Glen Beck and many neo-cons obsess with George Soros. Soros ought to be exposed for his extreme agenda, but he is a mid-level player in the globalist agenda. George Soros isn't in the top of the Pyramid though. Also, Soros bailed out Bush before that crushes the Left/Right paradigm. Soros, like Schultz, Brzezinski, etc. are mid-level people executing the agenda of globalization in the guise of the war on terror. Bzezinski though has more political power than Soros since Brezinski actually proposes policies and was involved in agitating the war on terror back in the late 1970's. The top of the Pyramid is the select, handful of bloodlines (the Black Nobility, the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, the Astors, the Saxe-Coburg Gothas & their cousins or the Dutch Royal elites, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Li family of the Asian world, etc. These people intermarry each other for thousands of years not just centuries ago) acting as modern robber barons in our time. These families control most of the economic and political plus religious power in the world. They are trying to set up a world state and used the British Empire as an template to promote the new world order system. Still, I'm no Obamanite neither a Republican. I'm Independent from a political standpoint. Real issues deal with unemployemnt, police brutality, imprisonment, frameups of young people (who are white, black, and other human beings of color), literal killings of innocent people (like Oscar Grant with the cop given a token, unjust slap on the wrist, the young girl in Philadelphia named Askia Sabur, the assault by police on a student in Roxbury Community College) and other subjects. Michael Eric Dyson is right on some things. Dyson is right that people should vote. Yet, there is something to be mentioned here. Dyson forgets that Obama is acting like Bush since like Bush, President Barack Obama is following a corportatist agenda (filled with militarism, warrantless wiretaps, unjust wars, killing people via an executive order, etc.). Drone missiles are even targeting Yemen not just Pakistan. Yemen seems to be the next target in the war on terror after Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is reactionary rhetoric and it's a lie to blame the youth collectively for the problems we have in America. The Democrats in many instances don't even follow their progressive principles, so we have the right to reject establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans. So, the youth are using commonsense to reject the Left/Right paradigm. In fact, it's the older folks mostly that created this instability in society (that includes inequalities) in the first place. So, we have a corrupt government controlled by evil interests. We should opposed corrupt government and try to develop a better government to benefit all of the people not just a select group of extremely rich human beings.
Many families are increasingly refusing vaccinations. These families ahve private insurance plans. The year's annual State Health Care Quality reported exposed this truth and this report was released by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (or the NCQA). The report said that there was a 4 percentage point drop in vaccination rates among middle and upper class families between 2008 and 2009. This was a big drop according to Sarah Thomas. She is the vice President of public policy and communication at NCQA. She said to Health Day that: "...We didn’t really explore the reasons [for the trend], but one leading hypothesis is that parents have decided not to get their children vaccinated because of concerns about the potential for side effects and even autism.” Vaccination rates among poorer individuals on government welfare programs like Medicaid have been on the rise. There have been programs like VFC or the Vaccines for Children. This program give taxpayer funded vaccines to doctors who serve eligible children are among those that have spurred the increase within the socioeconomic group. Many experts say that vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements in the world. Yet, numerous studies point to the ineffectiveness of numerous vaccines and the harm they can cause to both children and adults accorindg to
Of course, there are other studies out there that insist vaccines are safe and effective, but most, if not all, of these studies are funded by the very drug companies producing the vaccines( In fact, a former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, commented on the extent of industry corruption by revealing that “[i]t is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.” There are many who will criticize families that choose not to get vaccinated as being "irresponsibile" and misinformed. Yet, avoiding vaccinations because of safety concerns makes actually more logical sense than simply trusting the tainted studies use to quell fears and increase vaccine sales.
Extreme free trade have made negative consequences in the economic field. People from across the political spectrum have mentioned this. Free trade taken to the extreme have attacked the concepts of nationalism and borders under the guise of trade. Simply, you have to have a good production of labor among citizens to grow the nation's prosperity. A strong manufacturing base is essential and a sole service industry is a threat to a stable, economic system. Recently, Democrats and some Republicans (who falsely try to protray themselves as "nationalists" and trying to place America first) go along with free trade agreements. The Republican hypocrities are worse since they claim to respect sovereignity, but they accept free trade agreements that allow multinational trade organizations and global financial conglomerates to violate sovereignity to govern political policies in some instances. Even Karl Marx (some of his ideas influence people today) falsely accepted free trade unconditionally as a means to break up old nationalities and get rids of the bourgeoisie (what he deemed as small businessmen). Of President Woodrow WIlson's League of nations want global free trade to eliminate all economic barriers to have a equality of trade (The League of Nations tried to have aggressive military enforcement, yet it had a weak power base to enforce its rules. America's Senate didn't support the League of Nations). This is why it isn't a secret that proponents of the new world order system want people to reject nationalism in favor of internationalism (which is nothing more than the bankers' monopoly system). You can weaken a nation's vitality by leaving them distracted by anti-intellectualism, extended military action, and allow corrupt politicians to reign in society. If I know this, the elite realizes this and uses evils like war, bigotry, and cultural degeneracy to maintain their power base among the common people (while the super rich are recieving record bonuses and record tax breaks never witnessed in human history). Banker funded wars creates more free trade (because wars destroys nations. These destroyed nations are forced to depend on the free flowing trade of other nations to reconstruct their bombed out infrastructure). Swiss business journalist and author Gian Trepp said “War, a place where moneymen can gather, because money is stronger than nationalism. Even during the war the moneymen of different nations needed to keep in touch because when the war stops, you have to rebuild and you need free trade.” Nationalism is hated by globalists and this is why they advocate global governance (as found in a most recent 2010 publicalication called "Global Governance 2025: At a Critical Juncture"). In America, we have the agenda of North American integration. In 1980, this was discussed by Dr. Mordechai E. Kreinin, Professor of Economics, along with Michael G. Plummer, an economics professor at Johns Hopkins University. Kreinin still wanted interantioanlism via free trade. NAFTA was heavily promoted by the Council on Foreign Relations and it was a free trade deal. In accordance with the exponents of internationalism, officials began negotiating the NAFTA in 1986 when Reagan was president. NAFTA was formally signed on December 17, 1992 under President George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas. On July 18, 1993 Henry Kissinger (CFR, TC) allegedly wrote in The Los Angeles Times about NAFTA, “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system…a first step toward a new world order.”Congressional bribery just for NAFTA, known as “pork barrel promises” totaled $50 billion, paid by the U.S. taxpayers. NAFTA cost the Democrats control of the House and Senate in 1994. NAFTA caused wages to decreased in Mexico by 29%. By 1997, due to NAFTA, U.S. job losses amounted to about 394,835, mostly women, Blacks and Hispanics. The figure increased to 600,000 by January 1, 1999. Even the AFL-CIO opposed NAFTA. By the year 2000, the internationalist Al Gore feigned support of NAFTA to get the AFL-CIO's endorsement. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993. NAFTA got rid of tarifs and most non-tariff prohibitions between the 3 nations of America, Mexico, and Canada. NAFTA promised to reduce trade deficits, but it increased them. In 1993, we had a $1.6 billion surplus in our trade with Mexico but by 2007, we had a $74.8 billion deficit. In 1994 we had an $8.1 billion yearly deficit with Canada, probably due to our oil importation despite our own adequate oil supply. NAFTA cost 525,000 US jobs between 1994 and 2002. Some figures state the total of jobs lost at 766,000, primarily among the non-college-educated population – the producers in the manufacturing segment. Mexico, as a US trading partner, is too poor, to be an export market for American goods. Only 32 families in Mexico control the vast majority of wealth in Mexico has is made up about 90 million people. Even the deciever and Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan was right to oppose NAFTA. NAFTA is supported by Democrats and Republicans (like George W. Bush being a puppets of the big banks and corporations). NAFTA weakened U.S. and Canadian environmental laws. Mexico have had inflanted currency policies and peso crashed. Economic populists like John Perkins in his book called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" exposed how nations are victims of international banking cabal loans. GATT and the WTO gutted environmental, labor, and human rights. The WTO acts as a world police man in enforcement free trade whose headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. The WTO was devised “to advance the interests of private agribusiness companies.” It is not accountable to any nation’s laws. The WTO may impose disciplinary penalties or other measure on member countries that violate their regulations. The WTO may also force countries to accept genetically modified crops. The WTO is a product of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Seventy-five GATT members and the European Communities founded the WTO on January 1, 1995 as a result of Uruguay Round of trade liberalization talks, held in del Este, Uruguay, in September 1986, and concluded in Marrakech, Morocco, in April 1994. Free trade leads into cheap imports instead of nation-states legitimately trading with each other. CFR, TC, Bilderberg, and PNAC member Robert B. Zoellick is the current head of the World Bank. He helped to create the NAFTA deal. So, it isn't a secret that NAFTA is one big reason why we have a financial crisis in the first place via deindustrialization. NAFTA caused Mexico to have their currency almost ruined and it caused us America to struggle and stave off foreclosures nationwide. Even Rep. Gene Taylor (a Mississippi Democrat) in March of 2010 lead a small group of 28 lawmakers to send legislation that would make President Barack Obama to end pariticipation in NAFTA. President Barack Obama in his campaign expressed opposition to NAFTA, but now he is negiotation with officials from South Korea, Panama, and Colombia to create trade deals with those nations. In March 2010, U.S. officials also began trade negotiations with Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Chile, Peru, Vietnam and Brunei in what would be the Asia-Pacific regional free-trade agreement. Ian Fletcher says, “Free trade is inexorably bleeding our economy and preventing it from returning to true health. Nobody in the Obama administration wants to talk about the economics of free trade, because as soon as one seriously scrutinizes this doctrine, one begins to discover that free trade may be the biggest myth in American economics." (Free Trade Doesn’t Work, What Should Replace It and Why by Ian Fletcher). Ian Fletcher like many economist populists don't want total free trade neither a totally closed economy, but rational protectionism (that understand that we need trade without economic exploitation).
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to shills for a carbon tax in an excuse to fight "terrorism." He spoke of this plan to the Wall Street Journal CEO Council. He meet with a group of chief executives as well. He wants to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil and to fight the war on terrorism. “If this country ever wants to be energy independent, if we ever want to stop sending our monies to the terrorists who want to take our freedoms away and kill us, we’ve got to wean ourselves off all this foreign oil,” said Bloomberg. “We’ve got to make this decision: do you want to stop sending your money to terrorists and have terrorists come here, or do you not?” Ironically, the U.S. Eneregy Information Administration mentioned that the largest share of foreign oil imported by the United States comes from Canada (in 20.1%), followed by Saudi Arabia (in 13.8%). The United States and Saudi Arabia have shared full diplomatic relations since 1933. Back in October, the State Department told Congress that it has an intention to make the biggest arms sale in American history. It costed an estimated $60.5 billion to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (this nation that Bloomberg says harbors terrorists, but it's enabled by Americans driving cars and heating their homes). The CIA funded Saudi Arabian terrorism then and now though. The CIA and the Saudis worked together to coordinate the covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Saudi Arabian people donated about $40 billion total for the war. Even the Saudi Osama bin Laden was tapped by the CIA in Istanbul to work with the Mujaheddin. Religious beliefs consisting of fanaticism were embrassed by the Tablian. The Taliban ironically was organized by the Pakistani ISI and it was paid for by the CIA and Saudi oil money. This link between the Saudis and the CIA lasted for decades. The Saudis worked with Muslim Brotherhood (that scholars known for years worked with British and U.S. Intelligence) in the 1950's. The Muslim Brotherhood during the 1950's tried to depose the Arabic nationalist and Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser. Saudi Arabia worked with the CIA to spread their austere version of Sunni Islam, Wahhabism, etc. to Afghanistan and other areas in the Muslim world. In the 1970's, the Frank Church Committee tried to investigate the CIA's misdeed. In that time, the Saudis teamed up with France, Egypt, Morocco, and Iran to form the Safari Club to put down rebellions in Africa and depose unfavorable governments in the neighborhood. Under Bush the Lesser, we discovered that the CIA was back in a big way. Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal said that the operation money operation was supported by then CIA Director George H. W. Bush and the Saudi intelligence chief Kamal Adham. Adham changed a small Pakistani merchant bank or the BCCI (the bank of Credit and Commerce International) into a world wide money laundering machine. The BCCI bought banks around the Earth to form the biggest clandestine money network in history. The NSC's Oliver North formed a covert and illegal network to divert illicit funds from weapons sold to the Iranians to the Nicaraguan Contras. North used the BCCI to channel money. Saudi Arabia laundered money and movied it via the BCCI and onto the renegade Contrads. The Iran-Iraq conflict was bad. The conflict allowed Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, and Egypt to supply Iraq with U.S. howitzers, helicopters, bombs, and other weapons with the secret approval of the Reagan administration during the Iran-Iaq war. There werea about 1 million Iraqis and Iranians being butchered in the regional war (it was formed by Reagan, Bush, the NSC, the CIA, Saudi intelligence, Pakistan's ISI, and other junior partners and front organizaiton like the BCCI). The Saudi Kingdom worked with Saudi intelligence. During 9/11, this network worked the CIA on the morning of September 11, 2001. This is why Osama was linked to the Saudi royal family and Saudi operatives plus patsies played a subordinate role in internationally controlled terror. Michael Bloomberg fails to tell the public that nearly all international terrorism have been orchestrated funded, or allowed to exist by vartious states (or intelligence agencies). This network has ruin nations. Big time terrorist events like the mass slaughters in New York, London, Madrid, and Mumbai are invariably orchestrated by the state, as former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Buelow pointed out after the staged event in Washington and New York. Bloomberg had a very explicit agenda — propagandize the notion of global climate change ahead of a plan to fleece the commoners in a staged effort to combat a looming biological threat.
The pat downs by the TSA are more more invasive than the previous ones. Now, the TSA is forcing officials to put hands down people's pants if they are wearing baggy clothing. This is a shocking, new elevation of groping procedures. That is why nationwide, there is a revolt against privacy busting airport security. John Tyner said to a TSA person that he didn't want that person touch his private area. This occured in San Deigo. Recently, TSA officials are forced to do this against people wearing loose pants or shorts. Owen JJ Stone is a radio host. He went into airport security during the past weekend. He said that he was told that rules had been changed and was offered a private screening. When he asked what the procedure entailed, the TSA agent responded, “I have to go in your waistband, I have to put my hand down your pants,” after which he did precisely that. Stone chose to conduct the search in public in the fear that the TSA worker would be even more aggressive in a private room. “If you’re wearing sweat pants or baggy clothing, I was wearing sweat pants they’re not baggy, they’re sweat pants,” said Stone, adding that the agent pulled out his waistband before patting his backside and his crotch. This is unheard of before. Even the TSA agent that put his hands down the man's pants was embrassed at what he told to do by his superiors. He apologized profusely to the victims. Stone said that the TSA figure touched him all over his private area. These acts were called outright sexual molestation as said by Stone. A 54 year old Missouri City man was gropped when he was going through security at Fort Lauderdale Airport. Thomas Mollman was subject to a groping by a TSA officer that was similar to sexual molestation. “I was wearing shorts at the time – between the underwear, right on the skin, all the way around the back, all the way around my front, 360 degrees, touched inappropriately,” he said. “This was an assault. This was no different than a sexual assault,” said KTRK Legal Analyst Joel Androphy. These forms of abuse is uncalled for and unjustified in any realm. The level of abuse is growing nationwide. Once, TSA agents use the back of their hands, then they outright group people in the front, and now they are being trained to put their hands down the traveler's pants. Mandatory body probes could be next. This is why resistance to airport oppression grows. The TSA are responded to the opposition by making the pat down procedures more invasive. DHS head Janet Napolitano said figuratively that to the American people that ‘let them eat cake’ as she slaps them in the face. Given the fact that the TSA’s own woeful background checks for their own employees allows rapists and pedophiles to get jobs as pat down agents, will you allow TSA workers to put their hands down the pants of your daughter or wife?
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