
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Halloween Articles

1 comment:

  1. Ive never celebrated Halloween. I don't mind rituals; I think they can be useful and beneficial. I just don't participate in any ritual, just cause its politically correct.

    I smiled when I listened to Gen. McChrystal's TED speech. At one point he describes the process of going skydiving, how all is done, and then he asks himself something to the effect of 'why is it done this way' and not another way. He answers that he doesn't know why it was done the specific way, its just the way it has been done by those before him. In other words the particular culture did something in a certain way, and continue to, without asking why; or whether it still serves the same purpose, as it may have many years ago. It may, if so, continue. If not, why do it? Just cause millions of others are on robotics?

    So, I look at Halloween and I go 'huh'? WTF?

    I remember an old story about women cooking some kind of ritual dinner. A daughter asks her mother why she cuts off the pork or turkey to make it smaller. Her mother says, that is what her grandmother taught her to do; and so on way back. So she investigates and she finds out that the previous generations motive for doing what they did, but makign the piece of meat smaller, was because they had small ovens, and the larger piece of meat couldn't fit. So they cut it smaller, in order to make it fit. For no other fancy or mystical reason, just pure pragmatism. But mother never asked the reason why it was done; and so when she got a larger oven, she just kept on doing what she had been told to do; without any thought as to why.

    Reminds me of my mothers stories when she was a nurse. African's learn different than Europeans; not all, but on average.

    The doctors found that you can teach an African nurse to hand you the relevant tools you need while doing surgery, if you put them all in a row. They could follow strict instructions: hand me the scalpel, that kind of thing. But if you asked them to think, to problem solve, as to which tool might be the best to use, or you went out of order, then you confused the shit out of them; cause they are incapable of critical thinking. Not a crime. Just reality for most, but don't tell liberals. They will fail to make an impartial enquiry and will screech hysterically that you are a racist! Nor should you expect a black wo/man with critical thinking capability to state such obvious facts; for they shall be accused of being Uncle Toms. And so the ignorance is perpetuated, on the liberals welfare-vote bribery breeding human cattle plantations.

    Wonder whether that has any linkage to halloween harvest sacrifice stuff. Horrid. Liberals treat their black and brown vote farm 'human slaves'; worse than my father treated his cattle.

    Surely if you live in an eco-system that practices slavery; from which there is no escape, unless the entire system is abolished; and slaves have a choice of masters, then why choose to be a slave to masters who lie to you, bullshit you and deceive you that you are free (when it is obvious you are not), thereby perpetuating your slavery your entire life; as opposed to a master who is honest with you, that you are his/her slave; and grants you equal opportunity to benefit from the relationship, in accordance to your contribution thereto.

    Did you enjoy that master? ;-)
