
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Rick Santorum: “I Don’t Want To Make Black Lives Better By Welfare” (I KNow He didn't say that. I know he didn't say what I think he said)


Montely WilsonModerator9 hours ago
I wonder what Rick is going to do about real welfare. Just an example of what real welfare is: corporate tax breaks that don't produce benefits for Americans through job creation of technology improvements, the defense industry and over priced munitions, blotted salaries for legislators whom have had 600% salary increase over the last 20 years that taxpayers (constituents) have no authority to approve of disallow, etc. All Rick has shown is the resurgence of white supremacy in America. What they do not realize is that in a global economy, the backwardness hurts all Americans of every ethnicity and not just blacks. Blacks know what time it is so they are not fooled by the rhetoric. White America on the other hand is in for a rude awakening!
LA StoneModerator10 hours ago
He said it because it's coded speak. The dog whistle that he knows the right people will hear. Of course, we can all hear it, but he's letting his fellow racists know where he's coming from. White supremacy is what that kind of talk is really about. He knows that whites are on welfare more than blacks, but that kind of talk won't get him elected.
Ed LaRueModerator4 hours ago
Santorum is an Anti-Libertarian Bachmann clone.
Definitely a muslim-hating radical extremist.
He has a LONG history of supporting gun-contrul measures.
And listen to this! This guy wants to STRENGTHEN The Patriot Act! LOL

Santorum is completely unelectable.
whowantz2knoModerator7 hours ago
I wonder why neither party speaks of cutting off the REAL big banks and wallstreet that garner the MOST money from everyone....The unnecessary WARS take up too much money, congress giving itself raises takes up too much money. Those lavish government vacations take up too much money....Why don't politicians start there instead of medicare/medicaid/social security/education etc.....

These crooks are great at making the public THINK social programs bleed us tax payers dry. It's america taking care of Israel and overseas business that has nothing to do with america is what a huge part of the problem is. Yes I want all my black people off of welfare period, because it's stagnating us as a people. I only take issue when these politricksters make it seem as if it's JUST BLACKS on it, and make it seem like welfare is THEE financial problem.
Lisad14Moderator10 hours ago
Why in the heck would he say that???? Even if he meant well, its better for all folk to work than to be on welfare, but blacks aren't the only people on welfare! These politicians can't seem to stop putting their dang foot in their mouths! It would've been better if he said, I want to get the manufacturing sector rolling so that able bodied citizens can work to support their families instead of depending on welfare....WTF is wrong with these people!

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