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Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:10 pm
Posts: 54826
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands ( Holland) "Schiff is president and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut
Just like Jimmy Rogers, he also avoids very sharp questions more critical a bout the free market model where parts are exposed he's normally nto confonted about and laughs it away a bit funny comments to get rid of it.
So who do you think those people represent?
You or me or the very Wallstreet gang you see? In reality what they ask in all opposition against the Fed, government etc, they tell you to have more Wallstreet, mroe deregulation cause now it's "socialism" supposedly..socialism...bu you get nothing in return, so actually fascism, not socialism., while Wallstreet is completely free to do what it want and major firewalls in the financial world were broken down for the complete unrestricted freedom for looting of societies, betting and speculating by billionaires and their hedge funds or "investment" banks.
Anotehr way to talk bad things good is this:
China: From Death Camp to Civilization
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The idea is that free market regulates itself, improves quality, service and better competition results in lower prices. The reality is that we live ina world with mega corporations often bigger than nations and that there is no competition, barely or cartels. so what you see is that in countries were state companies or sectors are privatized, you see exactely the opposite as what is promised. higher, prices, less quality, less service. Like the privatized health care system, how more privatized, how worse it is.
So no wonder that this is being said by Rockwell:"A hysteria of sorts has been generated by reports that some of China's products lack quality control. Some cat food has been tainted. A few cell-phone batteries have blown up. Cough syrup contained stuff that makes you sick. And so on. In response, the Chinese government actually executed its regulatory head of food and product safety, Zheng Xiaoyu.
How very strange this last point is! In the West, we long ago gave up the idea that these people are actually supposed to carry out their jobs and should be personally responsible for their failure to do so. ""
The fact is Rockwell and his ideology don't want ANY regulation, they don't want any responsibility for any product as company.
"How many died as a result of persecutions and the communist policies of Mao? Perhaps you care to guess? Many people over the years have attempted to guess. But they have always underestimated. As more data rolled in during the 1980s and 1990s, and specialists have devoted themselves to investigations and estimates, the figures have become ever more reliable. And yet they remain imprecise. What kind of error term are we talking about? It could be as low as 40 million. It could be as high as 100 million – or more. In the Great Leap Forward from 1959 to 1961 alone, figures range between 20 million to 75 million. In the period before, 20 million. In the period after, tens of millions more. "
Ooops, but the very same robber barons he support is declassified now, funded Mao into power in China and his Communist Maoist model, so Communism in Russia and in China was always a Wallstreet robber baron invention, an anti dialect, an experiment.
today they do the opposite, Global governance, governance on top of government, and the end result is the same thing....fascism.
Where is the competition , quality and service and freedom now?
"When you hear about shoddy products coming from China or wheat poorly processed, imagine millions in famine, with parents swapping children to eat in order to stay alive. And what do China's critics today recommend? More control by the government. Don't tell me that we've learned anything from history. We don't even know enough about history to learn from it."
See, Mr. Rockwell pretends that ANY restriction or regulation is equal to Socialism or Communism, this is going from one to the other extreme.
It's liek with our vaccines today,who put in all bad stuff or wants to re-sell bad vaccines? Who is pressing national health leaders to push for vaccinations even when not necessary, just one example?
Ofcourse government is corrupt by now, so what you have to strip it from is politicians with corporate ties, with secret society memberships, if you don't regulate that you alwasy end up with fascism. No matter what model, Communism, Capitalism and everything in between. The main problem is monetarism, so money and competition. But there is no godo alternative, you can't do barter very well,so you might need money, but then nationalzie the Central Banks under the Treasury and issue money via the Treasury, this is the American credit system, constitutional as opposed to European monetarism that you see now.
Government except for war time, has no intention to indebt itself...that is only what private banks owning a Central Bank would do for power, influence and profit.That's why they icnrease the money supply muhc faster than GDP or real physical production of a country, because they take more of the juice everey year. They legalized this method of stealing robbing. Well,this is what the Austrian School also tells.
but if you listen to many people like that you wander fi they actually don't like a privatized Central Bank, as they hate government and want to privqtize it,s o what's the fuzz with the privately owned Federal Reserve?
Those robber barons that own it, in their own words, those robber barons were so succesful, so ok, they won and have cartels and monopolies, they are an oligarchy, succes of free market..what now?
So what is the fuzz with the Fed, is that not exactely the end result of their own system? corprorate power, competign others death in the end, most succesfull begin to dominate, by into government...evil government...and hijack it and own the money supply.
Site Admin
Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:10 pm
Posts: 54826
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands ( Holland) "Schiff is president and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut
Just like Jimmy Rogers, he also avoids very sharp questions more critical a bout the free market model where parts are exposed he's normally nto confonted about and laughs it away a bit funny comments to get rid of it.
So who do you think those people represent?
You or me or the very Wallstreet gang you see? In reality what they ask in all opposition against the Fed, government etc, they tell you to have more Wallstreet, mroe deregulation cause now it's "socialism" supposedly..socialism...bu you get nothing in return, so actually fascism, not socialism., while Wallstreet is completely free to do what it want and major firewalls in the financial world were broken down for the complete unrestricted freedom for looting of societies, betting and speculating by billionaires and their hedge funds or "investment" banks.
Anotehr way to talk bad things good is this:
China: From Death Camp to Civilization
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The idea is that free market regulates itself, improves quality, service and better competition results in lower prices. The reality is that we live ina world with mega corporations often bigger than nations and that there is no competition, barely or cartels. so what you see is that in countries were state companies or sectors are privatized, you see exactely the opposite as what is promised. higher, prices, less quality, less service. Like the privatized health care system, how more privatized, how worse it is.
So no wonder that this is being said by Rockwell:"A hysteria of sorts has been generated by reports that some of China's products lack quality control. Some cat food has been tainted. A few cell-phone batteries have blown up. Cough syrup contained stuff that makes you sick. And so on. In response, the Chinese government actually executed its regulatory head of food and product safety, Zheng Xiaoyu.
How very strange this last point is! In the West, we long ago gave up the idea that these people are actually supposed to carry out their jobs and should be personally responsible for their failure to do so. ""
The fact is Rockwell and his ideology don't want ANY regulation, they don't want any responsibility for any product as company.
"How many died as a result of persecutions and the communist policies of Mao? Perhaps you care to guess? Many people over the years have attempted to guess. But they have always underestimated. As more data rolled in during the 1980s and 1990s, and specialists have devoted themselves to investigations and estimates, the figures have become ever more reliable. And yet they remain imprecise. What kind of error term are we talking about? It could be as low as 40 million. It could be as high as 100 million – or more. In the Great Leap Forward from 1959 to 1961 alone, figures range between 20 million to 75 million. In the period before, 20 million. In the period after, tens of millions more. "
Ooops, but the very same robber barons he support is declassified now, funded Mao into power in China and his Communist Maoist model, so Communism in Russia and in China was always a Wallstreet robber baron invention, an anti dialect, an experiment.
today they do the opposite, Global governance, governance on top of government, and the end result is the same thing....fascism.
Where is the competition , quality and service and freedom now?
"When you hear about shoddy products coming from China or wheat poorly processed, imagine millions in famine, with parents swapping children to eat in order to stay alive. And what do China's critics today recommend? More control by the government. Don't tell me that we've learned anything from history. We don't even know enough about history to learn from it."
See, Mr. Rockwell pretends that ANY restriction or regulation is equal to Socialism or Communism, this is going from one to the other extreme.
It's liek with our vaccines today,who put in all bad stuff or wants to re-sell bad vaccines? Who is pressing national health leaders to push for vaccinations even when not necessary, just one example?
Ofcourse government is corrupt by now, so what you have to strip it from is politicians with corporate ties, with secret society memberships, if you don't regulate that you alwasy end up with fascism. No matter what model, Communism, Capitalism and everything in between. The main problem is monetarism, so money and competition. But there is no godo alternative, you can't do barter very well,so you might need money, but then nationalzie the Central Banks under the Treasury and issue money via the Treasury, this is the American credit system, constitutional as opposed to European monetarism that you see now.
Government except for war time, has no intention to indebt itself...that is only what private banks owning a Central Bank would do for power, influence and profit.That's why they icnrease the money supply muhc faster than GDP or real physical production of a country, because they take more of the juice everey year. They legalized this method of stealing robbing. Well,this is what the Austrian School also tells.
but if you listen to many people like that you wander fi they actually don't like a privatized Central Bank, as they hate government and want to privqtize it,s o what's the fuzz with the privately owned Federal Reserve?
Those robber barons that own it, in their own words, those robber barons were so succesful, so ok, they won and have cartels and monopolies, they are an oligarchy, succes of free market..what now?
So what is the fuzz with the Fed, is that not exactely the end result of their own system? corprorate power, competign others death in the end, most succesfull begin to dominate, by into government...evil government...and hijack it and own the money supply.
"Schiff is president and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut
Just like Jimmy Rogers, he also avoids very sharp questions more critical a bout the free market model where parts are exposed he's normally nto confonted about and laughs it away a bit funny comments to get rid of it.
So who do you think those people represent?
You or me or the very Wallstreet gang you see? In reality what they ask in all opposition against the Fed, government etc, they tell you to have more Wallstreet, mroe deregulation cause now it's "socialism" supposedly..socialism...bu you get nothing in return, so actually fascism, not socialism., while Wallstreet is completely free to do what it want and major firewalls in the financial world were broken down for the complete unrestricted freedom for looting of societies, betting and speculating by billionaires and their hedge funds or "investment" banks.
Anotehr way to talk bad things good is this:
China: From Death Camp to Civilization
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The idea is that free market regulates itself, improves quality, service and better competition results in lower prices. The reality is that we live ina world with mega corporations often bigger than nations and that there is no competition, barely or cartels. so what you see is that in countries were state companies or sectors are privatized, you see exactely the opposite as what is promised. higher, prices, less quality, less service. Like the privatized health care system, how more privatized, how worse it is.
So no wonder that this is being said by Rockwell:"A hysteria of sorts has been generated by reports that some of China's products lack quality control. Some cat food has been tainted. A few cell-phone batteries have blown up. Cough syrup contained stuff that makes you sick. And so on. In response, the Chinese government actually executed its regulatory head of food and product safety, Zheng Xiaoyu.
How very strange this last point is! In the West, we long ago gave up the idea that these people are actually supposed to carry out their jobs and should be personally responsible for their failure to do so. ""
The fact is Rockwell and his ideology don't want ANY regulation, they don't want any responsibility for any product as company.
"How many died as a result of persecutions and the communist policies of Mao? Perhaps you care to guess? Many people over the years have attempted to guess. But they have always underestimated. As more data rolled in during the 1980s and 1990s, and specialists have devoted themselves to investigations and estimates, the figures have become ever more reliable. And yet they remain imprecise. What kind of error term are we talking about? It could be as low as 40 million. It could be as high as 100 million – or more. In the Great Leap Forward from 1959 to 1961 alone, figures range between 20 million to 75 million. In the period before, 20 million. In the period after, tens of millions more. "
Ooops, but the very same robber barons he support is declassified now, funded Mao into power in China and his Communist Maoist model, so Communism in Russia and in China was always a Wallstreet robber baron invention, an anti dialect, an experiment.
today they do the opposite, Global governance, governance on top of government, and the end result is the same thing....fascism.
Where is the competition , quality and service and freedom now?
"When you hear about shoddy products coming from China or wheat poorly processed, imagine millions in famine, with parents swapping children to eat in order to stay alive. And what do China's critics today recommend? More control by the government. Don't tell me that we've learned anything from history. We don't even know enough about history to learn from it."
See, Mr. Rockwell pretends that ANY restriction or regulation is equal to Socialism or Communism, this is going from one to the other extreme.
It's liek with our vaccines today,who put in all bad stuff or wants to re-sell bad vaccines? Who is pressing national health leaders to push for vaccinations even when not necessary, just one example?
Ofcourse government is corrupt by now, so what you have to strip it from is politicians with corporate ties, with secret society memberships, if you don't regulate that you alwasy end up with fascism. No matter what model, Communism, Capitalism and everything in between. The main problem is monetarism, so money and competition. But there is no godo alternative, you can't do barter very well,so you might need money, but then nationalzie the Central Banks under the Treasury and issue money via the Treasury, this is the American credit system, constitutional as opposed to European monetarism that you see now.
Government except for war time, has no intention to indebt itself...that is only what private banks owning a Central Bank would do for power, influence and profit.That's why they icnrease the money supply muhc faster than GDP or real physical production of a country, because they take more of the juice everey year. They legalized this method of stealing robbing. Well,this is what the Austrian School also tells.
but if you listen to many people like that you wander fi they actually don't like a privatized Central Bank, as they hate government and want to privqtize it,s o what's the fuzz with the privately owned Federal Reserve?
Those robber barons that own it, in their own words, those robber barons were so succesful, so ok, they won and have cartels and monopolies, they are an oligarchy, succes of free market..what now?
So what is the fuzz with the Fed, is that not exactely the end result of their own system? corprorate power, competign others death in the end, most succesfull begin to dominate, by into government...evil government...and hijack it and own the money supply.
-Flying Dutch