
Monday, August 01, 2011

20th Years after the JFK Movie

Tons of information are known about the JFK assassination and events related to it. Jack Ruby has had stories about him running guns to Cuba. Even assistant counsels to the Warren Commission Burt Griffin and Leon Hubert wrote (in a memo to the Warren Commission members from March 20, 1964 in a date) that Jack Ruby was involved in illegal dealings with Cuban elements that might have had contact with Oswald. Ruby lied on many times. He told the Warren Commission that he came into Cuba once for a vacation for a week to 10 days. According to Cuban travel records, Jack Ruby came into Cuba from New Orleans on August 8, 1959. He left Cuba on September 11, 1959 and reentered Cuba from Miami on September 12, 1959. He returned from Cuba to New Orleans on September 13, 1959. The HSCA concluded, after a careful consideration of the evidence and the uncovering of new witnesses, that Ruby had help getting into the police basement to kill Oswald. It is strange that the Warren Report was created by people who had no real love for JFK. Before, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated; he was at odds with much of the policies of the CIA and Pentagon. “JFK and the Unspeakable” by James W. Douglass is one of the best books on the JFK assassination in the 21st century. The book mentions the Kennedy’s American University speech (from June 10, 1963) that wants a peaceful relationship with Soviet Union and JFK expressed the view that he is sick of war. His Americna University speech called for world peace. President John F. Kennedy acknowledges that Americans and Russians equally want peace and that all human beings are mortal. JFK said that: “…"... not to see only a distorted and desperate view of the other side, not to see conflict as inevitable, accommodation as impossible, and communication as nothing more than an exchange of threats. No government or social system is so evil that its people must be considered as lacking in virtue…” This refutes the notion that Kennedy was some neo-con. Khrushchev and Kennedy agreed to a limited test ban treaty and continued dialogue. The author James W. Douglass’ excellent book proves that much of Kennedy’s policies (especially from 1963 onward) were in contrast to his initial almost hawkish Cold War stance. His new policies were opposed by the hardliners from the Joints Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon, the military industrial complex (with figures like Richard Bissell, Charles Cabell, Henry Cabot lodge, Lyman Lemnitzer, Curtis LeMay, and of course Allen Dulles), and the CIA. In other words, JFK wanted to avert a nuclear catastrophe in the world.

Some people are paranoia and view any government intervention as equivalent to socialism, which is a lie. The Tea Party movement is more complex than some people realize. Grover Norquist is the establishment face of this movement (not the independent , grassroots type of Tea Party individuals). Norquist worked with Tea Party groups and he is the President of the Americans for Tax Reform. He is a charter member of the CNP or the secretive Council for National Policy. The CNP was created to act as the conservative-like alternative to the CFR in order to control heavily the policies from the Right side of the Left/Right Paradigm. He is a lobbyist for Bill Gates’ Microsoft. His Muslim religion doesn’t mean that he’s some terrorist as reactionaries claim. The American Spectator was at first funded by Richard Mellon Scaife (he funds both sides of the aides. He supports the pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood). This group of the American Spectator have CFR writer Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick and President Andrian Karatnyck, who is a CFR member as well. Freedom Works with Dick Armey and the Koch brothers funds many Tea Party groups as well. Dick Armey is a member of the CNP. Empower America (influenced by Bill Bennett) was largely filled with Council for National Policy members, CFR members, Trilateralist members, as well as Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church members such as Josette Shiner Sheeran, now Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme. Americans for Prosperity wants to brainwash people to talk about their policy details and have next step training. CNP member Tim Phillips is the President of AFR for the Koch’s. The Koch Brothers are strong libertarians. Many libertarians want to not only end Social Security, but minimum wage laws, legalize recreational drug use, and legalize suicide. William F. Buckley, Jr., CFR and Yale Skull and Bonesman alleged conservative, called the movement “Anarcho-Totalitarianism.” Koch used money to fund the Cato Institute or the first American libertarian think tank back in 1977. The Koch Family funds the Rockefeller-aided Heritage Foundation. The Heritage foundation is linked the Sun Myung Moon. David Koch is on the board of Trustees of the Rockefeller University and he’s a part of the New Age globalist Aspen Institute. Maurice Strong used to head the Aspen Institute. He supports the Agenda 21 movement and believes in environmental sustainability. David Koch believes in embryonic stem cell research. CFR members were in the CNP originally like its early members. Nelson Bunker Hunt was in the CNP and the JBS. Some eugenicists, the Knights of Malta, and others are in the CNP’s highest ranking members. Some of them promote the cultic Dominionist/Reconstructionist movement. Oil baron and CNP member Nelson Bunker Hunt was a former member of the racist pro-eugenics group called the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics. The group was heavily involved in the promotion of eugenics and segregation. So, it’s that much of the Tea Party has been infiltrated by the elite. We have the right to expose the truth and be real. Some regulation is fine and some isn’t. Some forms of taxation are fine and some aren’t. Just because the government may intervene in a certain circumstance, doesn’t mean that this is a representation of Communism or socialism at all.

Early in the month of July of 2011, Rep. Caroyln Maloney introduced “Stop Gun Trafficking and Strengthen Law Enforcement Act” or HR 2554. This is a gun grabbing bill that the corporate media didn’t report. It was co-sponsored by Elijah Cummings, Democrat and Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee plus the notorious gun grabber Carolyn McCarthy. Democrats introduced legislation that can chip away at the 2nd Amendment. This is nothing new. This time around is that Maloney and her co-conspirators are using the government’s gun smuggling program (called Fast and Furious) as an issue to stop “illegal trafficking” in firearms. In hearings, the BATF admitted that the government didn’t entice gun dealers or send in informants to sell guns to drug cartels in Mexico. They sold 30,000 guns to the bank financed cartels via straw purchases, which made up of mostly kids. This effort existed up the chain of command to the director of the ATF named Kenneth Melson. Melson retried in disgrace. AK 47’s, sniper rifles, and .38 caliber revolvers from America are showing up at Mexican crime scenes at an alarming rate. Many drug cartels financed by Wacovia and other U.S. banks have been responsible for the murder of police, innocent bystanders, and countless victims. Maloney and her cohorts aren’t advocating prosecuting people at the BATF and the Justice Department. They are using the Fast and Furious issue as an excuse to strip innocent Americans of their Second Amendment rights since a criminal could care less about any anti-gun measure or law. The bill will lower the bar on gun trafficking and criminalize what is now considered legal trade in firearms. This is hypocrisy that the corporate media isn’t reporting on. Maloney’s bill is presented as a way to stop drug cartels and ending the violence in Mexico. Yet, at the same time, congressional hearings reveal that the government is responsible for arming them. We can end the illegal drug business and stop the trafficking of weapons. We can prosecute the banks involved in financing and profiting from the trade. We can end the Drug War (others are legalizing drugs for medicinal purposes) and most of the Mexican drug trade is marijuana and some want to dismantle the BATF. Mexico has some of the most anti-gun laws in the world and it still has massive crimes coming from the drug cartels. Placing suspicion on the purchase of more than two guns, filling out purchaser profile reports and making visits to customer homes all chill the notion that gun ownership is still “legal” and “a right.” Obama’s newly issued Executive Order #13581Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations‘ declares a national emergency, nominally going after drug gangs like Las Zetas, yet is written vaguely enough that nearly any entity could be seized if a link is suspected. One such likely target here are the gun shops that ATF and Justice Department have repeatedly tried to link to gun violence. Will dealers who either fail to comply with this paperwork or who are suspected of supplying guns that are later sold across the border be shut down and seized? The deal is that the ATF shown a letter. It says that ordering firearms dealers in border states to report on sales of 2 or more semi-autoamic rifles (and threatening gun dealers to spy on their customers). As the Justice Department announced earlier this month, “All gun shops in four Southwest border states (Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico) will be required to alert the federal government to frequent buyers of high-powered rifles.” The ATF letter also orders gun dealers to report to the feds sales of “two or more pistols or revolvers, or any combination of pistols or revolvers totaling two or more.” According to several gun dealers in Austin as well as one of our own staff members, the ATF is visiting people’s homes, demanding to be allowed inside without a warrant, and implying that gun owners could be terrorists for purchasing two or more firearms at a time. This policy is illegal since it violates the right of being secured in their persons and it violates the rights of innocent citizens to own or bear arms. We already have background checks when people purchase guns.

There is the bipartisan issue with the debt and the debt ceiling. Some view the debt ceiling as unconstitutional. This is why some who believe in the unconstitutionality of the debt ceiling want to enforce the 14th Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment says that the government has to pay its debts already incurred like pensions. This would mean that Social Security would have to be paid for it with taxes. There has been a game played without national debt. The debt ceiling was first instituted in 1917 that imposes a dollar limit on the federal debt. It has been revised man time before. The deal is that Congress voted on the statute votes on the budget that periodically exceeds the limit. This allowed the statute to be revised. The debt ceiling has been raised 74 time since 1962 and 10 of them since 2001. The recent increase was to $14.294 trillion by H.J. Res. 45 being signed into law on February 12, 2010. Taxes aren’t collected until after the annual budget is passed. Congress can’t know in advanced whether on how much additional borrowing is necessary. Years later, the budget will push the debt over the limit. Soon, a battle over the increase will come. This can harm markets, waste congressional time, and disturb faith in American financial and political system. Concessions will continue forever. The 14the Amendment mentions that the government ought to pay its bills. Paying the government’s bills on time and in full effect is done in spite of the debt ceiling. Social Security is not welfare either. Both parties want to compromise Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in the name of compromise. We’ve paid for Social Security and the Social Security Act was sold to Congress in 1935 as not a government benefit (but as a retirement savings program). The Urban Institute published a study evaluating the program. It found that the average worker who retires today will withdraw from Social just about the same amount he put in over the years, with a modest 2% real interest rate (after inflation). This is the deal that we have and we paid for Social Security. We are owed to it and the government is good for it. To change the deal is a breach of contract and violation of the Constitution. A nation has to find a way to pay debts owed to its currency. Some want its bills paid via the usage of debt-free U.S. Notes or Greenbacks. President Abraham Lincoln tried this policy to avoid a crippling debt during the Civil War. QE2 deals with the FED buying up U.S. Treasury bonds in trying to lower interest rates and build up the economy. The FED holds nearly 1.7 trillion dollars of phony debt since the Treasury pays the interest on the debt on behalf of the U.S. government to the FED. The FED returns 90 percent of the payments it get back to the Treasury. Nonetheless, that $1.7 trillion in U.S. bonds that the Fed owns, despite the shell game of payments, is still counted in the debt ceiling number, which caps that amount of total federal debt at $14.3 trillion. That is why Ron Paul wants to get the FED and the Treasury to rip up that debt since it’s fake. The Fed is legally allowed to return the debt to the Treasury to be destroyed. A trillion and a half dollars is currently about what spending is expected to exceed tax revenue in 2011. Some view Greenbacks as inflationary, but economist Richard Koo said that the FED’s quantitative easing has virtually no inflationary effect on the money side to date.

The New Age Movement has no holy text, geographic text, etc. So it’s a network of people that have similar beliefs and practices. The New Age movement is in the mainstream of society not just in the counter culture. It has infiltrated government, politics, economics, and especially religion. The common beliefs of the New Age is dealing with personal transformation of humans (some use hallucinogenic drugs, etc.) to heal people, divination, occult activities like channeling & astrology, pantheism, reincarnation (the cycle of human life living in other humans after death), the human potential (or positive change can be bring around by people getting together to mediate), aliens/UFOs, etc. Many New Agers believe in aliens and some believe that aliens created humans as a part of genetic experiment. The core views of the New Age deals with the spiritual evolution of humans into godhood, man is good or divine, and that mainstream religion has been altered of its true meaning (and that Biblical Christianity is dangerous. They believe that their esoteric views can show what the Bible really means). The New Age is more overtly anti-Christianity in the 21st century. The New Agers want a world unity or a world system to handle problems in their future Utopia (as advocated by Theosophists, etc.). New Agers believe in secret knowledge and some believe in some form of Luciferianism. The development of the modern New Age Movement came from early occultism, Gnostics, and mystics (even those claiming to be Christians). Blavatsky and Alice Bailey promoted new Age concepts in their speeches and books. In fact, Blavatsky in her the Secret Doctrine II, from pg. 162 calls Lucifer the Logos in his highest. I don’t agree with that assumption at all. Radical New Agers want Christians to accept their principles or be rejected just like the prophet John describes the Antichrist in seeking to eliminate Christian (and to have an Utopian world economy, a world religion, and a world government as found in the book of Revelation).

By Timothy

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