Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Allot of what he writes is true, some I don't know if it is true or not, and then there is the 'poor me' victim crap.
When will blacks and browns give up their addiction to the liberal poor me victim story bullshit?
Malcolm X articulated it in such crystal clear language, and yet blacks in the millions ignore a black man who told them the brutal truth; and they go flocking to liberal poor me human welfare vote farm slavery plantations.
Unbelievable. But if that makes them happy; what can you do?
Frantz Fanon was wrong: The black man will never achieve 'freedom' on the rotting corpse of the settler; no matter how many settlers he slaughters, until he drowns in a bloodbath of his own making. He will never achieve 'freedom' even if he breeds all whites out of existence, and they no longer exist. The white man is not the black man's problem (at least as far as his psychological inferiority is concerned), his own thinking, or lack thereof, his lack of motivation for self-analysis, of the fundamental root of his insecurity is his problem. His projection of his psychological insecurity, only exacerbates it. Slaughtering whites is to such an insecure black, the same as drinking a bottle of vodka is to an alcoholic, gives them a fake sense of security. He seeks an external solution for an internal problem.
This is not a critique on violence vs. non-violence; which in my view depends on the circumstance. It is simply a critique on Fanon's analysis of violence being the solution for insecure blacks psychological problems. Violence or non-violence can in certain circumstances be a solution, to a problem. It just depends what the problem is, and whether it is accurately identified and articulated.
Real black people don't embrace some victim mentality. That's an old lie shown by white reactionaries. People are tired of that accusation. People who are black (like me) are just showing the past as a means to promote a better future.
Also, showing oppression and fighting for radical solutions isn't protraying victimhood, but manhood. It is a part of the freedom of speech to justly promote liberation and freedom.
It has nothing to do with a liberal vs. conservative philosophy, but an authentic means of mental liberation. Malcolm X was right that establishment liberals were snakes. Yet, Malcolm X exposed both parties and didn't want blacks to be Republicans. Republicans obviously are overt with they think about people who look like me. Welfare to the poor isn't evil as long as it isn't corrupted.
We can do a lot. People can create mentorships, help the poor, allow black people to be educated on their real history plus culture, fight by showing the truth, demand power, promote real black culture, and other solutions.
Black people will recieve liberation by slaughtering imperialism, oppression, and injustice. I don't believe in indiscriminately harming all white people, but I do believe in opposing racist whites by any legitimate means possible.
White people who try to harm my people are an enemy. White people who are trying to do the right thing aren't, but I won't lay up whites. I respect my black heritage. The fundamental root of the problem is white supremacy. It was that system that is the origin of the slave trade and other maladies in world society. The solution is to destroy white supremacy using a multifaceted approach.
No real black person has a insecurity. We just are sick and tried of some whites (possessing a false superiority complex) ignoring racism and ignoring how oppression still affect some black people today. As for violence, Fanon is half right. People have the right to use self defense to enact a reformation, but indisciminate violence is always immoral since innocent people are going to be harmed in the process.
Real black people don't embrace some victim mentality.
Who, according to you, is a 'real black person'?
Do your 'real black persons' speak 100% brutal honesty? Mine do. According to my definition of a 'real black person', his name is Greg Small.
That's an old lie shown by white reactionaries.
Maybe, depends on how you define 'real black person'; I guess.
People are tired of that accusation.
Black people, I assume you mean? Or which people are tired of an accusation. Frankly, in my experience if someone is seriously tired of an accusation, then they do whatever needs done to remove the particular behaviour that is the point of the allegation. I ain't seen many black people breed like they are using their brains, so I don't see why I should not continue to call them kaffirs, if htey behave like kaffirs. I don't call black people who breed responsibly with behaviour that shows they love their children, plan for their children's future, kaffirs. Because they don't behave like kaffirs.
People who are black (like me) are just showing the past as a means to promote a better future.
You are not black, certainly not biologically; but if you prefer to call yourself black, thats your choice.
As for showing the past to promote a better future. A better future can only occur, if people want a better future enough to do whatever the fuck it is to address the root causes of their problems. If not, they can know every fucking detail about the past to the big bang, and it will make zero fucking difference to their future; if they aren't serious about problem solving.
Also, showing oppression and fighting for radical solutions isn't protraying victimhood, but manhood.
Ag please give me a fucking break. How many black people do you know who are serious about addressing the root causes of their goddamn fucking problems? Is it manhood to deny the root causes of yoru problems, and to lead your black followers around like fucking zombified animals on viagra? If that is the definition for manhood, fine; why not say so? Why ain't manhood got the balls to say, this is our definition of manhood; and give a crystal clear definition of what they mean by 'manhood'?
Clearly my definition of manhood and just about every single black person (except perhaps Greg Small) on this planet, and many white men's definitons of manhood ain't the same thing!
It is a part of the freedom of speech to justly promote liberation and freedom.
Well they are certainly entitled to their freedom of speech; they are not entitled to me respecting their opinions as being worthy of serious enquiry and investigation, when their 'free speech' opinion is so riddled with self delusionary bullshit, it would make a five year old with 5 critical thinking braincells laugh. The right to say what you want, does not mean that whatever you say, is intelligent or worthy of being considered intelligent. In my view 'intelligence' is the ability to clearly articulate yourself, so as to be clearly understood. I don't follow this hegelian dialectic bullshit crap. In my opinion that is for people who are too goddamn fucking gutless to say whatever the fuck they got to say honestly. It their choice, and htey may have their reasons, for doing whatever the fuck they do. I just prefer blunt honesty.
It has nothing to do with a liberal vs. conservative philosophy, but an authentic means of mental liberation.
Well it depends what you mean by authentic mental liberation. In my view if you are lying to yourself, and not willing to confront your beliefs, and make impartial enquiry into them, and you tell yourself you are interested in authetnic mental liberation, you are lying to yourself. An act of extreme hate if there ever was one. So if you hate yourself, why the fuck should anyone else love you; who the fuck must they love, since you don't even love yourself enough to be honest with yourself about who you are, let alone someone else?
Malcolm X was right that establishment liberals were snakes.
I agree.
Yet, Malcolm X exposed both parties and didn't want blacks to be Republicans.
You may be right; I don't know whether he did not want them to be republicans. He simply said liberals are hypocrits and republicans are honest.
Republicans obviously are overt with they think about people who look like me.
Well, if you were really black, would you prefer someone to be honest with you about the reasons that they don't like you; or would you want them to pretend they like you, and you are too stupid to know they really hate you? How can you fix any problem about someone not liking in you (if you really want them to like you) if you demand htey lie to you? Isn't it gutless cowards who prefer people to lie to them and pretend to like them, when they really don't?
Welfare to the poor isn't evil as long as it isn't corrupted.
Welfare from the goverment is a form of slavery; whether it is corporate welfare or individual welfare. It leads to dependency and destroys the republic and turns a nations future into tyranny.
We can do a lot. People can create mentorships, help the poor, allow black people to be educated on their real history plus culture, fight by showing the truth, demand power, promote real black culture, and other solutions.
It is pointless helping people who do not want to be helped. You do them more harm, by encouraging htem into codependent relationships. If you want to enslave people, lead them around by liberal fake two faced hypocrit 'welfare' help. I have far more respect for people, even those that I hate, I don't hate them nearly enough to want to enslave them. Liberals pretend to love htem, and enslave them. I fucking hate them, and I refuse to enslave them.
Black people will recieve liberation by slaughtering imperialism, oppression, and injustice.
Black people will never receive liberatrion, until they confront the lies they bullshit themselves with in their own fucked up minds, which are totally oblivious of critical thinking skills. They prefer to be lied to; they hate honest people who speak to them honestly face to face; they spit on people who are honest with them face to face; who treat them honourably. They invite liberals to enslave them; and hten they wonder why the fuck people consider them inferior!
I don't believe in indiscriminately harming all white people, but I do believe in opposing racist whites by any legitimate means possible.
The most racist white you will ever meet is a two faced liberal; who encourages welfare breeding of blacks; because they believe blacks are lower than scum and have to be bred like vote farm cattle. Such liberals are ten thousand times more racist than the worst KKK member you will ever find.
White people who try to harm my people are an enemy.
Black people have far more enemies in their own black leadership. Take a look at black leaders! Al Sharpton, Nelson Mandela, Tutu, the list goes on and on and on, about black leaders who lie and deceive blacks, and are rewarded by racist liberals for treating their own people like vote farm cattle fodder.
I respect my black heritage.
Your John Brown 'black heritage'? And how many niggers have confronted you to your face, and said 'thanks for being our modern day John Brown'? How many niggers objected to your execution, on their behalf? None. Fighting for niggers is pointless. Those niggers who have lifted htemselves up, out of niggerhood, deserve recognition for who they are; and that they -- unlike the Oprah and Sharptons - don't continue to lead niggers around like Pied Pipers, encouraging them to be victim pity parties, addicted to their victimhood like crack addicts.
The fundamental root of the problem is white supremacy.
Bullshit. If any white person or white tribe is in any way superior to a black tribe, then honesty and honour demands that we be honest about the one being superior to the other and vice versa. Everyone in the world is not exactly the same, people have different superior and inferior skills. To deny such is to live in fucking cuckoo land.
The matter is about being honest about what is superior and inferior; and not just assuming because you are white or black that you are superior or not to another. Very seldom is one not superior to another, but to determine the true superiority is a matter of evaluating the facts. There is nothing wrong with anyone being sueprior to another, or acmnowledging such. If you are superior to me, in any given task, which you are, then I can acknowledge that and learn from you, by being challenged to do so; and the same with you in tasks that I am superior to you at. If we deny which tasks each other are superior in, we cannot learn from the person who superior in the given task.
It was that system that is the origin of the slave trade and other maladies in world society.
If blacks had not sold hteir own people into slavery, and had stood unified against slavery; then slavery would never have existed. Blaming white supremacy for slavery, when it was black inferoirity and greed that allowed blacks to sell each otehr into slavery is just more black victimhood bullshit.
The solution is to destroy white supremacy using a multifaceted approach.
The only white supermacy that needs to be destroyed is the white supermacy fascism political correctness of liberals. It is the white supremacy, that pretends that everyone is equal, and that to honestly admit that whites are superior in particular skills, and blacks in others does not exist. Blacks are too addicted to being bullshitted by white liberals about how all their fucking problems are white supremacy of hearing honest criticism about their faults and disgusting behaviours. When blacks welcome hearing honest criticism and truly support honest dialogue from honest whites, and listen to such constructive criticism and stop behaving like animals on viagra, or whatever the criticism is; then there shall be no more need to inform blacks of how and why anyone considers them to be kaffirs; or whatever the criticism is. Whites (not all) are more willing to hear criticism, and if they cosnider the criticism justified to amend their behaviour, thereby removing the source of the criticism. Blacks lack that honour to do so, for their own benefit. They want to be liked, just cause they make a rule that says they can behave like reptiles would not even behave, and nobody can criticise them. And then they wonder why people think they are moronically stupid.
No real black person has a insecurity.
Name one 'real black person'?
We just are sick and tried of some whites (possessing a false superiority complex) ignoring racism and ignoring how oppression still affect some black people today.
I agree there are some whites who possess a false superiority complex. If blacks really give a fuck about doing anything, why don't they engage such whites in an honest honourable conversation and debate. Invite them to a discussion; with a challenge: Prove to us how and why you think we are inferior; and if you are right, we are honourable men and will acknowledge your superiority? But they don't; so what does that say?
As for violence, Fanon is half right. People have the right to use self defense to enact a reformation, but indisciminate violence is always immoral since innocent people are going to be harmed in the process.
There are to situations in which I consider violence to be justified (there may be more, but these are the two I can think of). Both involve honour and listening.
It is almost always true that you shall find in a disagreement, one party having a greater amount of, or access to force, than another. So you have - in physical terms - the strong and the weak.
If the strong or weak refuses to listen to the arguments of the other, acts dishonourably, by avoiding an opportunity for discussion and debate and impartial evidentiary enquiry into the matter; then either party has the option of using force.
Both parties are honourable, the violence is fully informed consent by both parties: Both have sincerely listened, and both believe the matter can only be resolved by violence: a force of strength. Like two boxers arguing about who is the strongest. The only way to find out is the give them boxing gloves so they can find out.
One party does not consent to violence: It would depend on the circumstances, but if simplistically I think you could say that (A) If the party consenting to violence, considered violence the first option, and made no efforts to resolve the matter (which could be resolved without violence) by listening and impartial enquiry; then violence is their default problem solving tactic; (B) if the party refusing to consent to violence, pretends it wants to solve the matter by listening and impartial enquiry, but passive aggressively or deliberately avoids honest discussion; then its representation that it does not consent to violence is simply a bunch of PR bullshit and self deception, beucase their behaviour is deliberately opposed to their alleged commitment to honest discussion problem solving. Their behaviour states that their preference for problem solving is violence, but that they lack the honour to admit so publicly, wanting to prefer to bullshit their followers about their alleged commitment to non-violence crap.
The choice to use violence -- for me -- involves whether I think the violence will have any effect. If I can slap billy wimsatt once, and it manages to wake him up from his fit, and hear what I have to say, or he can do the same for me; then the violent slap has had a positive result. It opened our ears.
In my attempt to 'slap the SA goverment' awake, after sending them dozens and dozens and dozens of letters, complaints and documentation, visiting their offices, and phone calls, all of which fell on deaf ears - with a bomb-threat - my slap did not result in getting them to listen whatsoever.
The ANC SA Goverment is not interested in honesty, honour or anything remotely considered to be 'truth' and 'reconciliation' by anyone willing to give a clear definition of those terms. They are interested in being 'right' and in 'power'. That is all they give a flying fuck about; and it does not matter how much they lie to themselves, or SA citizens, as long as they remain in power. My efforts were based on the belief and working hypothesis that Mandela, Tutu and the ANC were sincere and serious about truth and reconciliation.
So, if we make an impartial enquiry into a matter that we believe we are 'right' about, and find out that our belief was incorrect; and we are 'wrong', then anyone who is sincere about being honest with themselves, must have the courage to say: I WAS WRONG.
Its no big deal. It does not matter how much I wish they were sincere; when I am provided clear evidence htey are not; I must confront the truth.
But I can be happy, that at the very least I no longer live under the bullshit deception and lies, that I deceived myself with; about their alleged sincerity to truth and reconciliation.
If or where I come across any statement they make, I no longer consider it as being that made by a person of sincerity. I am no longer deceived by their bullshit.
I don’t agree with you on racial issues period. Now, a real black person is a person of black African descent that isn’t ashamed of his or her heritage. I speak with brutal honesty all of the time. My people speak with honestly 100%. White reactionaries have been refuted time after time again. I mean black people as in black people. Black people are very intelligent and use their minds all of the time. So, to assume that tripe of black being unintelligent and using the K word slur has no respect from me at all. Also, black people have the right to make children irrespective if you like it or not. I am black biologically and cultural, so don’t deny who I am.
I am what I am. A better future can occur with real efforts not your pro-eugenics anti-population propaganda. The root causes of a lot of these problems deal with white supremacy not the human population growth deal. Please give me a break . Radical solution creation is about manhood. Tons of black people are solving problems like Dr. Claud Anderson, many activists, and other black heroes. So, don’t slander them you liar. The collective authors called Umoja have written books and are helping their own black people to fight for real Black Power. Black people are strong and you are such a racist liar.
Real black manhood deals with strength, honor, dignity, and righteousness. It doesn’t deal with white supremacy that you promote in a sick fashion.
Sorry, but white supremacy is a bigger enemy than. Black people aren’t using nuclear weapons, aren’t using massive anti-population control measures, and they aren’t leading the total war on terror. White Supremacy is guilty of these crimes.
You can’t compare Al Sharpton, Nelson, Mandela, Tutu, etc. to Hitler, Stalin, and other white supremacist criminals. Many black leaders are helping people to find their way. Also, reactionary propaganda (that you embrace) has been refuted for years. I respect my black heritage as I am a black American. You saying the N word is about racism. I have no alliance with you white racist. I have no respect for your views and don’t try to make me ally with you since I disagree with your racist agenda. White Supremacy is an enemy since it fundamentally agrees with the lie that white human beings are superior to blacks when the truth is that black people are the original human beings on the face of the Earth. Black people didn’t sell their own people to slavery like that. Black people were deceived by white slave traders to create that slave trade. The slave trade was invented by white racist Europeans. The black people didn’t create the ships, the routes, the invasions, and other facets of it. It was invented by white Europeans period. Victims are real. Black people have been victims of oppression for over 500 years. That’s a historical fact. Blaming white supremacy is fully adequately necessary to promote liberation (for you can’t find justice without making the enemy accountable for its crimes).
Allot of what he writes is true, some I don't know if it is true or not, and then there is the 'poor me' victim crap.
ReplyDeleteWhen will blacks and browns give up their addiction to the liberal poor me victim story bullshit?
Malcolm X articulated it in such crystal clear language, and yet blacks in the millions ignore a black man who told them the brutal truth; and they go flocking to liberal poor me human welfare vote farm slavery plantations.
Unbelievable. But if that makes them happy; what can you do?
Frantz Fanon was wrong: The black man will never achieve 'freedom' on the rotting corpse of the settler; no matter how many settlers he slaughters, until he drowns in a bloodbath of his own making. He will never achieve 'freedom' even if he breeds all whites out of existence, and they no longer exist. The white man is not the black man's problem (at least as far as his psychological inferiority is concerned), his own thinking, or lack thereof, his lack of motivation for self-analysis, of the fundamental root of his insecurity is his problem. His projection of his psychological insecurity, only exacerbates it. Slaughtering whites is to such an insecure black, the same as drinking a bottle of vodka is to an alcoholic, gives them a fake sense of security. He seeks an external solution for an internal problem.
This is not a critique on violence vs. non-violence; which in my view depends on the circumstance. It is simply a critique on Fanon's analysis of violence being the solution for insecure blacks psychological problems. Violence or non-violence can in certain circumstances be a solution, to a problem. It just depends what the problem is, and whether it is accurately identified and articulated.
This is my response to you:
ReplyDeleteReal black people don't embrace some victim mentality. That's an old lie shown by white reactionaries. People are tired of that accusation. People who are black (like me) are just showing the past as a means to promote a better future.
Also, showing oppression and fighting for radical solutions isn't protraying victimhood, but manhood. It is a part of the freedom of speech to justly promote liberation and freedom.
It has nothing to do with a liberal vs. conservative philosophy, but an authentic means of mental liberation. Malcolm X was right that establishment liberals were snakes. Yet, Malcolm X exposed both parties and didn't want blacks to be Republicans. Republicans obviously are overt with they think about people who look like me. Welfare to the poor isn't evil as long as it isn't corrupted.
We can do a lot. People can create mentorships, help the poor, allow black people to be educated on their real history plus culture, fight by showing the truth, demand power, promote real black culture, and other solutions.
Black people will recieve liberation by slaughtering imperialism, oppression, and injustice. I don't believe in indiscriminately harming all white people, but I do believe in opposing racist whites by any legitimate means possible.
White people who try to harm my people are an enemy. White people who are trying to do the right thing aren't, but I won't lay up whites. I respect my black heritage. The fundamental root of the problem is white supremacy. It was that system that is the origin of the slave trade and other maladies in world society. The solution is to destroy white supremacy using a multifaceted approach.
No real black person has a insecurity. We just are sick and tried of some whites (possessing a false superiority complex) ignoring racism and ignoring how oppression still affect some black people today. As for violence, Fanon is half right. People have the right to use self defense to enact a reformation, but indisciminate violence is always immoral since innocent people are going to be harmed in the process.
Thanks for your response:
ReplyDeleteReal black people don't embrace some victim mentality.
Who, according to you, is a 'real black person'?
Do your 'real black persons' speak 100% brutal honesty? Mine do. According to my definition of a 'real black person', his name is Greg Small.
That's an old lie shown by white reactionaries.
Maybe, depends on how you define 'real black person'; I guess.
People are tired of that accusation.
Black people, I assume you mean? Or which people are tired of an accusation. Frankly, in my experience if someone is seriously tired of an accusation, then they do whatever needs done to remove the particular behaviour that is the point of the allegation. I ain't seen many black people breed like they are using their brains, so I don't see why I should not continue to call them kaffirs, if htey behave like kaffirs. I don't call black people who breed responsibly with behaviour that shows they love their children, plan for their children's future, kaffirs. Because they don't behave like kaffirs.
People who are black (like me) are just showing the past as a means to promote a better future.
You are not black, certainly not biologically; but if you prefer to call yourself black, thats your choice.
As for showing the past to promote a better future. A better future can only occur, if people want a better future enough to do whatever the fuck it is to address the root causes of their problems. If not, they can know every fucking detail about the past to the big bang, and it will make zero fucking difference to their future; if they aren't serious about problem solving.
Also, showing oppression and fighting for radical solutions isn't protraying victimhood, but manhood.
Ag please give me a fucking break. How many black people do you know who are serious about addressing the root causes of their goddamn fucking problems? Is it manhood to deny the root causes of yoru problems, and to lead your black followers around like fucking zombified animals on viagra? If that is the definition for manhood, fine; why not say so? Why ain't manhood got the balls to say, this is our definition of manhood; and give a crystal clear definition of what they mean by 'manhood'?
Clearly my definition of manhood and just about every single black person (except perhaps Greg Small) on this planet, and many white men's definitons of manhood ain't the same thing!
It is a part of the freedom of speech to justly promote liberation and freedom.
ReplyDeleteWell they are certainly entitled to their freedom of speech; they are not entitled to me respecting their opinions as being worthy of serious enquiry and investigation, when their 'free speech' opinion is so riddled with self delusionary bullshit, it would make a five year old with 5 critical thinking braincells laugh. The right to say what you want, does not mean that whatever you say, is intelligent or worthy of being considered intelligent. In my view 'intelligence' is the ability to clearly articulate yourself, so as to be clearly understood. I don't follow this hegelian dialectic bullshit crap. In my opinion that is for people who are too goddamn fucking gutless to say whatever the fuck they got to say honestly. It their choice, and htey may have their reasons, for doing whatever the fuck they do. I just prefer blunt honesty.
It has nothing to do with a liberal vs. conservative philosophy, but an authentic means of mental liberation.
Well it depends what you mean by authentic mental liberation. In my view if you are lying to yourself, and not willing to confront your beliefs, and make impartial enquiry into them, and you tell yourself you are interested in authetnic mental liberation, you are lying to yourself. An act of extreme hate if there ever was one. So if you hate yourself, why the fuck should anyone else love you; who the fuck must they love, since you don't even love yourself enough to be honest with yourself about who you are, let alone someone else?
Malcolm X was right that establishment liberals were snakes.
I agree.
Yet, Malcolm X exposed both parties and didn't want blacks to be Republicans.
You may be right; I don't know whether he did not want them to be republicans. He simply said liberals are hypocrits and republicans are honest.
Republicans obviously are overt with they think about people who look like me.
Well, if you were really black, would you prefer someone to be honest with you about the reasons that they don't like you; or would you want them to pretend they like you, and you are too stupid to know they really hate you? How can you fix any problem about someone not liking in you (if you really want them to like you) if you demand htey lie to you? Isn't it gutless cowards who prefer people to lie to them and pretend to like them, when they really don't?
Welfare to the poor isn't evil as long as it isn't corrupted.
ReplyDeleteWelfare from the goverment is a form of slavery; whether it is corporate welfare or individual welfare. It leads to dependency and destroys the republic and turns a nations future into tyranny.
We can do a lot. People can create mentorships, help the poor, allow black people to be educated on their real history plus culture, fight by showing the truth, demand power, promote real black culture, and other solutions.
It is pointless helping people who do not want to be helped. You do them more harm, by encouraging htem into codependent relationships. If you want to enslave people, lead them around by liberal fake two faced hypocrit 'welfare' help. I have far more respect for people, even those that I hate, I don't hate them nearly enough to want to enslave them. Liberals pretend to love htem, and enslave them. I fucking hate them, and I refuse to enslave them.
Black people will recieve liberation by slaughtering imperialism, oppression, and injustice.
Black people will never receive liberatrion, until they confront the lies they bullshit themselves with in their own fucked up minds, which are totally oblivious of critical thinking skills. They prefer to be lied to; they hate honest people who speak to them honestly face to face; they spit on people who are honest with them face to face; who treat them honourably. They invite liberals to enslave them; and hten they wonder why the fuck people consider them inferior!
I don't believe in indiscriminately harming all white people, but I do believe in opposing racist whites by any legitimate means possible.
The most racist white you will ever meet is a two faced liberal; who encourages welfare breeding of blacks; because they believe blacks are lower than scum and have to be bred like vote farm cattle. Such liberals are ten thousand times more racist than the worst KKK member you will ever find.
White people who try to harm my people are an enemy.
ReplyDeleteBlack people have far more enemies in their own black leadership. Take a look at black leaders! Al Sharpton, Nelson Mandela, Tutu, the list goes on and on and on, about black leaders who lie and deceive blacks, and are rewarded by racist liberals for treating their own people like vote farm cattle fodder.
I respect my black heritage.
Your John Brown 'black heritage'?
And how many niggers have confronted you to your face, and said 'thanks for being our modern day John Brown'? How many niggers objected to your execution, on their behalf? None. Fighting for niggers is pointless. Those niggers who have lifted htemselves up, out of niggerhood, deserve recognition for who they are; and that they -- unlike the Oprah and Sharptons - don't continue to lead niggers around like Pied Pipers, encouraging them to be victim pity parties, addicted to their victimhood like crack addicts.
The fundamental root of the problem is white supremacy.
Bullshit. If any white person or white tribe is in any way superior to a black tribe, then honesty and honour demands that we be honest about the one being superior to the other and vice versa. Everyone in the world is not exactly the same, people have different superior and inferior skills. To deny such is to live in fucking cuckoo land.
The matter is about being honest about what is superior and inferior; and not just assuming because you are white or black that you are superior or not to another. Very seldom is one not superior to another, but to determine the true superiority is a matter of evaluating the facts. There is nothing wrong with anyone being sueprior to another, or acmnowledging such. If you are superior to me, in any given task, which you are, then I can acknowledge that and learn from you, by being challenged to do so; and the same with you in tasks that I am superior to you at. If we deny which tasks each other are superior in, we cannot learn from the person who superior in the given task.
It was that system that is the origin of the slave trade and other maladies in world society.
If blacks had not sold hteir own people into slavery, and had stood unified against slavery; then slavery would never have existed. Blaming white supremacy for slavery, when it was black inferoirity and greed that allowed blacks to sell each otehr into slavery is just more black victimhood bullshit.
The solution is to destroy white supremacy using a multifaceted approach.
ReplyDeleteThe only white supermacy that needs to be destroyed is the white supermacy fascism political correctness of liberals. It is the white supremacy, that pretends that everyone is equal, and that to honestly admit that whites are superior in particular skills, and blacks in others does not exist. Blacks are too addicted to being bullshitted by white liberals about how all their fucking problems are white supremacy of hearing honest criticism about their faults and disgusting behaviours. When blacks welcome hearing honest criticism and truly support honest dialogue from honest whites, and listen to such constructive criticism and stop behaving like animals on viagra, or whatever the criticism is; then there shall be no more need to inform blacks of how and why anyone considers them to be kaffirs; or whatever the criticism is. Whites (not all) are more willing to hear criticism, and if they cosnider the criticism justified to amend their behaviour, thereby removing the source of the criticism. Blacks lack that honour to do so, for their own benefit. They want to be liked, just cause they make a rule that says they can behave like reptiles would not even behave, and nobody can criticise them. And then they wonder why people think they are moronically stupid.
No real black person has a insecurity.
Name one 'real black person'?
We just are sick and tried of some whites (possessing a false superiority complex) ignoring racism and ignoring how oppression still affect some black people today.
I agree there are some whites who possess a false superiority complex. If blacks really give a fuck about doing anything, why don't they engage such whites in an honest honourable conversation and debate. Invite them to a discussion; with a challenge: Prove to us how and why you think we are inferior; and if you are right, we are honourable men and will acknowledge your superiority? But they don't; so what does that say?
As for violence, Fanon is half right. People have the right to use self defense to enact a reformation, but indisciminate violence is always immoral since innocent people are going to be harmed in the process.
There are to situations in which I consider violence to be justified (there may be more, but these are the two I can think of). Both involve honour and listening.
It is almost always true that you shall find in a disagreement, one party having a greater amount of, or access to force, than another. So you have - in physical terms - the strong and the weak.
Simplistically, between two individuals:
ReplyDeleteIf the strong or weak refuses to listen to the arguments of the other, acts dishonourably, by avoiding an opportunity for discussion and debate and impartial evidentiary enquiry into the matter; then either party has the option of using force.
Both parties are honourable, the violence is fully informed consent by both parties: Both have sincerely listened, and both believe the matter can only be resolved by violence: a force of strength. Like two boxers arguing about who is the strongest. The only way to find out is the give them boxing gloves so they can find out.
One party does not consent to violence: It would depend on the circumstances, but if simplistically I think you could say that (A) If the party consenting to violence, considered violence the first option, and made no efforts to resolve the matter (which could be resolved without violence) by listening and impartial enquiry; then violence is their default problem solving tactic; (B) if the party refusing to consent to violence, pretends it wants to solve the matter by listening and impartial enquiry, but passive aggressively or deliberately avoids honest discussion; then its representation that it does not consent to violence is simply a bunch of PR bullshit and self deception, beucase their behaviour is deliberately opposed to their alleged commitment to honest discussion problem solving. Their behaviour states that their preference for problem solving is violence, but that they lack the honour to admit so publicly, wanting to prefer to bullshit their followers about their alleged commitment to non-violence crap.
The choice to use violence -- for me -- involves whether I think the violence will have any effect. If I can slap billy wimsatt once, and it manages to wake him up from his fit, and hear what I have to say, or he can do the same for me; then the violent slap has had a positive result. It opened our ears.
In my attempt to 'slap the SA goverment' awake, after sending them dozens and dozens and dozens of letters, complaints and documentation, visiting their offices, and phone calls, all of which fell on deaf ears - with a bomb-threat - my slap did not result in getting them to listen whatsoever.
The ANC SA Goverment is not interested in honesty, honour or anything remotely considered to be 'truth' and 'reconciliation' by anyone willing to give a clear definition of those terms. They are interested in being 'right' and in 'power'. That is all they give a flying fuck about; and it does not matter how much they lie to themselves, or SA citizens, as long as they remain in power. My efforts were based on the belief and working hypothesis that Mandela, Tutu and the ANC were sincere and serious about truth and reconciliation.
So, if we make an impartial enquiry into a matter that we believe we are 'right' about, and find out that our belief was incorrect; and we are 'wrong', then anyone who is sincere about being honest with themselves, must have the courage to say: I WAS WRONG.
ReplyDeleteIts no big deal. It does not matter how much I wish they were sincere; when I am provided clear evidence htey are not; I must confront the truth.
But I can be happy, that at the very least I no longer live under the bullshit deception and lies, that I deceived myself with; about their alleged sincerity to truth and reconciliation.
If or where I come across any statement they make, I no longer consider it as being that made by a person of sincerity. I am no longer deceived by their bullshit.
I don’t agree with you on racial issues period. Now, a real black person is a person of black African descent that isn’t ashamed of his or her heritage. I speak with brutal honesty all of the time. My people speak with honestly 100%. White reactionaries have been refuted time after time again. I mean black people as in black people. Black people are very intelligent and use their minds all of the time. So, to assume that tripe of black being unintelligent and using the K word slur has no respect from me at all. Also, black people have the right to make children irrespective if you like it or not. I am black biologically and cultural, so don’t deny who I am.
ReplyDeleteI am what I am. A better future can occur with real efforts not your pro-eugenics anti-population propaganda. The root causes of a lot of these problems deal with white supremacy not the human population growth deal. Please give me a break . Radical solution creation is about manhood. Tons of black people are solving problems like Dr. Claud Anderson, many activists, and other black heroes. So, don’t slander them you liar. The collective authors called Umoja have written books and are helping their own black people to fight for real Black Power. Black people are strong and you are such a racist liar.
Real black manhood deals with strength, honor, dignity, and righteousness. It doesn’t deal with white supremacy that you promote in a sick fashion.
By Timothy
Sorry, but white supremacy is a bigger enemy than. Black people aren’t using nuclear weapons, aren’t using massive anti-population control measures, and they aren’t leading the total war on terror. White Supremacy is guilty of these crimes.
ReplyDeleteYou can’t compare Al Sharpton, Nelson, Mandela, Tutu, etc. to Hitler, Stalin, and other white supremacist criminals. Many black leaders are helping people to find their way. Also, reactionary propaganda (that you embrace) has been refuted for years. I respect my black heritage as I am a black American. You saying the N word is about racism. I have no alliance with you white racist. I have no respect for your views and don’t try to make me ally with you since I disagree with your racist agenda. White Supremacy is an enemy since it fundamentally agrees with the lie that white human beings are superior to blacks when the truth is that black people are the original human beings on the face of the Earth. Black people didn’t sell their own people to slavery like that. Black people were deceived by white slave traders to create that slave trade. The slave trade was invented by white racist Europeans. The black people didn’t create the ships, the routes, the invasions, and other facets of it. It was invented by white Europeans period. Victims are real. Black people have been victims of oppression for over 500 years. That’s a historical fact. Blaming white supremacy is fully adequately necessary to promote liberation (for you can’t find justice without making the enemy accountable for its crimes).
-By Timothy