
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The smearing of Shirley Sherrod

5 months ago 9
Absolutely and what the upper-classes are counting on is that the lower and middle classes continue to be fractured as that dilutes our real power, which lies in our numbers. They haven't done anything we allowed or consented to, but the one factor to keep in mind is that they need us to maintain thier status. The bigger question might be are we still willing to empower them or will we wake up and wise up?

5 months ago 9
It's one thing to be critical of a guy and say 'Hey, here's what he's doing wrong and here's how he can do better'....It's another thing all together to shout about Kenyan birth certifiacates, socialism, communism, facism, death panels, school abortion clinics, and plans to kill grandma.When rational debate degenerates into baseless name calling-THAT'S psycho talk at it's worse...

3 weeks ago 3
We've got plenty of money to bail out the wealthy bankers and stock brokers but people who have to really work for a living have to starve. These fascist corporations and bought off Senators need to go. The sooner the better. And yes, Harkin where is Obama on TV showing this to the American people? I'm am disgusted by the wars and contemplating leaving the Democratic party because of the weak and corrupt leadership that runs throughout the Democratic party.


The media cares about nobody. Look how they portray working class whites. All rednecks and hillbillies. Look how they portray the Irish. Or blacks...

When they do feature blacks it's very often patronizing, trivializing, etc. Oh we love you, now dance for us.

They are interested in keeping ALL of us stupid and dumbed-down so we'll continue to dance to their tune. This is not specific to black people. We need to all unite against this crap.

-Barros Serrano

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