
Monday, November 01, 2010

Fall in 2010 Part 4

Dr. Mildred Jefferson was a Pro Life hero that few people know about. She recently passed away in October 15, 2010. She was born in April 4, 1926 in Pittsburg, Texas. She was dedicated Christian being a Methodist. She was the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School. Her father was a Methodist minister and her mother was a school teacher. Texas College is the place where she had her master's degree and Texas College was the place where she had her Texas College. Jefferson became prominent as a leader in the Pro-Life Movement. She helped to create the National Right to Life Committee. She passed away in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was in the 1979 documentary called “What­ev­er Hap­pened To The Hu­man Race?” which fea­tures the­olo­gian/ philoso­pher Fran­cis Scha­ef­fer V and C. Ev­erett Koop, M.D., whom lat­er be­came the U.S. Sur­geon Gen­er­al un­der Pres­i­dent Ronald Rea­gan. Dr. Jefferson said in the documentary that her job was to preserve life and not to destroy it. She believed in the Judeo-Christian ethic that personal conduct shouldn't include the act to harm innocent human life in the womb. She opposed Roe V. Wade as given license to give abortion to occur at almost any occurence during the duration of a pregnancy. Dr. Jefferson said that the doctor should act as a role of healer and not in essence to act as an executor. She broke many racial and gender barriers as being the first female surgical interm at Boston City Hospital. Anne Fox was the President of Massachusetts Citizens for Life and was a close friend of Dr. Jefferson. Dr. Jefferson used eloquently to oppose the murderous actions of abortion. Even in the 21st century, Dr. Jefferson worked for the pro-life movement. She wanted to work with young people in an oratory contest. In a 2003 profile in the antiabortion magazine American Feminist, Dr. Jefferson said the antiabortion movement was “second only to the abolitionist movement’’ in the way it changed American thinking. I am at once a physician, a citizen, and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live,’’ she told the magazine. She said that she opposed abortion back in 1970 since the American Medical Association passed a resolution that wanted doctors to have abortions if the procedure was legal in their states. Dr. Jefferson felt that the Hippocratic oath required her to oppose abortion. She served as a prosecution witness against Dr. Kenneth Edelin, a Boston doctor charged with manslaughter for performing an abortion on a Roxbury teenager. She skied all of the time. Even some of her Democratic friends came to her funeral since she was good friends with them. She was divorced and had no children. She has cousins that had grandchildren. Her legacy is that even back then, Pro-Life heroes stood out to promote the instrintic principle that unborn human life is not only valuable, but it's human with fundamental worth.


President Barack Obama is at a crossroads in his Presidency. Many people including myself disagree with him on some issues. Wall Street and Trilateralist interests have exploited the man in order to give imperialism or slick corporate policies a left wing cover. The elite surrounding Barack Obama operate in duplicity, deception, and deceit. They act in this manner to demonize the real patriot movement and neutralize the base in the Democratic Party. Obama ran as a peace candidate in terms of Iraq. Yet, Barack Obama had more combat troops in the field than Bush. The Iraq War still exists. Barack Obama has begun a new war in Pakistan. Pakistan is subsequently different than Iraq Pakistan has many times more people than the population of Iraq. Pakistan does have nuclear weapons, but is no direct military threat to America at all. There are now U.S. military operations in Yemen, Somalia, and naitons surrounding Iran. This isn't about peace. This is about war. The President allowed the union busting movement to grow. He gave billions of dollars from the United Auto Workers which have been transferred to Wall Street in exchange for dubious Chrysler and GM stock certificates. The UAW has had to accept wages and benefits at the same level as open shops in the so-called right to work states of the South, where there is little union power. Also, the Race to the Top Programs aims at controlling the teacher union of the the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. As usual, this is done under left cover, in this case under the slogan of reform. That is why Republican Chris Christie from New Jersey and even some Democrats love to see teachers being vilified, fired, denied tenure, and subjected to merit pay. Hundreds of public schools are being shut down too since 2008. Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arnie Duncan, has been leading the charge with the unlamented Michelle Rhee. Their goal is to destroy free, universal, quality, education as we have known it since the Northwest Ordinance and the days of Horace Mann (or make it privatized or promote charter corporoate schools more). Under left covert, President Barack Obama supports the right to assassinate American citizens (without due process or legal protections) if they are outside America. There are still kidnappings via renditions, black sites, torture, and the Guantanamo concentration camp still existing strongly. Bankers have funded Obama's run for President. The Federal Reserve (headed by Ben Bernanke) is given more power. $24 trillion are given as bailouts to Wall Street too. The White House are giving billions and trillions of dollars to help the poor or the middle class. The financial regulation new law has been watered down. Derivatives, foreclosures, adjustable rate mortgages, payday loans, car title loans, too big to fail, and all the other practices that should have been outlawed with bright line prohibition are still in place. Many Democrats legitimately want to stop foreclosures to have people stay in their home, yet the White House won't allow it. Barack Obama is bounded under Wall Street interests for the time being. Some believe that Obama is trying triangulate himself to appease the reactionaries and members of his own Democratic Party. He neutralizes his base and appeases to Wall Street, while some still call him a socialist when he isn't. Now, Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare could be in threat of being cut massively via his deficit reduction commission. This commission was created in February of 2010 when he signed an executive order to have the 18 person panel to see what can be cut from our social services. The corporations will definitely get stronger after the November 2 elections even. It's true that programs like Social security aren't entitlements per se, but insurance programs since working people pay into it when they work various jobs. Like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama wants to appeal centrists. Barack Obama supported the bank bailout. The reactionary backlash came when there was the corporate assault on the poor for the last 35+ years (ruining much of the labor movement when they've attacked it when the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act was passed). While this was going on, many religious places were neutralized from preaching about liberation. This is why people want to bring troops home and close military bases to fund our transportation services, our health care services, our education, and the rest of our infrastructure that ought to be funded. The establishment use the Tea Party crowd as an excuse to promote their agenda (when many Tea Party people lack comprehensive proposals to solve problems especially in a long term fashion). The idea that the President is far left is laughable. He is more conservative than Nixon on economics and governmental branches, he is more conservative than Reagan on immigration, President Barack Obama cut more taxes than Reagan, Barack Obama spent more on the military than George W. Bush, and he is more neo-conservative than Bill Clinton on foreign policy. People like President Barack Obama, Ann Coulter, Clarence Page, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly Michael Savage, etc. sprew rhetoric to give a smiling face to Empire building. They embrace the current laissez faire capitalism that has brought misery and havoc in society.

The President's health care law have many legitimate parts in it and some errors. Some critics see it as enriching the insurance companies. Some populists want Medicare for all Americans instead or a simple public option. Obama has looted $500 billion from Medicare as part of his bail out for bankrupt insurance companies. It's ironic that Social Security can be radically changed when the Deficit commission comes out with its findings. You can't be a hypocrite when dealing with the Constitution. You can't pick and choose parts that you like and ignore the rest. Some liberals and progressives condemned the Bush/Cheney regime for their evil violations of the Constitution. Now, some of them support the President when President Barack Obama has supported the Patriot Act, renditions, etc.

There is a debate about greenbackers and goldbugs. We all agree that the Federal Reserve should be extinct. I'm more titled to the Greenbackers economically. There has been a debasement of the dollar. Some believe that the FED may end its reign according to Black Swan author Nassim Taleb plus others. Now, it's time for more solutions to America's currency. This is an important issue. I don't beliee in a global currency. The elite via the Federal Reserve (along with other forcing private central banks and the IMF) have had plans for a global currency. This isn't conspiracy fiction. The IMF pushed for the Bancor global currency as exposed by Lew Rockwell (even though I don't agree with him on every issue). There is a recent international currency war. Some want to use this to create some currency for international trade. The elite want more centralized control. There is the currency debate in America. Some want a Greenback approach and other wants the Gold Standard approach. The Gold standard lover Gary North (who wrote "Honest Money") use many false accusations against Ellen Brown. Ellen Brown is a Greenbackers and wrote her book called "Web of Debt." North used sample in her book to compare her agenda to Hitler since she believes in a public bank. North is a liar of course since it was Hitler that hated unions, hated gun rights, and hated civil liberties. Adolf Hitler banned the Social Democratic Party and was an union buster. North claimed that the Greenback movement is fringe. Regardles of what the lies of Gary North claims (who is a Dominionist I might add. Dominionism is a pro-new world order like doctrine that hides under pseudo "religious" cover), the Constitution allows money to be executed or given to the people by Congress. Anthony Michgel rebutted North. Interest bearing gold currency alone don't work. The banking elite have always promoted a gold currency and it didn't work since gold can be volatile in its price level. Interest free money (that's printed debt free by the government or via interest free credit via private organizations or by the State) is proven time after time again. The FED is a corrupt group. North is arrogant to assume that people in the liberty movement are ignorant of economics. Ellen Brown's public banking movement have worked in the state bank of North Dakota (It has the lowest unemployment and the only budget surplus of the United States). We oppose the FED since it's not even constitutional and it exists as a private monopoly (that rules our financial security). Fractional based money backed by gold can still have high debt. Big international bankers use interests in a profit motive privately to control nations and driven wars. . However, the Constitution says nothing of allowing a fractional reserve gold standard run by private bankers which is promoted by some Goldbugs. Furthermore, some Constitutionalists still maintain the real notion that the government should belong to the people. Therefore, if we were able to restore the Constitutional principle for a government of, by and for the people, it would seem that interest-free currency issued and controlled by our elected government would be considered more constitutional than the current system. Gold is a limited resource and people can hoard it. Congress can control banking system since Congress is made up by and for the people. Goldbug extremists don't want fiat currencies, but don't see the motive behind the interest and supply manipulators. I certainly don't agree with a debt-based, private monopoly controlled, and fractional reserve lending system. I believe in a debt free economic system wherefore Congress controls the amount of currency in circulation. The physical economy has value. That is why we need to have back up food, clothing, shelter, weapons (to protect your family not only yourself), etc. (and be willing to help others if they need it. That's apart of God's commandments you know).

By Timothy

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