
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life is a Right and We will win

The Great Depression was caused by numerous factors. The Great Depression lasted from 1929 until the late 1930’s or the early 1940’s. It was the longest, deepest, and widespread depression of the 20th century. It came as a result of the establishment and the banking elite performing bad policies in America. According to Webster Tarpley, Sir Montagu Norman and Benjamin Strong worked in various meetings to create the financial bubble of the 1920’s. Norman promoted a policy of easy money, low interest rates, relation, and a weak dollar. Strong in that time dominated the New York FED. The Federal Reserve was independent of the United States government that these oligarchs hated so much. So, the bankers wanted a bubble economy with new credit in leverage speculative purchases of stocks. New credit was flowing into broker call loans. Strong was able to obtain the policies requested by Norman and his European puppets. Norman & Co. made a second pilgrimage to Wall Street between 28 June and 1 July 1927 to promote American speculation and inflation. On this second lobbying trip, Norman exhibited grave concern because the first half of 1927 had witnessed a large movement of gold into New York. Strong and his cabal immediately went into action. The bubble was increased. John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Joseph P. Kennedy, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Douglas Dillon - the biographies of all the Wall Street giants at that time boast that these men were "wise" enough to get out of the stock market just before the Crash. All sides agree that deflation in assets, speculation, the crash of stocks, and other reasons caused the Great Depression. Some blame the creation of the Smoot Hawley Tariff of 1930 that contributed to the recession since tariff deal with regulation of international trade. Some folks like Ian Fletcher disagree with that assumption. In reality the Depression’s cause was mostly monetary. The Federal Reserve allowed the money supply to grow into a huge bubble with stocks piled up. Later, the FED panicked and allowed the money supply to collapse by a third by 1933. The Smooth Hawley tariff was a very small policy change since it only applied 1/3 of America’s trade (or about 1.3 percent of our GDP). America’s tariffs up in 1861, 1864, 1890, and 1922 without causing global depressions at all. Tariff increases never had anything to do with the great recessions of 1873 and 1893. U.S. tariffs had little impact on American imports. World trade has declined because of the Depression itself not because of higher American tariffs. As declines in the values of the currencies of America’s major trading partners wiped away much of the effect of the tariff anyway. Even Milton Friedman and Paul Krugman deny that Smoot-Hawley caused the Great Depression. Between 1929 and 1932, real GDP fell 17 percent worldwide, and by 26 percent in the United States, but most economic historians now believe that only a miniscule part of that huge loss of both world GDP and the United States' GDP can be ascribed to the tariff wars. The official State Department report in 1931 admitted that trade discrimination against American commerce (with France as an exception) was very slight. A large number of nations didn't discriminate against the commerce of the United States in anyway.

It’s easy to prove that Margaret Sanger’s The American Birth Control League (or Planned Parenthood later on) belonged to an organization called the American Eugenics Society. Planned Parenthood’s first 3 Presidents were officers or members of the AES like Alan Guttmacher. Sanger is listed as a member of the AES in 1956 under her then married name called Mrs. Noah Slee. According to an article published in the Hartford Courant in 1935 covering a meeting of Planned Parenthood’s founder (or Margaret Sanger) American Birth Control League. They made a resolution about families on relief. The statistics concerning compiled by the Connecticut Birth Control League. The same resolution was adopted at the annual meeting of the League, which was held recently in Chicago and at the annual lunch held in New York…the Resolution wants evil austerity measures to handle families on relief. The resolution immorally demonizes children as a burden to parents and taxpayers. In reality, any child is a blessing in the world. The resolution wanted a limitation of families having children. Sanger called those who were poor as morons and immoral. She wanted them to be shipped to colonies whereby could live in “Farms and Open Spaces” dedicated to brainwashing these people. She called these people inferior and wanted better moral conduct. She obsessed with slums, poverty, and offered the false solution of sterilization among certain types of people (and population control measures). She admitted to go into a Klan rally from her autobiography. No human is unfit regardless of Margaret Sanger’s lies. Now, MTV is showing Planned Parenthood commercials and bans Pro-Life ads. That’s typical of them since they promote brutality, sickness, and degenerate acts all of the time. Planned Parenthood in the USA killed 332,278 unborn babies via abortions in 2009. The Pro-Life ads deal with abortion rate being high in the black community. The Heroic Media commercial was basic and non-threatening. It’s a disgrace that MTV would act like this, but MTV is a part of a beast system.

The Fourth Amendment has been abolished in a slick way again. 2 recent Supreme Court cases have virtually damaged the Fourth Amendment in America. Citizens are no longer secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. Dissenting justices called the decision as breathtaking and unnecessarily broad. The Indiana Supreme Court ruled last week in a 3-2 vote that doing anything to resist police busting down your door and conducting an illegal search is now a criminal act. “[We] hold that the right to reasonably resist an unlawful police entry into a home is no longer recognized under Indiana law,” the court ruled in the case of Richard L. Barnes v. Indiana. The dissenting Justices were Brent E. Dickson and Robert D. Rocker. They were accurate to say that the ruling represented is a total rejection of rights enshrined in the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. “In my view, the wholesale abrogation of the historic right of a person to reasonably resist unlawful police entry into his dwelling is unwarranted and unnecessarily broad,” Dickson wrote. “In my view it is breathtaking that the majority deems it appropriate or even necessary to erode this constitutional protection based on a rationale addressing much different policy considerations,” added Rucker. “There is simply no reason to abrogate the common law right of a citizen to resist the unlawful police entry into his or her home.” So, the ruling was made under the justification that resisting a police officer had the potential to escalate and cause violence against the officer. That means that the officer like a god-like status to do whatever they want. This is against the 220 year Fourth Amendment and the 796 year Magna Carta as well (that influenced the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution blatantly). In another case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1. The decision said that the police can now bust down a door and enter your property without a warrant if they smell marijuana or heart sounds that are suggestive of destruction of evidence. The case deals with the warrantless search of an apartment in Kentucky, Lexington. “Where, as here, the police did not create the exigency by engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that violates the Fourth Amendment, warrantless entry to prevent the destruction of evidence is reasonable and thus allowed,” Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote for the majority. Of course, the fact that police officers have been known to habitually lie in order to justify illegally entering a property and violating the Fourth Amendment (which is apparently now null and void anyway), was not considered. We live in a slick authoritarian tyranny in America. America is in a new era of a police state. One reason is that our constitutional rights are being eliminated. Our government in America has been hijacked by rogue criminal elements that are dismantling everything that is legitimate in the USA. The old police states of the Soviets, Nazis, etc. weren’t as bad as America now, but injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. This is why we should have vigilance against evils. Evil governments have incarcerated people and murdered people for a long time. We have the right to do the right thing indeed.

There is the Strauss Kahn situation. If he is guilty of rape or sexual assault, he should be locked up and placed in jail. The following is an interesting take on his life. He is being accused of being involved in an attempted rape of an immigrant hotel maid in his hotel room. A New York judge has denied Strauss-Kahn bail on the grounds that he might flee to France. Bill survived his sexual escapades since he was the servant of the system. Some people believed that Strauss Kahn like former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer had a change of heart as it pertains to financial issues. Strauss-Kahn was the first IMF director in history who disavowed the traditional IMF policy of imposing on the poor and ordinary people the cost of bailing out Wall Street and the Western banks. He wanted regulation to be reemployed on the greed driven, fraud prone financial sector (if unregulated, have historically destroyed the lives of ordinary people). Strauss-Kahn listened to Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz or one of the handfuls of economists that have a social conscience. Kahn was far ahead of America’s French puppet President Sarkozy in the upcoming French elections. Strauss-Kahn was a marked man and the elite wanted him to be politically eliminated. Some say that he was deprived of sex, but the elite have plenty of sex even in an Eyes Wide Shut type of places. In real life, there were aides whose job was to make certain that no woman, with the exception of his wife, was ever alone with the senator. This was done to protect the senator both from female power groupies, who lust after celebrities and powerful men, and from women sent by a rival on missions to compromise an opponent. A powerful man such as Strauss-Kahn would not have been starved for women, and as a multi-millionaire he could certainly afford to make his own discreet arrangements. Power is an aphrodisiac according to Henry Kissinger. Strauss-Kahn was the first IMF Director that have changed and wanted to side with the poor not the rich. China’s economy would surpass the US economy within 5 years according to a recent IMF report. So, if he is guilty, he should face justice. Yet, we should believe in populist economic views still. Economic liberalism and laissez faire extremism don’t work to deal with help for poorer nations at all.

Jesuits have existed in Poland. The Gospel of God traveled worldwide including Poland before 1,000 A.D. Poland was once called Scythians. The apostle Paul mentioned them call of the time. It’s rumored that the Apostle Andrew or the brother of Peter traveled into Russia. Scythia existed in central Europe and in Russia as well. They elected kings and loved warfare. The word Scot derived from Scyth and the Scots have their origin in Scythia. The apostle Paul promoted the unity of the Christian church (even among Scythians) among this verse: “…Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all…” (Colossians 3:11). Later, the Roman Empire fell and invasions came about. Eastern Europe have had been in Constantinople. Poland united with Lithuania in 1835. There was the Jagiellonian dynasty in that year as well. This king was Grand Duke of Lithuania and became king of Poland by marrying Queen Jadwiga of Poland.  The area had a huge Orthodox population. King Wladyslaw II Jagiello converted to the Latin rite to forestall an invasion by Teutonic Knights. The Borgias tried to rule the Polish nation as well. Giovanni Sforza was the first husband of Lucretzia Borgia. Barbara Radziwill was a Lithuanian princess who greatly favored the Reformation. She was hated by her husband's mother, Bona Sforza, and had a timely death just 4 years into her reign. The king's last wife, Catherine of Austria, died in the same year as her husband. The Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was formed by King Sigismund II on July 1, 1569. The Reformation came and the Jesuits were invited to come into Poland via Stanisalus Hosius (a preseuctor of Reformed Christians). Hosius wanted to stop the Reformation at any cost. Cardinal Hosius was an appointed papal legate in 1566. Reformers were murdered in Oland and then the General Confederation of Warsaw guaranteed religious liberty. This happened as a new document that didn’t exist in the future until the Bill of Rights came about in 1791. The Syllabus of Errors condemns religious liberty. King Stefan Batory allowed the Jesuits to reign in Poland. Soon, the Reformation was heavily crushed in Poland when the country was broken up between Russia, Prussia, and Austria. John Paul II was Polish. It is said according to Malachi Martin’s the Jesuits book that John Paul II considered ending the Jesuits. Soon, he was shot 3 times at St. Peter’s Square by the Turkish man Mehmet Ali Agca. This occurred in May 13, 1981. So, Poland is in a key place of history among the Reformers, religion, the Jesuits, and other vital historical topics.

By Timothy

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