
Monday, October 18, 2010

2010 in Mid October (The Truth is Here)

The Finance capital empire has decreased rapidly. The Wall Street class is dominating political affairs in America. The White House have given banksters everything that they have desired and still there is no radical economic improvemtn in America. Wall Street recieved free money and capital rates have reached into complications. This is proof that unfettered capitals have more contradictions. Wall Street's political supremacy in America is near complete and they have neutralized both Republicans and Democrats. There has been a transfer of $12-14 trillion to Wall Street (after the bursting bubble, and housing bubbles). The old bubbles haven't been reflated, so the redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich occured. Some liberals say that the stimulus money wasn't enough to help the poor and middle class. There is some truth to that. Also, there is a crushing of the monopoly capitalist system now (even with the actions of the Federal Reserve). The economic system is crashing, because of Wall Street's hegemony, its unfettered freedom to act out its imperatives, etc. that causes a deeper crises. Some folks believe that the present economic system can't be repaired unless there is a radical change in the current system that we have presently. There has been $14 trillion spent (that is equivalent to the size of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. It's probably the largest transfer of wealth in human history) mostly on Wall Street with little results, so another solution is needed. The U.S. is loaned and lacks value to create massive international improvement even if it's imported. Some want to have a moratorium on home foreclosurers. Some banks have trouble seeing who had mortgages or not via the big bank practice of robo signing. Ellen Brown wrote that mortgages are merged in bundles or tranches via the MERS system or the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems. Yet, MERS can't own nothing or assign anything (despite some banks saying that MERS were the temporary holders of the sliced and diced mortgages). Some banks may be solvent and there is financial fraud. Even President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress are trying their best to find solutions conducive to Wall Street (and still Wall Street says that Barack Obama hasn't gone far enough to accept their demands). The beast is the finance monopoly capitalist class that wants more power. Some banks speculated greatly because of the FED's free money. Michael Hudson wrote that the predatory speculative class weant against every government and currency in the world (against nations especially agaisnt the U.S. dollar). People are opposing U.S. imperialism. U.S. imperialism should die, yet people in the interime should have their own actions to help people (and oppose Wall Street's domestic depredations). Democrats and Republicans in their leadership are beholden to Wall Street (including Foundations, think tanks, some in the private sector, the mainstream media, elite bloodlines, etc.). Many foreign places and others want to replace the dollar with the reserve currency in the future (as a menas of international trade). Some folks have to get off the materialism evil mentality and get used to a new life.

Like usual, some in Wall Street and even in the White House blame homeowners in foreclosure crisis. Wall Street don't want any government moratorium on foreclosurers (even when there is evidence that banks systematically and illegally falsified documents in order to expedite hundreds or even millions of foreclosurers). This documented abuse include banks hiring contractors and what one Goldman Sachs executive referring to as "Burger King Kids" to process thousands of foreclosure documents per week. This comes when banks told the courts that they were familiar with the cases. Lenders falsified signatures, notary stamps, and tossed legal documents into the garbage. Every major bank is implicated in the widening scandal. The barons of Wall Street uses these examples of law breaking as immaterial and those who were evicted as deserving of their fate (when a number of state attorneys general have called a fraud on the court). Jamie Dimon, him being CEO of JP Morgan Chase, has his bank being implicated in the scandal. He said that there have been no accidental evictions. “We’re not evicting people who deserve to stay in their house,” the multimillionaire banker declared. “If you didn’t pay your mortgage, you shouldn’t be in your house. Period,” Walter Todd of the investment advisory firm Greenwood Capital Associates, told Reuters. Anton Schultz said that people should be on the street since they should be following the law. He lied and claimed that people weren't paying their mortgages even with a robo signature. Some bankers don't care about the people obviously. As Paul Krugman of the New York Times notes, “In effect, they’re saying that if a bank says it owns your house, we should just take its word. To me, this evokes the days when noblemen felt free to take whatever they wanted, knowing that peasants had no standing in the courts. But then, I suspect that some people regard those as the good old days.” Krugman makes the difference between claims made by Wall Street and the upcoming off year elections (that the Obama administration this week categorically ruled out any national moratorium on foreclosures) instead of calling on banks to review their actions plus carry through with foreclosures. The banks said that the victims of foreclosures weren't victims of fraud and they have defaulted on their mortgages. People disagree with this view. The voluntary moratoriums on foreclosurers don't by the bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Ally Financial only deal with sales and evictions (not to other parts of the foreclosure process that keep on going now). Three banks reportedly continuing foreclosure sales at a number of locations, including Jacksonville, Florida. People are getting played and the foreclosure scandal keeps on continuing. These systemic problems weren't stop by federal agencies that were tasked with monitoring the bank mortgage industry. These agencies include the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision. Bloomberg's Jonathan Weil said that these agencies didn't do anything to stop these institutions from treating the country's courts so contpemptously. The Indy Mac bank was ruled by the FDIC or the Federal Desposit Insurance Corporation while it was doing illegal processing of foreclosure documents. Courts have been implicated as well. Victor Tobin of Broward County was one of the judges in the special foreclsosure courts that dealt with being robo signer. Tobin was found to sign off on uncontested foreclosure cases as fast as a clerk couldk eep them coming only a few seconds per file. There are fake loan documents that have raised doubts over the solvency of the entire mortgage security industry. The paperwork may not exist or may be lost because of the robo signers. The finance industry promoted home refinancing and teaser rate mortgages during the housing bubble. The Ponzi scheme collapsed. The legal paperwork to lay claim to properties wasn't there. The documentation didn't exist. Krugman wrote that: "...The trusts were legally required to obtain and hold the mortgage notes that specified the borrowers’ obligations. But it’s now apparent that such niceties were frequently neglected. And this means that many of the foreclosures now taking place are, in fact, illegal.” There may be many lawsuits not only from defrauded homeowners, but also from powerful investors who purchased mortgage backed securities from them. The stocks of major U.S. banks suffered sharp losses as result of renewed concerns over their solvency stemming from the mortgage foreclosure crisis. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Citigroup finished the day down more than 4 percent. The fall continued on Friday, with BOA and JPMorgan Chase shares falling more than 3 percent. Spreads on bank credit default swaps also grew grealty with BOA's reaching levels it didn't seen since July 2009. The cost of insuring bank debt increased by over 6 percent during the week.

"Waiting for Superman" is a great propaganda documentary. I was almost manipulated by it. Its propaganda will benefit hedge funders. The goal of the documentary is to promote the private market for profit educatinal services (that can be traded on the stock market and bet on derivatives). Barack Obama promotes this film's privatizing project. It's a bait and switch deception of a film. The corporate media, billionaires from the Wal Mart family (made up of reactionaries), Bill Gates, and even President Barack Obama are one on this issue. Tey desire to have this public educational market (worth possibly to be trillions of dollars) to aided in the funding of more charter schools. Propaganda is shown in order to convince people to make public school change into privately exploited markets (under the guise of Wall Street and hedge saying that they wish to save public education). "Waiting for Superman" is one of the slickest films on education in human history. Predatory capitalists fund the film and they exploit the poor in Washington D.C. The reason is that they use a lottery system to give only a few kids a chance to go into the 24 hour boarding charter place called the Seed School. This school has dorms like a college or unversity (to fit 12 to 15 students). There are only 15 students for each teacher. The film callously promotes the deception that replacing public school with a 24 hour prep school camp is a possibility in inner city communities. One thing that the film has right is that public schools are in bad shape. There are draconian educational cutbacks. Teachers are being fired by the thousands, curriculums are being scaled to the boen, and the film promotes a prep school as a solution. Not to mention that many charter schools perform worse than traditional public school counterparts than those that test better nationwide. Bill Gates spent $2 million in a marketing plan to promote charter schools. Profiteers love a hybrid publicly funded school system where corporatists control it. Democrats and Republicans love this ideas as both parties are the same wings of the same hawk of nepotism. That is why finance capitalists have recently used Democrats (given left wing cover like on the war on terror) in order to promote this new war on teachers and the very idea of public education. This exploits the historical grievances of Black parents. The covert agenda of the elite to infiltrate and destroy public education is apparent for anyone to see. If charter schools are more common, more poorer communities will suffer when public schools die off. Some have accuse charter schools of spreading segregating (or de facto segregation) and undermining unions. A University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA) Civil Rights Project study, “Choice without Equity: Charter School Segregation and the Need for Civil Rights Standards,” reported that charter schools, particularly those in the western United States, are havens for white re-segregation from public schools. “The charter movement has flourished in a period of retreat on civil rights,” stated UCLA professor Gary Orfield, co-director of the project. We don't need the corproate takeover or privatizing of public education (as been promoted by Bill Bennett and the Heritage Foundation for decades). In a bigger level of thinking, this agenda is the continuation of the neo-liberal/ neo-con free market plan that desiring to privatize as many institutions as possible. Arne Duncan earlier this year had the GALL to say that Katrina was the best thing to happen to New Orleans Schools. That was wrong. Katrina killed thousands of people and devastated New Orelans. The mainstream media can talk abotu Van Jones, but not Duncan.

People have exposed forced abortion in China. There is a gendercide against women and girls in China as well. Even Congressman Christ Smith is exposing this issue. Some want President Barack Obama to tell Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to promote human rights more by opposing the destructions of mostly female unborn babies. The one child policy went into a higher level by September 25, 1980. This was done by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. They did this under the guise of overpopulation. Bad human rights abuses have occured as a result of this policy. This policy has been revealed by Dr. Susan Greenhalgh from the University of California, Irvine. Chinese forces have done forced abortion, crackdowns on "unauthorized" births, and victims are apparent. The blind activist Chen Guancheng was jailed and was in house arrest for his advocacy on the part of mothers who underwent forced sterilizations. A 23 year old woman named Pi Ping lied on a bed and was a victims of a forced abortion. Reggie Littlejohn, an active opponent of the one child policy and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, explained what happened to Ms. Li. Pregnant without a birth permit, she was pulled off the street by an overzealous “population official,” and her child was forcibly aborted. Because she had no money to pay for the disposal of the baby’s dead body, the doctors dropped it into a bag and placed it on her bed. Ke Chengping was one speaker and woman who experienced forced aboriton. She cried about it. The baby was removed by force from her uterus and the offical inserted a sterilization device. She and her husband cried after the deed was done. Chai Ling was a woman and she opposes the one child policy. Chai Ling was oen of the well known former leaders of the Tiananmen Square student movement in 1989. The Chinese government use crackdowns, intimidation, birth permits, fines for violators, etc. to keep the one child policy intact. There is the ratio between 120 and 160 males for every 100 females. This will leave millions of Chinese males without a partner, an increase of sex traffic to China, and increase of female suicide. The one child policy is wrong and it has traumatized Chinese people for 30 years according to Rep. Smith. It abuses and violates women. That is why Rep. Smith wants the U.S. to end the funding of the UN Population Fun,d which he calls as an enabler in chief of forced abortion and forced sterilizaiton in Chinese. He suggests that Obama bring it up with the Chinese Premier before the latter leaves the United States. Obama met Wen yesterday, but did not touch on the issue.

Fluoride is easily a poison. People have toxify the tap water in the water. The U.N. in July of 2010 said that access to clean water is a human right. America was among 41 nations that didn't support that resolution.
October 15th is Blog for Water Day. The U.S. is wrong for fluoridating the city water supplies. This issue of water flouridation is controversy. The Case Aginst Fluoride is a book that won the accolades of a Nobel Laureate. His name is Arvid Carlsson. He recieved his Nobel Laureate in Medicine or Physiology from 2000 (and he's the Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, Univeristy of Gothenburg. He wrote that Sweden rejected fluoridation in the 1970's. WHO figures have proved that it can cause tooth decay and other problems exist with the hazards of fluoride. Published on October 7th, The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There, by Paul Connett, James Beck, and Spedding Micklem, warns that water fluoridation “receives no oversight from the Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency takes no responsibility for the practice.” Carl Hays praised the book. Even though the CDC said that water fluoridation is a good thing, researchers have found that it has issues. A non-soluble substance that's unknown had been found in bags of fluoride from China to Amesbury, Massachusetts. This month, the video caught the attention of bloggers who focused on the warning label on the sodium fluoride bag seen in the video: "TARGET ORGANS: Heart, Kidneys, Bones, Central Nervous System, Gastrointestinal System, Teeth. Do not get in eyes or on skin. Do not ingest or inhale." Now, this stuff shouldn't be placed in our water supply at all. Many scientists oppose a toxic substance like fluoride in our drinking supply, yet many other people want our water to be fluoridated. A short 30 minute film called Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation. Mass drugging of a people violate medical ethnics and it lacks informed consent. Over 2,000 professionals want to ban the practice. Dr. Carlsson said that: "...It’s absolutely obsolete.” Modern pharmacology recognizes that individuals react differently to the same dosage of a given drug.
Dr Phyllis Mullenix concurs. “The whole name of the game [of pharmacology] is to deliver the right dose to the right person at the right time. And that’s not what fluoridation does.” Any beneficial effect from fluoride on teeth is only topical. As one scientist put it, “If you want to prevent sunburn, you don’t drink suntan lotion. You put it on your skin." Municipal water with fluoride can damage our internal organs especially of children. Fluoride can lower mental intelligence. Fluroide can cuase depression and 1 in 3 adults have arthritis, which is a symptom of skelettal fluorosis. The World Health Organization advised that a third of US children suffer from dental fluorosis caused by too much fluoride intake.  Even professionals in the film cite a 2006 report form the National Research Council that wants the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to lower the maximum amount of fluoride allowed in drinking water. The Amesbury news report have people finding sodium chloride. This form of fluoride is found in municipal water supplies. There is also hexafluorosilicic acid, a waste product of the agricultural phosphate industry. It is not pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride. Sound science is found in the  book, The Case Against Fluoride, and the film, Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation that desire cities to ban fluoridation of our drinking water. Now, fluoride filtration systems can be purchased for home installation, ranging from around $50 a year to several hundred dollars.

By Timothy

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