
Saturday, April 02, 2011

THE FACTS | Marijuana

Note by Me: I don't agree with recreational use of Drugs, but the current Drug War should end with real alternatives. Do I believe in medical marijuana? Yes, I do for people that really need it. I believe in the use of hemp as well.
By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. The drug war is a complete scam for political economic reasons

    It never had anything -- beyond the pretense -- to do with safety nor morality- to wit, the statutes of the 1800s placed skull and bones POISON labels on the concentrated drug forms (wite powders) and sometimes prescription requirments, allowing the market to remain almost entirely with the safe benegn alternative to caffeine of the dilute cocaine Coca leaf beverages as Vin Mariani and the original Coca Cola.

    Under the 'war on drugs' we not only have the perversion of Coca into concentrated cocaine dosing (particularly crack smocking) for the sake of protecting the VIRGINIA BRIGHT LEAF TOBACCO industry, with U.S. military interventions against South American Coca regions, but concentrated forms of licit drugs as caffeine are RETAIL available WITHOUT any sort of poison labeling warning requirement.

    Such has understably led to a lack of appreciation of the dangers, and thus fatal ODs as this by a man who had purchased an unspecified brand of concentrated caffeine on-line:

    about college students who OD on alcohol believing that it must be too safe to OD on since it is not illegal
