
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wow! Crowd Cheers For Uninsured Americans Dying At Tea Party Debate (Sick People)

Ohmtep2 hours ago
Demonize the Repus? Are you serious? Either you believe that each and every person in the United States of America, or you don't. The Repus are moral when it fits their agenda. We all know that there's no morality in allowing health care companies to rip the American people off by raising prices, denying individuals health care and by having record breaking profits as a result of these tactics.

The truth is that Repus are for big businesses and not the American people. Repus have become so vile in their ideology that they would rather see this country fail rather than see Obama succeed. This is the unadulterated truth of the matter.
Yosha Poetry3 hours ago
If anyone is following Dems or Repubs, then you are a misguided individual. Both political whores are for the rich and hired by the rich. America is a corpocracy, not a domocracy. That is why America needs a radical reform in government. The two whores Dems and Repubs, are useless when it comes to any REAL change that would benefit everyday people.
N.S. W.2 hours ago
I see a lot of comments where people are trying to rationalize away some of the mean-spirited and SELFISH mentality that seems inherent w/in the ReThug/Tea B___r culture, as evidenced by this vid and the "extended" cut. Just because there was an edit of the video doesn't absolve the fact that this behavior occurred. Even worse that NONE of the candidates 'dared' to take these audience members to task. So what if Ron Paul "never turned away a patient if they couldn't pay," but I bet he sent them a bill later! And it still doesn't solve the issue of the MILLIONS of uninsured, record numbers in Paul's state alone w/o access to decent healthcare, and that our politicians haven't taken the insurance companies to task for cranking up their rates -- all so that Paul can say "...I've never turned away a patient...," -- whatever.
Ohmtep2 hours ago
Wow. First, the Red Cross does not have enough funds to pay for individuals' health care when they are sick. In fact, the RC is often in dire need of donations. Further, the Red Cross is not in the business of administering health care. I suppose a fool can say that this is their mission, and another fool will chime in in concurrence of such said foolery. The Red Cross's mission is dedicated to: community services that help the needy; communications services and comfort for military members and their family members; the collection, processing and distribution of blood and blood products; educational programs on preparedness, health, and safety; and international relief and development programs. No where does health care for the masses embody this mission. I'd certainly hate for the facts to get in the way of expedient fiction spewed by those who haven't a clue and those who follow like lost sheep.

It's always peculiar when a person makes a comment that has absolutely no validity whatsoever, and the statement is repeated as the truth. Smh.

Have we really begun comparing a decision to purchase a flat panel to health care? This is the Repu party-aloof, nonsensical, racist, and they've absolutely NO PLAN for this country going forward, save remove Obama from office.

Also, not every doctor will render services for free to their community. To imply such an outcome is as far from reality as mankind's ability to live on Pluto; and even if the doctor doesn't refuse service, the individual will yet be hampered by an absorbent amount of medical fees that has the potential of destroying his/her life. Yeah. Wake up people...

12 minutes ago (4:45 PM)
How it is that some people are unable to empathize with other people? Life is so unpredicta­ble that you don't know when/if something awful can happen to you and that you might need unexpected medical care. Massive medical bills from a major illness cannot be paid by most working families. I have a friend who's fighting just to keep getting her insulin now that she's getting divorced. I think it's pathetic that people further demonize the poor. UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.
Gracie fr
12 minutes ago (4:45 PM)
The best response to the vile display broadcast by CNN on Monday night was provided by former Florida Rep. Alan Grayson, who has had more than a few go-rounds with this particular breed of cat. "What you saw tonight," said Grayson, "is something much more sinister than not having a healthcare plan. It's sadism, pure and simple. It's the same impulse that led people in the Coliseum to cheer when the lions ate the Christians­. And that seems to be where we are heading - bread and circuses, without the bread. The world that Hobbes wrote about - 'the war of all against all.'"
August Stover
14 minutes ago (4:42 PM)
If you are willing to let a man die to prove a political point, you are not pro-life, Mr. Paul. If he thinks we should respect the sanctity of ALL life - and if his definition includes fetuses along with adults and children - he should recognize this hypothetic­al man's right to life. Wolf Blitzer phrased the question poorly; he stated that the man didn't want to pay for a healthcare plan. What if he just couldn't afford to, like tens of millions of Americans? When Ron Paul swore to the Hippocrati­c Oath, he must not have thought he would be held accountabl­e fifty years later.

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