
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trayvon Martin News


Knowledgesupreme MindModerator18 hours ago
The Feds are investigating the case? Thats a start! We will see how far the investigation actually goes, or the lack thereof. Flordia has a law called the "Stand Your Ground" Law, which allows a victim or potential victim of great bodily injury to use deadly force to escape attack or potential attack. This is what the authorities are giving as the primary reason for not arresting Zimmerman. That law is as much of a joke as the U.S. justice system. How can a person follow someone, which is instigating confrontation, approach the person, which is initiating confrontation, and then kill someone as the result of the said confrontation, and still be WITHIN the law. That's a joke. If this was the 60's the Panthers would be dragging that devil out of his house. We as a people have become too docile. How many news articles do we need to read and comment on that deal with our blackman being slaughtered like dogs either by corrupt police officers or some self-proclaimed Crime Fighter. How many times do we need to see this and similar stories on the news across the country at any given time. If we want justice we need to begin to organize as one unit so that we can efficiently and continuously DEMAND, FIGHT FOR and TAKE it, in that order. Until real and proper action takes place, they will continue to treat us with aggression the same way they have been doing for years, and the way their actions show that they intend to continue. If Zimmerman was black and the boy was white this would be a completely different situation. They have long ago drawn their lines and formed their militia in the shape of police departments and the military. We need to begin to form our own in order to what? PROTECT OUR OWN. My opinion. Add On. Peace


BLACKstarPAYNEModerator12 hours ago
I understand that the feds have to investigate, but what is there to truly INVESTIGATE. Zimmerman has admitted to the killing. So whats the HOLD UP?

lavarrockModerator6 hours ago
My only concern is it might be too late to open a federal investigation due to police malfeasance. Since they intentionally botched up initial investigation there likely isn't enough evidence to prosecute. It is also an election season and we know the FBI and DOJ's abysmal record on civil rights. Not to mention the Police were "correcting" witness testimonies. Then the officer in charge of the crime scene being derelict in his duties and criminally aiding and abetting a murder suspect. The Police Chief is now complaining that nothing he says will be believed because he's white. This is martial law. The brand of justice you get out of third world military juntas.

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