
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Year

There is the UK sending grounds forces in Libya as the conflict in Libya accelerates. The British government wants to use these forces to help the Libyan rebels, while insisting that this isn’t sending military forces. The EU gears up to dispatch a further 1,000 troops under the dubious pretense of stopping humanitarian suffering. Many of the rebels are backed by the globalists and al-Qaeda. They were defeated many times by Gaddafi’s Army. Now, Western powers want to show a propaganda crusade to create a pretext for a ground invasion. This action will violate their own UN Resolution. The elite want Gaddafi gone even if it means that will use against attack by Gaddafi as a means to promote a wider military intervention. The EU wants UN authoritarian to dispatch 1,000 troops into the country in order to secure sea and land corridors inside the country. The British government said that military officers will be sent into Benghazi to help the fight against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. “The extra personnel will add to a UK diplomatic team that is already liasing with rebel leaders in the eastern city,” reports Sky News. Conservative MP John Baron said that the latest decision “tantamounts to regime change,” and slammed Foreign Secretary William Hague for not holding a second debate in Parliament. The British Special Forces (along with American and French troops) were already on the ground in February in Libya training rebel forces before the no fly zone was even voted on last month has been completely overlooked. Some claim that the British military assets will be to teach the rebels not to be killed. Yet, the entire humanitarian situation is to sell the act of war and promote elite control over Libya. The EU said that if their forces are impeded in any way from taking over entire regions of the country, then they will attack Gaddafi’s troops. Not to mention that these crooked so-called rebels are killing black Africans in Libyan. There’s no way I’m supporting all of these rebels. Figures from the Human Rights Watch prove that Gaddafi hasn’t embarked on a deliberate policy to massacre innocent people. After 2 months of war, just 257 people in Misurata have been killed. Misurata has about 400,000 people. Of the 949 wounded, 22 are women, which is less than 3 percent of the popular. As University of Texas Professor Alan J. Kuperman writes in the Boston Globe, “If Khadafy were indiscriminately targeting civilians, women would comprise about half the casualties.” A mission made by the British Civilians for Peace in Libya organization found no evidence that Colonel Gaddafi’s forces had attacked, bombed, or killed any civilians in western Libya after the group spent a week touring Tripoli and other areas in the country. “In their interim findings, the campaign group claimed they had been able to “corroborate civilian casualties and fatalities due to Nato bombing” but “could find no evidence that three areas of Tripoli cited in UN resolution 1973 had been subjected to government forces bombardment,” reports Sky News. Globalist forces are now fully committed to a ground invasion and destabilization campaign in Africa’s richest oil company. The elite want to use a pretext to oversee regime change in Libya. Gaddafi is blamed for all of the evil events in Libya under the guise of humanitarians. There were the hoaxes or exaggerations in history (like the Kuwaiti incubator babies or Serbians death camps) used as an excuse to secure a second UN resolution to completely ransack the country and overthrow Gaddafi.

Many folks have found that President Barack Obama has created more policies that are aligned with George Bush. Barack Obama ran as the anti-Bush. Bush was a man that violated our civil liberties and our financial security in numerous ways as these facts have been documented. Barack Obama is transforming more into a corporate Democrat day by day. He criticized Bush as a failed leader for seeking to raise the nation’s debt ceiling and now he wants to. For the record, I believe in raising the debt ceiling. He criticized Bush for sending suspected terrorists to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and denying them access to U.S. civilian courts. Now, President Barack Obama is doing the same thing. He criticized the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy as wrong and wanted them to end. Now, he made a deal with the Republicans to extend these tax cuts for the wealthy for 2 years and called the entire tax cut package as good for the country. He criticized the Bush administration for having the authority to unilaterally attack a nation that didn’t pose an imminent threat to America (and that the President should always have informed consent of Congress). Now, President Barack Obama attacked Libya without a vote in Congress and Libya didn’t threaten America. There are differences between Obama and Bush to be fair. His 2 nominees to the Supreme Court are different ideologically from Bush’ picks. He made a massive overhaul to the nation’s health insurance system. Barack Obama wants to end tax cuts for the wealthy, but in his mind, he believed that he had no choice but to institute compromise in order avert a governmental shutdown. Bush expanded Medicare. The differences between George W. Bush and President Barack Obama appear to be in terms of gray not black and white. Bush has cut taxes, gone to war, and expanding Medicare in 2006. He increased the national debt from 5.6 to 8.2 trillion dollars. He wanted Congress to raise the debt ceiling to 9 trillion dollars. Now, the national debt is 14 trillion dollars. There is a payroll tax for Medicare and Social Security. The reversal, said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., the chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, "is yet another vindication of President Bush's detention policies by the Obama administration." Echoing Bush, Obama's also asserted that he has the power to hold suspected terrorists without charges or trial, and that he has the power to kill U.S. citizens abroad if his government considers them a terrorist threat. The war on terror continues in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and other nations. In our day, we have to reject the you're on your own for the most poor and disadvantaged in society (which is motto for so many modern Republicans).

Some Republicans attend an event name after a former Planned Parenthood treasurer after they have made a deal to accept some Planned Parenthood funding. Planned Parenthood's fundraising letter of January 8, 1947 lists Prescott S. Bush as a treasurer of Margaret Sanger's first national fundraising drive. In 1950, during Prescott's first race for the U.S Senate, the syndicated columnist Drew Pearson accused Bush of being a member of Planned Parenthood. Prescott Bush said that Pearson was lying, but the fundraising letter proved Pearson right. George H. W. Bush (or Prescott's son) was a vocal advocate for Planned Parenthood's agenda when he served as an U.S. Congressman from Texas. He wrote a constituent in 1970: “I introduced legislation earlier this year which would provide federal funds for research in family planning devices and increased services to people who need them but cannot afford them. We must help our young people become aware of the fact that families can be planned and that there are benefits economically and socially to be derived from small families.” (George Bush to Mrs. Jim Hunter, Jr., Oct. 23, 1970 [Virginia B. Whitehill Papers, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University].). Boehner was at the Prescott Bush dinner to mock Joe Biden. This dinner was in Stamford, Connecticut. The dinner was the largest Republican fundraiser in the state. The dinner honored State Rep. Larry Cafero. The cost for donors were from 250 to 5000 dollars a person. Linda McMahon, former Congressman Chris Shay, and former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was there. Planned Parenthood have had a long history involved in eugenics. Prescott Bush was a Skulls and Bones member and he financially aided the Nazis during WWII (as proven by journalist John Buchannan). In 1942, Prescott Bush was conviction by the American government for trading with the enemy. The Bush family has been known in the 20th and the 21st centuries to promote eugenics, population control, and perverted neo-liberalism.

People have talked about Nostradamus all of the time. His grandfather was a physician. Ironically, he read both the New and Oil Testaments of the Bible. There is one story where Nostradamus said to a young man that he will be the Pope. Years later in  1585, this man would be Pope Sixtus the 5th. His name was Felix Peretti. He catered to the sick and dying during the plague in France. One of his most interesting work was his very long letter to the King of France named Henry II. The work according to his supporters detailed events of the future like the 3 Antichrists and other major players in the international scene. The letter was meant to numerous heads of states not just King Henry the 2nd in order to get a glimpse into the future. In the letter, he wrote of a peaceful world in 1,000 years, a temporary war, and a great peace for ages to come. This is similar to the prophecies of the Book of Revelation that mentions the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ, the temporary configuration, and finally the eternal Kingdom of God on Earth lasting forever and ever. The prophet Isaiah talk about the Millennial Age and the new heavens and the new Earth of peace in Isaaih 65:17-22 (He also mentioned in Isaiah 11:10 about a root of Jesse to help the Gentile have spiritual growth. This is of course is in reference of Yeshua). The prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 23:5-6 mentions that a branch from David will caused Judah to be saved and his name shall be called the Lord our righteousness. Yeshua is the person described in this prophecy. There are other prophecies like this that predict the great prophet Yeshua (or the Son of the living God) as Moses even mentioned as found in John 5:46 and John 3:22. Nostradamus talked about Christianity since he was overtly a Roman Catholic. Back in those days, if you dealt with the occult or similar mechanisms, you could be sent to prison and killed by the political/religious authorities in Europe. Europe in that era of history was a theocratic place.

People are talking about Lady Gaga's new song called Judas. Like many of her songs, this song deals with controversy. She wants to release the song in Easter. Many Catholics and Christians criticize the song since some folks feels that it's offensive against people of faith. Of course Lady gaga and Laurieann Gibson denies offensive nature. Laurieann Gibson believed that the video is inspiration and makes people feel about hopeful about life. Lady Gaga plays Mary Magdalene in the video and sings about a king with no crown. This is a slick reference to Jesus. The song gives a sympathetic picture of Judas when he betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver (that was predicted in the Old Testament). Gibson claims that the video isn't derogatory toward people of people. She calls herself religion. She said that: "It went through several changes and late-night debates because at one point, there were two completely different views and I was like, 'Listen, I don't want lightning to strike me! I believe in the Gospel and I'm not going there,'" she told The Hollywood Reporter about the song and video. "And it was amazing because to have that conversation about salvation, peace and the search for the truth in a room of non-believers and believers, to me, that was saying God is active in a big way." This is the new generation where some folks believe that you can mix the world and spirituality into one to make acceptance. Historically, when people have tried this (then and now), there is religious confusion, compromise, and the real spiritual message is sugarcoated (or submerged) under the umbrella of worldly standards. Lady Gaga claims that God sent her those lyrics and the melody. This is why these artists think. It's really sad to see artists have to resort to shock in order to get their kicks. All of this stuff is nothing new. Controversial music and art have existed for thousands of years. Our job is to promote the truth, educate people, and to put the truth into context so we can place accurate information publicly.

By Timothy

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