
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Late Night info in December 1, 2010

There is the food safety bill. Some say that it may die in the House. The bill is called the draconian FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (or S.510). The Roll Call is a newspaper covering Capitol Hill saying that this is a possibility. John Stanton wrote for the newspaper that the Democrats violated a constitutional provision requiring that tax provisions originate in the House. Consitutional violations are very common in Congress. Colorado Senator Michael Bennet back in November 30 said that the progress is rigged. He said that: "...It’s all rigged. The whole conversation is rigged,” said Bennet over an open C-Span mic during debate on the Food Safety Act. “The fact that we don’t get to a discussion before the break about what we’re going to do in the lame duck. It’s just rigged.” The Senate passed the bill and it was sent to the House. The House approved a different version of the food safety bill in 2009. Prevent Disease reports today, however, the sponsor of the bill, Iowa Democrat senator Tom Harkin, said the House has agreed to adopt the Senate version, bypassing the need for a conference to integrate the two bills. House Democrats want to blue slip the bill because it violates the Constitution. Section 107 of the bil includes a set of fees that are classified as revenue raisers. These are technically taxes under the Constitution. According to a House GO leadership aide, that section has ruffled the feathers of Ways and Means Committee Democrats. Reid could allow the issue to start from scratch or he could force the issue in the Senate after the House passes a new version of the bill.  Yet, in order to do that and still tackle the other issues before the Senate, he would need a unanimous consent agreement to limit debate. Criticis of the bill say that HR 875 will destroy organic farms. Transnational corporations and elite love the bill. It limits American sovereignity over its own food supply. The bill mandates compliance with the WTO and thsi can endanger national security. The bill allows the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce – including direct food sales between private individuals – as smuggling. It would also impose Codex Alimentarius on the United States. Codex Alimentarius is one of the major bodies behind the effort to limit access to nutritional products and information.

Fascism is still here. Glen Beck once promoted an U.S. pro-Nazi text. He is a notorious puppet on television and radio. He promotes anti-working class rhetoric. He is right on some issues like the Federal Reserve isn't a federal entity per se as an excuse to get the populist crowd on board with his agenda. Yet, this man is not only a Mormon, but bashed Katrina victims and 9/11 victims without apologies at all. I don't support no man that bashes those victims at all. The book that he once promoted was Elizabeth Dilling's 1934 book. He claimed that she was anti-Communist. Many people back then who claimed to be anti-Communist were really pro-fascist. Dilling's book believed tried to  link high government officials in the Roosevelt administration with the U.S. Communist Party and the Soviet Union. It is full of confused logic, giant leaps and baseless presumptions. The reality is that Roosevelt made errors of course, but he wasn't some Communist. He tried to save capitalism. The New Deal, despite some of its imperfections, prevent more people from literally starving to death and it gave more social services to benefit the common people. Dilling's book supported racism and supported the then new regime of Adolph Hitler in Germany. So, Dilling was pro-Nazi. He supported the arrests of Jewish people in violation of their human rights as calling them pro-Communism. Dilling portrayed the Black liberation movement as communists manipulating oppressed people to inflame them against whites. She's such a lying woman. She blamed Jewish people collectively for religious strife and all of the world's problems. She supported the fascist sympathizers of Germany called the America First Committee. The German American Bund was an U.S. nazi group that used the swastika as its official symbol and they've marched in full brown shirt regalia. She supported this group as well. Was Glenn Beck correct in stating that Elizabeth Dilling was “doing the same thing” he is doing? Absolutely. Beck like her desires a more fascist economy to handle the recession. Fascists recruited alienated individuals by channeling their rage into attacks on oppressed people and the revolutionary movement. For example, while pretending to be “revolutionary,” the fascist Citizens’ Alliance and Black Legions attacked striking autoworkers in Flint, Mich., who were demanding that the millionaire bosses recognize their right to unionize. Isn't Glen Beck agitating his listening by scapegoating immigrants, minorities, and a puppet President for our problems (instead of the real corporate system that originated this mess in the first place)? The answer is yes. The Tea Party wants to call for liberty in their mind to end social programs when these programs are minor assistance to those that need it. They promote medical corporations dominating our health care.

Alex Jones has a council for National Policy linked Death squad architect as a guest on his show. This person's name is Larry Pratt. Pratt was a high level person in the Council for InterAmerican Security. This group was involved in the implementation of Latin American death squads during the 1980's. Pratt has been listed as apart of the Council for National Policy. This is the powerful, secret reactionary group that try to intice conservatives to support their agenda of quasi-Religious Dominionism. The CNP was highly influential to vet George W. Bush before his main 2000 Presidential run and also vetted Sarah Palin. This was prior to John McCain selecting her as his running mate during the 2008 Presidential election. Pratt is brought on the show to mainly talk about Second Amendment issues. The reason is that he or Pratt is the Director of the gun rights group called Gun Owners of America. I agree with the Second Amendment and gun rights. I just don't agree with the CNP. Alex Jones won't reveal real facs that Pratt having links to the power structure endorsing the new world order agedan. Pratt has also friendly terms with former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. John Ashcroft has been linked to the Council for National Policy. Also, Ashcroft supported the implementation of the Patriot Act, torture policies, possible internment of people in questionable circumstances, etc. that crushed much of our freedom in this post-9/11 world. Both Pratt and Jones supported Pat Buchannan's 1996 Presidential campaign.  Pratt was forced to disassociate himself from the campaign due to his links to white supremacists and militia groups. Pratt denied being a white supremacist. Pat Buchannan is a media propagandist as evident on why MSNBC approves him being on television (despite saying controversial comments on race, Hitler, and Jewish people). Also, Pat worked for the Nixon administration. He was trained by the Jesuits obviously being a Papist and he is apart of the Knights of Malta (as exposed by the real Patriot and the late William Cooper). The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta are allied with the Vatican. Pratt wrongly stated that Dick Cheney was one of the better U.S. Congressmen. That was silly since Cheney had ties to Halliburton before the 9/11 attacks. Jones on Monday had the Knight of Malta Lord Monckton on the show to talk about the Climate Change summit happening down in Cancun. Lord Monckton back in the 1980's discussed about forcibly quarantining individuals with AIDS. I don't agree with this at all. Alex Jones won't bring this issue up at all. Jones loves to put these characters on his shows since he won't delve into certain subjects.   After all, Jones has gone on the record saying that he has high level sources at Fox News an organization that has several hosts and executives that are linked in some way back to the Knights of Malta and the Vatican.  Both of these organizations are obviously about as New World Order as you can get.  Jones claims that this type of criticism is out of jealousy when it is not.  It's about showing the total truth. Alex Jones shows low level truth, but not high level truths like the Jesuit evils, the Pilgrim society, the anti-immigration/eugenics connection, etc.

Scientology has a secret program according to a former top offical. This former high level Scientologist is named Marty Rathbun. He exposed some fascinating information in his blog. This "dark ops" program was launched in 2006 by Scientology. They wanted to destroy a woman named Tory Christman, who left the organization many years earlier. Christman defected from Scientology. She criticized Scientology heavily and agents from the church followed her nationwide. Rathburn was one one of the highest members of the Scientology group. She left and critcized Scientology leader David Miscavige. Rathburn worked with David. He overseed the Scientology's storied operations against its critics. This explained why he obtained the documents and revealed yesterday about "Eyes Only," that reflected Scientology's long history as a quasi-military organization. What follows is reputedly a program outlined by Scientology's "Operation of Special Affairs," or OSA, the covert-operations wing of the church, which supplanted the earlier "Guardian's Office," which had been at the center of the notorious "Operation Snow White." Operation Snow White was a years long infiltration of the U.S. federal government. Later, in 1978, 11 top Scientologists were indicted even Hubbard's wife Mary Sue Hubbard. Hubbard himself was anmed as an unindicted co-conspirator. Scientology has long insisted that the Guardian's Office was a rogue outfit operating without church oversight, and that although OSA has supplanted it, it doesn't practice the kinds of spy-novel operations that the GO was known for. This document doesn't support that view. Scientology tried to ruin Christman's reputation by forcing her to respond to controversial allegations. Christman's husband is still in Scientology. The document suggests that a Scientology operative "use one of his resources" to become a client of Christman's, and then to complain about her to get her in trouble with her boss. The document also proposes to use Internet forums to post negative reviews of Christman's work to ruin her business reputation.Another item suggests that Scientologists would pose as customers of Christman's employer and make false complaints about her work. Yet, these plans didn't work. Christman still left Scientology.

The Wikileaks scandal is growing. Many conservatives and liberals believe that the founder of Wiki-leaks is committing terrorism and espionage. Huckabee even wants the extreme policy of trying to kill the founder of Wikileaks. Some are exploiting the scandal to promote war in the Middle East. I don't agree with that goal at all. The release of some Wikileaks documents ahve caused D.C. embrassmment. Yet, even U.S. officials have mentioned that any deaths have come about since the release of classified State Department documents. Not to mention that various policies that were created in secret have killed thousands of people. State secrets aren't typically shared with citizens. Many documents are secret. Yet, when information is revealed publicly, civilization is improved. The reason is that transparency, accountability, and free expression of ideas are apart of a real democratic Republic. Likewise, “a lack of government transparency and accountability undermines democracy and gives rise to cynicism and mistrust,” according to a 2008 Harris survey commissioned by the Association of Government Accountants. Even the First Amendment is clear that: "...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Some are using this Cablegate as an excuse to attack Iran when Iran is no threat to America at all. John Young one of the original founders of Wikileaks who is also responsible for another leaked document site called Cryptome stated in a C-Net article that Wikileaks was originally in negotiations with the George Soros run Open Society Institute to finance their efforts. Some of the other founders talked about the need to raise 5 million dollars deapite the fact that the cost wanted to host a website that only hosts documents is minimal. Young resigned from the effort believing that it would become compromised. Soros made a lot of money during the UK currency crisis. The Wikileaks shows that the Sunni Arab leaders want Iran to invaded, Iran smuggled arms to Hezbollah on ambulances, etc. This is disinformation used to promote an invasion of Iran.  The primary figurehead of Wikileaks Julian Assange has even gone on the record stating that he is annoyed by 9/11 truth and claims that he's focused in on what he says are real conspiracies. That is of course complete and total nonsense considering the numerous questions surrounding those events that have not been completely answered by the 9/11 Commission or any other official government source.

By Timothy

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