
Monday, May 02, 2011

On Osama bin Laden's Death

On Osama bin Laden being passed away. My words are controversial and they are from my mind and heart. Osama wasn't a prophet neither was he Satan. He was a man and lived his life as a man. He exposed the degeneracy in the West. Yet, he was later exploited by the CIA and other Western intelligence communities to promote the new Cold War in the war on terror. He was involved in some terrorism, but his involvement doesn't exceed the crimes of the Nazis, Mao, or especially Stalin. Osama bin Laden seen firsthand what culture we have in the West and sought to expose it. He was wrong in exposing it in the wrong way. The way you expose evil is by showing the truth in more peaceful means in pure legitimate activism without being a puppet in the corporatists’' game plan. The globalists want us to use prejudice, agitation, and violence since they can have all of the justification to promote police state like laws against our cherished liberties. It’s funny that the media shows the public in joy over this wicked war on terror, but they refuse to expose the Bush/Bin Laden business connections or the decades filled terror campaign that the CIA did against people worldwide (which was worse than the actions of al-Qaeda). The CIA committed crimes in Guatemala, Iran, Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc. for a very long time. The FBI committed crimes against the civil liberties against American citizens. We shouldn’t forget these evil crimes.  Hypocrisy at its finest is the name of the establishment’s game. Using Osama’s death (when reports of his demise existed for years) to promote drone attacks on men, women, and children is the highest sense of sick depravity. Osama bin Laden was one of the many puppets that died. He was caught up in a bad situation. He could have been one of the greatest men in history, but he wasn’t. I do wished to God that Osama would of woken up before he died and not play into the elite's hands of war and destruction. He died. We who really know the truth (about the new world order, the 9/11 inside job, etc.) should use his death as a reminder that constructive, peaceful means to improving the world is so much better than terrorism. I don't support Western imperialists invading lands and even killing children to make some socio-political kick either.

Superman in a new comic is trying to renounce his U.S. citizenship before the U.N. In the 1930’s, DC comics showed American patriotism in the Cold War days. This was done to rally young people to accept the American cause. Times are changing and the elite has the same agenda (the new world age, globalization), but with a new packaging. Now, some of the elite have admitted in recent years to desire the elimination of national boundaries and a world government. Superman is famous for being a fictional character. In his story, he was an alien coming into Earth. His symbol has long been an icon of “truth, justice, and the American way.” In the latest issue of Action Comics that hit newsstands back on April 27, 2001, Superman intends to renounce his U.S. citizenship before the U.N. Traditional colors of red, white, and blue are on his costume. The comic wants to show the complexities of American society and world society in general. In real life, we deal with complex moral and political complexities. There are black and white moral absolutes though. So, I want to make that clear. The Superman story is called “The Incident” that is a short story in Action Comics #900 written by David S. Goyer with art by Miguel Sepulveda. Superman talks with the President’s national security advisor. The national security advisor is angry or incensed that Superman appeared in Tehran to non-violently support the protesters demonstrating against the Iranian regime. This is related to the protesters in real life that are demonstrating against the Iranian regime and across other nations in the Middle East. The Iranian government construed his acts as a part of the will of the U.S. President being an act of war. Superman disagrees as he doesn’t believe that his actions are in sync with American governmental policies. He plans to renounce his U.S. citizenship at the U.N. the next day. He wants to work in a more global than national perspective as a superhero. This is the fundamental international philosophy. Superman also says that he believes he has been thinking “too small,” that the world is “too connected” for him to limit himself with a purely national identity. As an alien born on another planet, after all, he “can’t help but see the bigger picture.” This nationalism vs. internationalism is an old debate. The truth is that we should have concerns about international affairs, but we should respect the concept of nationalism and the concept of the nation-state. We shouldn’t support the American government doing evils, but nationalism is not a sin. A global government can cause more harm than good since it can violate individual liberties and disregard the voices of minority groups. Ironically, there is a comic series call the Illuminati. Superman has esoteric ties as well. The people who made the Superman series were 2 Kabbalists or occultists named Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. They desire to create Superman to battle Nazi propaganda (and end the lie of Aryan racial superiority). Superman to the Kabbalist is Adam Kadmon (or to them the primordial man). His father was named Jor El (or Hebrew for the fear of God). Superman’s original name is Kal-El (or Hebrew for the voice of God) and he was from the planet Krypton. His story is similar to the story of Lucifer since both fell to Earth like lightning, possessed great intellect, have certain supernatural powers, the S on Superman’s chest looks like a serpent, etc. Even the name Lex Luther is similar to Martin Luther as Lex means Law in Hebrew. Martin Luther fought against the teachings of the Babylonian mysteries-inspired Roman Catholic Church.

African Americans have exposed the eugenics history and secret history of Planned Parenthood for decades. Now, even more black Americans are doing it since the 21st century because of the great documentary Maafa21 and other reasons. There is even the Sister named LaVern Tolbert. She was a former board member of PP and now she opposes their agenda. She said that the black communities once had large families in the 1960’s and the 1970’s (and everybody). Some black people had 8 or 9 children. Even my grandparents had more than 5 children. She said that some people want black women to stop having so many babies since Black women were extremely fertile. LaVern Tolbert once believed that a baby was just a tissue. In 1970, The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now, it’s called the Department of Health and Human Services) with President Nixon wanted a commission on population (and the American future) as an excuse to promote population control acts against human beings. Tolbert also noticed something else: She said that while she was on the board, a death certificate had to be issued for every abortion that was performed. “And I thought, ‘Well, a death certificate is only required if it’s a living a being. So, (when you) talk about it being a mass of tissue, how can that be when a death certificate is required?’ When I read how abortions were performed, I came back to the board meeting and I protested….This is traumatic for the mother and the baby.’ And, I was told that it was not traumatic, and then I started looking around the room and wondering why abortion was more necessary for Black women …” So, it’s easy to the see the slick nature of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood was created by the Klan supporter, eugenicist, adulteress, pro-elite, and occultist Margaret Sanger. That’s Sanger’s history. Planned Parenthood collaborated with eugenics organizations in the 20th century. Even Fannie Lou Hammer was progressive and exposed abortion decades ago. Back in the 1960’s, civil rights individuals, Black Panthers, Black Muslims, and other organizations knew that the elite exploited birth control to promote population control (or covert genocide against black people).  Abortion has nothing to do civil rights since abortion on demand needs the rights of human beings. Today, some black ministries have protested against the location of Planned Parenthood centers in black communities. There is nothing wrong with health services, real family planning, and real sexual education. Yet, if you promote and do murder against one innocent unborn human being on demand, then your other good works are overshadowed by innocent blood being shed. So, we should oppose police brutality or any harm done unto brothers and sisters. Also, we should oppose tax dollars sent to NGOs doing abortions in third world countries and other acts of murder. So, this is why I support development and social growth among everybody of the human race.

Being politically independent is great for me. I can still believe in environmental protection, being Pro-Life, being for the 2nd Amendment, love individual liberty, the dignity of labor, and other things. Although, when I become older, my views expand into different arenas. Since 2009, I’ve understood more about opposing economic injustice. Even in the 1990’s, I’ve opposed racial oppression, militarism, poverty, materialism, and other forms of oppression against any human being. The old reactionaries are dying in the influence. We have exposed the errors of Communism and now the errors of laissez faire liberalism have been made known since the recession of 2007. This recession is still going on today. True spiritual liberation is being saved by God in order to be inspired to assist your fellow man. So, there is nothing wrong with ending corporate loopholes and even helping the poor. Some scholars point out that King thought Jesse Jackson was TOO CONSERVATIVE, Historian Thomas F, Jackson mentions that in his book FROM CIVL RIGHTS TO HUMAN RIGHTS: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR AND THE STRUGGLE FOR ECONOMIC JUSTICE. This is shocking to know now, but people back then were more conservative than today. It’s very hypocritical for the reactionaries to use government power to defend corporate interests in Iraq, to line big pockets of the corporate pirate, but they want the government to strip workers of their rights to collective bargaining. They love to use the government to promote tax breaks of the wealthy, but falsely accuse people of using some card when working people, people of color, women, and any group of people demand governmental action their behalf. Those without boots are instructed to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Those who enjoy all the advantages of class privileged are showered with all the generous largesse "big government" has to offer. This is why even 61% of Americans support the efforts of the workers in Wisconsin.

The U.S./NATO forces have killed Qaddafi’s children and grandchildren in a means to try to assassinate Qaddafi. This policy of targeted assassinations violates national and international law. Trying to execute people without trials or investigations contradict a real society. The United States and other nations support targeted assassinations, which is a perversion of even the values mentioned in the Constitution. NATO’s attack tried to murder Muammar Qaddafi, but NATO has killed his youngest son Saif al-Aarb Qaddafi and his grandchildren. This act was indiscriminate in nature. Killing children is evil and it shows that NATO is using the indiscriminate use of military forces on non-military targets. The U.S. tried to kill Qaddafi back in 1986. They didn’t kill Qadaffi, but his 4 year old adopted daughter Hanna instead. The corporate owned media has played semantics in suggesting that Hanna was adopted posthumously. This is done to claim that the murdered 4 year old had no ties to Qaddafi. This comes when the U.S. government figures hypocritically accuse Qaddafi of extra judicial murder when NATO tried to politically assassinate Qaddafi and killed innocent human beings in the process. The elite want this expanding mission in Libya to protect civilians. Yet, the U.S. Department of Defense hasn’t found credible evidence to justify the current military operations and expansion in Libya (or no conclusive evidence that Qaddafi intentionally attacked civilians in the war being impossible to verify). NATO’s goal is easily in this system. NATO is a supranational military force. They execute the policies of the global corporate elite. They have had an occupation in Afghanistan in order to have a provocative encirclement of Russia in the years plus decades ahead. NATO’s actions violate international laws and other laws that they claim to uphold. When NATO isn’t butchering children or extra-legally occupying sovereign nations, it is busy encircling Russia, inviting World War III in the service of global financiers. We can’t support the evil done in Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, and other nation via the deeds of America, France, and NATO allies. Now, in America, our rights are being violated. Hitler and the Nazis incrementally violated the sovereignty of the German people and their neighbors. Now, in America we have tyrannical policies that some politicians and corporations support. People want to fight back by boycotting corporations involved in the crimes of the war on terror. I don’t agree with a fiat financial machine that funds this system. There should be currency or economic alternatives to the system that we have now. Work among local communities is fine like supporting local farmers, building up trades, and promoting self-sufficiency. The evils in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other nations are a part of global tyranny.

A lot of Christians believe that Yeshua is YHVH. Yeshua according to the New Testament is the Savior of the world and the Son of God. The Son came unto Earth in order for especially the Gentiles to have a better access to God the Father and save mankind from its sins. 1 Corinthians 12:3 mention that Jesus is Lord and the Holy Spirit makes this truth very apparent. The Prophecy of Yeshua Ha Mashiach calling himself I Am is from Isaiah 41:4, 43:10,25, and Isaiah 48:12. Man needs a Savior since human beings by themselves can’t save themselves. Throughout our wickedness, we humans need God in our lives. YHVH is only called the Savior from Isaiah 43:11 and Hosea 13:4. Later, Jesus is called the Savior all over the New Testament (from Acts 4:12, Titus 2:13, Titus 3:4, Titus 3:6). Now, God says to Moses that he is “I AM THAT I AM” Or in Hebrew Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. Jesus is called Immanuel or God with us according to the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 that is fulfilled in the New Testament by word. Now, Jesus said to the Pharisees that Before Abraham was, I AM as found in John 8:58. The Pharisees knew what Jesus meant when called himself I am. I AM is a name from God, so Yeshua was calling himself God and the Pharisees were offended at Jesus Christ for his words. So, according to the New Testament, Yeshua is I AM. The Lord God died on the cross to shed his blood for save souls. John 20:28 mentions the following after Yeshua’s resurrection form death: “…And Thomas answered and said to Him, My Lord and my God!” John 1:1 refers to the Son or the Word being God period. Later, the apostle John wrote that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The prophecy of Psalm 33:6 mentions that: “...Psa 33:6  By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath (Ruach) of his mouth…” The word "Word" in John 20:28 means Logos. It’s Memra in the Targum. Memra is used 596 times in reference to Elohim. 1 Timothy 3:16 is clear that: “…And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory…” Yeshua is YHVH.

By Timothy

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