
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The New Era of Challenges and Life

Economics are real. President John F. Kennedy according to Gibson’s research wanted to have economic development and economic planning in the Third World with nationalism. John F. Kennedy’s June 6, 1963 was when he advocated civil rights legislation. There is legitimate criticism toward JFK that he was rather lukewarm in fighting against reactionaries in the South that wanted to deprive human beings of their rights. JFK ordered U.S. Marshals to protect Freedom Riders in Alabama in 61, called in the National Guard to ensure Jim Meredith’s enrollment at Old Miss in 62. By 1963, JFK began to support more radical action. . JFK wanted to "split the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds." He fired Director of CIA Allen dulls, Deputy Richard Bissell and others and put them under the Joint chiefs jurisdiction. He also had bobby use the FBI to keep the Miami CIA people from running boat attacks inCuban waters. JFK was President for less than 3 years. He dealt with the steel companies when they increased the price of steel. He signed the Test Ban Treaty which saved our atmosphere. He put the civil rights bill in congress and donated all his salary to charity. No President has ever done that. President John F. Kennedy experienced a long sustained economic growth during his Presidency. Some believed that he wanted a silver backed currency independent of the private owned FED and of the banks. It is true that President Kennedy authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to issue U.S. Treasury silver certificates and he was the last President to issue freely circulating United States Notes or Greenbacks. After Kennedy’s assassination, Lyndon Johnson allowed the FED to have Federal Reserve Notes without being redeemed in silver (to replace the U.S. Notes). This policy was the beginning of the end of the Greenbacks. 1971 was one year in economic history that people can’t forget. From 1945 to 1971, America had most of the world’s gold reserves, a large industrial base, and a surplus of dollars backed by gold. The U.S. could afford to spend moneys to Germany, Japan, etc. to allow those nations to grow economically from the 1950’s to the 1960’s. There was stability when the economies of Asia and Western Europe started to flourish as a counter to communism. This caused an advantage to America. Vietnam came. By the late 1960’s, the Vietnam War led to a drain of U.S. gold reserves.  America was spending more than it had in its gold reserves. The drain was in huge level by 1968 when stagflation became. As foreign central banks holding dollars feared the US deficits would make their dollars worthless, and preferred real gold instead. Let’s be clear. The Bretton Woods Agreement form 1944 fixed all exchange rates that allowed the dollar to be anchored by gold (it didn’t allow U.S. currency to have an explicit gold standard financially). The agreement wasn’t perfect, but it limited speculators from creating massive bubbles in the economy. The Bretton Woods gold situation worked, because few countries converted their dollars into gold. Richard Nixon in August of 1971 broke with the Bretton Woods agreement. Nixon was inspired to take this route as early as 1968 by the economist Milton Friedman. He didn’t want dollars to redeem with gold. He wanted the dollar to be fixed not on an ounce of gold, but on the printing press of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve. The problem was that the dollar was based on fiat currency and fractional reserve currency. This new dollarism policy (or floating exchange rates since 1971) was worse than the Bretton Woods gold standard policy since multinational corporations can just devalue national currencies in smaller nations by selling them short on the international market. This caused financial markets to be deregulated, more controls lifted, offshore banking, and unregulated hedge funds (plus financial derivatives to exist). Washington and New York banks caused this to occur. Debt increased as well. Because all key commodities, above all, oil, were traded globally in dollars, demand for dollars would continue, even if the US created more dollars than its own economy justified. The overreliance on the dollar by some nations existed to inflate their economics. There was an economic crisis in Germany, Japan, and the world by 1973. In the years between 1945 and 1965, total supply of dollars grew a total of only some 55%. Those were the golden years of low inflation and stable growth. After Nixon's break with gold, dollars expanded by more than 2,000% between 1970 and 2001! The dollar is the mostly global reserve currency. The Euro exists now too. The dollar hegemony has caused many problems indeed that we experience today in 2011. Gold is difficult to work in a domestic standard since gold can fluctuate rapidly, there is not enough gold in the world to handle trade, and this policy can drain U.S. gold reserves.

The Renaissance has a strong occult connection to it. The Renaissance means rebirth. The Renaissance in many instances tried to merge the classical/hermetic views of the Greco-Roman world and merge with the Romanism that dominated Europe in that era. The Renaissance promoted humanism as opposed to the Middle Age culture. The Renaissance was like the official end of the medieval period inside of the European continent. The metaphysical views from the classical times were known or embraced by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Marsilio Finco of the Platonic Academy in Florence. That is why Ficino was a scholar, priest, and a magician. Ficino merged Platonic literature and the hermetic arts (of astrology, alchemy, and magic) with religious views to create a pseudo Christian form of Neo-Platonism. Neo Platonism tried to revive the views of Plato and use magic as well. Even Aristotle formed a form of the scientific method that was based upon observation rather than faith. While Palot, dealt with religious or metaphysical questions. Aristotle’s reliance of human achievement influenced the Enlightenment period or the Age of Reason (some wanted Deism). Deism is the belief of one God creating the Universe and then having no interference in it afterward (allowing Nature and man to do what they want basically). The Kabbalah was another intricate part of the Renaissance. by 1493, the works of Pico della Mirandola, the famous student of Marsillo Ficino, founder of the neo-Platonic Academy of Florence, had captivated Pope Sixtus IV who mainstreamed the Cabala as orthodox doctrine. Even Pope Sixtus IV (who was Pope from 1471-1484) had translated 50 Cabalistic books into Latin. Pico and Reuchlin wanted a Christian version of the Cabala. Renaissance Gnostic, Hermeticist and Cabalist, Pico della Mirandola ". . .conceived of Hermes and Plato as aids to persuading those to religion who would not accept Scripture alone." Pico della Mirandola decided that the three highest Sefiroth—Kether, representing the Supreme Diadem, Hokmah, wisdom, and Binah, understanding—could be equated with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Kabbalah is an old heresy that believes that an impersonal deity called Ein Sof created the Universe via its emanations. The first ray of light to them or the Kabbalah is called adam kadmon.  To this day, Cabalists, Freemasonry, the Jesuits, and other infiltrators try to go into the Church to make the Church more New Age. James Webb’s “The Occult Underground” exposes the truth that occult traditions were common in the Renaissance period. The same Black Nobility and wealthy Medici family funded leading Cabalists like Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, John Reuchlin and Cornelius Agrippa. A huge influence on the occult philosophy of Cornelius Agrippa was the treatise, De Verbo Mirifico by Johann Reuchlin, the greatest German proponent of Hebrew studies of the early 16th Century. Agrippa in turn influenced western magic more than any figure of his age, including his contemporary, Paracelsus. Francesco Giorgi was a famous person in this age as well. 4 Popes were Medicis. Pico wanted to use Hermes and Plato as means to discover religion without Scripture alone.  Pope Urban VIII was a firm believer in astrology. One ploy of the so-called “Christian Cabalists” of the Renaissance was to illustrate the Trinitarian Godhead using the five upper sephiroth on the Cabalistic Tree of Life, which forms a pentagram.  By inserting the Hebrew letter Shin, which stands for Shekinah, the female Holy Spirit, into the Tetragrammaton (YHVH), they produced YHShVH or Jesus, who they claimed was the “divine androgyne.” Thus, they deceptively reasoned, the Cabalistic view of the androgynous Godhead could be used by the Catholic hierarchy to prove the divinity of Jesus Christ to those who would not accept Scripture. Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” is a figure that is a recreation of the Kabbalah tree of life and the Gnostic androgynous godhead figure. The image is found in the opening chapters of the Da Vinci Code. The Virtuvian Man was a drawing made by da Vinci in ca. 1487. The image was surrounding a circle and a square. Da Vinci wanted to define the human body into proportions in a mathematical or geometric fashion. Other artists and organizations have recreated the Vitruvian Man image. The Renaissance spread into Europe with Cabalists like Dr. John Dee.

Pro-abortion violence rears its ugly head again with Rachel Maddow not reporting on it at all. Near Easter, pro-abortion activists vandalized and desecrated a Christian pro-life display. This was created by students at Clarion University that was put up at their Pennsylvania campus. The Display was called the Cemetery of the Innocents. The crosses represent the 53 million unborn children that have been killed in abortion since Roe v. Wade came about in 1973. Roe allowed almost unlimited abortions from 1973 on. Some of the pro-abortion extremists turned the crosses upside down to form satanic symbols. They dripped fake flood over many of the cross. They placed many of the crosses in a pile. The abortion advocate then wrote the word “Pro-Choice” in the “blood” on the sidewalk in front of the sign the pro-life students put in front of their display to explain its meaning. These pro-abortion extremist are sick liars. Kristan Hawkins is the director of the Students for Life in America. He described the desecration to Hawkins said the following truthful, accurate words about the demented incident: “…In a breathtaking public display of anti-Christian and anti-Life motivations, 350 crosses were pulled up and re-inserted in inverted fashion, a well-known anti-Christian symbol,” she explained. “Additionally, red paint was splattered on crosses and signs. Even eerier was the mock bloody footprints of an infant painted in front of the display.” “Vandalism of pro-life displays on campus is not uncommon, but this incident takes pro-choice vandalism on campus to a whole new level,” Hawkins continued. “It is revolting to think that anyone would desecrate a display in this way, most especially with red paint to imitate blood. Clarion University must take a strong stand against this disgusting, intolerant, and hate-filled act.” Clarion Students for Life did its annual Life Week (during last week) and each year the pro-life group organizes a Cemetery of the Innocents display in the middle of the campus. They have used 350 crosses and 2 signs explaining that each cross represents 10 children abortion every day. Hawkins mentions that the vandalism is nothing new. She said that each year Clarion SFL has some sort of vandalism. This vandalism includes crosses being knocked over. Some view these actions as anti-Life and anti-Christian since the inverted cross carries anti-Christian and anti-religious sentiments). This vandalism comes 1 month after vandals burglarized and virtually destroyed a pregnancy center in the South Bronx. These pro-abortion cowards are running scared and truth has them on the run. Chris Slattery, founder and president of Expectant Mother Care-EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers emailed about the incident. “Our main office in the South Bronx was burglarized again.  This is the second time this has happened in the past 12 months,” he said. “They broke into our facility through the second story window, stole over $5,000 worth of equipment, and virtually destroyed the office.” Slaterry have shown pictures to prove that property and possessions at the center were stolen or damaged. The vandals ripped up wooden planks from the floor and tossed them across the center. “The rampage of these heartless criminals shattered windows, stole all of our audio visual equipment, destroyed displays and supplies, tore up the ceiling, doors, and floor,” he said. “They even broke into our supply closet and stole our Pampers.” These criminals are the same hypocrites claiming to embrace tolerance, yet they have no tolerance for the peaceful expression of Pro-Life thought. The Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow won’t report on this news at all.

Dr. Cathy Burns wrote about Tom Horn’s research. She found that Tom claims that all of his Scriptural quotations are from the KJV, but some in his 2012 book are found in the NIV version. Horn claimed that the descendants of Lamech attacked America in 9/11. Lamech is a descendant of Cain and all descendants of Cain’s lineage were gone by the Flood, so Lamech’s descendants can’t possibly attack America in the USA. Horn believes that Apollo, Nimrod, and Osiris are the same being. Yet, Apollo and Osiris are mythological gods. Nimrod is from the son of Cush being a leader in the OT days. Nimrod according to Horn was a Nephilim when Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah. Horn believes that Horn was a fallen angel, but he asks if Apollo-Osiris can rise from a hidden tomb at Giza. Angels don’t die, so a fallen angel can’t rise from the tomb. There is no conclusive evidence that Goliath was a part-human/part fallen angel being as Horn claims. He trusts the Book of Jasher that promotes many heresies indeed. These claims made by Tom Horn deal with some Christians being deceived in embracing another date-setting 2012 fiasco. The truth is that we don’t know exactly the time and the date of the coming of the Son of God on Earth. We should make signs known to people and research prophetic information. Yet, we can’t get caught up in trying to date set the end of the ages in 2012 or promote hysteria in the world. For if the world doesn’t end in 2012, and then the people promoting such a claim lose credibility in their words.

Sociology definitely studies human social behavior. There are tons of definitions and concepts. There is home modification (this is the adaptation and or renovation of the living environment need to increase ease of use, safety, security, and independence). There is local, state, federal, and volunteer program that provide special grants, loans, and other assistance for home remodeling, repair, and modification. August Comte (1798-1857) was a modern innovator in the study of sociology. Emile Durkheim developed positivism as a way to create social research. Positivism is about using the scientific method to understand how physical and human events happen. Ancient Greece and even the present age have used the positivist approach. Positivism believes that human sense, experience, and positive verification can cause humans to understand real knowledge. Positivists want to test scientific knowledge. Empiricism is easily the theory that only views sensory experience not rationalism that knowledge can be achieved among the human race. Hegel criticized positivism as too mechanical, deterministic, and uncritical. Hegel wanted experiences to be critiqued or evaluated not just documented. Sociology can branch into education, the environment, economics, and other topics. In the 21st century, of course, sociology deals heavily in family, gender, and sexuality.

By Timothy

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