
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Time and the aftermath of the Florida Primary

Mitt Romney won the Florida Primary. The mainstream media has gotten their man Mitt Romney to win the Republican primary probably. It’s interesting to see that voter turnout in the state is less than 2008 when John McCain won the primary in Florida. Back in 2008, about 2 million votes were counted, but 1.7 million votes would be counted in 2012. The race isn’t over since delegates span across the USA. Gingrich is second place in the Florida race, then Santorum, and Ron Paul. Mitt Romney is fighting in Nevada like Newt Gingrich is. Negative television commercials consume the candidacies of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum believes that he is the true, blue old school conservative individual that can clean up Washington corruption. Ron Paul accepts great foreign policy perspectives, but he accepts the 1 percent doctrine of austerity as a subsequent means to promote a better society. I don’t agree with that view, because I believe that helping the sick, the aged, the minorities, the poor, and the suffering are more important than having a fetish with debt & the interests of the oligarchy. Human rights will always trump states rights period. Ron Paul traveling in Maine and other states while Santorum is traveling all over the South and the Midwest. Recently in February 1, 2012, Mitt Romney actually admitted that he isn’t concerned about the very poor. His exact words are that: “…I'm in this race because I care about Americans. I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I'll fix it," the Republican front-runner said Wednesday on CNN. This is interesting since the poor are Americans too. This is ironic since Romney said that he wants to repair the social safety net, but many GOP leaders desire to decrease radically the social safety net. Republican Speaker of the House Boehner even desires the market to work itself out when we have people are in foreclosure (and tthey lack the means to pay off the mortgages of their own homes). When you have the homeless in America, folks sleeping on park benches, folks sleeping on sidewalks ,and people in emergency rooms for medical attention, then you have to make a better policy to strengthen our social safety net (so our neighbors are helped in the world). More of the middle class are increasingly becoming poor. Therefore, we should have concerns not only for the middle class, but for the poor. The reality is the poor are suffering and the weak safety net are just holding much of poor up from blatant starvation. Romney supports the evil Ryan plan that wants to turn Medicare into a voucher program and cut billions of dollars from Medicaid (this is aid to the poorer citizens of the USA). Romeny’s economic plan will increase taxes on the poor too. The Neocons and the CFR want to promote a war in Iran with lies and exaggerations. Now, they desire to promote the lie of an strong al-Qaeda/Iran link as a justification to fight in Iran. The CFR’s Foreign Affairs website is promoting the idea that al-Qaeda and Iran are working together. There is the James Clapper’s intelligence report before the Senate saying that Iranian attacks inside of America. CFR’s Seth G. Jones wrote that Hezbollah can turn to Al-Qaeda to mount retaliation to any U.S. or any Israeli attack. Iran was denounced by the late Anwar al-Awlaki (an al-Qaeda leader). Jones believed that the Iran’s Quds Force worked with al-Qaeda. Iran wanted to work with the Bush administration to deliver al-Qaeda members held in Iran to the newly installed government in Afghanistan (in exchange for information on Guantanamo detainees suspected of killing nine Iranian diplomats in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1998). The Iranian request was denied after Bush declared Iran part of the Axis of Evil. Prior to Bush’s snub, Iran had turned over hundreds of al-Qaeda suspects to U.S. allies following the defeat of the Taliban. It provided valuable intelligence, names, photographs, and fingerprints on suspected al-Qaeda members it held. So, the CFR report uses omissions and distortions of historical data in order to justify a war with Iran. Iran is mostly Shia and Al-Qaeda is mostly Sunni. Al-Qaeda is a group that was created by Western-funded mujahedeen groups. Al-Qaeda has worked with Western intelligence for decades in various events. Some Sunnis and some Shia don’t get along in the Middle East. The neo-cons are desperate in fighting a war with Iran. They are using the same weak arguments that were utilized to justify an invasion of Iraq. Presently, Iran has no nuclear weapons and is no direct threat to America at all. The real goal of this war on terror isn’t about the concerns about the Iranian peoples. It’s about the pacification of rebellious Middle Eastern nations and making the region to be a token, pro-globalization location (with many Muslim client states in league with the West).

The New Jersey government wants to force fluoridation in their state. There are numerous studies proving the danger of fluoride. Many cities and municipalities are deciding to no longer poison their citizens with that neurotoxin. New Jersey is moving to add it to the state’s water. That’s a disgrace. There have been warnings against this from environmentalists and utility officials. The New Jersey’s Health Committee at the behest of Assemblyman Herb Conaway (a Camden Democrat) has required the state’s water companies to add fluoride. Before this move, New Jersey was one of the nation’s least fluoridated states. 1.1 million of its 8.7 million residents living in communities add the toxin to the public water supply. Forced fluoridation in the remainder of country is at 70%. There are local and state governments increasing calling for a reassessment of fluoride in drinking water. In October of 2011, commissioners in Pinellas County, Florida voted to end the 7 year practice of putting fluoride into drinking water. Even the United States government has called for lower levels of water fluoridation following a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, which found that increased fluoride consumption led to a decreased IQ in children. The case against fluoride is more and more real. In early 2012, groundbreaking new research has linked sodium fluoride to cardiovascular disease (that’s the leading cause of death worldwide). The research proved the fluoride stimulates the hardening of arteries (a disease called atherosclerosis). Previous studies have linked fluoride to brain and neurological damage. It is also “indicative of a potential for motor dysfunction, IQ deficits and/or learning disabilities in humans,” Dr. Phyllis Mullenix noted in 1995. Numerous studies conducted in China, India, Iran, and Mexico has determined that fluoride exposure is associated with IQ deficits in children. Dr. Connett has used a video even to document the negative side effects of fluoride. Mary Sparrowdancer even proven that the use of fluoride on a largely unwitting public is a violation of Nuremberg Code of ethics pertaining to human experimentation. “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential,” the code states. The mass fluoridation of people in America is truly evil. Back in 1954, there was a chemist named Charles Perkins. He wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After the publication of his book, the Truth about Water Fluoridation sometimes came about in the time. Perkins stated in the letter that the Nazi chemists had devised a plan of population control via the mass medication of water supplies and they had submitted the scheme to the General Staff. “By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place,” Perkins wrote. “Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.” In the United States and much of the Western world, fluoridation is seriously making some people less intelligent than their full potential. That is why some are having trouble resisting the evil in front of our faces.

Bill Gates has been exposed on many fronts. Even if he is right on some issues, his slick acts make him a person in need to wake up. He supports dangerously under tested vaccine/GMO programs. He is famous for his philanthropic work. People mention that he is saving lives and feeding the world’s poor. There are also slick acts of Gates that not too many realize. We have millions of people living in starvation in the 21st century. There are new pro-GMO groups and Big Agra domination posing grave threats to the world both economically (and phyisologically). Bill Gates has a hand in supporting GMO crops in the developing world. There is the Agra partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation and Monsanto. Gates and population control advocates want to lower population numbers (especially in the Third World with people looking like me) with his global vaccination campaign. The GAVI alliance is with the Rockefeller Foundation. The big corporate elite consolidate food ownership and the market are driving up prices. The higher food prices cause more starvation, riots, and shortages. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation uses money to promote this agenda (with Cargill as allies). An ABC news article talks about the expansion of GMO drought resistant crops that are aimed directly at Africa and the developing world. Yet, ABC news uses the title of this event as “Bill Gates on Using His Money to Save Lives, Fixing U.S. Schools, Reflecting on Steve Jobs.” Gates holds about 500,000 shares of stock in the world’s most controversial company named Monsanto. Monsanto has been caught up in numerous scandals and controversies. The ABC News’ coverage has been sponsored in part by Gates under the BE THE CHANGE: SAVE A LIFE program focused on health care in the poorest areas of the world. This is a critical link to say the link. Bill Gates is the son of a top Planned Parenthood official. Gates is in league with wealthy pro-population control extremists (like Ted Turner. He is rumored to have committed adultery with many women) and wealthy eugenicists to reduce the world’s population. Now, the mainstream media is trying to sugarcoat this sick agenda under the buzzwords of “global health,” “feeding the world’s poor,” “fighting disease” and other positive buzz terms. Look at the secret meeting of billionaires back in 2009, at which Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and numerous other celebrity elites gathered to coordinate population reduction-targeted programs. Note the difference between ABC’s dull headline “Meeting of America’s Richest About ‘Need,’ Attendee Says” vs. the London Times eye-catching headline “Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation.” ABC News isn’t the only media partner funded in part by Bill Gates. The London Telegraph has at least 2 blogs (on Global Development and Poverty Matters) that are subsidized by the Gates Foundation. These blog reports report on rising food prices. These stories don’t review how the other interests owned by Gates like Cargill and Monsanto (these groups can influence the food crisis in the world). Journalistic integrity is lacking when you have 2 blogs at the London Telegraph being overtly subsidized by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation is investing in the GM giant Monsanto. Today, the media promotes the lie of perfection of all vaccines. Even GMO crops can increase the risks of cancer, organ failure, and multi-generational sterility in lab rat studies. Bill Gates in a CNN interviews was given love and Gates called Dr. Andrew Wakefield for even raising questions about a possible vaccine/autism link in a study. Wakefield has already initiated a lawsuit against journalist Brian Deer and the British Medical Journal for publishing lies, distortions and mischaracterization of his work. Yet Brian Deer has been criticized for not disclosing his own links. He appeared at a French conference attended by three MMR vaccine manufacturers (targeted by Wakefield’s research) as well as– you guessed it– the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Similarly, the producer of a BBC (Gates Foundation grant recipient) documentary largely attacking Dr. Wakefield also failed to disclose her links.  The Age of Autism blog mentioned that Alexandra Feachem (or the producer for the BBC program) is the daughter of Sir Richard Feachem. Sir Richard Feachem is the beneficiary of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (and an advocate for private/public partnerships in health). The Gates Foundation still give annual grants to media organization and medical paper writing groups from training to reporting and more. The Seattle Times proved in February 2011 that at least 45 media entities received money from the Gates Foundation. These media groups include the BBC, NPR, and Others are university and global outlets. During both the Bush and Obama administration, they have been criticized for paid news scandals masquerading as being fair. They are taxpayer funded government institutes making their conflict of interests more controversial. Yet, we have the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation using grant money to media outlets while promoting GAVI and AGRA (in order to make positive coverage of GMO foods). This is a question of ethics. The Gates, Rockefeller, and other mega foundations haven’t lost their power in the 20th century. In the 21st century, there power has only increased. Bill Gates is promoted as the savior of the poor, but he won’t oppose the war on terror, he won’t call an end to neo-colonialism by Africom, NATO, and other groups, and he won’t call for the end of GMO crops. He’s slick man indeed.

Our economy is still in bad straights. On January 27, 2012, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis said that its advance estimate in the last quarter of 2011, the economy went up at an annual rate of 2.8% (in real inflation adjusted terms). This is an increase from the annual rate of growth in the third quarter. People said that most of the gain in GDP was due to involuntary inventory buildup (or more goods being produced than were sold). The net of unsold goods or the annualized real growth rate was 8/10 of 1 percent. Paul Craig Roberts believes that this tiny growth rate is an exaggeration, because it is deflated with a measure of inflation that understates inflation. The U.S. government’s measure of inflation doesn’t measures a constant standard of living. Measuring inflation by the government is found by the substitution of cheaper goods for those that rise in price. That means that the government holds the measure of inflation down by measuring a declining standard of living. Sometimes the cost of living adjustments that should be paid to Social Security recipients to wars of aggression, the police state, and banker bailouts. When the way to measure the standard of living is used to deflate nominal GDP, we have a shrinking economy. We still have an economy that is stagnant and no real radical recovery will occur unless radical changes occur. The rate of inflation can be underestimated in promoting a certain picture. If the economy was growing rapidly, data should show it picking up when the economy isn’t affected by inflation. For example, according to the government’s own data, payroll employment in December 2011 is less than in 2001. Meanwhile, there has been a decade of population growth. The news media calls the alleged economic recovery a “jobless recovery,” which is a contradiction in terms. There can be no recovery without a growth in employment and consumer income. Real average weekly earnings (deflated by the government’s CPI-W) have never recovered their 1973 peak. Real median household income (deflated by the government’s CPI-U) has not recovered its 2001 peak and is below the 1969 level. If earnings were deflated by the original methodology instead of by the new substitution-based methodology, the picture would be bleaker. Consumer confidence isn’t recovering yet. Housing starts have remained flat since 2009 and below their peak. Retail sales are below the index level of January 2000. Industrial production remains below the index level of January 2000. To repeat, the only indicator of economic recovery is the GDP deflated with an understated measure of inflation. The economy can recover, but radical changes must come. We can’t be 70 percent dependent of consumer expenditures. We have the off shoring of U.S. jobs have been shipped oversdeas as wel. The FED made easy credit and driving up home prices with low interest rates. This policy increased indebtedness and drove the economy into missing growth. Consumers are indebted to borrow and some banks are insolvent to lend. Trillions of dollars being wasted in wars is one way of harming our domestic services. Jobs have to created here and investments should be made to start up our economy in a radical fashion (along with other solutions). People are poor because they lack opportunities and true justice (not because the poor are lazy or inferior).

The New Atlantis is the modern war today. People in Secret Society want that new order of the ages. This goal has been expressed in their sibylline writings as the “secret destiny.” The ex-President and Skulls and Bonesman George W. Bush said in his 2nd Inaugural Address that he wants the new order of the ages, which is an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. Other Presidents, Prime Ministers, high government officials and other acolytes throughout human history has supported this goal indeed. The new order of the ages (or the new world order) is the ancient goal of Secret Societies.  This is why the public doesn’t witness the Secret Society influence in world history. Much of the history shown publicly has been masqueraded and sanitized. Freemasons worked together in angry and jealous to kidnap and then murder William Morgan (for his legitimate exposures of the Masons). Even the ex-President & great intellectual scholar John Quincy Adams wrote eloquent literature that detailed his profound dissent with Freemasonry. We see this history in how the Black Hand secret Society used their agent Princep to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand of the Austria-Hungary Empire. Freemasons were a key ingredient in the composition of the various modern Revolutions like the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Italian Revolution, and Russian Revolution (in opposition to either monarchy or some more traditionalist society). This assassination, economic/political competition in Europe, and other factors contributed to the onset of WWI. One example of this is that early America has a strong Christian influence overtly. Yet, covertly on the other side of the coin, America has that occultic heritage. Sir Francis Bacon desired the American continent to be the home of the New Atlantis plainly speaking.

By Timothy

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