
Saturday, March 03, 2012

March 2012 News is still Here.

Today is 2012, so we desire solutions and not just the exposing of our problems in the world. We don't have to agree with every single issue. Yet, in 2012, people from across the political spectrum want to find common cause on increasingly more issues. There are points of agreements that conservatives, libertarians, liberals, progressives, and independents can all unite it. One is election reform. There should be fair and equal ballot access. A lot of people desire an instant runoff voting for Presidential, U.S. Senate, and gubernatorial elections. Also, there is nothing wrong with hand counted paper ballots for all elections. We can agree on monetary reform. He can end all derivatives and liquidate all ill gotten assets of people like criminals from Wall Street. We should replace our current debt-based money system with a debt free money system. No-interest filled money can be spent on the production and repair of public goods plus infrastructure (like roads and bridges), jobs, and even a national dividend. Some want new international agreement to have a fixed rate for national currencies. In foreign policy, we can all agree to abolish the CIA (as this group has been involved in unjust spying and war crimes for decades as documented by Patriots for years), end the war on terror and protect our civil liberties at home (like the abolishing of the Patriot Act, the Military Commission Act, Presidential Directive 51, and other unjust laws). The post 9/11 police state expansion has been a disgrace. Ending the Drug War with all of its corruption, hypocrisy, and police state thuggery has been supported by human beings from across the police spectrum. As for energy police, antitrust action is needed to break up the oil cartel, there should be an expansion of alternative energy, and protecting the environment is vital to help the Earth. Individuals from across the political spectrum would love to abolish corporate personhood and abolish corporate welfare. There is nothing wrong with promoting national sovereignty as well since many countries have the right to oppose the North American integration agenda. In order to make more meaningful change in the world, we have to find what our common ground is and effect change in the globe. Even in 2012, more folks are opposing the international bankers' austerity agenda that will cause havoc in the world. Both major parties have promoted it like the Republicans under the cover of "balancing the budget." Many times when a balanced budget came about, there was a recession. We should have concern about debt, but we can't call any deficit as an impossible feat to live a more economically more viable life. It's very hypocritical for some to advocate more radically spending on the war on terror, while advocating radical cuts in our domestic services.

UN Security guards confiscate Pro-Life fliers from students. There were youth attending an U.N. conference on women's issues this week. They said that UN security officers confiscated their backpacks after discovering pro-life literature. The confiscated materials were petitions to "Stop Secualizing Children" and were connected to an UN approved workshop. This workshop was led this week by Dr. Miriam Grossman (a child psychiatrist and author of "You’re Teaching My Child What? A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child." The flyer is controversial, but it's not illegal to believe in that point of view. People have the right to agree with that point of view. The flyer announced a project called the “Girls Coalition to Protect the Health and Innocence of Children,” which is an ad hoc group that sponsored the Grossman event. At the panel, girls from China, Spain and Mexico launched a petition calling on UN agencies to “Stop Sexualizing Children.” They charge the UN’s promotion of “comprehensive sexuality education” is harmful to children. In my personal opinion, voluntary age appropriate sexual education isn't immoral in my eyes. That's just me. The young people said that there were not leafleting, which is banned on UN property. The ruling is routinely ignored. The young students left UN grounds to make more copies. The young people were stopped by UN security when the young students left UN grounds to make more copies. One of the students, Kalli Lawrence, said that the guards noticed the group’s distinctive green backpacks and then ordered the students to hand them over. “The guards had this confused, angry look on their faces,” she reported, “and they started telling all the security guards, ‘don’t let any of these yellow papers go through, just take them all and keep them.’” The green backpacks and literatures were stored in lockers at security checkpoint. Students and their teachers were allowed to get some of the backpacks as they left UN property. The teacher Joby Dunn said that some of the backpacks were not returned or those that contained a pro-life documentary called "180." Dunn said that those backpacks were returned also. Some pro-lifers believe that they were victims of selective enforcement of UN rules. Kali Lawrence said that: "...They didn’t stop anyone else that we could see passing out flyers.” Upon questioning by the Friday Fax, the security officer in charge at the time said guards don’t “target” items. He went on to say they were not allowed to discuss policies or procedures. Observers speculate that someone connected to Commission organizers complained to UN security. At the Cairo conference on Population and Development in 1994, without any evidence, former Senator Timothy Wirth told UN security that a certain pro-lifer was a violent threat. The person was detained and deported. the Alliance Defense Fund attorney Piero Tozzi told the Friday Fax that, "...The UN cannot censor speech it does not agree with. Both the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression and the Human Rights Committee has recently emphasized the need to protect this fundamental freedom. Why then is speech by respectful, clean cut kids on a topic vital to keeping young people healthy being censored at the UN?” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom . . . to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” The censoring of speech is anti-American and anti-freedom period. People have the right to peacefully believe in views.

It's interesting to note that numerous folks even in the alternative media desire to follow the "Republican-hijacked" Tea Party agenda. Many folks in the Tea Party rallies have been totally indoctrinated if not brainwashed by the Austrian School propagandists. They are founded under the false Austrian School vs. Keynesian School paradigm (including the false gold money vs. debt money paradigm). Once, you escape that paradigm, you have more freedom and truth to reign in our consciousnesses. The propagandists obsess with fiat and paper aspects of the current money system. People are waking up that there is a fundamental difference between debt-based fiat paper money (that is loaned into circulation at interest) and debt free fiat paper money. Debt free fiat paper money is spent on no interest. The Austrians deny the value of debt free money; because they want a current debt based system that is a deflationary gold based system. That is why the continental currency funded the American Revolution, which wasn't based on gold at all. The good news is that we live in a different time. There have been great monetary reformers like Ellen Brown, Richard C. Cook, Byron Dale, Bill Still, Stephen Zarlenga, and millions of other human beings that proved that the gold standard is disastrous for our economy system (and the finance oligarchs have promoted the gold standard in order to demonize debt-free Greenbacks & to keep a monopoly on gold wealth). Now, some Austrian schoolers want to talk about the free market and sound money (in that the free market can correct itself). The reality is that you need some regulation in society or tyranny by the elite will come about. Some want a national dividend to decrease the levels of poverty in America. I see no issue with this proposal at all. All citizens will benefit economically from that or a guaranteed annual income. Medical costs can be reduced by 50% by replacing the for profit corporate health insurance and pharmaceutical corporations with a non-profit national health system, similar to successful programs in Europe and Canada. People being poor mean that they lack the money to buy land. They lack the money since there is parasitic rack renting that those who already own the land are allowed to engage in at the expense of the landless. The Georgists believe that land should be treated as common property and taxed. Also, the ruling class use regressive political & economic policies that have harmed the poor for a long time in the world. The super rich and Wall Street are receiving record profits. Both Medical plans and Social Security can be easily funded by imposing a 1% sales tax on the sale of stocks and bonds. In the final analysis, I do want to make a constructive difference in the world.

Andrew Breitbart died. He lived from 1969 to 2012. I never wrote a lot of about him, since I don't know a lot of information on the man. It was tragic that he died in Los Angeles, California. He worked a lot of and he died too young. He died because of "heart trouble" or "natural causes." Right. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the truth. I don't agree with him on every issue, especially his words on Shirley Sherrod. Before he died, he presented a lot of anger at society since he believed that liberals were ruining America. He caused the defunding of ACORN. He broke the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal. He was only 43 years old with huge gray hair on his head. Generation X, you guys got gray hair now a lot. Before he died, he accused the President of fraternizing with Weathermen Underground terrorists like Bill and Bernardine Dohrn decades ago. These accusations are controversial and they could be true or false. Even if it is true, the President still goes advocate the violent overthrow of the government or the agenda of the Weathermen Underground. People change. The Weathermen Underground was group that was right in disagreeing in the Vietnam War. The Weathermen Underground were wrong in using terrorism against property and innocent people in an attempt to promote some revolution. That isn't real revolution. It's plain old savage, radical, and nihilistic extremist. Andrew wanted to eliminate the chance of President Barack Obama to be re-elected President of the United States. Andrew Breitbart became more firebrand as time went on in his life. So, the truth is that many of Breitbart's views are some that I don't admire. I have sympathy for any human being dying under those circumstances. Establishment liberal media operations like Media Matters hated the man. On other news, Rush Limbaugh is probably having his biggest controversy yet. Sponsors have eliminated Rush Limbaugh for his controversial and inappropriate remarks about an innocent woman. People have the right to say whatever they want. Yet, you will face consequences for your speech too whether they are good or bad (like subsidies being eliminated, etc.). He called a woman the S word over the woman's pro-birth control views. The deal is that Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke was denied to speak at a contraception hearing in Congress. Fluke opposed this reality and Limbaugh called her the S word. He said that: "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch." Regardless of where you stand on social matters, Limbaugh's comments are wrong, because it's wrong to exploit a woman’s actions and compare it to a random video. Many Republicans refuse to criticize him except a handful of people publicly.

People know more about Mitt Romney's Mormon's roots. The Romneys came from the English village of Dalton-in-Furness. That village is about 280 miles northwest of London. They immigrated into America. Mormonism was in its beginning in 1837 when the Romney's family (headed by a carpenter named Miles Archibald Romney) heard a missionary speak near their home about the story of the religion's founder and so-called "prophet" Joseph Smith. The Romney's were moved by the missionary's story, so they were baptized by Mormons. In 1841, they moved into Nauvoo, Illinois where Joseph Smith created a Mormon community. August 18, 1843 was the date that Miles Park Romney was born. He was the great-grandfather of Mitt Romney. Smith believed that polygamy was legitimate for his followers to have. On July 8, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed an antibigamy act, which prohibited polygamy in Utah and the other territories. Now, Mormonism's founder was of course Joseph Smith. He surrounded himself with 12 apostles. Some of his closet colleagues were Kabbalists like Orson Hyde and especially Alexander Niebaur. The researcher Lance Owens proved that Neibaur had intimate knowledge of the Kabbalah and his influence on Joseph Smith. Lance wrote that Smith knew about the rites of Cabalism. Hyde was a member of the LDS and he made a trip into Jerusalem in the 1830's to dedicate the restoration of Israel to the Jewish people. In 1844, Joseph Smith made his famous discourse to people in public about his theosophical vision. Some of the words in his vision are quotes almost word for word from the first section of the Zohar. Joseph Smith had access to Cabalism and he possessed a collection of original Jewish Kabbalistic works in Nauvoo (according to Newel and Avery in their biography of Emma Smith). Mormonism is like a Kabbalah/Gnostic/Mystery religion bastardization of true Christianity. Lance Owens is one researcher that has again documented the Kabbalah ties to Joseph Smith. You will see the Assembly Hall on Temple Square (in Salt Lake City, Utah) with the 6 pointed star above the doorway. Mormonism teaches the blasphemous lie that God the Father was once a man made up of flesh and bones. On the other hand, it is clear that God the Father is Spirit and is of the truth. John 4:24 states that God is a 'spirit,' and Jesus tells us in John 1:18 that no man has seen God at any time. Mormonism is an occult religion, because Joseph Smith utilized occult philosophy as a foundation to develop his religion. Yet, it is fine for a person to understand Nature, to develop one's soul, to utilize one's mind in a great fashion, and to use a person's spirit to have a better connection with God. The truth can never be censored. We know the truth. The truth is that a country may have religious freedom, but people have a freedom of speech to express peaceful dissent about a religion that has nothing to do with the early Church at all.

By Timothy

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