
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Third Parties

Quote from: Geolibertarian on May 17, 2010, 03:10:02 PM

We already have third parties!

Yet despite that fact, in 2008 all of the third party and independent presidential candidates combined -- including Ralph Nader and Chuck Baldwin -- got a mere one percent of the friggin vote!

This will continue to be the case until the countless millions of people who reportedly "want" what they already have stop falling hook, line and sinker for the bull___t "wasted vote/lesser of two evils" argument every single election season.

Yes, I'm in that 1-2% bracket--voted for McKinney.

The arugment I always got from the MSM demo/repubs--"Do you really expect your candidate to win? Hardly anyone will vote for her."
These box thinkers, like SO MANY of the sheep, are more concerned with who most people in the herd will be voting for, they don't consider who they feel would be a good candidate. The herd mentality is ground into the peeps at an early age: Don't think for yourself, think what everyone else thinks. If everyone would just make their own decision and not care about what the herd is going to do--you would have 3, or more parties representing the people.

The Mainstream Media has thinking for yourself equated with the "lone nut", the loner, the Oswald. People need to just listen to their own mind, form their own opinions, and forget the herd. The herd, are manipulated and lost.


To all you self-righteous, insult-spewing, race-obsessed “liberals” out there who shamelessly wrap in the flag of “anti-racism” virtually each and every corporate fascist economic policy, Bush-style police state policy and imperialist foreign policy the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House propose, perpetuate or expand, I have a few questions for you:

If you’re as concerned with exposing and eliminating “racism” as you would have everyone believe, why do neither you nor the General Electric-financed Thought Police at MSNBC speak a word of protest against Obama's continuation of the racist drug war?

Why no word of protest against Obama's continuation and -- in the case of Afghanistan, Pakistan and other nations -- expansion of Bush’s terroristic war on “brown people”?

Why no word of protest against Obama's plan to impose IMF-style austerity measures on behalf of his Wall Street cronies, particularly in view of the fact that these measures will fall harder on poor black communities than on any other sector of society?

Why no word of protest against the anti-labor/pro-land speculation tax system that also falls hardest on poor black communities?

Why no word of protest against how neither Obama nor Democratic Congressional “leaders” have done anything (legislatively, not rhetorically!) to reverse the NAFTA-induced offshoring of countless millions of jobs -- yet another engineered trend that, as any black person from Detroit will readily attest, falls harder on poor, inner-city blacks than anyone else?

Why do you ignore the racist origins of your beloved victim disarmament "gun control" laws? (No Guns for Negroes Part One) (No Guns for Negroes Part Two)

Why do you ignore the California origins of Nazi eugenics?

Why do you ignore the eery obsession that many of today’s limousine liberals continue to have with eugenics?

And last but certainly not least, why do you ignore the shameful, decades-old tradition among aristocrat-funded “foundations” -- particularly the Ford Foundation -- of employing the divide-and-rule/anti-MLK tactic of fomenting racial hatred within and between the lower and middle classes; and how this historical fact sheds a particularly unflattering light on all the racial provocateuring and hatemongering being engaged in by La Raza -- a hispanic supremecy group which is financed not only by the Ford Foundation, but by overprivileged corporations such as slave goods-selling Wal-Mart and toxic derivatives-peddling Citigroup?

Could it be that the real racists are you, and that your mindless accusations of racism against anyone who dares criticize God’s Obama's corporate fascist economic policies, Bush-style police state policies and terroristic foreign policies are thus nothing more than Freudian projection on your part?

Or is that yet another question you have neither the courage nor intellectual honesty to answer? 


Quote from: Geolibertarian on June 01, 2010, 10:07:18 AM

Why no word of protest against Obama's plan to impose IMF-style austerity measures on behalf of his Wall Street cronies, particularly in view of the fact that these measures will fall harder on poor black communities than on any other sector of society?

Why no word of protest against the anti-labor/pro-land speculation tax system that also falls hardest on poor black communities?

Obama's Scheme to Kill Public Housing and Give the Land to Banks

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford

June 02, 2010

For the Obama administration, every bit of public space and property is "on the table" - subject to privatization. Transfer of public wealth to private hands seems a White House obsession. Next on the auction block: the nation's public housing stock. "This is gentrification and urban displacement on a gargantuan scale."

President Obama's greatest domestic imperative is the transfer of public wealth and resources to the private sector. He moved tens of trillions of dollars to Wall Street in the guise of rescuing the economy. Hundreds of billions in public funds are scheduled for transfer to private insurance corporations over the next decade or so, masquerading as a health care plan. His support for corporate-backed charter schools and other so-called public-private partnerships has dramatically escalated the privatization of education in the United States. Obama calls it a "Race to the Top." Now, the Obama administration is serving up to corporate vultures the nation's dwindling stock of public housing, with bankers as the ultimate beneficiaries.

The plan is slick, but easy enough to see through - like the president, himself. Dubbed the Transforming Rental Assistance initiative, or TRA, the scheme would allow banks and other speculators to mortgage public housing, and then raise the rents to ten percent above market value. The federal government would make up the difference, pumping the people's money directly into Wall Street accounts. Eventually, of course, the feds will halt or cut back payments, and the properties will revert to the bankers, who will sell them to developers and kick out the tenants. This is gentrification and urban displacement on a gargantuan scale - brought to you by the First Black President.

Imagine! Obama wants to transfer to banks and developers tens of thousands of acres of public-owned urban property - home to 1.2 million families, disproportionately Black and brown - all the while subsidizing the banksters' profits with billions of taxpayer dollars. He would entrust the fates of millions of poor people to the tender mercies of the same criminal-minded class that has destroyed a generation and more of Black homeowners and displaced legions of Black renters from the gentrifying cities.

Obama wants to transform public housing into a Section 8 subsidy program. That is the kiss of death. Section 8 housing has always been underfunded. In New York City, alone, 10,000 Section 8 voucher holders may not be able to pay their rent because the feds won't come up with the funding.

When public housing defaults on payments to the bankers under the Obama scheme, it will be a second bonanza for Wall Street - which is how billions are made in an economy ruled by parasites who create nothing, but charge a fee for everything.

Those are Obama's kind of people. I'm not just talking about the mega-banks and hedge-funders that backed him to the hilt in his presidential campaign. Obama's closest cronies and former clients from Chicago - including senior advisor Valerie Jarret - made their fortunes milking government subsidized housing programs for the poor until the federal government had to step in and pick up the pieces.

If Obama has his way, speculators will descend on all 3,000 of the nation's public housing agencies, bribing every official in sight in a frenzy of corruption over federal land and subsidies. And the poor will start counting the days before they are put out in the street.

For Black Agenda Radio, I'm Glen Ford. On the web, go to 


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