
Monday, February 13, 2012

Global Media Promotes Syrian “Activist” Begging For Military Invasion


Global Media Promotes Syrian “Activist” Begging For Military Invasion

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‘Syria Danny’ – British citizen used as poster child for war propaganda
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, February 13, 2012
The global mainstream media is feverishly creating a poster child for the planned invasion of Syria, by affording a British citizen who claims to be a Syrian “activist” endless air time during which he constantly begs for a U.S., Israeli or NATO-backed bombing campaign to depose President Bashar Assad.



Given the title ‘Syria Danny’ – full name Danny Abdul Dayem – this British citizen of Syrian descent has been featured repeatedly by the likes of CNN, BBC and Sky News in segments that amount to mini-documentaries more than news items. In the segments, Danny repeats the same talking points about how the Syrian people are in desperate need of a UN, U.S. or NATO-backed invasion in order to prevent further bloodshed.
The corporate media has featured Danny’s interviews and You Tube videos, in which he shows dead bodies of Syrians allegedly killed by Assad’s forces, with very little if any qualification, largely presenting Danny’s unsubstantiated claims as gospel truth.
Compare this to the press coverage of the Arab League’s report, which was almost completely ignored after it came to the conclusion that the violence in Syria was being exaggerated and that both sides of the conflict were culpable for the violence.
Testimony from Syrians alleging murder and brutality on behalf of opposition rebels, such as last week’s terror attack in Aleppo, has also been completely censored by western news networks.
Danny’s first major appearance was on BBC News back in September. Since then he has appeared on just about every corporate media network on an almost daily basis imploring western powers to launch a military invasion to “help” the Syrian people.
Asked by CNN if the United States should invade Syria, Danny responded, “They can help, we’ll take help from anyone, Israel, we don’t care…this regime needs to be threatened, it needs to be attacked,” adding that the only way to stop Assad would be “an attack, an army attack, a no fly zone, that the UN hit all our air bases.”
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Danny has also used his plentiful air time to repeatedly stress that Syrian rebels are not backed by Al-Qaeda, despite the same Al-Qaeda terrorists who helped overthrow Gaddafi in Libya being airlifted into Syria by NATO forces, in addition to Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri’s public support for Syrian rebel forces.
Observers have noticed that Danny’s accent seems to change from time to time, on one occasion sounding distinctly British and the next Middle Eastern. A photo taken from his Facebook page shows him posing on top of a seized Syrian army tank.
Little is known about ‘Danny’ and he seems to have appeared out of nowhere, leading some to suspect that he is an actor, a British intelligence operative or both. The fact that the corporate media has lavished attention on his every word underscores how, whether wittingly or unwittingly, he is being used as a poster child for war propaganda in preparation for western-orchestrated regime change in Syria.
As the independent Arab League report made clear, Syria is in a state of civil war with indiscriminate violence being perpetrated by both sides. For the media to label the rebel forces who are bombing government buildings and killing Syrian troops as “activists” would be like calling Occupy Wall Street members “demonstrators” if they started shooting cops and firing rocket-propelled grenades into the New York Stock Exchange.
The media would call them “terrorists” and yet despite continued terror attacks perpetrated by rebels in Syria the corporate press continues to characterize them as innocent victims of a genocidal regime.
As we highlighted last week, the mainstream media, particularly leftist outlets like the UK Guardian, are increasingly facing questions from their own readers about why a state of civil war is being misrepresented as a barbaric assault by one side only.
The corporate media has dispensed with any pretense of objectivity and has thrown its weight behind framing events in Syria as a one-sided affair, prostrating itself as a platform for shadowy Syrian “activists” who could just as easily be working from within the British Foreign office. Indeed, newspapers have already been caught presenting propaganda from groups with direct ties to British intelligence as evidence of atrocities committed by Assad’s forces.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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