The threat of Internet censorship is real. The Obama administration has violated the Bill of Rights again. The Feds in early July took down a free Woodpress blogging platform. This has subseqently disabled more than 73,000 blogs. The corporate media didn't report on these disturbing news. The site of was told by its hosting service that the government had issued orders to shut down the sit due to a "history of abuse" related to copyrighted material. Joe Biden and Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Victoria Espinel said that that the government would move to take down sites that offer unauthorized movies and music. They mentioned this strategy in late June. “Criminal copyright infringement occurs on a massive scale over the Internet, reportedly resulting in billions of dollars in losses to the U.S. economy,” said Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara has his office and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement created the "Operation in our Sites." This group has executed seizure warrants against nine domain names. claimed to shut down the 73,000 blogs. This is wasn't a normal case where suspension and notification would be the norm. Law enforcement officials forced them to do it and to immediately remove the server. Techdirt is a webiste that covers government policy, technology, and legal issues. This website said that these events are odd. The reason is that taking down thousands of blogs is excessive (they didn't even taken down some users or some users not thousands of users). The DMCA's takedown acts are a violation of the First Amendment under prior restrian. However, explains law professor Wendy Seltzer, because “DMCA takedowns are privately administered through ISPs… they have not received… constitutional scrutiny, despite their high risk of error.” Seltzer adds that “because DMCA takedown costs less to copyright claimants than a federal complaint and exposes claimants to few risks, it invites more frequent abuse or error than standard copyright law.” Some like TorrentFreak worries that the incident sets up a bad precedent. More sites may be targeted months into the future. Some sites are being monitored by authorities on copyright grounds. It's ambigious to define copyright infringement today. This could extend to other bloggers without due process (not just some sites0. Smash mouth Politics mention that: "...How soon before they find some reason to shut down other servers or networks? What’s probably infuriating to the bloggers who were shut down is that they have no recourse. They have no idea why the server was shut down. And the Feds are mum about it. Also, if the bloggers can even get a hold of the server admin, they’re refused any explanation of why.” As far back as October 2004, more than 20 indepedent media center websites and other Internet services were taken offline. This was not in response for alledged copyright infringement. This was done because of political reason. Indymedia servers were disappeared in that time. Even the ISP and the govenrment didn't give an explanation. On October 20, 2004, the Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a lawsuit in Texas and argued that “the public and the press have a clear and compelling interest in discovering under what authority the government was able to unilaterally prevent Internet publishers from exercising their First Amendment rights.” Later, it was discovered that the ISP shut down Indymedia's websites after they were contacted by the FBI. The FBI said a particular article on the website contained personal information and threats regarding two Swiss undercover police officers. It was later determined that the article contained neither threats nor names or address information and contained instead photographs of police agents provocateurs masquerading as anti-globalization protesters. The Barack Obama administration is in step with the Bush administration before it on this issue. They have no issue with violating the First, Fifth, and Tenth Amendments under the guise of online "piracy of copyrighted material). This is trashing the Bill of Rights. That is why the FBI and the Department of Homeland SSecurity is trying to intimidate ISPs to shut down websties. In June of 2010, a Senate committee approved a dictatorial cybersecurity bill. This allows Barack Obama to shut down the Internet in certain circumstances. The bill is called the the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act. The bill has the power to give President Barack Obama to claim to protect the Internet, but shut it down in emergency times. Obama would supposedly need congressional approval to extend a national cyber-emergency beyond 120 days under an amendment to the legislation approved by the committee. So, Internet freedom should be promoted more than ever.
A Pro-Life group is sponsoring a petition to oppose the pro-abortion Kenyan Constitution. This group is an International Pro-Life group. Thye want pro-life organizations in America and elseqhere to disagree with the pro-abortion proposed Constitution in Kenya. It will recieve a vote in August. The World Congress of Families is the organization's name. The petition is entitled, "In Support of The 'No' Campaign and Kenyans Opposed To The Pro-Abortion Constitution." Pro Lifers in Kenya have help to fight against this bill. The petition says that: "...the undersigned pro-family and pro-life leaders urge Kenyans to consider the consequences of enacting a constitution which would, in reality, allow unlimited access to abortion and result in the destruction of countless unborn children and injury to women..." The Managing director larry Jacobs told about the petition and said that "And we're doing it without tax dollars." This is in reference to the concerns pro-life groups and members of Congress that President Barack Obama has spent as much as 10 million dollars illegally supporting the efforts of the Constitution supporters to secure passage of the document. This would overturn the historic pro-life laws of the African nation. According to the information Chris Smith, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Darrell Issa received from the Office of the Inspector General of the US Agency for International Development, USAID has given grants totaling at least $680,000 to groups working to turn out the "yes" (pro-abortion) vote in the referendum. They believe that the total is closer to 10 million dollars. They point out public statements of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and officials have made that support the process without technically endorsing the constitution. Jacobs believed that this was illegal and hypocritical. Jacobs believed in this since he feel that the administration violated the Siljander Amendment. This Amedment bans the use of USAID and State Department funds to be used to lobby for or against abortion. The Obama administration has interfered with Kenyan affairs. The proposed constitution contains a “right to life at conception” but then carves out a health exception and explicitly allows abortion if it is permitted by another law. This clearly expands legalized abortion in Kenya. The proposed Constitution will be voted on in an August 4 referendum. As the Petition notes, Section 27 of the Constitution sets up a mechanism for abortion-on-demand.
There is a history of America and the global drug trade in the nation of Kyrgyzstan. This history deals with evil forces, coup d'etats, narcotics, and terror. Some fear that the crisis in Kyrgyzstan could spread all over Central Asia. U.S. involvement in Kyrgyzstan is similar to the events of American involvement in Laos (in the 1960's) and Afghanistan in the 1980's. American covet involvement in those countries led to civil wars producing numerous casualties and refugees. Barack Obama and Medvedev from Moscow can prvent a third conflict form breaking out in Kyrgyzstan. Many in the U.S. get rid of moderate government (whether it's a corrupt or non-corrupt government presented in its place), it controls its drug traffic, civil wars come up, and the future is volatile in that nation. The U.S. supported the pro-American regime of Phoumi Nosavan in Loas in 1959 via CIA intrigue and money. Nosavan only lasted for 18 months. The CIA involvement in Afghanistan backfired to caused the unpopular anti-American to develop in Afghanistan under Nur Mohammaed Taraki. He lasted for only 16 months. Civil wars occured in Laos and Afghanistan. Former Carter advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, who authorized the CIA’s covert Afghan operations of 1978-79 (with help from Robert Gates and others) admitted that he wanted the civil war (in order to get the Russian out of Afghanistan). He aided Islamic fundamentalists back in the late 1970's. Kyrgyzstan in the Central Asian heartland had been in a battle of control between America and Russia. the American sponsored Tulip Revolution came in Kyrgyzstan during March of 2005. Back in 1991, Askar Akayev ruled Kyrgyzstan as a moderate nation. There was economic trouble, yet he was supported by U.S. and Russia. By December of 2001, he granted America a base in Manas to support the invasion of Afghanistan. Corruption soon came when Soros foundations fund Akayev's opposition (since Akayev gave Russia a base). After the Tulip Revolution, the Bakieyev regime existed in Kyrgyzstan. Columbia University Professor Alexander Cooley said that the Bakiyev family ran the country like a criminal syndicate. "The whole Bakiyev family is involved in drug trafficking," said Alexander Knyazev, a respected independent political analyst in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz capital. When Kurmanbek Bakiyez was in power, all drug lords were killed and his elder brother Zhanybek Bakiyev merged most of the drug trafficking in his hands. In May 2010 former Kyrgyz Deputy Security Council Secretary Alik Orozov told a Bishkek newspaper that the Drug Control Agency had been closed by Janysh Bakiyev, who wished to take full control over drug trafficking. Bakiyev's drug involvement isn't protested much by the West. Later, Bakiyev had a coup in April of 2010. Some feel that it was a Russian supported effort to overthrow him. Russia’s displeasure with Bakiyev was also spelled out by a writer for the PNAC-linked Jamestown Foundation. Some jihadists claim to started the civil war. Uzbeks have been attacked by the Kyrgyz military in the unrest. This region has been a place of drug running and mafia connection in the narcotics system.
I didn't want to write about the NAACP vs. the Tea Party controversy until some time came about. I desired to take a step back and evaluate the whole situation in a succint fashion. I wanted my intensions to be firm in describing the truth, yet succintly accurate in the means to describe my personal opinions on this issue. For thousands of years, the issue of race is crystallized in our society. It can unite and divide people. It's a means of meaningful discussion and it can be exploited for political gain. The NAACP resolution was simply a call for the Tea Party to reject racist elements in its organization. It didn't even call all of the Tea Party as being equivalent to a racist clique. The proposed resolution so far is rather quaint. The Tea Party existed in 2008 as a means to oppose the bailouts and promote their philosophies of limited government, individual liberty, and opposing government spending. Most of the Tea Party Movement consists of libertarians, conservatives, and independents. Most of the Tea Party people are not racist. On the other hand, numerous evil signs have been scattered in their rallies. The question is what is the Tea Party Movement's future and the future existence of the NAACP as its pertains to trying to make more improvements in American society. Many Tea Party leaders have denounced racism. Many NAACP leaders have programs in dealing with crime, mentoring, education, and other problems. Ironically, both groups aren't perfect. The Tea party has been infiltrated by the pro-CNP Heritage Foundation, Freedom Works, and numerous establishment Republican elites. Many NAACP leaders have been Freemasons in the past and some have been members of the Boule. The NAACP refuse to take a position on abortion one way or the other despite Pro-life citizens calling them to do so. The NAACP is 100% pro-Democrat in its political orientation. Yet a real human being should not be beholden to any major political party completely. A real human being has the right to be Independent and think for his or her self on deciphering political matters. You don't have to give blind support to the Democratic party to prove appreciation for your cultural identity when both of those major parties have done their dirt. I reject the status quo. A major weakness of the Tea Party is that some of them embrace contradictions (like they feel that big government is evil, but they support the Big Government in other arenas). These arenas include the military, prisons, the police, public hospitals, and Homeland Security. The DHS violate our civil liberties constantly. They bash the social safety net, but they love their Social Security and Medicare. Their taxes haven't radically gone up either. Ronald Reagan Said 40 Years Ago That America Would Become Communist If Medicare Was Passed. Well 40 Years Have Passed And We Have Still 3 Branches Of Government And We Are A Democratic Republic Intact. A major weakness of the NAACP is that they refuse to believe that strongly condemning abortion on demand is no vice. Not to mention that inherit political alliegance to one party (or another) isn't apart of a means for comprehensive solutions. Recently, Mark Williams made a stereotypical letter. The letter (sent in fictional way to Abraham Lincoln under the guise of a NAACP leader) made the stereotype in racist terms that black people who are liberal or progressive obsess with government spending, don't want black people to have responsbility, and they want black people to be lazy. I don't agree with progressives on every issue. Although, even I know that progressives don't agree with the idea that government can solve every problem. They feel that active government is apart of the solution to help citizens' standard of living in various stages (which is true). Mark Williams used degatory words too in his letter in order to inflame the debate instead of cordially making known his positions. Refuting Williams is easy. He needs to realize that Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution clearly shows that the government can spend money to help people, promote sciences & the arts, and other active duties to improve society. Williams need to know that taxes aren't radically raised now and that the poor play plenty of local, consumer, Social Security, and other forms of taxation. He forgets that a Wall Street bailout may be wrong. Nevertheless, government spending to help unemployed citizens or to build up infrastructure are not immoral either. People from across the political spectrum do believe in self-help, yet life is more complex than that. Sometimes assistance is needed toward all people, which is the reality that reactionaries like Mark Williams don't understand. Also, freedom is fine, yet the markets without any safeguards can create an economically oppressive atmosphere. You have to have some safeguards and regulations to protect human beings. Also, Williams forget that the Constitution promotes the idea of the government enhancing the General Welfare of the people. Most people on welfare are not blacks (they are white people) and welfare used in the right fashion can be a blessing to any suffering human being. So, some in the Tea Party Movement need to clean up its own house before calling the NAACP racist. Mark Williams is a hypocrite. He denies being a racist, but he called President Barack Obama in these words: "...Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief..." He also said that:"...“Political correctness is going to kill us. Political correctness led to 9/11, political correctness led to Barack Hussein Obama — political correctness is a societal HIV. (America has) a full-blown case of AIDS and we’re the cure,” Williams said. So, there you have it. Mark Williams is a deciever and a neo-con racist. Tea Party Express Chairman Mark Williams Step Down recently. He reap what he has sown. I do realize that minorities are in the Tea Party rallies, but reality doesn't change the reality that we're dealing with today. The reality is that a minority of racists (with signs comparing Obama to a Witch-Doctor) are in the Tea Party rallies. The Tea Party didn't exist in most of the Bush Years. Even NAACP leader Jealous have exposed this reality. The good news is that the Tea Party and the NAACP controversy can allow real issues to come into the table more often (like the Drug War, diseases, the prison system, being against austerity measures, our civil liberties, education, health, private corporate corruption that the Tea Partier rarely talk about, etc.). We lose tax revenue, because of corporations hid their taxes in tax havens. The Tea Party don't report on this corporate piracy. Maybe this controversy can be a blessing in guise. This doesn't mean we accept mainstream liberal propaganda. Left Gatekeepers are just as bad as reactionaries. The Left Gatekeepers may use some nice sounding words, but many of them accept the war in Afghanistan, abortion, population control, and other nefarious principles. So, I don't need to acquire fear about the world. I just want justice to be greatly executed aggressively throughout the whole world.
By Timothy
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Tea Party for electing Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown since he voted for the Financial Reform Bill and help the President of the United States with another legislative victory, thank you Tea Party. Have you heard of “Unintended Consequences” or “Blowback”? Was he working for the Tea Party, himself or our Country, hmmm only you can answer this one?
ReplyDeleteThe problem is this. Tea Party candidates will win a number of these congressional races because local districts are often safely partisan in nature. They can make their wild, unfounded claims, crazy accusations, etc., and win. That means not only are we likely to see an increase in Republican seats in both houses, we're likely to see more antics, more insanity, more stupidity. At the same time they're going to do everything they can to derail Obama's policies which will likely mean high unemployment, a moribund economy, and more compromises on policy positions that make no one happy.
That could literally mean that if the Republicans put up a legitimate candidate in 2012, they could win. Such a result is bad enough, but the likely response for the Democrats is to move further to the "middle" to placate voters. As we've seen over the last decade, the "middle" in American politics is basically on the verge of being an 80s Republican. Increasingly that means we'll have a political landscape of a conservative party and ratfuck insane parties. The former, given it's track record, slowly moving to the right, the latter, given it's track record, loudly screaming "socialism, communism, fascism!!!"
If we continue on this course, privatization will be socialism.
That's an interesting point of view. Brown is an Independent so that is his tendencies. The Financial Reform Bill has many legitimate parts and some omissions that even Feingold (a real liberal) voted agaisnt it. The Tea Party has views that I don't agree with, but even Barack Obama isn't some god either. It's better to be Independent to accept the Left/Right paradigm. I don't ally with the Republicans or the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteThe response to the Tea Party crowd isn't hatred. We know that hatred and resentless toward anyone results in a never ending cycle of distortion, non-objectivity, and it incorporates no love for our fellow man. We should love them even with our disagreements on some issues. In the 21st century, we have to go try to find more better solutions and it isn't about harboring a sort of stereotypical opinion about people. It's certainly about advocating a comprehensive approach in solving the important issues in our American and world society.