
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The aftermath of the Debt Ceiling Deal

The bipartisan debt ceiling deal passed the House and the Senate. The deal is not known by some people. The deal is that the government’s borrowing limit in stages by at least 2.1 trillion dollars and up to 2.4 trillion dollars. It provides a dollar for dollar exchange in spending cuts. The package would resolve the issues until 2013 or after the Presidential election. The deal will include spending cuts more than it increases borrowing authority. Taxes aren’t raises. It claims to protect several programs from cuts like Social Security, Medicaid, veterans’ benefits and pensions, civil and military pay, and programs for women, infants and children. Medicare would be cut no more than 2%, with the cuts falling on payments to doctors, hospitals and other providers of medical services. The debt can be increased by 400 billion dollars. It makes procedures to raise the debt ceiling by an additional 500 billion dollars as soon as September for a total of 900 billion dollars. The initial increases are offset by $917 billion in spending cuts via caps on discretionary spending through 2021. The increase later would be from 1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion, depending on the success of a 12-member bipartisan congressional committee in identifying future deficit reductions that are approved by Congress and the president. There is the joint committee (made up of 6 Democrats and 6 Republicans) charged with making recommendation on further deficit reductions by November 23, 2011. It can consider tax reform like cuts in spending. If the committee produces a proposal, it is guaranteed an up or down vote in both chambers of Congress without amendments by December 23. The President has veto power, but he is expected to sign the law. The debt ceiling can rise by 1.5 trillion dollar if the bipartisan committee agrees on at least by 1.5 trillion dollars in deficit reductions. Possible across the board cuts aren’t triggered until January 2013. Congress can revisit the issue and agree on other budgetary or tax reforms. Reactionary liars forget that without social programs and reform, we wouldn’t have the Clean Air Act, maternity leave, minimum wages, and other legitimate policies that enrich the lives of people.

LEARN have given away thousands of the Maafa 21 DVDs at the NAACP Convention. This convention occurred in the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown, Los Angeles, California. LEARN Northeast Director is Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr. He used a team of 17 activists to go across the nation to distribute 3,000 copies of the DVDs. The film was produced by Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics. It shows the history of abortion in America and the eugenics ties to Planned Parenthood (including the targeting of the African American community by elitists using pro-eugenics/pro-population control efforts). “MAAFA 21 is a tremendous tool for social activist to use in the Black Community. It empirically documents Black Genocide in America,” stated Rev Childress. “The seeds that were sown in these last four days are going to bring a harvest of witnesses and advocates to proclaim the truth about Black Genocide.” Rev. Childress Jr. is the founder of the website of His church is found in Montclair, New Jersey and he seeks an end to abortion. Sasha Dalger said that there wasn’t much opposition to LEARN’s efforts. There was no opposition found in the NAACP Convention. Malik Wright agreed with Sasha’s comments. He said that one security guard tried to confiscate their DVDs. The controversy in the NAACP revolves around the fact that the Convention doesn’t talk about abortion. It killed millions of African Americans and kills 1,786 people per day. 52% of all African American pregnancies end in abortion, according to the Guttmacher Institute which is the research arm for Planned Parenthood. In New York City for instance, for every 1000 African American’s born 1,625 are killed by abortion. In his opening address the President of the NAACP, Benjamin Jealous stated, “The NAACP’s task in the 21st century is to turn racial equality into racial justice.” Radical justice is fine, but having record abortion rates isn’t. We should reduce our high abortion rates in tolerable, common sense actions. The 3,000th DVD of MAAFA21 was handed to a delegate at the convention who promised to contact LEARN to let them know what she thought of the documentary. The delegate was asked where she was from and she yelled out Denver Colorado. LEARN team member Anton Tucker said, “I believe we have come full circle in some way, I truly believe something significant has happened here this week. We hand out 2,999 and the last one goes to where it all started, Denver.”The NAACP can talk about all of these other issues (which I no issue with since any issue should be discuss in an open-minded fashion), but not abortion. Killing unborn babies is a serious problem in the world.

The American Empire is falling. There has been hysteria over the debt crisis issue. The mainstream media is promoting this hysteria constantly. America still has the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth and this concerns people. Both parties have raised the debt ceiling in times before. Now, it’s turned into a crisis that threatens the world financial system. The President can fund wars with a Direction 51 to declare default a national emergency and set aside the debt ceiling limit (and Congress’ power of the purse) to issue the debt. The economy isn’t rising. The public debt is rising to fast against U.S. GCDP and this is below the percentages during WWII. The problem is that the debt is rising relative to the economy because the economy isn’t rising and war expenditures are. Our economy isn’t growing since our economy has been off shored to foreign nations. U.S. GDP is growing more in China, Indonesia, and other nations (not that much in Silicon Valley, Detroit, Gary, Indiana, St. Louis, and other U.S. places). Manufacturing, labor, and professional services are hired below U.S. rates in foreign nation. Off shoring causes U.S. GDP, consumer income, career opportunities, and the tax base to leave America. This is done while corporate profits, bonuses, etc. grow due to lower labor costs. This existence is good for Wall Street, corporate management, corporate shareholders. When the elite’s income goes up, the GDP goes down along with the employment opportunities of Americans and the tax base for government. The deregulation of our financial system is another destroyer of the American economy. In our time, it’s been fully exposed that the markets aren’t self regulating and greed is a problem. Greed was one contributing factor to our present recession. Some of these deregulation policies have been promoted by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and the Wall Street owned U.S. Treasury. There are people like Brooksley Born. He was empowered by U.S. law to regulate derivatives. He was driven out of office by the Federal Reserve Chairman, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, and the Securities and Exchange Chairman. Financial institutions freed from Glass Steagall are freed from capital requirements (and oversight) immediately to the debt leverage on unrealistic bets in big heights. When these acts failed, the FED lent the U.S. and foreign banks 16.1 trillion dollars. This is equal to larger than the national debt and larger than the U.S. GDP. A stroke of computers caused the FED to lend the 1.6 trillion dollars. The Federal Reserve form 16.1 trillion dollars in new loans for private banks, they bailed out banks. These same banks bulldoze the foreclosed homes of evicted Americans. Americans are thrown out of their homes, so banks can be given bailouts. Americans are made homeless just like those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya via Western policies. The military and security budget is now 75% of the U.S. budget deficit. The costs of these wars are more than the planned future savings from the debt limit deal. The costs of wars are going up and it causes homelessness. Republicans are not concerned about cutting back the 1.2 trillion dollar military security budget or by even slighting raising the low tax rates on the super rich. The U.S. now is going exercises near China, the Philippines, Eastern Europe, Africa, etc. We have economic issues, so we shouldn’t have military exercises in Mongolia or Central Asia. We should solve our poverty problems where without increasing massively military expenditures. Even Warren Buffet said that his tax rate on his massive income is lower than the tax rate on his secretary’s income. Some Republicans want to fund this war by cutting programs left and right. Even if all the cuts actually happen, the weakening economy will result in new deficit projections that will wipe out the expected savings from the debt limit agreement. The only solution is a restructuring of our economic system to reward growing businesses here without outsourcing, a fair tax system, ending the war on terror, and a progressive financial reality in America.

Armed agents bust raw milk and cheese sellers. This is a violation of health freedom. James Stewart and 2 other people have been arrested. They have been arrested in a raid for conspiracy to sell unpasteurized raw milk products. Sharon Palmer is form Healthy Family Farms. She is in jail with bond set at $120,000. Palmer was shown in the documentary called “Farmageddon.” Victoria Bloch has been arrested. She is from the L.A. county liaison for the Weston A. Price Foundation. Activists are planning a protest outside of the LA county courthouse tomorrow. They want to legitimately promote the truth that we have the right to have the right to eat healthy, natural foods. The raid was done by the combined agents from the FDA, Department of Agriculture, CDC, and the LA County Sheriff’s office. The agents according to Natural went after Rawesome’s cash and then vandalized plus destroyed the store’s entire inventory. The raid according to some was a product of economic terrorism against a legitimate, ethnical business selling wholesome, healthful products to a very happy group of members. People have the right to promote natural foods without GMOs in our food supply. Health freedom is better than government oppression. James Stewart and Rawesome Foods want to promote natural milk and raw cheese products in America.

The Vigilant Citizen made an excellent summary about the Sucker Punch film. He believes that the film deals with Monarch mind control and other related themes. There are CGI effects in the film. The film deals with a mind control slave who dissociates from the real world in order to escape the trauma caused by abuse. Symbolism and hidden meanings are in throughout the film. The film was produced by Zack Snyder (he dealt with Watchmen and 300). It’s an action fantasy thriller film. It was released on March 25, 2011 in America via conventional plus IMAX theatres. The story begins in the 1960’s. The 20 year old woman named Baby doll (played by Emily Browning) is institutionalized by her sexually abusive stepfather (played by Gerald Plunkett) at the Lennox House for the Mentally Insane in Brattleboro, Vermont. “Baby doll” is blamed for the death of her younger sister. In reality, the stepfather killed Baby Doll’s own sisters. Baby doll is arrested by the police and drugged. Mental institutions have been in real life, mind control sites used by the CIA.  The asylum tries to lobotomize Baby doll (as her stepfather forged the signature of the asylum’s psychiatrist named Dr. Vera Gorksi). So, Baby doll tries to escape the place. She goes into a fantasy world before being lobotomized. This fantasy deals with a brothel, offers of sexual, and her doing an erotic dance. She defeats demonic samurai. The dream sequences continue, but the surgeon Hamm has just performed Baby doll’s lobotomy. Lobotomies are done when a sharp instrument is inserting through the eye of the victim to deactivate the prefrontal cortex. The surgeon is perturbed by Babydoll's expression and starts to question Dr. Gorski as to why she authorized the procedure. It is also revealed that the happenings in her dream world also happened in the hospital (stabbing an orderly, starting a fire, and helping another girl escape). Gorski realizes that Blue has forged her signature, and summons the police, who apprehend Blue as he attempts to assault a catatonic Babydoll. Sweat Pea is rescued by the Wise Man from Babydoll’s fantasies. Sweat Pea wants to fight as the movie ends. So, the movie has the women trying to create fantasies in order to escape the sick abuse that she was a victim of. Monarch Programming include Beta or Kitten programming deals with these subjects. Fritz Springmeier and others have proven how in real life, MK slaves suffer illusion, deceit, reversals, and doublespeak like in the film. The essence of what’s real and what’s fiction is blurred in the film. It’s not a secret that Monarch slaves have come from abusive households or even multi generational ritual abuse families. The step father has wound on his left eye. In Baby Doll’s alternative reality, his father becomes a priest.

By Timothy

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