
Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Continuing Erosion of the Bill of Rights


The Continuing Erosion of the Bill of Rights
Share: by JoshArizona May 21, 2010 at 11:16 pm
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The United States Constitution
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I keep seeing people go absolutely mad over Arizona's immigration reform bill. But nobody seems to care about the ever growing erosion of our civil liberties by the federal government! Why is this?
Why do people get so worked up about a bill in a state that they don't even live in, but completely ignore the fact that the federal government keeps chipping away at thier rights with a sledgehammer?
Under George W. Bush and continuing under Barack H. Obama, you have the following threats to your individual liberty:

1. The Patriot Act, originally signed into law by George Bush and reauthorized by Barack Obama. Which gives the federal government the ability to listen in on your phone calls, read your mail and email, search and seize your property or you all without a warrant! It also strips you of your writ of Habeus Corpus, they can arrest you and hold you without a warrant, without charging you, and without access to legal representation indefinitely,as long as they claim you are a "terrorist" or an "enemy combatant" which would not be determined by a court of law, because you are not being charged with a crime!

2.The nomination of Elena Kagan for Supreme Court justice by Barack Obama. This woman believes that the government can ban books and speech it deems offensive.
Her own words here: “Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs.”

3. The US Border Patrol claims that a 100 mile perimiter around the border(including coasts) is a "Constitution Free Zone" and that they can stop whoever they want and search whoever they want without a warrant or even probable cause. Over 90% of Americans live within 100 miles of the borders and coasts, including cities like. New York City, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, New Orleans, Miami, Newark, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, and San Fransisco to name a few.
4. Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman have intorduced bills that would deprive you of the due process of law, your ability to fly on an airplane, deprive you of your right to keep to keep and bear arms and your right to be secure in your persons, property, and possesions if you are placed on a "terror watchlist". These watchlists are comprised of people who have never been convicted of a crime, never been charged with a crime and these cases have never been reviewed by a court of law. DHS or the FBI can place you on these lists at their discretion without you ever being convicted or charged with a crime.

These are just a few examples of immediate threats to your civil liberties. Wake up and stop the hypocrisy people, you can't pick and choose which parts of the Constitution you think should be enforced. It's all or nothing, either we have a constitutionaly limited government or we don't.
If you are gonna get upset about what you perceive as violation of civil liberties by the state of Arizona, then also call out the federal government for it's even more dangerous attack on liberty.

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