
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The 2012 Election

Newt Gingrich promote geo-engineering. Geo-engineering is about using devices in the sky to try to cause weather changes. The problems with geo-engineering are that it can cause harm to the environment and sulphur into the atmosphere is dangerous. You can’t use nitrogen in the water in trying to block out the sun to make environmentally sound policies. Gingrich calls himself a conservative futurist. It’s a fact that the U.S. government has done geo-engineering before. These acts can cause environmental damage. Extreme acts being done under the guise of “environmentalism” is nothing new. The White House Science Czar named John P. Holdren wrote a 1977 book called “Ecoscience.” The book called for forced abortion, mandatory sterilization and other draconian measures in the name of saving the Earth. Newt Gingrich wants carbon taxes. He is known to flip flop on political issues. He supports the war on terror and austerity measures. He has bashed the poor recently in December of 2011 of believing that the poor lack labor skills. No, the poor lack justice not labor skills. The poor have worked their finger to the bone among thousands of years. Gingrich’s Contract of America dealt with cutting Social Security, cutting many vital services, and adhering to laissez faire economics (as Adam Smith loved). Newt has no problem with the police state like laws in America that violate our free speech rights as well. Mitt Romney doesn’t want to go into a Donald Trump debate. Donald Trump is a man that wants a Republican to win the election, because he opposes President Barack Obama’s policies greatly. Trump panders to the reactionary section of the Republican Party. Gingrich, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney are leaders in the Republican Presidential race. The 2012 election is becoming very interesting.

The government has talked about FEMA camps for years. Recently, new documents confirm plans by agents of the corporate elite in activating FEMA Camps across America. This document came from the Halliburton subsidiary KBR. This subsidiary wants FEMA and U.S. Army camps around America. The document is named, “Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements.” The document shows that KBR wanted to get subcontractors to build more camps. A state government employee released the document publicly. This person is anonymous for obvious reasons. The bid involves catering, temporary fencing, barricades, laundry, medical services, power generation, refuse collection, and other services. These items are used for emergency environment camps in the 5 regions of America. The KBR wanting a FEMA camp service bid comes after the Senate overwhelming passed the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA allows the military to detain and interrogate supposed domestic terror suspects in violation of the Fourth Amendment and Posse Comitatus. Section 1031 of the NDAA bill declares the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allows American citizens to be arrested on U.S. soil and incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. A number of civil liberties groups have come out in strong opposition to the legislation, most notably the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), the nation’s oldest and largest Asian American civil and human rights organization. S. Floyd Mori is the national director of JACL. He wrote a letter to Congress saying that the NDAA is scaling back rights from the protections from the Non-Detention Act of 1971. Mori said that the legislation is similar to the unconstitutional indefinite detention of Japanese Americans during WWII. Back in 2006, the KBR was given a contingency contract from the DHS. The contract wanted the detention of people in case of an emergency like immigrants coming into America. The Civilian Inmate Labor Program Army document was shown. It describes the regulation 210-35. The regulation, first drafted in 1997, underwent a “rapid act revision” in January 2005 and now provides a policy for the creation of labor programs and prison camps on Army installations. HR 645 was introduced in Congress back in 2009. HR 645 wanted national emergency centers (or camps) to be placed in military installations. It provides temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to people and family dislocated by an emergency or major disaster. Some people fear that many people can be forced into these camps (even American citizens) in case of a crisis like a total economic collapse. Clergy response teams are groups of people trying to brainwash religious people to accept governmental policy unconditionally. Rex 84 was one precursor to the police state system that we witness today. REX 84 is the Readiness Exercise 1984. It was created as a means to deal with immigration into America. During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.” The Knight of Malta Col. Oliver North created Rex 84. He was with NSC and appointed liaison to FEMA. John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of “national preparedness” programs for FEMA. Oliver North designed a 1970 report. This report was written by FEMA chief Louis Guiffrida at the Army War College. It proposed the detention of up to 21 million American black people in the event of a black militant uprising in America. The police now have crackdown on OWS protestors nationwide. Even in Oakland, Mayor Jean Quan mentioned a conference call with leaders of 18 U.S. cities shortly before a wave of raids broke up Occupy Wall Street encampment across America. Soon, people discovered that the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and other federal police agencies worked together to coordinate the violent response to the protests. New York Rep. Peter King, who heads up the House Homeland Security Subcommittee, signaled a sense of urgency when he said the federal government has “to be careful not to allow this movement to get any legitimacy. I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960′s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.” That is why the FBI illegally used COINTELPRO to harm civil rights groups in the 1960’s and the 1970’s. It prevented real change. The DHS used documents to slander people as terrorists if they believe in states’ rights or in the Constitution. The KBR document is more evidence that the federal government has established internment camps and plans to fill them with dissidents and anti-government activists that have been demonized consistently by the establishment media. The NDAA was crafted precisely to provide the legal mechanism for tasking the military to round up activists it conflates with al-Qaeda terrorists. The plan was initially envisioned by Rex 84. Even Operation Garden Plot dealt with the use of the Army, USAF, Navy, and Marine Corp to have civil disturbance control operations. This is done under the guise of Continuity of government. The police state is growing and people have the right to oppose it. Even the feds have used patsies to promote a suppression of human liberties.

Freemasonry is one with the occult. Freemasonry is a part of the occult and this has been admitted by Freemasons for decades and centuries. Dr. Cathy Burns and other researchers have conclusively proven this fact. The occult deals with astrology, witchcraft, magic, and New Age concepts constantly. There is also necromancy, shamanism, telepathy, divination, etc. that relate to the occult too. Freemasonry loves the occult practices of astrology and the Zodiac. The Masonic author Mr. Castells admitted that the Zodiac is found in the Royal Arch. The Zodiac being a Masonic symbol has been admitted  in 1775 when the Freemasons’ Hall erected the Zodiac as a Masonic symbol. It was placed over its main entrance of the edifice in that London Temple. In Masonry and Its Symbols in the Light of "Thinking and Destiny," we find: "The Zodiac is the best symbol of the circle with the twelve points on the circumference which give a value to geometrical symbols....Masonry has its symbols from the Zodiac…” Masonic globes worldwide show astrological signs. The 30 degrees in the zodiac represents the image of rebirth. According to the Introduction to The Kabbalah Unveiled by McGregor Mathers, who was the co-founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888, the Zodiac is part of the kabbalist teachings of the sephiroth, the Primordial Being, and the Ezekiel's vision. Of course, this is wrong since the prophet Ezekiel has nothing to do with the Zodiac. The Rosicrucian Manual from the Grand Lodge in San Jose, California teaches that The Hermetic Rose Cross symbolism is entirely wrapped in alchemy, cabala, and the zodiac. That is why Masons view Venus and Sirius in esoteric terms.

We have a long way to go to have a progressive society. Europe is still behind America in some immigration policies. America is still behind European nations in terms of some social legislation. In Germany, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, etc. have less people than us, but they have more security for their people. Scandinavian nations are often evaluated as being MORE FREE in many respects than is the USA. A human being has the right to have universal health care, the right to a job, the right to an income, and the right to fight against ruinous wars in the Middle East. FOX News isn’t the answer to our situation since they most accept reactionary ideologies. These reactionaries (like Bill Cunningham from Ohio. I haven’t forgotten about you. You have a talk show. You acted as a flame thrower for years and now you want to be like Mr. Rogers. LOL) forget that a content of a man’s character shouldn’t be judged. Although, we can judge oppression as evil. We can judge record poverty in America as a disgrace (including poor bashing as wrong), and we judge unjust wars as immoral. Economic rights for all people is a more important concept to adhere to than promoting corporate tax breaks for the super rich. You can’t claim to hate big government, but want a big government to fund war in defense of corporate interests. Corporatism or laissez faire capitalism gave us modern slavery and the modern slave trade (including world wars, fascism, and the like). In ancient times, feudalism didn’t work for the poor and the oppressed. We don’t need a system of the priviledged continuing forth in the world at the expense of the masses of the common people. In America, it’s still taboo to see the imperfections of capitalism or any other economic system (except socialism and Communism). There is no mention of the Constitution of having a job or have a living wage. Just because something isn’t mentioned in the Constitution, doesn’t mean that something ought to be rejected. We have God-given right to have a better life. Spending money for the hungry, the homeless, and to use money to help create housing is right. Today, many want cooperatives and community solutions as a wave of the future.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Virginia is heavily militarized. I love Virginia and Hampton Roads. I do respect real people born and raised in Virginia. Yet, I don’t want to be exploited as some guinea big of war. War is evil.  I have to show the truth. I live in Virginia and I notice the military everywhere here. The culture of the military is strong here in Hampton Roads. People become sensitive about the military here. As for me, I just keep it real. No man gave me my rights except my God. I will never fight for some immoral wars. That’s not part of my game plan. The military industrial complex uses fear and political correct to promote a fake patriotism. It’s the worship of self, it’s the worship of arms, and it’s the worship of materialism. This system isn’t about the worship of the one true God. Now, the Pentagon headquarters is located in Virginia. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff lives in Quarters Six at Fort Myer in Arlington. The Army and Air Force chief of staff live on Generals Row in Fort Myer. Norfolk, VA has the largest naval base on Earth. The NATO is headquartered in Norfolk, VA (as found the U.S. Joint Forces Command). That is why foreign students from France, Belgium, and all over Europe are in Hampton Roads schools. Langley Air Force base is found in Hampton. Even in Charlottesville, there is an AT and T site that some believe that military used to use. DARPA and the Defense Intelligence Agency are located in Virginia. Oceania is located in Virginia Beach. Army recruits are all over the nation like in Short Pump, VA. There are 161 military contractors in Charlottesville alone. Virginia is home to SAIC, DynCorp, Mantech, MPRI, CACI, and BAE. Xe (Blackwater) is moving to Arlington from its location just across the North Carolina line, a location at which the Virginia Beach Police train, and from which many Blackwater employees commute to live in Virginia Beach. L3 Flight International Aviation is in Newport News. The American Type Culture Collection in Manassas supplied anthrax to Saddam Hussein. Eisenhower was talked out of saying "military industrial congressional complex," but the meaning nonetheless came through. So, I am nearing 30. I don’t believe in war or in the military industrial complex at all. I don’t believe in disrespecting anyone, but I do believe in bashing evil, bashing unjust militarism, and bashing fake patriotism. In a lighter note, we should not denigrate anyone personally in a foul way whether they are in the service or not. I am controversial and that’s me with absolutely no regrets. I am not sorry. I have no regrets.  
By Timothy


  1. Anonymous19:51

    Greetings Timothy
    I like your posts. The only thing I disagree with is your take on the speech where gingrich was talking about poor kids. He was only saying what most people see and say regularly. We start programs to target "at risk youth", "under privilaged youth" because they have no role models and are not being taught basic life skills (big brothers, 100 black men, etc.). I grew up in Hampton/Newport News and have not seen rights violated in such a way that keeps a mass of people in poverty, unless you count immorality and willful chronic dysfunction as a violation of rights. This cannot be legislated away. No amount of money or nice things will change hearts. Aaron Brooks is about to find this out with his East End Project. God bless him. I hope I am wrong! As we see with celebs and politicians materials do nothing to improve ones character or moral standing. At conventions and conferences community leaders, parents, and elders say the same thing gingrich said in his speech. At every state of the black union with tavis smiley what gingrich said has been mentioned. Although I like some of his debate statements. I do not support gingrich. I think he is just a talker and a typical politician who will make this country worse. But what he said regarding poor children was true. There is nothing wrong with being a janitor or any other low paying low skill job, especially if you're a child. One problem is people think they are too good and would rather do evil or go on welfare than humble themselves and mop a floor. Hard work helps young people learn to take responsibility and it builds self confidence like nothing else.

  2. Thanks for your words. I will read all of your words on poverty and comment soon.

    We don't have to agree on every issue and that's purely human. Yet, we do want the same goal.

    Thank you.

  3. Newt Gingrich’s views on the poor are controversial. His views reflect archaic ideas about poverty in my opinion. It’s silly to tell the poor to get up by their own bootstrap when they have no boots to begin with. It doesn’t matter if the majority of people view the poor or poor children in that fashion. Even if a majority of people embrace an inaccurate view point, they are still wrong. Truth is not defined by popularity. Truth is universal irrespective of when or where time exists. I have no problem with programs being utilized to help the poor community and the poor youth. Although, numerous poor people possess plenty of labor skills. The poor are the ones that built a large part of America. The poor are the ones that have worked in construction in building streets, buildings, and other infrastructure in America spanning centuries. They are the ones in the sewage system and digging holes around the country. They are the ones sometimes working 2 jobs just to make ends meet in order for them to assist their children or relatives. There are social and cultural problems in America that are experienced by the poor.

    Yet, these problems aren’t limited to those in the lower socioeconomic class. They exist across classes and across backgrounds. Basic life skills are important to promote. Yet, Gingrich used a collective statement talking about the poor collectively in negative terminology. That is one big error since the poor isn’t some monolithic block that has trouble with basic life skills. Many of the poor are poor, because of corporate corruption, globalization, and other factors that the poor have nothing to do with at all. Some people experience poverty by birth, by being fired unjustly, and by no fault of their own. You grew up in the Peninsula. I grew up in Southside, Hampton Roads. I’ve seen people rights violated all of the time. In America, we have the Patriot Act, profiling, oppressive new voting laws, and other anti-liberty policies that harm human civil liberties. The growing economic disparity among the haves and the have nots is a disgrace. Immorality and dysfunction is not limited to some of the poor. There are middle class and rich folks who experience immorality and dysfunction. A law can’t cure all immorality. Yet, the law can keep a man’s hands of me and I think that new laws can be beneficial. Money can’t solve all problems, but using money for the benefit of man is so much better than using money to benefit the aims of oligarchy (and the military industrial complex). Historically, when money was used to fight against poverty; poverty was cut it in half from 1960 to 1970. Tavis Smiley and Gingrich are ideological opposites. Smiley never bashed poor children as lacking labor skills. Smiley never supported corporate interests as Gingrich has promoted. Smiley doesn’t support violations of the First Amendment as Gingrich has indicated in his numerous speeches as well. Child labor is banned since young children don’t have the emotional nor physical abilities to perform extensive labor. Teenagers are fully capable of performing labor not children. Also, the poor have plenty of labor capabilities spanning the eons of time. Some super rich individual lack labor skills by living a very complacent lifestyle.

    I know tons of poor children that are meek and upright. There are plenty of poor children that harbor a love of moral values. Economic justice for the poor is the way to go. I believe in giving people confidence among all peoples. Although, I don’t believe in scapegoating the poor. I don’t believe in harboring some false, monolithic perspective about poor individuals too.

    By Timothy

  4. Also, it is not a sin for a man to take welfare temporarily if they need it. It is a sin for some corporations to poison our air, poison our water, and to harm our economic systems.
