
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

April 4, 2012 (44 Years After 1968)

Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated on this day in 1968. He was a revolutionary figure and he was a man. He inspired countless human beings to do the righteous thing and to seek justice. He loved peace even when the Lyndon Baines Johnson administration wanted war. His words and the actions of him (plus tons of unsung heroes) inspired new laws to be passed in America. Even immediately after his assassination, a new Housing law was passed by Congress that fought against housing discrimination (that was very common in the North and the Midwest). The real Dr. Martin Luther King is known throughout the world. Yet, some revisionists desire to present Dr. King as a moderate, malleable figure. True scholars realize that this faulty interpretation isn’t so. The reason is that Dr. Martin Luther King (especially in the late 1960’s) was radical, strong, militant, and he advanced Black Power. Therefore, the real Dr. King must be shown to the public indeed. Now, his assassination took place in Memphis. Dr. King wanted to promote the economic and human rights of sanitation workers in that city. He still believed in nonviolence FBI provocateurs caused a riot in Memphis days before his assassination. Yet, Dr. Martin Luther King gave an inspiration Mountaintop speech to the Memphis people. He spoke of no injunction turning him around, the thankfulness of living a little over the middle of the twentieth century, and the promotion of black institutions (in order to fight against discrimination, bigotry, and oppression). He wanted to preach on social and economic issues since the social and economic parameters of a fallible society must be changed. You must change America in order for America to embrace its true potential. He opposed the war in Vietnam and disagreed with Wall Street’s unregulated capitalist system. The current President agrees with the war on terror and quasi-austerity proposals (which to this credit aren’t as worse as the pro-social Darwinist proposals as made by the Republicans). Dr. Martin Luther King wanted to solve the problems of economic inequality in America as the Sister Tamron Hall discussed about. You have to deal with this issue in order for the poverty rate in the USA to drop precipitously. The King family for decades has continued forward the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. They are working, speaking, and believing tirelessly in the focused efforts of the progressive transformation of American society. We have a long way to go, but the prize is in reach. In the years and decades ahead, our grandchildren and great grandchildren can see a much better world than what we currently reside in. So, we should be inspired to do what is right. Not everything in life will go as planned. Sometimes, you will fall, but you can get back up and do better. We can be stronger and continue forth in not only social transformation, but spiritual renewal. Therefore, it is reasonable, just, and succinctly valuable for us to promote freedom, economic justice, and the growth of the human soul.

It isn’t a secret that testosterone levels are falling worldwide. Evidence has shown that it might be environmental factors may be a reason for the decline of testosterone levels. A new study proved that this big drop came about in the 1980’s. The trend doesn’t relate to age. According to Dr. Thomas Travison and colleagues from the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts, the average level of the male hormone is dropping by 1 percent a year. This explains a lot. It’s like a 65 year old man in 2002 would have testosterone levels 15 percent lower than those of a 65 year old man in 1987. A more proportion of men in 2002 would have below normal testosterone levels than in 1987. The trend is going down in the intervals of 1987-1989, 1995-1997, and 2002-2004. It’s likely that some sort of environmental exposure is responsible for the testosterone decline, Travison said, although he said attempting to explain what this might be based on the current findings would be “pure conjecture.” Some researchers have found a similar decline in Finland (from the research of Antti Perheentupa M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Turku, in Finland). A man born in 1970 had about 20 percent less testosterone at age 35 than a man of his father’s generation at the same age. “When I saw another group reproducing our results,” says Travison, “that was convincing to me that we were seeing a true biological change over time, as opposed to just some measurement error.” Mitch Harman M.D., Ph.D., an endocrinologist at the University of Arizona college of medicine and the director of the Kronos Longevity Research Institute said something. He said that society is pouring too much chemicals in our environment that are endocrine suppressing, estrogen like compounds. This is one of the reasons why some female develop earlier and some men lack adequate testosterone in their bodies. We should oppose anyone trying to disrupt normal biological development. Chlorphyriofs and Carbaryl are chemicals that can reduce American men sperm count and sperm count among any male. Phthalates can do the exact same thing. It’s a scientific fact (as proven in studies published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the journal Diabetes Care, the Journal Heart, and other major medical journals) prove that low testosterone levels can lead into the following problems: obesity, loss of muscle, weak bones and depression, but also increase the odds of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers and other major health problems. Depression, lack of confidence, lack of drive, lacking the ability to concentrate, and lack of cognitive abilities are related to low T levels. Most men – and especially those over 30, fathers, or men who have been exposed to toxic chemicals or potent medications – need to maintain their testosterone levels to keep their health, power and confidence. There are many ways to boost Testosterone levels. That’s the good news. You can sprint in a matter of six second at a time to increase serum totals of testosterone levels (according to the International Journal of Sports Medicine). Lifting weights like having resistance training, getting 7-8 hours sleep per day, and rest can increase T-levels. The rest intervals between sets can also stimulate different hormonal responses. A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that resting 90 seconds between squat and bench press sets boosted post-workout T-levels the most. Vitamin D positively correlates with testosterone levels in men, according to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and researchers at the Medical University of Graz in Austria. Eating foods filled with zinc, magnesium, calcium, Monounsaturated and Saturated Fat, and antioxidants can grow T-levels too. Various herbs like of course ginseng, promgengrate juice, African pepper, and other herbs can help men grow their testosterone levels as well.

There is an ideological war in the country of America. Some people want to take so much extreme positions on economic issues, they are nothing wrong than a slick version of social Darwinism (or you are on your own). Now, the good news is that an accelerated amount of human beings have awoken to the schemes and evils found inside of America. These radicals want to get rid of all public services or just privatize them all as for profit companies. The views of Ayn Rand, Rothard, and Hayek have been discredited time after time again. Tax cuts alone with the super wealthy have never solved our economic complications. What solved our economic problems include investments, spending, and even some tax increases on the super rich. Fascism is worse than socialism and even laissez faire capitalism since fascism merges corporate power and the government (as a means for a select few of individuals to dominate the people in a nation or Empire). Promoting labor rights is great as well. Fascism is a reaction by the rich to protect their huge wealth and class privilege. The fascists even oppose slight government assistance for lower income human beings, the chronically sick and other human beings that need assistance in life. Friedrich von Hayek and Ludwig von Mises were both admirers of fascism. The Nazis and the aristocratic imperialist empires of Europe accepted social Darwinism. Today, people demonize the sick, the handicapped, the unemployed, and the poor. Yet, I will never do this for no one is perfect. Also, human compassion is greater than brutal hatred of the suffering. It’s very hypocritical for these fascists and reactionaries to legitimate advocate government assistance (plus compensation and benefits) for soldiers, but they hate government assistance to the elderly, the poor, etc. So, it’s the 99 % vs. the 1 percent. Radical libertarianism is a philosophy where the sick are exploited by private insurance companies, where the rich can sit and complain, and people who can’t get public services can potentially die because of starvation. The ideas of Milton Friedman, Frederick Von Hayek, etc. influenced the coup of the democratically elected President Salvatore Allende of Chile. The Chicago "boys" economic views were used as the philosophically framework for Pinochet's brutal regime. Nixon approved of the coup back in 1973. Nixon wanted radical free market policies in South America, but he supported price controls in the early 1970's in order for him to get re-elected. The date of the coup was in September 11, 1973. Chile had peace before that time. The fascist Pinochet took over Chile after the violence. The plan was of shock and awe, which was similar to the Iraq war more than 30 years later ironically enough. Allende was a Democratic socialist. Soon, a fascism governed Chile and Chile suffered many problems like lax public benefits and corporate exploitation of Chile. The brutal free-market policies haven’t caused massive liberty to folks across the globe, not just in Chile. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher promoted such Austrian economic views even when both individuals didn't toe the line on Austrian views on every occasion.  Each wanted to cut spending, cuts spending, and cut government. Thatcher's reign experienced rioting and protesting. Reagan experienced huge unemployment in his first term until he had to compromise with the Democrats during his second term of office (for economic issues). Free market fundamentalism just doesn't work period. It's too harmful among human beings and it's too unpopular.

I’ve exposed Alex Jones before, but this time, he went too far by slandering black culture. When you get older, Alex Jones is proven to promote disinformation. For example, he claims to want to expose all elite groups, but he refuses to expose the Knights of Malta or the Vatican/Jesuit links to the new world order system. He welcomed racists, Holocaust deniers, and anti-immigration zealots in his program too. He defends the original Tea Party movement when they advocate borderline social Darwinist ideologies. He claims to be beyond the left/right paradigm, but his views don’t gear in that direction. Typically, he tried to ally with people from across the political spectrum as a means to cause unsuspecting people to clip away their progressive views (while making people to advance his reactionary views). He calls himself a paleo-conservative which means that he isn’t as Independent as he claims to be. He supports the Republican Ron Paul, and is a fan of the old school Tea Party. He has a love for the gold standard (an elite tool that can cause deflation in the world), anti-immigrant rhetoric, union bashing, and a refusal to expose white supremacy in the world. He loves the John Birch Society. The JBS is a group that folks from across the political spectrum knows spews out half-truths and paranoia about Communism all of the time. He believes that Mexicans that are illegal immigrants collectively want to destroy America. He believes that anyone promoting the ideologically opposition to the Tea Party is some hustler. He may be right on the corruption of the Federal Reserve, unjust wars, and the dangers of certain chemicals, but he isn’t right on refusing to give justice to the poor (via the redistribution of political and economic power). The big banks are for the gold standard, so people in the elite can control as much wealth as possible. He even opposed human beings protesting the oppression of the French against the poor during 2005. I don’t agree with riots, but those protesters have every right to make their grievances known. In the final analysis, he wants people to follow him without independent political thinking. The reactionaries talk about communism and socialism like a dog, but they refuse to expose fascism. Ron Paul refuses to even give back money sent to him from white supremacists.

The political race is very much mostly finished. The establishment wants their man Mitt Romney to win the Republican nomination. For the most part, their wish will come, except if something extreme comes about. Mitt Romney has won many places from Washington, D.C. to Virginia. Now, Pennsylvania is the state that Rick Santorum must win in order for his campaign to win. All of the Republican candidates have made controversial statements before. Both parties of Republicans and Democrats ally with the corporate world and the agenda of Empire, materialism, and anti-civil liberty propaganda. This unregulated corporate system permits environmental degradation, the IMF/World Bank troubles, and other issues. The rights of individuals will always be superior to corporate power. The corporate transnational power structure is different than legitimate private sector groups of entities sincerely helping humanity (like local gardens, non-profits, and other organizations that are dedicated to genuinely assist the needs of the human race). Also, the public sector should be strong to assist, cultivate, and develop the great needs of the people. The government is by and for the people of course. The enemy is oligarchy not liberty. Universal health care is fine with me and also freedom for all of the people in the world. That is why wealth should be given to the people in a fair fashion. The record concentration of wealth among the super rich is a reality that has to be changed. I don’t believe in theft, but there should be intervention to fight against economic inequality in the globe. The war on terror is costing too many lives and it cost billions of dollars at least. Therefore, we have every right to use our voice to call for change, to help our neighbors, and to believe in hope. Hope and faith is great. Doing works is fine as well, but we should initiate works as a part of a sincere, loving heart. We have to be real when we help the people. That's our duty and our profound responsibility within the essence of our lives.

By Timothy

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