
Monday, July 02, 2012

The Truth is real in July of 2012

Fascism is very much different than Communism. Both are different from libertarianism too. The essence of libertarianism is that a person is free to starve, get sick, go broke, and die alone if they can't afford or recieve private help. It represents the essence of selfish behavior. That is why it allows the wealthiest millionaires and billionaires on Earth to protect their wealth (even if it's ill gotten), while promoting austerity for the middle class and the poor. The libertarian ideals of Glenn Beck, Ayn Rand, Ron Paul, Alex Jones and others ignore the need for a public option (or a single payer system) to solve our health care issues. Some of these people hate meaningful regulations like fair pay, reasonable, safe working conditions, a minimum wage, and the banning child labor). Extreme libertarians are basically social Darwinists. They believe that you are on your own and people are poor because it's their own fault (not because of socioeconomic factors or the system of oppression toward human beings). They claim to disagree with monopolies, but they advocate policies that protect the interests of the wealthy without any public safeguards to fight corruption in corporations. Without some government interventions, monopolies will evolve more rapidly as found during the Gilded Age. Some of these folks nearly worship Ron Paul and hate anyone when you disagree with the throne of Ron Paul. The Ron Paul propaganda talk about Switzerland being a libertarian paradise, but even Switzerland has welfare for its citizenry and universal single payer healthcare. This refutes the notion that we need a totally privatized society when we in America live in a very complex country. The National Socialism of Hitler has nothing to do with true socialism. National Socialism or Nazism is anti-democratic and anti-union. We don't need Nazism or a gold standard-deregulated, anti-Welfare, and anti-Labor Reaganomics. I don't agree with Communism, but Communism has many complexities. Even Karl Marx, Nikolai Lenin, and Trotsky disagreed on policies as it relates to forming Communism. Lenin (not a perfect man) wanted a democratic socialist state where there was a parliamentary government, state/local autonomy without a dictatorship or corporatism. Lenin made the mistake of participating in numerous criminal activities. He wanted Marxists to spread revolution in the world without totalitarianism. He was poisoned by a person who wanted a totalitarian dictatorship. Trotsky wanted something similar to Lenin, but he was murdered by pro-Stalin factions. Stalinists wanted an oppressive state dictatorship. That is why Stalin's USSR was heavily atheistic. All religion was outlawed in the USSR under Stalin from Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. All synagogues were seized for state use. Many synagogues were destroyed in Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Rostov, Khurgav, Novgorod, Krasnoy, and other cities. Stalin believes that Jewish people were potential capitalist spies. I could never be a communist nor a libertarian. At the heart of extreme libertarianism is corporate control. Libertarianism allows corporations to have too much power in potentially flaunting labor laws and environmental laws. So, Hitler and the Nazis were blatant social Darwinists who loved eugenics, which is the anthitesis to socialism. Socialism believes in the view that the government or the workers should control all means of production. Socialism is correct to expose economic inequality, corporate corruption, and the errors of mainstream capitalism. Socialism is wrong to assume that all forms of private enterprise will not benefit the masses when it has. For example, private charities and private non profit organizations have assisted tons of suffering human beings in America plus throughout the world. That's a fact. It's just that private enterprise must be controlled in order for fascism to not develop. Both public enterprise & private enterprise working in one nation can benefit all of the people. Nazism had no worker control over the means of production at all, so Nazism was never progressive to begin with. The Nazis loved the ruling elite as long it was for their interests. In 1934, Dr. Schact, the Nazi Minister of Economy gave instructions to hasten the privatization of municipal enterprises.

 The revolution for universal health care isn't dead yet. The Affordable Care Act doesn't mean that we have universal health care yet. It does mean that health care is one of the most important issues in American society. We still have a jobs crisis, the economy is stagnant (to put it lightly), and some folks are talking about the deficit. The goal is to supply everyone with cost-effective and affordable health. Populists are right to say that a single payer national health insurance or a Medicare for all system is one great solution in handling our health disparities. It can save America billions of dollars annually without the corporate insurance middlemen. This solution was never talked about during the debates about the ACA. The new law has strengths and weakness (like being influenced by the Heritage Foundation and how corporate lobbyists helped form the legislation. The individual mandate forces people to buy corporate private insurance health insurance). Our current system is heavily bureaucratic and hugely expensive. To say that our present health care law is socialistic when it was supported by some corporate insurance companies is the height of naivete. Private insurers are raising their premiums. We have more issues in the world too. So, the health care law has some legitimate reforms, but we must have universal health care without corporate domination. There was the foreclosure epidemic in the world. Yet, the current administration refuse to demand for foreclosure moratoriums and other measures to make it easier for large numbers of families to remain in their homes. There is a strong war on drugs that continues to harm the world. States are heavily restricted in forming even meager actions of treating drug use as a medical problem not a police one (and creating laws of medicinal use of drugs.) It is also wrong for the current administration to support NDAA, to support the Economic Commission that can harm Social Security (including Medicare & Medicaid), and its support of Africom (which is neo-imperialism in Africa). We still have environmental problems in the world too from endangered species to GMOs. Now, we don't live in a post-racial society, so the Sister Margaret Kimberley is correct to mention that racism is a serious issue in the world. Some reactionaries don't want black people to blame race for anything, which is silly and immature. Much of the problems in the black community deals with socioeconomic factors and racism. Many black people are struggling to get jobs and suffer unemployment, underemployment, and other complications. Now, we know about the studies that proves that people with so-called "African-American" sounding names are less likely to be called for interviews than more "European" sounding names. Similar studies show that hypothetical white convicted felons are more likely to be hired than black people with no criminal record. The studies and the hidden camera exposes almost make the case. As Dr. King said decades ago, we have to expose the reality of white privilege if we want to live in a society filled with righteousness and justice. The current administration refuses to explicitly condemn the system of white supremacy in the world. They refuse to explicitly talk about the issues of black people in exposing the War of Drugs, calling for an end to corporate cartel-capitalism, the ending of the prison industrial complex, the calling for an end to violence in the black community, the end of materialism & sexual exploitation in certain music (the same ones promoting these musical garbage praise their fake version of a Eurocentric, non threatening "Jesus" instead of the real warrior anti-establishment Yeshua ben David), an end to the war on terror completely, and a real radical redistribution of economic & political power to help all Americans. The administration advocates policies that violate our human rights from warrantless wiretapping, the Patriot Act, secret assassinations of U.S. citizens, and the list goes on and on. Being colorblind is coded language that reactionaries and their token (people of color) allies in denying racism in America. These same people ignore talking about the working poor and the working class in the country too. Even Romney admitted that he isn't concerned about the poor. A man that isn't concerned about the poor in the world is not a real man period. Now, our problems are bigger than President Barack Obama. The President is just as much a victim of this system of white supremacy as we all are. It's just that the President should be made accountable for his individual actions. Instead of the gentrification of the land, we should have the radical improvement of the culture of people of color. Also, it's our job to encourage black people to succeed. Far too often, even grown ups treat children as if they don't amount to anything because of their class or they have a poor background. All human beings have dignity and have worth. All humans are special irrespective of their class, physical appearance, race, creed, or any other classification. All people are created equal. We must not only promote individual efforts. We should demand changes to the present social order. We have the right to demand freedom from the political system. A demand is legitimate. We can't be real men or real women if we support war mongering overseas.

Rand Paul wants to support Mitt Romney, so that is his business. Yet, it's bigger than Rand Paul, Alex Jones, and others like them. It's about the global elite trying to create their Utopia new world order system and we have the right to disagree with the new world order. Rand Paul is wrong on that point, because Mitt Romney is just as pro-war as the current President Barack Obama is. Rand Paul said that he will attack Iran under certain circumstances to Bill O'Reilly. Rand Paul also voted no on GMO labeling amendment to the farm bill that: " permit States to require that any food, beverage, or other edible product offered for sale have a label on indicating that the food, beverage, or other edible product contains a genetically engineered ingredient.”  The truth is that it is no vice for people to agree with organic foods. Rand claims to criticize the current national health care law, but Mitt Romney first instituted such a law with an individual mandate in his state of Massachusetts. Alex Jones blames Democrats for their errors (which I have no issue with), but he praises the libertarians. Huge libertarians like Jason Lewis said that large corporations like insurance companies, pharmaceuticals (or the vaccine makers), bankers, and defense contractors can almost do no wrong as long it's for the profit and the free market. What the libertarians don't understand is that you need some regulations to prevent the private sector from acting nihilistic. Humans aren't perfect, so limits are made in society to prevent anarchistic chaos. Now, the war mongering system is slick. The West would sell armaments to a regime like Iraq, Panama, Kosovo, Afghanistan, etc. Later, they will demonize the regime which they sold armaments to and declare war on it. These wars involve the war on terror, the Gulf War, the UN Kosovo War, etc. After the war, they create permanent military bases in those nations. They use the military bases in order for the West to rule the energy resources in those conquered nations. This foreign policy is called by the Pentagon as "full spectrum dominance." That means that the U.S./West must control the military, economic, and political developments everywhere. Once, American revolutionaries fought British oppressors to seek freedom. Many progressive movements afterward fought for civil and human rights. Now, we have U.S. leaders battling against people in the world (under the guise of democracy, freedom, and other clever slogans). Even during, WWII, American and German industrialists collaborated with the Nazis for the purpose of making unconscionable profits. Resistance against tyranny is fine and it's legitimate. Tyranny is still here. Not only are the workers oppressed, but non-workers too by an archaic economic system. 

 People in today's world don't want to link America to Nazi Germany. It's taboo. The mainstream media from CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc. don't delve into this argument. Yet, there are linkages between modern America and some of the policies of Nazi Germany. I am not saying that currently America is equivalent to the Nazis, but similarities exist. We have been living under a police state like system decades before President Barack Obama was elected President. Today, this police state is more sophisticated. Blatantly unjust laws exist here, but it's shown in a way that prevent some people to see how nefarious the system is. The police state in America also is reflect in America's imperialist policies overseas. While a lot of Americans don't care about foreign affairs, the West exploit foreign countries. The preemptive war in Iraq is just as wrong as the Nazi aggression in the Sudetenland in the then Czechoslovakia. Also, there is the unfortunate tragedy over many U.S. soldiers committing suicide. Millions of people (both military and civilians) were killed in the war on terror. The Western imperialists have targeted Third World nations as well. During Nazi Germany, the Nazis forced Germans to spy and betray their fellow workers. In the 21st century, the government via the NSA, the FBI, the CIA, and other agencies covertly spy on American citizens all of the time (even peaceful anti-war groups. COINTELPRO even transpired during 196'2 and the 1970's, which illegally monitored innocent citizens that opposed the status quo in the world). COINTELPRO-like acts happen today by the feds, so this stuff didn't die off during the 1960's & the 1970's. The Nazis exploited the burning of the Reichstag fire to enact dictatorial power over the people. Likewise, 9/11 was exploited by the neo-conservatives in order for them to create the DHS, the Patriot Act, etc. as a means to control society in an authoritarian, anti-civil liberty fashion. Now, U.S. Presidents have the power to assassinate U.S. citizens without any due process at all. That is blatantly immoral. Back decades ago, the Nazis shut down newspapers that were even mainstream and made sure that certain newspapers plus media would support their policies (of invasion, dictatorship, etc.). Today, the predatory cartel-capitalist cabal centralize mainstream news sources into a few hands (in order for them to promote attacking foreign nations militarily like Syria, globalization, political correctness, etc.). The Internet today is one of the few places where a human being can find the real truth about events. One big connection is that the same Western industrialists promoting economic inequality today funded the Nazis back then. The journalist John Buchanan proved that Prescott Bush and other directors of Union Banking Corporations acted as economic fronts for the Nazis. Some people now have been conditioned to support mass murder and genocide if it's under a Democrat Party face. Some of them can legitimately expose the Republican's corruption, but the Democrats' reactionary foreign policies are off limits. The militarization of the police and society in general occurred under the Nazis and in America today. Frank Morales and other human beings have totally documented how the police and the military are merging all of the place in America (we realize that decades ago, Nazi Germany possessed a heavily military police like the SA, the SS, etc.). If a society or a government can not protect and serve the poor, the needy, the elderly, the youth, and the oppressed, then it is not a real government to begin with. So, these similarities doesn't mean that America is equivalent to Nazi Germany, but it goes mean that certain Western factions now use Nazi-like tactics in harming the American people. 

A lot of people realize that forced abortion is a despicable act. It's evil and definitely morally wrong. Even in June 2, 2012, a sick forced abortion happened in China. A woman named Feng Jianmei experienced it. She was dragged from her home, beaten, and forced to abort her human unborn child. The reason was that this was her second pregnancy. China's one child policy says that in rural areas the second child can only be a girl. In an urban area, people are restricted in only having one child. Anyone found breaking this law is fined up to $25,000 or forced to comply. Her aborted child was posted online after the 23 year old woman Feng was forcibly aborted. China’s twitter-like site, Sina Weibo, exploded with posts expressing abhorrence to the action of Zhenping County government officials. In response, according to a USA Today article, the Shaanxi provincial government changed their initial statement issued Monday that the abortion was “carried out according to the law,” and on Thursday, fired three officials for violating the law, promising to “pursue strict and legal disciplinary action” against them. People from all over the globe have expressed opposition to the forced abortion. This is evil and people agree that this evil can go on any longer. It is evil to force Feng to lie in a hospital bed and to allow an unborn human being to be murdered. It is evil to exploit the murder of Feng's child by using a picture of her in her moment of hurt and suffering. The right to life is the most important of all human rights. The unborn baby is a human being and forced abortion proves that innocent human life is just to protect & promote. Feng Jianmei being beaten and forcibly extracted of her baby is a gross violation of obtrusion of her liberty. This theft of her life is sick. The same people believing in infanticide condones the over 8,000 late term abortions that occur yearly in America. It's wrong for the Chinese government to kill 13 million infants yearly via the one child policy and it's wrong for America to kill over 1 million infants yearly via near abortion on demand. Life is being extinguished in both cases. We can't expose forced infanticide there in China without exposing the human life loss here in America. So, it is important for us to adhere to view that the promotion of the sanctity of human life is a fundamental human right. It is beyond generalizations and hypotheticals. It is a solid, basic reality and authentic truism. 

By Timothy

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