians to keep Israel from going nuclear." JFK was a moderate in terms of handling Israeli policy indeed. There was the Yemen conflict that began when Yemen's leader Iman Ahmed died of natural causes in September 18, 1962. Ahmed was an archaic man and his secessor Prince Mohammad al-Badr (who was Ahmed's son) was more eccentric than Iman Ahmed was. al-Badr would climb trees and sit on a tree branch for an extended period of time. This is why the Prince was overthrown by Colonal Adbullah al-Salal. He was the commander of the Royal Guard. The colonel experienced inhuman condition when he was imprisoned by the elder Iman. Badr went into the mountains and called for tribesman for his cause to regain the throne. The Kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia gave al Badr assistance. Nasser gave the new republican government of Yemen his support. John F. Kennedy wanted Yemen to hold the coalition of Islamic state together and deal with the conflict as a civil war. He wanted the Yemenite government to solve its problems themselves. Nasser sent about 70,000 Egyptian troops to support the military regime in Yemen. Saudi Arabia support al-Badr's guerrilla movement, so Saudi Arabia and Egypt disagreed on the Yemeni civil war. When JFK died in 1963, the civil war booged down and disrupted Arabic unity for many years afterward.

Sarah Palin wants the Tea Party movement to merge with the Republican party. Sarah recently gave speech about the movement. She was speaking to a crowd of Republican faithfuls in Arkansas on Tuesday. Palin praised the movement and the corporate media claims that she rules this movement. She wanted Independents to pick a party, which is deceptive since the 2 party system is a duopoly of faulty choices. Palin declared that America is mired firmly in a 2 party system and the Tea Party has to make a choice. “Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party,” Palin said. “Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken? Which party will best fit you? And then because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’.” Palin is manipulating some in the Tea Party. Palin then commented that the Republican party platform best reflects the beliefs of the Tea Party movement. Her remarks or statements are related to her continued invocations of former President Ronald Reagan. Reagan talked about values, but he didn't walk it on every occassion. Ronald Reagan increased the size of government (contrary to preaching about smaller government, spent more money than his predecessors (which were borrowed at interest from bankers). He funded death squads in Latin America and warned the Sandinistas would be marching through Texas if the Pentagon didn't stop them. He squandered billions of dollars on projects like Star war. The Republican President George W. Bush ran up the deficit and the national debt to historical levels. He started 2 war that so far resulted in the murder of over 1 million people. Bush and the neocons trashed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This was done under the pretense of the global war on manufactured terrorism. They kidnapped people around the world and flew them to torture dungeons. Government didn't shrink under the leadership of Bush and the Republicans. Most Americans didn't see their taxes reduced or eliminated. A seat in the Arkansas Palin speech was $175 per seat. Sarah Palin showed her true colors as being a pro-war neo con. Palin said that a nuclear weapon in the hands of regime or terrorist group was the biggest threat to the country (especially talking about Iran. She believed that the country's debt also negativiely affected national security). One threat in America is the huge debt owed to international bankers that have decimated the middle class, shipped jobs to Third World nations, and can improverish future generations. Iran is not a threat to America. The USA attacked its neighbors and other nations for centuries. Some in the Tea Party realize that Sarah Palin is a Trojan Horse being used stir the movement into being an arm of the Republican Party basically. Governor Rick Perry and establishment neocons have deliberately target grass roots constitutionalists (via dirty trick campaigns in trying to stop the growing liberty movement). “Our office was contacted by a national personality, a household name, who told us that they were in a green room at a national public event a few weeks ago with Rick Perry. The individual was shocked when Perry said directly that there were three people who ‘got under his skin’ and who ‘had to be dealt with’ immediately,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote on February 17. Some feel that Karl Rove, who is a Republican political strategist, may steer Rick Perry's response against his critics. Rove is known for dirty tricks. Rove used dirty tricks against the political enemies of Richard Nixon (especially during Nixon's 1971 Presidential campaign according to Wayne Madsen from 2002). Rove is still an asset for the Republicans. Individuals from the Tea party should realize that they are being manipulated by the puppet Sarah Palin. The Tea Party should have their independence and not be swept by the Republicans (asserting their constitutionalist/libertarian roots).

The Industry Exposed part 55 found new information about Lady gaga or Stefani Germanotta. In a concert, she said that: "..Take your money. I odn't want it. I want your soul Singapore..." Some feel like she isn't talking literally wanting your soul, but metaphorically using a subliminal storyline that she's playing out. This series believes that Lady Gaga is using a subliminal storyline that is made up of alchemic, heremetic, and esoteric symbolism. In other concert, there is a stage called Fame Factory where a man talks about wanting a Lady gaga that's real. She said that the real Lady Gaga has no soul and Lady gaga comes out to perform. So, the man is describing a factory that Lady Gaga is being made. He compares Lady gaga to a product of fame hence the Fame Factory stage. The man acts an unsatisfied customer of the fame factory. He wants to return his Lady Gaga, because it's a fake. He continues to say that the real Lady Gaga has a polo/pogo stick. This is in reference to the rumors that Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite and he said that she has no soul. Having no soul is similar to Lady Gaga's persona of the Fame Monster (monsters don't have souls and Lady gaga wanting to symbolically have souls is apart of a symbolic storyline). Lady Gaga is caged and freed in the concert (after the man says "I'll take her. " This means that she is being brought and sold). It isn't a secret that numerous pop musicians are victims of manipulation, fame, sin, and mind control. Many of them are caged in motiffs and images. Lady Gaga's Grammy performance has fake lady gaga impersonators fake attack her. One man says: "...Everyones going gogo for gaga. Her mind controlling pop music is ruining my business. Take her away. She's a monster. She's a monster. And she's turning all of you into monsters. Later she perfoms with Elton John and says that she wants to be a star. Lady Gaga wears the sphere imagery. Lady Gaga wants fame for people to have for themselves. She said that: "...Apocalyptic rebirth when I appear in the orbit..." as definiting the meaning of her recent tour. She said that: "...My evolution is from the beginning of time, so I start as a cell, and then I become a vertebrate, and then I become a full animal, and there's the birth of the economy, and trade and war, then it's the Apocalypse. Because we as a society are tuaght politically and religiously that the Apocalypse is coming on its way. But what I'm saying with my show is, 'We're there right now: this is the Apocalypse.' The fact that we're surrounded by cement and we've already killed everything means the Apocalypse has happened."

By Timothy

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