
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

History in Context

NASA's Hansen said that he wants to impose totalitarianism from China in America to handle our issues about climate change. Many Chinese people sincerely want freedom. It's just that the leadership of China (like America) have put in place many bad, anti-policies that stand in stark contrast of the crucial interests of the Chinese people. This is why the establishment loves some of the policies of China since they want that anti-freedom ethic spread in America. We shouldn't embrace an authoritarian government and absolute political power. James Hansen is the climatologist from NASA. “I have the impression that Chinese leadership takes a long view, perhaps because of the long history of their culture, in contrast to the West with its short election cycles,” writes Hansen. “At the same time, China has the capacity to implement policy decisions rapidly. The leaders seem to seek the best technical information and do not brand as a hoax that which is inconvenient.” America don't have draconian policies in terms of climate change relations, so Hansen wants a boycott. In other words, he wants a carbon tax on America since the EU, China, and other nations could impose carbon fees (or the WTO can allow a collection of rising border duty on products from all nations that don't have an equivalent internal carbon fee or tax). Hansen believes that America want either to address fossil fuel addiction or it will experience an economic collapse. Hansen conveniently forgets that the Chinese Cultural Revolution killed millions of people including the evil Great Leap Forward era among Chinese history. Mao murdered between 40 and 70 million human beings. Mao did bloody rural and urban purges. The so-called Great Leap Forward resulted in the death of between 20 and over 40 million people while the Cultural Revolution killed off and additional 7 or so million. More than a million died when China took over Tibet. China regularly imprisons people for speaking out against the government. There is the Laogai prison system. The Chinese government believed that forced labor is a means toward the goal of thought reform. Though reform in China seals with forcing conformity in the thinking of people. The Laogia system has been caught in organ harvesting. In 1984, China used prisoners' corpses and organs. Even Chinese officials admitted by 1996 that 20,000 kidneys already had been harvested from executed prisoners. James Hansen isn't bothered by this reality. James Hansen is still the head of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. This doesn't mean that all Chinese people are an enemy. That's silly. Many people in China are trying their best to do the right thing, are following real morals, and are fighting for real reforms in China. So, I want to make that clear. So, there is nothing wrong with real environmental reforms in the world. No real people is against that. Some people are against using totalitarianism as a mean to desire the legitimate goal of environmental improvement.

The Pulitzer Prize winning author Seymour Hersh said that the neoconservatives overthrew the American government. He spoke at the Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Qatar on Monday, January 17, 2011. He said that the neo cons took over the government, Congress disappeared, and the press is apart of the establishment. He said that the public acquiesced when some of the public opposed the neo cons for years. Some call Hersh's speech as a rambling conspiracy laden diatribe. This person was Black Hounshell of the site Yet, it isn't a secret that America's constitutional republic republic has been hijacked, overthrown, and infiltrated by the elite. People's freedom have been stripped and public consent has been bashed all the time. During the Bush administration, there was the stolen 2000 election and foreign policy being more militaristic. Yet, this problem was started after WWII with the creation of the National Security State. There was the National Security Act of 1947 that created the CIA. This power structure is explained heavily in author James Douglas's "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters." The change was evidence in the 1950's with tyranny. President John F. Kennedy was killed in 1963 by the anti-democratic elitists that created the CIA according to researchers. This National Security State monitored and witnessed the assassinations of 2 other political reformers by the names of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy. President Kennedy didn't want the new coalition of evil in Washington and he got killed for trying to make radically reforms in America. He didn't want an Empire in the world or a Pax Americana. He wasn't perfect, but no one is. Kennedy wanted a world where world peace and economic prosperity would reign. Preserving the Constitution, preserving the American republic, and getting rid of war mongering is fine. The American war machine had nefarious character before Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the gang came into existence. The neo-cons gave the American Empire a new vision and a new direction. This is why the CIA has been exposed as extreme. The CIA lied to the American people, spread endless propaganda, keep secrets, maintain an assigned narrative for the public via the media, etc. 9/11 existed and even in the time just after the Gulf War, some of the American people supported the big lies of the establishment. Terrorism now is used as an excuse to promote Empire and treasonous acts by the war mongers. The CIA was invented by criminals and liars in the top. The puppet neocons used immorality, deception, etc. to attack foreign nations (and use the National Security State to violate people's liberties). 9/11 being an inside job by scientific, circumstantial, and other evidence isn't far fetch. The government lying via the CIA and other instruments is easily provable in history.
In his speech Hersh addressed government lying, and the modus operandi of the CIA: “I’ve given up being disillusioned about the CIA. They’re trained to lie, period. They will lie to their president, they will lie certainly to the Congress, and they will lie to the American people. That’s all there is to it." Hersh's words aren't silly nor false. People have exposed traitors for a long time. 9/11 truth is an important issue to discuss too. Hersh's statements are more than what the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the media are doing. There are people exposing the truth and we should expose the truth too.

There has been an economic history in America. From the 19th century to the 1970's, an increase of wages have occurred in families. This rose the standard of living. The middle class grew and the richer got richer. The poverty rate in that time decreased. Then everything changed. Real wages stopped to rise. The U.S. capitalists used their investment to produce and employ abroad. This replaced U.S. workers in the U.S. with computers and some workers from foreign nations. The women's liberation movement caused millions of more U.S. adult women to seek paid employment. There wasn't a shortage of labor. Later, wages didn't grow faster. Over the past 30 years, U.S. workers have gotten poorer. There has been basic labor scarcity and benefits problems. There has been flat real wages, reduced benefits (in pensions, medical insurance, etc.), reduced public services and raised tax burdens. So-called American exceptionalism started to die in the 1970's. The rich have gotten even richer after the 1970's. This is proven by the record wealth inequality and record corporate profits in America. This is why while workers' average real wages stayed flat, their productivity rose (or the goods and services that an average hour's labor provided to employers). Since the 1970's, there were advanced machines, computers, better education, and harder plus faster labor effort to increase productivity. This occurred when  workers delivered more and more value to employers. Those employers paid workers no more in a radical sense. The employers reaped all the benefits of rising productivity: rising profits, rising salaries and bonuses to managers, rising dividends to shareholders, and rising payments to the professionals who serve employers (lawyers, architects, consultants, etc). Today, more U.S. workers have stress, families have to work more to make ends meet, and there are huge amounts of debt. The present global economic crisis came in 2007. The buying power didn't grow. There is high unemployment and mass consumption is here. The richest 10% are having tons of benefits. Some of them speculated wildy via asset back securities, credit default swaps, etc. Some of them caused more deregulation and less oversight. The super rich have widen the gulf between them and the rest of us. The elite prevented a real federal hiring program to assist the unemployed (this was done by FDR between 1934 and 1940). No such program and other factors haven't radically increased our wages, job benefits, etc. The government's response wasn't toward the poor, but mostly to banks, large corporations, and the stock market. Trillions of dollars are spent for big corporations like AIG, GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc. Austerity measures are common since the establishment don't want to end the military industrial complex (so they use austerity to benefit them without ending their corporate Empire per see). All states are experiencing austerity. Corporations aren't taxed that much. So, the elite wnat people not rich to pay more taxes and cut public service to handle the debt, which only harms the people. California's new Democratic governor wants 5 more years of massive broad tax increases (and to cut state services like Medicaid for the poor, cut budgets for colleges and other education system, etc. This effects the middle class). There are budget interest cost in California. There is an increased demand for public services. The governor does not admit his fear to tax the state's huge corporate and private individual wealth. So, he announces an "austerity programme", as if no alternative existed. Indeed, a major support for austerity comes from the large corporations and wealthiest Californians, who hold the state's bonds and want reassurances that the interest on those bonds will be paid. So, the corporate elite are hijacking the interests of the people. This austerity program is found nationwide in other states. They continue to make wages fall, benefits decreases, and government services to be lowered. This will cause economic, social, cultural , and political tensions in America (when Republicans blocked even unemployment benefits and even some Democrats want to agree with the Pax Americana empire concept).

Bill Gates recently said that he wanted to track and register all children in a vaccine database for population control. He also wants to promote vaccines. He wants to use wireless technology to register every newborn in the planet in a vaccine database. Gates made the state in the mHealth Summit. This summit focused on using mobile technology to improve health care. Gates mentioned that improving survival rates among kids under 5 years old would benefit not just individual families, but societies and the planet as a whole.
“The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth,” he said. “That sounds paradoxical. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children.” Bill Gates said that vaccination was the cause of the decrease of children dying before 5 years old. It dropped 20 million in 1960 to 8.5 million today. Gates said that 1/3 of the improvement is due to increasing income. He wants to get fingerprints, get a location, and make a system to make sure that immunizations occur. He wants cell phones to record each birth (via a birth registration system) and send the information like biometric identifiers to a central database (in a crowd of more than 2,000 people). This database would send reminders to the parents' phones when it was time to come in for vaccines or other treatments. Bill Gates desired a similar location to place these programs in Northern Nigeria or Northern India where vaccination rates are less than 50 percent. But, Gates’ “death panel” comments were made at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen Colorado implies that it is cost effective to allow certain sick people to die and to not spend any effort saving their lives. He implied during a question and answer session that elderly patients having expensive health care treatments should be killed and the money spent elsewhere.
Gates said there was a “lack of willingness” to consider the question of choosing between “spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient” or laying off ten teachers. That's sick and promotes eugenics to say the least. This is typical of him since he funds eugenics and population control globally (being a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood. PP has an eugenics past and it's the nation's largest abortion provider). Registering every single birth haven't been done before.  Gates called for “1,000 new ideas” to “blossom” in order to make it happen. Some want to use GPS devices in phones to physically track parents who don't bring their children for vaccines. Gates desired mobile technology to implement more continuous monitoring of vaccine supply chains. Gates is the co-chair and trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Jesuit infiltration is easy to prove. Michael Weiler, S.J. is the new provincial for the California Province. The new Governor of California is Jerry Brown. Brown was Jesuit trained and he's pictured at the Jesuit Sacred Heart Novitiate. Even the ex-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (who's father was a Nazi and Arnold praised Hitler back in the 1970's) was awarded by the Jesuit Georgetown University. Robert B. Lawton, S. J.  or the Loyola Los Angeles President is pictured with the mayor of Los Angeles. His name is Antonio Villaraigosa. The Jesuits took the wealth of the Knights Templar. Some of their leaders are related to the Black Nobility Borja bloodline. The Jesuits in Cambodia have their image of the crucifix of Jesus Christ on a cross. First, that image isn't the real Jesus, but a Japhetic image looking like Caesria Borgia. Second, the image shows the Hermetic and occult as above, so below hand sign. This image is found in old Baphomet images (that Masons deny that they worship, yet high level-Masons admit to promoting the Mystery School teachings in the veil of "Theism"). It's not a secret that high level Jesuit desire to have global geo-political power. The 20th Jesuit Superior general (1820 to 1829) was named Aloysius Fortis. He admitted that he supported Roman authority to be the sole authority. He wanted the Jesuits to have an aim to make an empire of the Jesuit. This was said in the Secret Council at Chieri, Italy according to the book "The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order." This book was written by the ex-Jesuit Novice Abate Leone from 1848 A.D.). The Utopian goal of one system to dominate the Earth is old. Carroll Quigley wrote that these globalists want: "national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established."  

By Timothy

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