
Saturday, November 05, 2011

Historical Notes Galore

There are occurrences of UN, NATO War crimes in Libya. So, people are still resisting the imperialists in Libya. We witness that the imperialists want to change Libya into a client state of the West and Persian Gulf royalty. In Beni Walid, human beings are trying to re-group into a new insurgency movement. People are fighting against theft and repression. Sirte or Qaddafi’s hometown is destroyed and there is the brutal assassination of Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi. The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously to end the No Fly Zone over the North African state. This has lead to the naval blockade and the aerial bombardment that killed thousands of people. Billions of dollars of property have been damaged. NATO suspended it bombing campaign over Libya. There has been almost 10,000 airstrikes by NATO. Russia wanted to end the bombing. Even Foreign Minister Segei Lavrov has called for an international inquiry into the circumstances of Col. Gaddafi’s death. This is why Gaddafi’s relatives are trying to file a lawsuit against NATO with the ICC. The lawyer Marcel Secaldi said that Gaddafi was killed during the NATO raid on his convey. This could be a war crime since NATO’s mandate doesn’t call for strikes against civilian targets. Although Russian legal commentator Boris Dolgov says that “The lawsuit could shed light on the circumstances of Gaddafi’s death and draw international attention to the fact that NATO’s forces had sided with the opposition in Libya’s civil war,” such an action will face formidable obstacles. The U.N. and NATO have done crimes against the United Nations. The “Friends of Libya” are being formed to assist the further consolidation of the country under neo-colonial rule. The West destroyed Libya’s infrastructure and stole its national wealth. Libya lost its 50 percent of its Gross Domestic Product. The IMF said that Libya’s GDP was 71.3 billion dollars in 2010. The IMF suggested that 8 months of conflict cost the nation 35 billion dollars in its population of 6.5 million people. The bank systems have broke down as a product of the conflict. Between 160-170 billion dollars of its assets have been frozen. Government property has been stolen by the imperialists and their rebel allies. Tons of archaeological treasures from coin to jewelry have been stolen by barbaric rebels. This Western imperialism is similar to what’s happening in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. There are military bases from U.S. to the world that have worsened problems. The NTC forces are sellouts to the West. So, the Libyans have the people to take control of their land, resources, and waterways in being independent and development without imperialism.

It is certainly true that many OWS members should look out for the interests of minorities. Ironically, the minority population is the majority population worldwide. People worldwide don’t need paternalism, but justice. The Spokes Council doesn’t really deal with the structural and psychological core of oppression, but discuss minor issues like there is no WG spokesperson in more than once a week. A real movement should involve all of the people not just a select few in privileged positions in society. The OWS shouldn’t create some undemocratic, exclusive organization like the Spokes Council. Many of them are occupying places in order to promote the rights of the poor, jobless, homeless, etc. I have no problem with this. The reason is that people have the right to peacefully assemble in promoting justice. It’s easy to say that both parties are dominated by corporate power. New voices are coming and people have the right to call for a meaningful economic policy.

Jesse Ventura and others oppose legitimately the policies of the TSA. Jesse is the former Minnesota Governor. The judge dismissed his case that challenged airport pat downs. He sued to challenge the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) airport security procedures. The suit was thrown out since they claimed that Congress set up the law so that all such challenges would be brought directly to the Circuit Court of Appeals according to U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson. Ventura’s lawyer was told he could not even look at the ruling due to “national security” concerns. This is odd, because an American citizen has the right to go to court to defend the Bill of Rights. Ventura wants to call the U.S. the fascist states of America and refuse to stand for the national anthem. He doesn’t want to fly commercial again. He is legitimately angry at the TSA groping procedures. This forces even people like him with a metal implant to go through humiliating pat downs every time they pass through airport security. “I want a trial by jury. They tell me I can have a jury decide my fate!” Ventura said, referring to the judge who dismissed the case as a “coward”. “If given a jury, I will win,” he added. He doesn’t want to be treated like a criminal in a supposed free nation. He and his wife intend to apply for Mexican citizenship. Ventura questioned the motive behind the whole war on terror. He said that: “…George Bush said we were attacked because they were jealous of our freedoms. So we take away our freedoms so they won’t be jealous anymore?” he said. “I think they’re winning.” So, it’s obvious that America is a country with civil liberties deficiency problems. It isn’t morally right for the TSA to group even elderly people and senior citizens in a manner that violates the Fourth Amendment plus due process. It’s also apparent that the government uses the phrase “national security” when they don’t want certain items or concepts revealed publicly.

The Hexagram is easily a very occult image. “The Six Pointed Star” is a book by Dr. O. J. Graham that proves conclusively that the Hexagram is related to the old pagan mystery religion. He found out that the 6 pointed Hexagram related to ancient Egypt, Arab magic, witchcraft, etc. There is no evidence that the Hexagram was used by Hebrews en masse during the times of King David or Moses. Freemasonry embraces the image all of the time including those of the Kabbalah and Astrology. The logo of the Theosophical Society (whose leader was the virulent anti-Semite Helen HP Blavatsky) included the Hexagram emblem. The Theosophical Society wanted a new age system to govern policies across the world. Some of them hated the Creator like Blavatsky. The Royal Arch Lodge Room in the Grand Lodge of Ireland has the Hexagram including occult themes figures from the Osirian legends. The United Grand Lodge of England jewels show Hexagrams and other occult images as well. Of course, it’s found in police badges and other images worldwide. According to the Freemason Churchward: “…"SIX the Egyptian hieroglyphic for the ...Land of the Spirits." (Churchward, p. 177). OJ Graham wrote that: “…"The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares that the SIX-POINTED STAR...according to the Rosicrucians...was known to the ancient Egyptians." (Graham, p. 13). One source reads that: “…"The BLAZING STAR IS PROPERLY SIX-POINTED... the sign of the deity, and to make that more evident, in the middle of it is usually inscribed the letter 'G', for God... In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual form... is a serpent curled round with its tail in its mouth... This was the original form, but the head of the serpent was altered so as to form the letter G." (Leadbeater, p. 79). So, the truth is known about these things. The Hexagram is a pagan icon that had nothing to do with the monotheism of the prophet Moses at all. Today, the New Age movement loves the Hexagram as representing man’s initiation into a state of godhood basically.

The Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties of China represent a huge development in ancient Chinese history. Many of those dynasties (rulers based on bloodlines) extended the improvements made by the Han dynasty. After the disunity and chaos of the 'three kingdoms' period General Yang Chien rose to power and reunited China under Emperor Weng, the first emperor of the Sui dynasty. The Sui dynasty lasted from 580 AD to 618. Weng wanted to light the burden of the Chinese peasants, so he made reforms like the elimination of the harsh parts of the penal code. He made a census to find populations and he lightened the military service requirements. The 2nd Sui Emperor Sui Emperor Yant Ti made an exam programs to gain more people as officials. Under Yang Ti, the Imperial or Grand Canal was built that connected the Yangtze and Huang He rivers together. He made or conscripted 2 million workers to finished the project. The regime was oppressive like taxing people in advance of years. This caused states and peasants rising and an army coup. One of the successful rebel army officers, Li Shih Min installed his father as emperor, founding the Tang dynasty. After ten years eliminating his rivals Li Shih Min forced his father to abdicate and took the throne himself as the emperor T'ai Tsung. The Tangs had one female Empress named Empress Wu (683-705 A.D.). During this dynasty, poetry and painting was much more abundant. Buddhism spread more rapidly into China. Sculpture and other inventions grew. There were the wars later in the end of Tang that lead to the Song dynasty under General Kuang Yin. The Northern and Southern Song dynasties caused them to expand their lands. They forces places to have tribute or bribes to nations in order for them to not subsequently invade those nations. The Northern Song dynasty was defeated by the Jurchen invading tribes. These tribes formed the Ch’in Empire. Tons of inventions came in the Southern Song dynasty like saltpeter, gunpowder, fireworks, printing and porcelain. Under the Song, Confucianism was dogmatized with an achievement of a state wide moral code. Confucianism became more cohesive under the Song dynasty.

By Timothy

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